lastmartyr · 6 years
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      and  she  knows ,  it’s  painfully  obvious .   it’s  sorrow  and  concern  that  takes  over control ,  and  she  half  wonders  where  it  all  had  gone  wrong .    was  it  because  of  her?  because  of  her  past?  or  because  of  the  school  they  grew  up  in?  was  it  because  she  was  a  busy  mom  and  had  barely  any  time  left  for  them?  as  important  family  is  to  her ,  she  had  responsibilities .   taking  care  of  mystic  falls  and  the  boarding  school  wasn’t  exactly  an  easy  task  to  do  nowadays .   the  blonde  vampire  could  think  of  a  thousand  reasons  why  her  girls  joined  the  dark  side  . . .  but  none  of  them  made  any  sense .   maybe  because  they’re  not  plain  evil ,  and  because  they  will  always  be  her  baby  girls !   head  tilted ,  eyes  filled  with  suspicion  watching  her  daughter ,  another  step  closer .     ❛    is  it  …  is  it  true ?    ❜     //     @devilsmagik   ,   ♡ .
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mercnry · 6 years
Hi we haven't talked yet but I adore u so much and your effortless sarcasm is the shit ok thanks for that psa!!!!
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sousarchive · 6 years
                “  there’s  nothing  you’ve  studied  in  some  book  that  can  help  me.  ”
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@devilsmagik    sc !
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magictaintedarchive · 6 years
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Vic’s blog roundup!!! here’s a list of all my blogs ( and possible blogs ) with my activity to each!!
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melinda halliwell | charmed | magictainted | primary active.
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lizzie saltzman | tvd / to | devilsmagik | active.
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parker halliwell | charmed | lethalfingers | semi-active.
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renesmee cullen | twilight movie / headcanon based | hybred | semi-active.
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the descendants multi - muse | the descendants | possible blog???
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Today marks the one year anniversary of me writing eli.jah. I never thought that I would have written eli.jah for so long or have found so many amazing and wonderful people through writing him. I made elijah on a whim last year. I never expected so many people to want to write with him. It was one of the best choices I ever made and a lot of that comes from all of the amazing people that I have met on this site. So I’m terrible at intos but now onto the bias list of the wonderful people that i have met on this site.
@intxrcisus , I am so happy that I started writing with you. Not only is Mj an amazing character who is written beautifully, you’re such an amazing person. I am so thankful I met you. You’re a super amazing person who I love writing with and talking to.
@tritaint , I think you are one of the few people that I have been writing with for what feels like the start of my blog. I have loved seeing how your Hope has grown and changed and loved writing with you whether it be on Eli.jah or Josie.
@megaraa, Autumn !! I remember when I first started talking to you because you like one of my plotting calls. You and I have been writing for, well forever. I have loved being able to write and get to know you and I love talking to you whether it be shouting about Eli.jah and Meg.ara or just chatting about what has been going on.
@honeywilt / @snarklost , I love writing with you and I will follow you on whatever blog you are on and am so happy about our unplanned eli.jah and ele.na dynamic.
@hekvvte, @devilsmagik, @meddlingheels, @wclfgirl, @shdwkssd, @ownssarcasm, @griefphd, @sacrifate, @loveconsumed, @wolfroyalty, @originael, @andcinnamon​, @avengel​, @vampslyr​, @castsfear​, @herlemontree​ 
@octeva, @mercnry, @mademetal, @wtsns, @liltly, @eidlon, @revelaere, @robrts, @darkseidhr, @traitorize, @illvestigator, @inncarnat, @olympiclamb​, @parishible​, @atlantisking​, @andbetty​, @andveronica​, @swallowedblood​, @faereina​, @girllorn​, @verbrecherin​, @vanderbtch​, @atlantisking​, @russetchief​, @multimind​, @saltcrcle​, @shlms​, @breedsmisery​, @blsms​, @hisbattles​, @saviorheart​, @fearedbeauty​
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knowstricks · 6 years
send me a ♥ and i’ll write some positivity for a blog that i follow.   | accepting.
@devilsmagik i’ve known vic for such a long time now thanks to my phoebe hall/iwell blog! she’s so important to me tbh and holy crap -- vic is filled with so much talent. from her graphics, to her writing and her creative ideas!! her lizzie is amazing and even though we haven’t seen lizzie in the originals, vic took what we’ve seen of lizzie on tv/d and has created a spectacular teenage version of her. if you love angst and feels, vic is definitely a go to!
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tribidloner · 6 years
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hope’s gaze drops down to the rather large box in the siphoners grasp. her eyes travel back up toward the blonde haired beauty who looked too much like her mother before offering a smile and taking the box. she gently places it down and hugs her schoolmate who happens to be her best friend before smiling again. “Thanks but you didn’t have to give me anything Liz.”
@devilsmagik liked for the bd sc.
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igniteswar-blog · 6 years
devilsmagik liked starter!
“to be fair, I don’t see the point of a school.“ but then again, Aidana was born in a century that the concept alone didn’t exist. she learned everything from experience and rough situations. “but i guess it’s good for hope to be here so yeah, i’m here to keep an eye on her.” and god knows her niece needed a watchful eye constantly. “and yes, i know it’s weird that i’m her aunt.” considering she is only years older than hope and her friends.
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magictaintedarchive · 6 years
feelsall replied to your post “devilsmagik: Another ugly mobile post but I’m not getting on...”
sorry that it rained so much!!
dude i was sick on top of that and the humidity was killing me and it was just a very eventful trip oK
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tribidloner · 6 years
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“ my mom is dead lizzie. ” it was said swiftly and a a little too calmly. she bounded her wolf side and sacrificed herself to save me. your mom tried to stop and so did my dad but it was too late,” again she continues on as if it was nothing, “ she’s dead. ” 
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