#did you know roof hopping is a viable sport with crutches built to propel?
muzzlemouths · 1 year
Sun/Moon in a wheelchair? badass y/n on crutches? light as eldritch horror? I’m holding a microphone at u and asking for details/rambles on Astra AU because I’m vibrating at outrageous speed - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
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You've triggered my trap HAHAHAHA. this au is my trump card. my secret weapon. my ace in the hole. I've been building it from the ground up for months while keeping it mostly under wraps because I have no intention to post anything until I've at least caught up more with my current AUs. But you're here and you're asking and I am a glutton for self indulgence so TAKE A SEAT, this is gonna be long.
Astra Au (only a working title) is a story taking place in the not-so-distant future. It starts off canon compliant, with Fazco initially launching as a restaurant that features animatronics. This investment soon puts the company in the big leagues of machinery and robotics, and as any good economically savvy company does, they use this newfound reputation to push the boundaries even further. Animatronics become old news. Children's entertainment is out, high tech personal equipment is in. Phones, computers, security systems… weapons. Think tony stark if his business was rooted in furry propaganda.
By the pass of the second decade, Fazco is a leading name in the industry and working closely with both police and military. They've got a hand in everybody's pockets and a finger on your information, personal or otherwise. Nefarious acts from their devices (phishing, data mining, identity collecting, etc) are swept under the rug. After all, why would the government put a stop to their largest source of efficient weaponry?
It's around here that the company realizes they're dominating every department of apparatus but one; medical. An easy fix! They begin development of equipment immediately. Monitors, pacemakers, receivers, wheelchairs, etc. Most importantly, prosthetics. I don't have to explain to you why this is bad, right?
But their prosthetics aren't bad. In fact, they're very, very good, and Fazco charges up the nose for them. They're top of the line devices, however, so naturally the company gets away with it — especially when the government makes the jarring decision to make their devices law. You can keep your old devices, but if they break or need repairs you're shit out of luck, cause it's Fazco or Nothing.
As it happens, you're one of the developers hired for this project. Head the of research and production team, in fact. With a background in the medical field and several degrees in the field of technology, you're top of the food chain around here, and as such you're given a front row seat to the ensuing tragedies.
You're company loyal. They've kept your pockets full and your head big for years now, and aside from a few nefarious secrets between coworkers you've been given no reason not to trust them or their word.
That is, until the accident.
A direct result of the company's negligence, this event changes your life forever. Your new injuries mean you'll be using mobility devices for the rest of your life, not to mention intensive therapy for coordination. It takes you out of a job immediately.
Fazco covers your medical bills without hesitance. A number of paid days off, too, despite already knowing your former position is out of the question. It's a nice bribe to keep your mouth shut and your loyalty high. Little do they know that distrust has already begun to take root.
A close friend of yours calls you up soon after, requesting your help with a secret project — one that will force the company to answer for their crimes. Not a hanging by any means, but enough to throw some dirt on their reputation. A place to start. Though hesitant, you eventually agree to help.
A poor decision, really. Fazco catches wind of the operation and stomps it out before the match has a chance of becoming flame. It's a horribly traumatic ordeal to begin with, made all the worse when your friend winds up missing, never to be seen again, and it suddenly becomes apparent that their blood is on your hands.
After all, it was the tracking device in your own head that lead the company right to them. A real shame they implanted something like that amid your surgery!
This moment is the last straw. You cut all ties with the company, have the chip removed underground with the money you've saved, and disappear from society entirely.
A year passes. Your whereabouts are compromised by someone claiming to be a member of AISNO CORPS(E) — the same group of which your ill fated friend spearheaded, a group dedicated to eradicating Fazco's iron grip — and they need your help.
Though it takes some convincing, you do eventually agree. You've been stewing in guilt and vendetta for some time now. You promise to help on the condition that your part is kept in the shadows, and a deal is struck. Too bad that only lasts for so long.
A few months in and you're practically leading the entire organization. Despite never claiming the title, your every decision is trusted and relied on.
You've made a name for yourself under the table in the art of mechanics; that is, the repair and creation of devices — prosthetics, mainly — that Fazco has no part in. No chips, no gimmicks, just aids as they need to be and for a price everyone can afford, considering most of them are coming out of your own pocket. You're a big name underground. Unfortunately, that means the company is always hot on your tail, and you're quickly running low on both resources and time. If something doesn't change soon it could spell the end of your organization.
Still with me? Good!
That's only the prelude.
The real story begins when you send out the first order to look for equipment — parts, pieces, even scraps — anything. You're desperate and willing to work with what you've got in order to keep churning out your own devices.
An AISNO member returns in the evening with a whole crate of loot claiming to be from Fazco's own decommissioned entertainment beings. You know, the ones that are two decades old, broken, burnt down, and long since abandoned?
You're incredibly hesitant to accept the crate despite your desperation, as any pieces from Fazco have a high chance of being rigged and tracked, but you're assured that this shit is OLD and most of it long since broken, anyway. You can search it for anything with a semblance of battery and safely trash the rest. With this in mind, there's few reasons to refuse.
Inside that crate is the DCA.
BUT we're in First Chapter territory now, so my lips are zipped past this point. You'll just have to trust me on this and wait it out 😊
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