#disclaimer cev does not drink
cebwrites · 2 years
Also write something for you. Write Law and his boyfriend watching movies together <3 or something for your own soul.
i will!! i already wrote something self-indulgent for law tonight, but this prompted another idea to crop in my head so i hope you don't mind me using this to air it out <33
drunk HCs (Kirin, Reiji, Rio)
mostly oc x oc, law and katakuri are mentioned once(1) word count: 0.6k
Man rarely gets drunk, if ever
He drinks a lot, enough to keep up with the likes of Zoro, even, laughing obnoxiously and partying it up with the other resident alcoholics like frat bros without the misogyny - just guys being lads <3
But it’s only around other people and never when he’s feeling upset
Kirin avoids drinking alone, if even one or two other people joins him then that’s enough, though in this case rather than being howdy and partying it up, it’s almost like he gets-
Somber?? Somber.
For once, he doesn’t crack jokes, isn’t even playful or snide about anything, he’s just-- plain and open about his feelings with these one or two people who had the misfortune of catching the silly lil guy, the resident trickster, when he wasn’t goofing around
Kirin doesn’t like being vulnerable like this, it makes him feel icky and the hangovers worse he feels - if he wants to have a heart to heart with someone he’d much rather do it sober than with the ply of alcohol
Law come pick him up Kirin needs to be held (he’ll spend the next morning sleeping all those feelings off in the Heart captain’s room surrounded by Law’s nice smelling clothes)
A miserable light-weight
Reiji starts getting tinted ears after the first one and a half drinks and it's only downhill from there, it won't be long until he's fully red in the face, slurring his words, and sleepily trying to cuddle anyone who resembles his partners within his periphery
Or, in at least a handful of cases, actively avoiding Kirin trying to help him to bed because, "he's a taken man, dammit!" before he drunkenly wonders if he even is one, then promptly falls asleep on the tatami, couch, wherever he can rest his head semi-comfortably
And that's entirely why Reiji usually spends his time at the party either in the kitchen, or spoiling his captain with Kirin's head in his lap
For how drunk he gets, though? Surprisingly little hangover, man can pop an aspirin, reorient himself for ten minutes, and then go about his day like he didn’t get absolutely shitfaced the night before on maybe three to four drinks, at most
Reiji does, however, like making amazake or other kinds of rice wines, for the people on his ship that enjoy alcohol, as a hobby
Holds his alcohol pretty well and knows when to stop because he has morons to corral into bed who can and will get into shit if left unsupervised
Rio maintains a pleasant buzz throughout the night until half an hour before it’s time to leave, sober up, and then pack their clowns to go
By far the most responsible drinker by a longshot, especially in comparison to her beloved crew (she does love them, they just piss him off sometimes a lot of the time)
But still the one saddled with the worst hangover out of all of them because god must think it’s funny 
There can’t be a shred of light in the room when he wakes up otherwise Rio’s eyeballs and cranium feel like they’re going to explode
Let alone any noise, GOD, if anyone so much as breathes too loudly in his direction he’ll tell them to shut the fuck up
There’s little else they can do about it other than cover his eyes and maybe cry into his husband’s giant tits until the pounding in his head subsides - Katakuri a comfortable mattress hubby, if not a little concerned
The general rule on Kirin’s crew is that if Rio’s drinking, then Izzy isn’t - and vice versa, to make sure that at least two people will still be functional enough the next day if Lady Luck frowned on them with another Grand Line-typical disaster, hostile pirates, or the navy
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