#does Souji have his own dresspheres so he can be a pretty magical girl??
akumanoken · 5 months
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When I think about FFX-2, and where these two are... as much as they are around and as much as Souji wants in on the dressphere Charlie's Angels action, I do imagine these two do a lot of travel. Business, machina, working with Al Bhed to educate people on things that will help make life easier, and truly allow Souji to satisfy his raging curiosity about everything around him. He finally has someone patient with him, and a world that has as much of a thirst for knowledge as he does. He can truly be free to question things and find answers if there are none.
Souji would have calmed down a lot since his first introduction, but when he hears about someone out there causing shit for Ann, Sue, and Laura, he's itching to get into it.
Ayato will insist that they are on call for whatever they need, because no matter what, they are there for their friends, and no matter how much Souji's calmed down, he'll always be itching for a fight if presented.
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