#detlan x reader
suvidrache · 1 year
Detlan is strong, one of the strongest in the Seal Clan, and so you watch in sadness his resent towards his old leg injury wishing he could see past it to his worth. Comfort/fluff
A Painful Past
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 819 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad
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Detlan had been the strongest Seal Clan member. Bale and Asrif were his friends.
Together, the three of them would always go fishing.
When an illness hit the island, it took Bale's younger brother.
Detlan had a younger sister, and he was glad she lived. Bale's loss saddened him, and he understood Bale's pain.
The three of them, Bale, Asrif, and Detlan, had headed to the Sea Eagles to trade.
The Sea Eagles lived in an area where the beach connected with the forest. It disgusted the Seal Clan that an islander would dare to mix the forest with the Sea. However, they didn't judge much, as they needed the resources that could only come from the forest.
Torak was Bale's kin, and he had come to the island at one point.
Tenris, the Seal Mage, had convinced them that the only cure for the illness was a root at the top of Eagle Heights.
Bale was the best climber, but he had decided to hang back and help Torak get to the top.
Detlan stayed in the boat and watched as Torak and Asrif tried to get to the top.
Unfortunately, Asrif had taken the wrong path and his harness had been caught.
Detlan watched as Torak grabbed the root when suddenly his boat had been hit.
Detlan screamed out and his mouth filled with water. He had been in the Sea most of his life; he knew how to swim.
He tried to swim to the top, with every movement was agonizing.
He dragged himself across the sand, coughing out water as he did. He rolled over and laid on his back, resting a moment as tears rolled down his cheeks. He wiped his tears away with the back of his hand and sat up.
His ankle was very obviously broken. He would be lucky if he could ever walk again.
No one knew what had caused the Hunter (Orca) to act out like that. They typically avoided people.
Unless their young had been hurt.
Tenris would keep that secret until the very end. He had killed the Hunter's baby, and the mother was out for revenge, trying to find her baby or the man who had killed her child.
Bale and Asrif had hauled Detlan into one of their boats. There was no saving his. They brought him back to the Seal Islands and took him to the mage.
He was told that he would never be able to walk again, not without crutches. Since he couldn't walk, he was now left to do what the women did every day: cook, clean, and take care of the children, while the men did the hunting and fishing.
Detlan was a very friendly guy, and he waved so hard he had nearly fallen over when Torak left.
Detlan's little sister was happy that Detlan could spend more time with her. He wouldn't have to leave every morning like he used to.
Detlan began to become sad over the inability to use his ankle. He couldn't walk without the crutches and now, he was like one of the women: forbidden to leave the island.
He wanted to fish again, to be in a boat, to hang out with his friends like he used to.
He couldn't and while his friends did interact with him from time to time, it still wasn't the same. It seemed to him as if they were treating him differently now.
You watched as Detlan slowly went from being a happy person to a sad one.
You knelt as Detlan worked at washing the clothes, tears streaming down his face. Occasionally, he would wipe them away. The ones that weren't wiped dripped into the clean, fresh water. 
You put your hand on Detlan's shoulder and he stopped working. 
You wrapped your arms around him and he dropped the items in his hands to wrap his arms around you.
You weren't sure what to say or to do that could make the situation any better, but you knew that you wanted to make him feel better.
"I wish my ankle would stop hurting…" He said with a sigh as he went back to washing the clothes.
"It will one day. You know you're doing a good job."
He stopped working and looked at you. No one had ever told him that, not since he had been injured.
"You're doing a good job."
"How so?"
"Well, without you, we wouldn't be able to get the fruits from trees, carry, or lift heavy things."
Detlan looked down at the fresh water and gave a small smile.
He nodded and thanked you.
"You're welcome." You said as you stood and gave his shoulder a gentle pat.
Slowly, day by day, you would help to work up Detlan's confidence and help him to feel better. It would take some time, but you weren't going to give up on him.
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© SUVIDRACHE do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
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suvidrache · 1 year
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 503 / Read it on AO3 | Offline Version
Warning: mentions of injuries
Song: You're Losing Me by Taylor Swift
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Detlan lay awake as the waves of the sea crashed against the beach. He whimpered and rolled over. His ankle was hurting him. It was a pulsating pain. He didn't want to wake you. It was another sleepless night for him, and he had woken you several times throughout the previous nights. He moved his legs up to him, slowly, as he didn't want to worsen the pain. You lay sound asleep next to him, oblivious to the things happening behind you. Detlan straightened his leg, trying to do something, anything, that would get the pain to stop. He sat up and screamed out from the pain. He pushed himself away, his hands helping to slide him out of his sleeping sack. He lay down; the screams continuing as he hurt worse and worse. He rolled from side to side.
You sat up and quickly grabbed your knife. Your eyes narrowed in the darkness. You looked around for whatever thing had come into your shelter. You saw nothing but Detlan. You set your knife down and quickly made some pain medicine. You placed a hand on his shoulder and he grunted. Tears were streaming down his eyes as he sat up and quickly took the medicine from you.
"Do you want me to try to relocate it again?"
"Do whatever…" He said breathing heavily. "Just please make the pain stop."
You unwound the bandages from his ankle and you slowly shifted the foot. He screamed out. Detlan had been injured by a hunter (orca). It had slammed into his boat, tossing him into some rocks, and shattering his ankle. Tenris had done little to treat Detlan's ankle. He simply did not care enough. Although you weren't a mage, you had helped Detlan a lot more than Tenris had done.
You shifted his ankle yet again, hoping that this time the bones would properly align. You heard some noises and the ankle would not move any further. You blinked and slowly rolled his foot. It was probably something you shouldn't have done, but his ankle moved just fine. His foot was unable to be moved previously. Detlan was out. You sat beside him for a while until you grew tired and laid down to sleep. You put a comforting hand on his side as you drifted to sleep.
When morning came, Detlan sat up. You looked up at him.
"Are you okay?"
"I… I think I'm okay… I just wish I could fish again…"
You sat up and wrapped your arms around him.
"Maybe one day you can."
"No, I was told I could never walk again."
"You were also left untreated with a broken ankle. You're a great person, Detlan, don't be so hard on yourself. I believe in you."
Detlan sniffled and smiled. He looked at the ground, not wanting you to see his face.
You kissed his cheek and gently wiped his tears away.
"You're a great mate (significant other). I love you."
"Thank you, Y/N. I love you too."
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @unlikelypersonalknight1 / To Join My Tag List Apply Here!
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suvidrache · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet - Detlan
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 649 / Read it on AO3 | Offline Version
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A: Aftercare - What they're like after sex?
- Doesn't know what aftercare is, but all people from COAD carry food and water on them, so there's that if you need it. He would try his best to help you in any way.
B: Body Part - Their favorite part of themselves/you?
- For him: his arms, his arms are muscular from all the rowing he had to do through the years.
- For you: legs, you don't have to use crutches to get around; you help wash his clothes, feed the clan and he just loves you so much
C: Cum - Taste, texture, etc?
- It is probably very salty and clear.
D: Dirty Secret
- Loves watching you change clothes. He has nearly been caught on more than one occasion. 
E: Experience - How much experience do they have?
- None, you're his first 
F: Favorite Position
- Cowgirl, but would be willing to try any that don't require the use of his legs. His leg injury hurts him to move. Now, if he wasn't injured, he'd prefer missionary.
G: Goofy - How are they: serious, funny, etc?
- Not funny, but not serious. Pretty neutral - but if you laugh at him, he would think that you are laughing at him.
H: Hair - Shaved, not shaved, color?
- Blonde like his hair. He doesn't shave or trim it.
I: Intimacy - How are they romantically?
- Very intimate: neck kisses, hand holding, compliments, nothing more than that as he doesn't know much.
J: Jack Off - How often do they masturbate?
- Very little, if at all.
K: Kink - Their kinks?
- Praise, he absolutely loves it
- Marking
L: Location - Favorite place(s) to do it?
- The shelter
He can't get far, so... that will pretty much be the only spot unless you can think of a safe place to go that he won't trip on.
M: Motivation - What gets them into it?
- Being straightforward, he doesn't understand hints and prefers things to be told as is. He also enjoys seeing you naked, but wouldn't ask to start something, as he doesn't want to bother you.
N: No - Will not do/turns them off?
- Pain of any kind
- Getting caught - Asrif would never shut up about it if he saw you two.
O: Oral - Giving, receiving, skill?
- He has never heard of it, but sure you can try it!
P: Pace - Fast, rough, slow, etc?
- Slow but rough at first but will go faster if you want.
Q: Quickie - How often?
- Not very often, but sure as long as Asrif is out hunting
R: Risk - Willing to take risks/experiment?
- Anything that gets him caught/Asrif finds out about it, he will not do
S: Stamina - How long/many rounds can they go?
- 2, give him a break, his poor leg, rip.
- If you want more, you can, but you'll be on top and he needs to rest for a while before he can take the top. 
W: Wild Card - Something random?
- Would love to have a threesome with you, Bale, and him (if you wanted)
T: Toys - Do they have any/will they use them?
- No, and has never heard of them 
- Maybe after some convincing he'd try it.
U: Unfair - How much do they tease?
- He doesn't tease, but if he did, it may have been an accident, and he didn't know he did, unless it was physically teasing.
V: Volume - How loud are they?
- Not very, maybe some moans and grunts, but your neighbors aren't that far away and it's really quiet out... the walls are pretty easy to hear through so…
X: X-Ray - Size, appearance, etc?
- 8½, nothing too big (in his opinion). Some veins are slightly noticeable, pale with a pink tip, uncut.
Y: Yearning - How high is their sex drive?
- Not very high
Z: ZZZ - How quickly do they fall asleep?
- Pretty quickly, but if his leg is bothering him badly, he might stay awake half the night.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @unlikelypersonalknight1 / To Join My Tag List Apply Here!
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