#doesnt matter how old she gets hes gonna show up and purposley call her tiny doe in front of fucking everyone
rise-my-angel · 2 months
Note to my dumb ass: When I say I want to edit a chapter, I mean edit. As in fix spelling mistakes, grammar, adjust sentence structure and tighten up dialouge.
Edit does not mean in a chapter already over 18k, should I add a multi paragraph scene with the reader and Olly, soley because I cannot let go of the fact that she's essentially his surrogate mother at this point and how their strange little relationship is my determined attempt to redeem Olly's character assasination at the beginning of season 6.
Stop adding more scenes and edit the chapter, you have a Theon AND a Gendry scene to write. I need to severely stop making the reader kind of adopt the strangest mixture of family on earth because it just means I have to write so much more to ensure those through lines do not feel dropped or forgotten.
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