#ollys like her weird child
rise-my-angel · 2 months
Note to my dumb ass: When I say I want to edit a chapter, I mean edit. As in fix spelling mistakes, grammar, adjust sentence structure and tighten up dialouge.
Edit does not mean in a chapter already over 18k, should I add a multi paragraph scene with the reader and Olly, soley because I cannot let go of the fact that she's essentially his surrogate mother at this point and how their strange little relationship is my determined attempt to redeem Olly's character assasination at the beginning of season 6.
Stop adding more scenes and edit the chapter, you have a Theon AND a Gendry scene to write. I need to severely stop making the reader kind of adopt the strangest mixture of family on earth because it just means I have to write so much more to ensure those through lines do not feel dropped or forgotten.
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fangirl-dot-com · 7 months
Head cannons/Quick facts about You! :) 
(most of these are going to be for the future, but a few are generalizations) 
You are 20 years old – making you the youngest on the grid 
Like almost ALL characters, you do not have a good relationship with your parents 
Christian and Gerri will step in :) 
Only child, but it doesn’t show much 
Fairly quiet
Especially in the first few weeks of being on the grid 
Everyone thinks that you might not like them, while you think that they might not like you 
Out of everyone, Logan is the first to get you to crack 
Then comes Oscar, because you know, codependency of Loscar is real 
And then Lando, because if someone can befriend Oscar, he can befriend you (you accidentally ran him over one time trying to get on an elevator before you actually met him for real)
And then Alex because of Logan (also you adored his animals) 
Max has surprisingly always liked you – being teammates and all 
It really started after the Christmas video posted by Red Bull that helped you two become friends 
He felt like he needed to look after you 
Charles always watched you from a distance 
You were his brother’s best friend…he felt a need to make sure you were ok 
Not a surprise, you and Fernando bonded over plants – you accidentally interrupted his quiet time on a roof before media day because you wanted to water the flowers (after that, you started calling him grandpa Nando – you’re the only one allowed to do that) 
Lewis’s and George’s friendship came at a weird time 
You had accidentally gotten locked out of your car one time late after the race had ended 
Coincidentally, you three were staying at the same hotel and they offered you a ride 
Let’s just say, mischief happened and you had a whining Lando the next day (since he missed out on the fun with his fellow Brits) 
The rest of the grid are just all really soft for you 
You claim to be Daniel’s favorite (which you are) 
He promises to take you to his farm the next time he goes 
You’ve always wanted to pet a kangaroo 
Yuki always brings you whatever food he’s recently cooked up 
But, You definitely laugh the most around Lando 
Because of his childlike nature and your more stone faced, shy personality, you took the role of the “older sibling” 
But, Lando puts on the big brother approach whenever someone bothers you (PSA – all of the drivers do) 
They get really jealous when Ollie or Arthur come to visit because suddenly all of your attention is on them and not the grid 
Now, the WAGS absolutely adore you 
They treat you like a little sister 
You need advice? They will help 
Need a dress for whatever reason? They will all pull up 
You really bond with Lily 
Lando likes to drag you to play gold with Carlos and Alex 
And most of the time, Alex will bring Lily 
So you definitely see her more than the rest 
Life is a Highway is your walkup song – there is none other
You and Lando start to take naps everywhere 
Christian often has to ask Max to go find you – since you seem to disappear when you go take a nap 
In true chaotic gen-z fashion, your first dnf was pretty bad 
Your left back wheel had gotten clipped on a curb and you went sliding, ultimately rolling over a couple of times 
You were fine, but the guys panicked 
All they knew was that a Red Bull had flipped, and Max was standing with them in the pit lane 
So using their amazing deductive skills, they knew it was you 
The next race, you showed up with them around you in a protective circle 
The boys joked in interviews that you’d have shown up in bubble wrap if you had let them
The first inkling they had that your relationship with your parents wasn’t the best was at the newly instituted Parent’s Day Dinner that the teams had set up 
Everyone was surrounded by their parents 
But, there were two empty seats around you 
You wanted to leave, but Max secretly had texted Christian and Geri 
You BEST know they showed up in best dress 
Tears might have been shed 
Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @itsjustkhaos
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cieloclercs · 8 months
grace , send me a trope + a character and i’ll write a short drabble from it
hii, can i please request best friends to lovers with ollie?
congrats on 1k btwww 🫶🫶
call me cupid — ollie bearman
pairing. ollie bearman x best friend!reader
word count. 2.7k (i swear i tried to make it short lmao)
warnings. kind of a weird fusion of fluff and angst ??? unrequited love vibes (that’s not actually unrequited but u get what i mean), pining ollie, pining reader, arthur lowkey is the mastermind, and is also sick of said pining, abrupt ending i’m sorry 😭
author’s note. hello anon! thank you so much for your request ☺️ i hope this is ok ! i know it cuts off quite abruptly, but i’d be open to writing a part 2 with the confession if you want one <3
read below the cut
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He’s staring again.
It’s becoming a problem, but can anyone really blame him? You look nothing short of angelic under the strobe lights, your shimmering dress catching his eye every time you move. You’re dancing with a girl he doesn’t recognise, that beautiful smile he adores stretched across your crimson-painted lips. It makes him wonder what she’s saying to you to make you seem so content.
Best friends shouldn’t look at each other the way he’s looking at you now. Ollie knows that. Yet on days like today, he really can’t help it. This is your party, celebrating your third Formula 2 victory in a row. He’d watched from way back in P5 as you stormed through the field, fighting off every challenge your opponents tried to throw your way. There’s a reason the fans call you the Queen of Formula 2, after all. You’re practically untouchable. All it does is heighten his awareness of his own pounding heart whenever you’re around; turn his insides to velvet when you so much as smile his way. Yes, it’s becoming a problem — and Ollie isn’t sure there’s anything he can do to stop it.
“You know, I’ve just thought of something you should try.” A voice speaks up to his left, breaking him out of whatever trance you’ve unwittingly put him under. He turns. Arthur Leclerc stands like the devil on his shoulder, arms folded, expression unimpressed. When Ollie says nothing, he goes on, “It’s called talking to her. Works wonders, really, I’d highly recommend. It’s how I met Carla.”
The younger of the two rolls his eyes. Arthur is the only other living soul on earth who knows about his infatuation with you — officially, at least. In reality, almost everyone in the Ferrari Academy has long since figured it out. Everyone except you, ironically. But Ollie supposes it makes sense; why would someone like you ever even consider him as something more than just a friend?
“Can we not do this tonight?” Ollie sighs, exasperated, “I’m just trying to forget about…all of that for a moment.”
This time it’s Arthur who rolls his eyes. Ever since he first caught on to his friend’s crush on you a little over eight months ago, he’s been trying every method under the sun to try and make him see that maybe, just maybe, he shouldn’t be so pessimistic about his chances. But the answer is always the same. Ollie remains convinced, like some poor, naïve, completely oblivious child, that you’d never so much as give him a second glance if he told you how he felt. It’s complete bullshit, of course. Arthur has seen the way your eyes search immediately for his after a race, be it a good result or even a bad one. He’s watched you brush off close friends (including him, many a time) even family members, to get to Ollie. But of course, Ollie himself doesn’t notice. No fool in love ever does.
“You’re not going to forget though, are you?” Arthur muses, glancing at his friend out of the corner of his eye, “I know you, and I know you can’t stay away from her for that long. You’ll cave eventually.” he smirks. At the sight of Ollie’s pink cheeks, he knows he’s caught him out.
“Why don’t you go annoy someone else for a change?” the Brit grumbles. There’s the ghost of a smile tugging at his lips. Arthur could pick it out even in the pitch dark.
“Don’t pretend you don’t love me.” he teases.
Within moments he’s cowered behind Carla on the other side of the room, chased away by Ollie’s (half joking) threats to crash him out of the next race on purpose if he doesn’t shut his mouth. But Arthur’s words stick with him throughout the entire night. Somehow, they always do.
In truth, Ollie's been grappling with the idea of telling you for quite a while; to put him out of his own misery more than anything else. He's sick and tired of the 'best friends' label. It seems so trivial, so reductive to say that it hurts him, when in fact, every time you refer to him as such, he’s sure you must be ripping his heart out of his chest. But then he can’t help but feel melodramatic — at least he has you, even if only as a friend. Even if you don’t love him in the way he loves you, you’re still there. Close, though perhaps not quite close enough. Ollie has decided not to take that for granted. He knows how easily it can be snatched away from him.
In the end (just as he always seems to be) Arthur is right — it’s not even an hour before he finds himself gravitating towards you; unwittingly being pulled into your orbit from which he fears, if he’s not careful, he’ll never be able to escape. You’re hovering on the edge of a group of engineers now, sipping on a glass of sparkling water out of a straw. How you can appear drop dead gorgeous yet so damn adorable at the same time, he has no idea. Ollie feels he’ll be spending the rest of his life trying to figure you and your many layers out.
“Hi, Ol.” you greet him with a smile like the sun when he finally plucks up the courage to approach. He mutters something in reply, though as soon as the words have left his mouth he’s already forgotten them — he could have said something completely unintelligible for all he knows. That’s the effect you have on him.
“Having fun?” you prompt again, your soft smile spreading into a full-blown grin. Ollie glances briefly around the room. It’s absolutely packed full of Ferrari Academy members, both drivers and personnel. Normally, this kind of event would be his worst nightmare. Even if he’s known these people for years, the idea of having to socialise and look like he’s having fun makes him feel sick. But then he remembers all this is for you. It’s to celebrate your achievements in a male dominated field, which no woman has ever managed to do before. When he reminds himself of that, all his anxiety suddenly seems to melt away.
“Of course.” Ollie grins back. His heart soars to see you light up at his words, to see you giggle behind the rim of your glass and look at him as if he’s the only person in the world. At times like this he can truly believe that maybe Arthur is right — maybe, if he confesses, his world won’t come crashing down. Maybe you’ll light it up for the better.
“What happened to you at turn one? Nic told me you dropped out of the points." you go on, eyebrows furrowing with the remnants of confusion. Ollie had begun the feature race in P2 behind you, yet you'd find that the competition you'd so anticipated disappeared not even before the first lap had ended. The Brit sighs, shaking his head.
"I collided with Jack trying to defend." he tells you with a wince, "Damaged my sidepods."
Your expression twists into one of sympathy. There's almost no coming back from that, even for a driver as talented as Ollie. Still, you think, to climb back up to P5 after sustaining damage like that is no mean feat. You don't miss the way he flushes bashfully when you tell him as such.
"It was my own fault." he mumbles, trying desperately to cool the flames in his cheeks as you watch him, eyebrows raised. He always feels like he's been put under a microscope when you look at him like this. There's no escaping the calculation in your stare, the curious scrutiny. "I took too much of a risk."
You shake your head. There's the tiniest of knowing smiles on your lips. Ollie is always so hard on himself. It's something you both admire him for, and find yourself exasperated with; he never seems to be able to see how brilliant he really is -- or at least, how brilliant he is in your eyes.
"Well, whoever was at fault, it's a real shame." you dismiss with a wave of your hand, "I miss sharing the podium with you."
Ollie is sure he must be melting. He can't figure out if it's from your words alone, or from the tiny pout that's fallen on your lips, or even the soft glint in your eyes as you gaze up at him. Suddenly the proximity between the two of you seems to have all but diminished. He chuckles nervously.
"Next race will be ours." the Brit murmurs. Little by little you inch closer to him, your hand resting on the ledge you're leaning on, just ghosting over where his own lays flat. He breathes in sharply.
"Promise?" you whisper. The point of your heel bumps against his foot. Ollie glances down at it in a panic, before his head snaps up to meet your piercing gaze. He fears that if he rocks forwards only the slightest bit on the balls of his feet, he'll be close enough for his nose to bump yours. He's never felt so consumed, so intoxicated by another person in all his life. He can smell the honey scent of your hair, feel your warm breath tickling his cheek. His gaze flickers down for the briefest of moments to your lips - soft and pink, parted as if there's something else you want to say, but the words have gotten trapped in your throat.
"I promise." Ollie croaks.
Just one more step, you think. One more step, and he'll kiss you. He's so close, closer than he's ever been before, and suddenly you can see everything falling into place: all the nights spent crying on Arthur's shoulder, wondering whether Ollie is truly just scared as your friend says he is, or whether he simply doesn't feel the same. It will all fade into a distant, long-abandoned memory. Finally, you'll be able to call him something more than just your best friend.
But then he steps away.
You flinch, taken aback at his sudden movement. Ollie stares at you, wide-eyed, breathing heavily as if he's just run a marathon. He can't believe what's just happened — can't believe he was about to kiss you. How could he be so stupid?
"I —" he stammers. The look on your face is hard to decipher: shocked, confused, hurt. If Ollie looked a bit closer, he'd be able to see the last of those emotions, or the way your shock is mixed with a horrible sinking feeling of disappointment. But, of course, he doesn't see it that way. He's stuck on the same, poisonous idea that's been plaguing his mind ever since he first figured out his feelings — you don't feel the same way.
"I'm sorry." Ollie gasps. Then, without another word, he turns on his heel and runs, leaving you stood alone, arms half outstretched as if to try and stop him. You're too late, of course. Within moments he's out of sight. Gone, just like your hope.
"Well that was a train wreck." a familiar voice speaks up from somewhere on your left. You spin around, groaning as you spot Arthur, arms folded, eyebrows furrowed in what you can only imagine is frustration.
"You don't say." you drawl bitterly, glaring down into your empty glass. Wordlessly, your friend passes you his own half-full one. You lean down to sniff at its contents, and pull away, nose scrunched in distaste — definitely not water. But you think, at this point, you're owed some kind of distraction.
"Why does he keep running away from me?" you grumble. It's been months of this cat and mouse game now. Tonight is the closest you've ever got; the first time you've seen with your own eyes that Ollie does reciprocate your feelings. Yet it feels like for that step forward, all you've gone and done is taken another two back.
"Because he's an idiot." Arthur answers plainly. The Monégasque watches as you take a gulp of his drink, pulling a face at the burn in your throat, and wordlessly reaches forwards to take the glass back from your hands. He's grateful that you don't complain.
"Well I wish he'd stop." you mutter. As much as you're willing to wait for Ollie for as long as he needs, it's painful, having to go on loving him from a distance like this. Every time you lock eyes, the longing grows more intense. You're not sure how much longer you can take it.
"You know, you're just as bad as he is." Arthur speaks up. Once again, your head snaps towards him, eyes narrowing.
"You heard me." the Monégasque says with a sigh, "Look, I want to help you, I really do, but you could make all of this so much easier for yourself if you just tell him how you feel."
And there it is. You can’t help but let out a bitter chuckle. It sounds so simple coming from Arthur’s mouth — so easy. God knows you’ve tried, time and time again, to be honest with Ollie about your feelings, to rip off the plaster in the hopes the pain of it won’t be too great; that he might just tell you he’s been trying to say the same thing all this time. But whenever you feel as if you might be ready, the words catch in your throat. You just can’t stomach them. It’s a kind of vulnerability you’ve never shown to anyone before, let alone someone who already means so much to you. At the end of the day, you’re still young. No matter how much you love Ollie now, the chances of him being the one are low.
At least, that’s what you’ve been trying to convince yourself. But a part of you knows already — there’s no one else on earth you’ll ever feel this way about. Young or not, it’s always going to be Ollie.
“I don’t know if I can take that risk, Arth.” you say quietly, “If Ollie and I — if we’re not meant to be together…isn’t it better just to have him, even as a friend, than risk losing him entirely?”
You’re honestly not sure which is the most painful: having to pretend that you don’t love him, or the idea of one day not having him at all. Yet, you still know which one you’d choose — even if it hurts like ripping your own heart out of your chest.
“Huh.” Arthur says, eyebrows furrowing again. There’s something different in his expression this time, though. It’s less frustration, more a spark. As if he’s realised something you and Ollie may not have just yet.
“What?” you ask. Suddenly, Arthur begins to smile. You watch him disbelievingly, none the wiser as to what on earth he has to be so happy about at the present moment. Then he’s laughing, shaking his head as if in mirthful despair.
“You really are soulmates.” the Monégasque snickers, watching almost gleefully as you grow even more confused.
“What?” you ask again. Part of you begins to wonder if Arthur has lost his mind — you wouldn’t blame him after the game he’s been playing: acting as some sort of secret go-between in the middle and your and Ollie’s back and forth self-doubts. But Arthur hasn’t lost the will to live with it all just yet. In fact, he thinks he’s finally figured out how to make the both of you see sense.
“He said the exact same thing to me.”
And with that, Arthur turns on his heel, leaving you stood alone, your mind racing. All this time you’ve been trying to play the long game; trying to anticipate what Ollie is thinking, when in reality, your thoughts are practically shared. You’re both afraid. More than you ever have been in your life. But for the first time you begin to think, perhaps fear doesn’t have to be the dividing factor.
“Why do you look so pleased with yourself?” Carla Brocker asks her boyfriend as he retakes his familiar position at her side, still grinning like a child who’s just been told Christmas is coming early. Arthur says nothing, merely tilting his head in the direction of where you stand motionless. It only takes a few moments for Carla to catch on. She turns to face her boyfriend again, mouth hanging open.
“You think you’ve got through to her?” she whispers urgently.
Once again, Arthur Leclerc grins proudly.
“Just call me Cupid.”
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leclerc-s · 5 days
take me back to the city that i call my city, where everybody knows my name
series masterlist
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oscar piastri i fear mark is mad at me.
isabella perez i could've told you he would be upset for the 'practical joke' you pulled.
yuki tsunoda ha! and now your mother wants me as her son!
charles leclerc i'm going to die at the hands of mark webber!!
daniel ricciardo-jones don't be silly daniel jones-ricciardo he's going to send someone after you. mark won't get his hands dirty like that. charles leclerc THAT DOESN'T MAKE ME FEEL BETTER?!
ollie bearman does this make charles my grandpa?
lando norris that's wild 26 with a 19-year-old grandson
sebastian vettel this explains the angry 'your spawn stole my kid' text i got from mark
fernando alonso and this also explains the 'you were supposed to keep him out of trouble' text i got charles leclerc and that explains the 'give me my child back anti-christ' text i got
lewis hamilton added one person
mark webber i did no such thing
mark webber sebastian control your spawn.
charles leclerc
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mark webber snitch
fernando alonso MULTI-21 SEB!! MULTI-21!!
sebastian vettel you just had to remind him didn't you?
lance stroll last time since a multi-21 inchident is down to 0 again.
lewis hamilton does this make seb satan?
sebastian vettel does this make you an instigator?
isabella perez it sure would be a shame if someone added jenson and nico to spice things up.
lewis hamilton don't you dare isabella juliana perez.
logan sargeant added two people
lewis hamilton logan hunter sargeant what did you do?
jenson button so this is the famous group chat.
charles leclerc WHAT IS AN ANTI-CHRIST??
nico rosberg lewis. lewis hamilton nico.
george russell i thought you two were on good terms?
dulce perez just because they're on 'good terms' doesn't mean they can't tease each other.
mick schumacher the family tree expands.
alex albon oh yes, because according to twitter logan is jenson and nico's son. zoya torres what the fuck do you two do on twitter? george russell i have a power point on the family tree!
nico rosberg i have so many questions
charles leclerc starting with, can daphne play long live tomorrow?
daphne jones-ricciardo can you get pole tomorrow? max jones-verstappen can ferrari not screw you over on sunday? is the better question.
jenson button yikes, you people do not hold back.
charles leclerc IF I GET POLE, will you please do a mashup of yoyok and long live?
daphne jones-ricciardo you've got a deal leclerc
mark webber you people are so weird.
nico rosberg agreed.
jenson button i've met zoya. i know how weird they can get.
zoya torres i know that's an insult but i don't care.
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isabellaperez, rhysjones, freyavettel, and zoyatorres have posted new stories
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my father-in-law is pole for monaco. everyone say congrats and cheer for a leclerc front-row lockout!! just know that i may be in the rb garage but i will be cheering on this silly little monegasque man. FATHER ON POLE IN MONACO!!! I REPEAT FATHER ON POLE IN MONACO!! LET'S GO!! WE'RE BREAKING CURSES THIS YEAR!!
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liked by sukiwaterhouse, danieljonesricciardo, arthur_leclerc and others
nataliaruiz little jules pascale leclerc, named after two of the most important people in charlie's life.
tagged: charles_leclerc
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charles_leclerc would you look at that, you were right.
↳ nataliaruiz i'm always right charlie
↳ charles_leclerc well, there's that one time-
↳ maxjonesverstappen1 we swore to never speak of that charles!
user06 and suddenly daniel and charles both have another jules they love.
zoyatorres the little jewel of our lives
sukiwaterhouse she gets her charms and looks from you. i don't know what she gets from the french man.
↳ charles_leclerc this is why your daughter looks more like robert than you.
↳ sukiwaterhouse i actually hate you.
↳ charles_leclerc the feeling is mutual
daphnejonesricciardo and what a beautiful little jewel she is
↳ charles_leclerc she's bejeweled one could say
↳ daphnejonesricciardo that's your worst joke yet
benruiz oh look at my beautiful little niece!
↳ nataliaruiz please tell dad to stop crying over her
↳ benruiz he said to leave him alone and let him cry over his only grandchild. she's getting so big.
danieljonesricciardo what a joy it is to be her godfather ❤️
↳ nataliaruiz and what a joy it is to have you as her godfather 🫶🏼
↳ charles_leclerc if i have to hear her cry over unca da, it's over.
↳ danieljonesricciardo i'm just that loveable charlie.
oscarpiastri i have the cutest baby sister
↳ zoyatorres see i would fight you on this but it's true
↳ freyavettel that is very much true (no on tell my siblings)
olliebearman the cutest leclerc!!
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liked by charles_leclerc, benruiz, isabellaperez and others
nataliaruiz when we were little kids and anyone asked you, 'what's your biggest dream?' your answer was always the same, 'to become a formula 1 driver and win the monaco grand prix' then you became an f1 driver and your biggest dream was to win the monaco grand prix, to make your country proud, to make your papa proud. year after year, it was disappointment after disappointment, but something changed this year, this year you had hope, more than you've ever had before. this year you told me, 'i'm going to win this. i'm not taking anything less than a win." you finally did it, you broke the 'curse' that had been bestowed upon you. and i am so glad i got to witness you do it.
tagged: charles_leclerc
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charles_leclerc please don't make me cry again. i just stopped.
↳ natalia_leclerc it's a miracle i was able to post this through my tears.
user12 oh great, now i'm crying again.
benruiz listen, i may hate the little shit because he's dating my baby sister, but i'm still fucking proud of him. congrats charles, you deserved this.
↳ benruiz also, please tell my dad to stop crying. he hasn't stopped since you won. ↳ charles_leclerc let him be proud of me for once! ↳ benruiz he literally cries every time you win. shut up?
maejonesverstappen i'm still disappointed i didn't get to witness my best friend win his home race, but still so proud charlie.
↳ charles_leclerc you were there in spirit!!
↳ user98 these two being best friends is everything to me
user64 track menace charles makes his appearance!
user55 this post just reminds me that she's been there for everything. childhood best friends to lovers go hard here.
↳ user07 2018 charles would not believe you if you told him that not only did he end up with the girl he loves but he also won the monaco grand prix ↳ user55 manifestation works children! comment liked by charles_leclerc
oscarpiastri making the family proud 🥲
↳ olliebearman the piston cup is the world championship, not monaco.
rhysjones sorry to my mom and sisters but LET'S FUCKING GO!!!
↳ alex_albon disney child gone wild.
↳ maejonesverstappen rhys, watch your language!
↳ rhysjones says the one married to max emilian jones-verstappen.
rileykeough congrats charles!
↳ charles_leclerc thank you riley!!
sukiwaterhouse congrats, i guess?
↳ charles_leclerc thanks, i guess??
user71 the hand placement makes me feral.
↳ user84 right?? i wasn't aware lechair was that bold
user05 mom and dad on a night out.
↳ user26 imagine a baby pops up nine months from now?
↳ user05 that would be the funniest shit ever. then everyone will know those two really partied
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isabella perez i know that i probably know the answer to my question, but how's pato doing?
gael perez completely gutted
oscar piastri we saw the race
fernando alonso oh patito i'm sorry.
pato o'ward shit happens. it's okay.
daphne jones-ricciardo you're allowed to be sad about this.
pato o'ward oh, i'm fucking devastated. it's a miracle i stopped crying.
natalia ruiz forgive him, he's drunk. pierre gasly he's fucking shit-faced.
rowan todd i wonder how he's going to see little jewel if he's drunk
lando norris now he's quite literally crying in the club.
max jones-verstappen oh he's going to regret this so much
mae jones-verstappen about as much as you regret abu dhabi 2021
lewis hamilton i too regret abu dhabi 2021 esteban ocon oh we remember, 'FUCK MIKEY! FUCK THAT IDIOT! AND FUCK NICO TOO!'
nico rosberg what the fuck?
dulce perez if you hadn't won in 2016, lewis would already have his 8th.
jenson button oh my god, please just kiss and make up
mark webber maybe once nico stops thirsting over lewis on live television they can kiss.
nico rosberg i do not thirst. isabella perez sure, and charles isn't currently shitfaced.
pato o'ward why does anyone ever take you people as serious racers?
charles leclerc WE ARE PATITO!! carlos sainz WE ARE SO SERIOUS!! penelope trevino forgive him, he is also shit faced.
arthur leclerc mexicans everywhere are crying because of checo's dnf and pato being robbed.
gael perez i am crying. that's my boyfriend and uncle.
pato o'ward that is true, he hasn't stopped crying. rossi is concerned for him.
dulce perez make sure he drinks lots of water.
pato o'ward on it
daphne jones-ricciardo you people are so much to handle.
daniel jones-ricciardo WIFEY I MISS YOU!
sebastian vettel is he also drunk?
lewis hamilton days like today make me wish when seb was on the grid sebastian vettel days like this make me grateful that i am no longer on the grid.
mick schumacher oscar is the most boring person to party with.
isabella perez and he is also fucked up.
jenson button oh how i miss being a driver.
fernando alonso because you were whore.
jenson button fuck you bitch. you were a whore too.
mark webber i hate all of you with a passion.
sebastian vettel that's a lie. mark webber correction, i hate you and anti-christ with a passion. freya vettel HE DOESN'T HATE ME!! A WIN IS A WIN!!
charles leclerc i fucking love you people!
daphne jones-ricciardo aww, love you too charlie ❤️ congrats on the win once again.
mae jones-verstappen sorry we couldn't be there but congrats and sorry again pato.
pato o'ward hey, i'll bide my time just like charles! clearly it worked for him.
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@burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @applopie @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @mypage-myfandoms @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @justtprachisblog @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @1nt3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @georgeparisole @dan3avocado @nikfigueiredo @bella-182 @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @weekendlusting @trouble-sistar @lesliiieeeee @leclercsluv @33-81 @theseus-jpg @sarah-thatstings-ann @minmira95 @casperlikej @formulaonebuff @hopenshaw @hwalllllllelujah @doodlehunz @prongsvault
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¡leclerc-s speaks! CHARLES LECLERC WON MONACO AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO COPE!! I'M STILL CRYING OVER IT!! long live and yoyok being the surprise songs the night before charles won monaco is like the win was fate for me. also, i can't handle another sad pato edit on tiktok, the pain hurts.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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144 notes · View notes
everythingne · 5 months
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When brought to panic by ruthless reporters, Reina snaps and hits a reporter out of instinct. In desperation, Hana flies Max to London help her daughter out of a depressive episode caused by Reina thinking that she's more like her father than she ever wants to be. And Max realizes some things about who you call family.
warnings: reporters grabbing reina, mentioned rumors of domestic abuse, mentions of child abuse and past/current broken metacarpal (hand) bones (wow look at me being sciency?), many assumptions about max's childhood, reina has a whole break down, reminder this isn’t a romance series, also btw I changed reina's age to make her 20 (legit go back and look LOL) and that totally isn't something for silly foreshadowing purposes no no, my comeback after going to college LMAO
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I'M FUCKING SCREWED. I'm so fucking screwed. I can feel the anxiety coursing through my arms as I stand there, my teammates off to my side as we try and fight through the media pen. We weren't even supposed to be here but Ollie Bearman had decided he was bored and dragged me and Kimi Antonelli along to see some other drivers by wandering along the pit lane. We were all pretty civil with one another, save for one or two weird rivalries here or there, so we were quick to amass a group that eventually Trident broke up when they needed Richard back.
And then media had shown up, and we'd gotten quickly swarmed with no real way out.
Luckily, Kimi had called someone from the paddock to come get us and help us out so as we slowly pushed through the crowd as politely as possible, someone was actively coming to us.
And then I had gotten split off.
"Ollie!" I shouted, trying to grab his attention, but my voice is lost among those of the reporters who chase after him. How theres so many reporters here, I have no idea. It's not normal. And then again, nothing about this season really was normal because of the whole siblings thing.
"Miss Matsumoto!" someone shouts and a camera is shoved in my face, I try to keep a calm composure, nodding sharply in greeting as I try to continue through the crowd, "How are you feeling about your race tonight?"
"I think I'll be alright," I nod, pulling the rim of my hat down a bit further, "My team has grown a bit with Max's personal trainer giving us some tips for my physical training and it's been really interesting seeing how just changing my diet and training has made drive different."
"How is your relationship with Max?" Someone else shouts and a smile happily crosses my face, okay, I can do this. Just keep talking and just keep pushing forward. Do what Max taught you.
"He's been incredible, a lot kinder than people give him credit for." I make sure to point that out as I walk. A few more questions about Max are tossed my way, what exactly he's been teaching me (how to train for Formula One specifically, different ways to keep my brain sharp, physical training adjustments, how to cope with the drastic difference between F2 and F1, which both Logan and Oscar had already told me about), if I've met Kelly and Penelope (I have, Penelope adores me for some reason), who I've met in Red Bull (Daniel, Max, Christian, Geri, a few engineers, some other drivers who now raced for other teams, and such.)
And then someone asks something that makes my stomach crawl, "Can you tell us why we haven't seen your father in the paddock this season even though his racing company is one of your main sponsors?"
"It's only the third race. I'm sure we'll see him in Sakura." I smile, trying to keep my voice level, but the reporters have found something to latch onto. I took too long to respond.
"How is your relationship with him been impacted since moving in with your mother?"
"The timezones make it hard to speak, but he is still my father, so," I shrug, trying now a bit more desperately to shove through the crowd. They're not letting me go. I can hear Kimi telling someone to move, his voice is sharp and annoyed, but the reporter doesn't listen.
"Is it true your father abused you?"
"What?" I gape, but reporters flash cameras and shove over each other to get to me. My reaction fuels them.
"Is Project Matsumoto a real thing, or just a mimic of Project Verstappen?"
I can't even recover from the last question as I gasp out, "I'm sorry?" I don't even know what they're referencing.
"Did Red Bull pick you to be Max's sibling due to your similar childhoods?"
I can't get words out now, the berating is on, and all I can do is try and back away. I can see Ollie waving a hand, trying to beckon me through the crowd, and now FIA officials are coming to move the reporters away. It's a mess of shoving and screaming, people in my face as they repeat themselves until their voices pitch to shouts and screams. I can't move through because any step I take is immediately countered by a shift in the tide of cameras and voices, blocking my path.
"Was your fathers attitude is Sakhir last year reflective of your childhood with him?" "How did your parents divorce effect your racing career?" "Is it hard to be living away from your Japanese roots?" "Why did your mother accuse your father of emotional and physical domestic abuse when they divorced?"
A reporter steps forward and grabs me and I rip back from him. Ollie's shoving a reporter to the side, trying to grab me before he's closed off by the ocean of people around me.
"Is the rumor of your fathers mistreatment of you true?" The man asks again, trying to grab me and I stumble back in a panic. My hat is pulled off by him instead, and I just let it go as I bring my arms to my stomach and wrap around myself.
"Please! Everyone, wait--!" I cry out, the obvious panic in my tone making my skin flame with embarrassment.
"Answer the question!" The same man shouts, shoving a reporter aside as raising his hand with his microphone. All I see is the raising of a fist in the shadow of my father, and my brain reacts before I can really think about what I'm about to do.
I gasp as soon as I make the connection. It's hard. Max's training paying off well. Ollie's infront of me, grabbing my wrists and gently pulling me to the side until he can get me out of the crowd. Prema's around me in seconds, closing me off as I stare at my hands and feel the blood seeping across my knuckles.
I'm so screwed.
They get me into the paddock, voices over my head and slipping through my ears. I'm sat in my drivers room, Ollie and Kimi being peeled from my sides to go off and get ready for the race. I can't hear, can't think, a constant ringing ruining any conscious thought. My knuckle is split. My ring finger. I stare as one of the medics begins to clean up the wound.
Not even the sting can pull me from the thoughts racing through my head.
I hit someone. Struck a man out of fear. He had grabbed me, knocked my hat off, I had every reason to hit him. Yet, I had hit someone. I could hear my father's voice ringing in the back of my head, warnings of inheritance and passing down genetics I had shaken off to make myself feel better.
I was not my father. Never would be my father. I was so sure of that. Until today.
When the medic lets go of my hand and sets it on my lap, I feel fear strike my bones. And when René comes to get me, my silence is terrifying to everyone. I stand silent, straight faced, not even cracking a smile. The cameras watch me twice as much, I react a thousand times less.
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Max is sitting on his bed, Penelope happily napping on his chest as he watches the pre-race bullshit for Reina. He had off today, oddly enough, and Kelly had gone out to do some sort of PR management event which left him to watch little Penelope. No problem at all.
The pre-race is what he's expecting, he can see Ollie dragging Reina and Kimi around and amassing a small group of F2 drivers outside of Trident. He laughs when Kimi hoists Reina into his arms, loudly announcing her by her nickname of Little Lion and making the rest of the boys cheer. What he isn't expecting is when they break up from the rest of the drivers to return to their paddock. Ollie's leading Kimi and Reina back when they get cut off by a mass of reporters. F2 hadn't been prepared for their usual amount of media to almost multiply by ten, and apparently it had been causing all sorts of issues.
Like this.
The questions are easy enough. He feels a weird swell of pride when he notices how easily Reina answers the reporters compared to before he'd started teaching her some media techniques.
And then the questions shift.
He can see Reina's panic after the first question, actually he sees it as soon as the word 'father' is brought up. He sits up a bit, gently readjusting Penelope as he turns the TV a bit louder. The camera swings away for a moment to show Ollie and Kimi pause when they realize Reina's not there, and their quick turn around before the camera swaps to show Reina.
She looks horrified. Max feels a burn in his chest as he sits up and leans forward, almost willing Ollie through the crowd. He can see multiple Prema people attempting to shove through, but every attempt is in vain. Nothing is working. It's a Sisyphean task.
Then the reporter tries to grab Reina and Max has to hold himself back from getting up and shouting at the TV. Not that it's gonna change anything. Reina steps back, and her eyes are darting around, trying to find a weak spot to escape. She can't, Max realizes, as the reporters close in.
The next thing he sees is her arm jut forward, a loud crack sounding over the speakers. His jaw drops, the sight of Reina hitting someone so foreign to him. Silence falls over the crowd as Ollie grabs her and pulls her away, someone else shouting for her to come on as Prema swarms her in a protective bubble. The feed cuts there and leaves Max on a cliff hanger for thirty minutes until they are just about to start the race. The anthem is playing. But, the Reina he sees on the screen is not his Reina.
She's silent, stone faced, frozen still and almost robotic. She moves soft as a dancer, but her gaze is sharper than an ice skaters blades. She wins, sure, but he can't get her haunted look out of his brain. She carries it even through her podium, not even able to smile when she hoists the trophy above her head.
The call from Hana the next day is expected. The invite to their flat in London is not.
"She just needs someone who understands what she's going through." Hana had pleaded on the phone, "I know it's wrong of me to say it, but you were treated a very similar way when you first got into F1 and especially when you started winning. You had a similar past, you both have similar struggles. She needs your help, Max.”
Max had wanted to suggest a therapist, a psychiatrist even, but he knew Reina would rather throw herself in front of a Le Mans car, probably the Porsche 936, than talk about her problems. Which left the question of if she would even talk to him.
But he tells Christian and Geri what's happening for a second opinion, and he is told he should go.
So he's on a flight to London three hours later, about a weeks worth of clothing packed haphazardly. He thinks he forgot a toothbrush and aftershave, but he doesn't care to check. After careful conversation, Hana had agreed to let him get a hotel close by, so he could give Reina space. Hana had been so certain Reina needed him, but Max wasn't even sure if Hana had tried to reach out to her daughter herself. Apparently Reina wasn't eating, doing her training, or even the sim. She had been in bed except for when she was forced out, and luckily there was a bit longer break than usual, it gave Max time.
He gets to the flat around eleven in the morning, twirling the keys of his rental car in his hand. He tells Hana he's coming inside and she gives him the code to the lobby and to the flat. The second one isn't needed, the woman is waiting for him in the hall.
“Thank you so much for coming out here.” Hana sighs when she sees Max and he’s shocked to see the usually classy woman in such a disheveled state, he gives her a hug in greeting but allows her to ramble through it.
“I’m sorry that I’m such a mess, I just—Reina hasn’t done this in so long it’s genuinely frightening to see it again.” Hana wipes her face, sniffling as she shakes her hands to sort of shake it off, “I’ve been trying to get her to do anything and she just won’t, she’s usually twice as active after a race, not sedimentary! I don’t know what to do—“
Max cuts off her rambling with a soft, “Hey, relax. You’ve done all you can. You go and take care of yourself, I’ll talk to Reina.”
It must be what Hana needs to hear (it’s something he’d been told by his mom when comforting Victoria growing up) because Hana barrels into his chest in a hug, thanking him probably thirty times in a row before stepping back and letting him in.
The apartment is gorgeous, Max can’t lie. It’s got big windows and tons of natural lighting, bright bold colors in decorations he’s sure Reina picked out. Which, he guesses, makes sense, because it will become her apartment soon. Hana points him in the direction of Reina’s room, but seems so genuinely distraught she can’t go near.
And this is where he’s stepping off the dock.
He hesitates to knock, but does eventually. It’s soft enough he’s sure Reina won’t hear it, but then he hears the most broken, teary and bitter, “what?” from the other side of the door.
“It’s Max.” He presses his hand to the handle, eyes staring through the wood as he leans in to the door itself, almost as if trying to see Reina through it, “can I come in?”
There’s a long enough pause he thinks she’ll say no. But theres a soft, "okay."
He pushes the door open to the darkness of Reina's room. One Himalayan salt lamp is on in the corner, providing a slightly warm glow to the room. The blinds are drawn tight, blackout curtains hastily thrown over them, and Reina's head is the only part of her body that's visible under her mass of blankets. Her room isn't quite messy, just cluttered with partially empty water bottles and a plate of cold breakfast. He remembers this. The shutting yourself off part of this all, of being raised like they had. Or, the lack thereof.
"Mornin'." He says simply, walking over to sit on the edge of her bed. Reina blinks a few times, like she can't even believe Max is there, and slowly sits up.
"Why are you here?" Her voice is groggy but not in the sense of just waking up, it sounds more like shes been sobbing for hours. A claim backed up by the redness of her swollen eyes and sniffly nose.
"Your mom called." He doesn't sugarcoat, never has, "I saw the punch. What did the FIA give you for that?"
“Five second penalty. Kimi was behind by six. Didn’t matter.” She grumbled, looking over at him from where she’s bundled up. She looks miserable, and though Max knows he’s started to crack through to get her to talk, he needs to keep trying.
“Did they fix your brakes?” Max asks and Reina nods, then sits up and sighs.
“I know you didn't fly all the way from Monaco to London for small talk. What’s wrong?” She asks, scrubbing at her red cheeks as she crosses her legs and grabs a large plush Hello Kitty and buries her face in it.
“Your mom said you’re not handling it well,” Max hums, leaning back on his hand and looking over at Reina as she curls a little bit tighter around her plushie.
“I hit someone.” She whines, “I hit him.”
“He grabbed you.” Max says, looking over at Reina and letting out a tiny non-committal hum, “the reason the FIA gave you such a little punishment is because it’s self defense.”
“But Max, I hit him.” Reina emphasized and Max blinked. What the fuck was she getting at here? His confusion must be all over his face because she shifts slightly closer and he can see where she'd split one of her knuckles open. Hana hold told him the finger was technically broken, but Reina refused to wear her brace on it. Something about having already worn one in the past. Not that Max would know. But when Reina goes to ball her hand into a fist, he notes her pinkie and ring finger don't close. Daniel's injury rings in his mind for a second, but he shoves the thought away as Reina continues to repeat herself, more broken, more panicked.
“Reina," Max attempts to soothe her, scooting a a bit closer to place a hand on hers, hiding the injury from her sight, "what are you getting at here?"
"I..." She stammers, eyes darting around his face, and then she huffs out a question he's not expecting, "Are you afraid of being like your father?"
Max blinks. The silence encompassing the room for a long while before he sighs out a soft, "Yeah, terrified."
"Me too." Reina nods, flexing her hand again. Max watches the way her eyes dart down to her injury and he realizes she's trying to cue him in. It's like a puzzle, and he has to put together the pieces to get the picture. She doesn't say anything next, leaving Max to figure it out himself, so he just watches Reina.
She's fidgety, fingers tapping along her injured hand, but he notes she keeps poking her pinkie. She'd injured her right ring finger, not the pinkie, so he's not sure what she's trying to do. She's not concerned over her current injury, but the past one. His eyes trail along her clothing, her mothers old NASCAR jersey, the rest of her hidden under mass amounts of fuzzy blankets. Her hair is braided back, greasy, and knotted, her skin is dull but still clear save for one or two pimples in her hairline. She wasn't taking care of herself, he could see that, it was a classic depressive episode.
Max meets her eyes and sees shes trying to pick him apart too.
But why? What did she need to know? Max was pretty open with her, he'd told her more than he told most people. Geri had encouraged it, hell she'd even asked if she could tell Hana some stuff from when he first got to Red Bull. The first time he'd snapped at Christian, expecting to be shouted back at, but was shocked at his calm tone. The first Christmas, when he had no one to go to, and Christian invited him to their home and though Max was slightly out of place he'd stolen the attention of the kids in a heartbeat. That was the day he'd become almost like a fifth kid to the Horners. Geri had asked if he was comfortable talking about his childhood with Hana, and he had, though it was a difficult conversation. She'd asked wonderful questions about healing and growing up and moving on, asked how much moving to Monaco and being on his own at eighteen had helped. Being on his own was freeing, he'd said that much, and though he kept some parts out he knew Hana could piece it together.
Hold on.
Max had snapped because he thought Christian would be like Jos when he'd failed to overtake on a turn.
Max hadn't had anywhere to go that Christmas because it was the first time he was celebrating without any family in the same home.
Max became an unofficial Horner because his own familial issues.
Max had moved to Monaco to get away from his father.
Reina was afraid to be like her father.
Reina was always looking to Max for validation, even with how short they had known each other.
Reina's injury, from what little Max knew, was caused after she had crashed out of a race--in heer drivers room. The last time she'd seen her dad after she'd left their house in Fukushima.
"Reina." Max starts, not sure if he even knows how to approach this. He'd been the messy one, the one to snap, the one to shout, the one to lash out. It was evident of an 'avoidant attachment style' from his childhood or whatever the hell that meant, therapists always confused him with technicalities. Max wasn't gentle, he wasn't soft like this, he was hard edges and half-broken promises. How does one avoid their own sharp edges when trying to handle something so soft? How can Max be sure he won't break Reina?
"What happened to your pinkie?" He asks, gently prodding the knuckle with his own. Reina meets his eyes. He can't find her in her own gaze.
"Boxer's fracture." She murmurs, "Like Daniel's."
"I know that, but how did it happen?" He pushes and when Reina freezes up, he whispers, "Listen, it's just us right now. I'm gonna keep you safe, yeah? Like a real brother would."
Max had enough experience protecting Victoria.
"My dad." Reina starts, then swallows and closes her eyes. She leans forward, seeking out Max, and he moves so she can rest her head on his shoulder, staring down at her hands covered by his, "Last year, when I crashed out towards the end of the season. I was living with my mom by then, so I never really saw him. I didn't even know he was at the race. I got to my drivers room and we got in an argument. My mom tried to split us up and he slapped her so hard she fell over. I pushed him to get him to leave her alone and..."
Reina struggles to find the words and whatever she had gone through is a thousand times worse than Max could've ever expected.
"He grabbed me by the wrist, I grabbed a door to get away and he slammed it on my hand. Broke my metacarpal in two places, I needed surgery, so I never finished the season. Finished thirteenth."
Max is still. So still he's not even sure he's still breathing. Reina sniffles, and Max feels her tears hit the back of his hand.
"You don't wanna wear the brace because it takes you back." He says and Reina just lets out a soft hum. He doesn't know what to do. So, he does what Geri had done the few times she'd had to comfort him. One arm around her shoulders, the other on her head, and he pulls her taught to his chest to cradle her there.
The sob she lets out shatters his heart and he tries to pull her impossibly closer. They're flush to one another, theres no more space to close, but he still tries as Reina breaks and shatters in his hands like fine china. He attempts to piece her back together but there's not enough of him intact to repair her. Max, for his benefit, has dealt with Penelope's tired melt downs and so he gives Reina a waterbottle and wipes her tears, lays her down admist her blankets and tucks her in tightly. He sits on the floor by her face, running his fingers through her hair as best he can, gently running his thumb along her shoulder.
He can tell shes not just crying because she'd hit someone, but theres more to it. And an hour or so later, when the tears subside, she finally opens her heart to him.
"I hate my dad." She whispers after maybe five minutes of silence, no longer broken by her sniffles.
"I do too." Hate his dad? Hate hers? He's not sure. But he stands up to open her curtains and blinds, hands itching to do something rather than just sit silent. The noon sun warms the room almost instantly, and Reina lifts her head to shift into the sun. He turns and speaks as he bends down to pick up a stray bottle, "Why do you hate him?"
"Just... everything he put me and my mom through." Reina sighs, "There's a lot he did I can never forgive him for."
"What did he do?" Max sits down again and Reina reaches out to his hand, which he obliges, and she pokes at his fingers.
"When I was growing up, I started karting in Japan with my father. He wanted me to race rally cars since I was born, even with his obvious disappointment I wasn’t a son. I competed for the first time on my fifth birthday, and won. I got scouted that day and my dad completely changed. It went from a little hobby I could have to a future career, especially when my mother learned she was infertile after my birth." Reina speaks monotonously, eyes distant as she recalls, and though Max has read up on her past he knows he's getting a new raw look at her life.
"My dad finally got me in rally when I was ten, a year before the divorce. I did it for three years. The worst three years of my life." Reina shifts so she's laying on her back, looking up at the ceiling and avoiding Max's eyes, "everything that my father had just simply said became physical. Every single time I made a mistake, I was hit. Every time I talked back, ignored him, walked away, did anything he deemed to be incorrect, I was hit. Sometimes just a whack to the back of my head in annoyance, most of the time closed fists. The only thing I was allowed to do was race, extracurriculars, and school. And that includes sleeping, eating, showering, and such."
"On my thirteenth birthday, my mom came to visit us in Japan for a race I had in Fukushima. I finished second because of some dirty play and my dad was so angry at the company for not catching that, he took it out on me completely. My mom and her boyfriend at the time saw the entire thing, a huge fight broke out, the cops got called, it was a whole thing.
"My mom sued my dad for only my custody, no payment, nothing. And he dug his own hole, the court found out he was spending all the money my mom sent for me on himself, I had saved years of evidence... my mom ended up getting full custody without a challenge, and a payment that amounted to all her payments of child support and then two years worth of payments of my fathers child support in advance. That all happened around the time I switched to Formula racing. The entire time I've been racing Formula I've been living with my mom and my dad has been sending child support."
"When he got... aggressive with you, was it always physical?" Max hums and Reina shakes her head. Max slowly starts to undo one of the braids to redo it, trying to ignore the greasy feeling on his hands, and she leans into his touch so much he has to pause as he feels her face rest against his arm.
"No, it was just shouting until I got into rally and then every once and a while he’d hit me. And the most he did before I got into rally was slap me once when I was like, six? But it was mostly just him ignoring me or screaming at me, or making me race to exhaustion." Reina sighs as she then rolls to curl up against his side and Max adjusts so that he's half laying down with Reina curled up on his chest. It's similar to the way he'd gotten the youngest Horner kids to sleep when he'd visit or babysit over the years.
"My father is one of the worst people on the planet," Reina stares out the window. Max hums non-committedly, moving a little bit closer as Reina speaks in the most dead tone he's ever heard as she says, "and I have always been his favorite punching bag."
"I was my father's favorite too." Max admits and Reina nods.
"What was he like?"
"Just a lot more manipulative and way less physical. A lot of it was just him ignoring me, leaving me places, shouting at me, pressuring me. A lot of manipulation when I'd call him out on it." Max hums, finding the braid he'd half undone to fully pull it out. Reina grabs a brush off her nightstand and hands it to him so he can start to brush out her hair. It's weirdly remnant of Victoria and Penelope. Reina hums and as Max brushes out her hair, he feels the way her body relaxes.
“So did you pick me or did Red Bull?” Reina asks maybe five minutes later and Max hums, fingers finding loops of her hair to slowly braid it again. Practically hearing Geri’s voice instructing him on how to braid because it was ‘something good to know for Penelope.’ He was glad he had listened to her. It was a good thing to know.
“They told me I was gonna train you, then told me I was gonna train Ollie.” Max hums, “Ollie’s great but… I dunno. I just knew I should mentor you. Call it divine intervention but I knew.”
“Im glad you chose me.” Reina murmurs against the fabric of his hoodie and he realizes how odd this moment is. He’d packed up in thirty minutes, gotten on a two hour flight, and spent an hour coaxing his mentees trauma out so he can help her. He could’ve just said he was busy, and yet he’d already given so much of his heart to Hana and Reina he knew he couldn’t just abandon them. Reina needed him just as much as he needed her.
"I'm glad I did too. And... listen, Rei, you hitting this guy because he scared you doesn't make you an abuser." Max watches as Reina picks her head up, resting her chin on his sternum to watch him, "and Reina, you being afraid of being like your father tells me you will never be."
"But I just... I hit someone like he hit me and it was just an echo. He always told me I would grow up to be like him." Reina closes her eyes and Max takes a hand to cup her face, running his thumb along her wet undereyes.
"But you hit out of fear, not out of anger or with the intention of abusing someone, thats the thing that will never make you like him."
Reina nods, and Max knows it'll probably take him the whole week to convince her of that. But, as Reina lays her head back down with a soft thank you, he feels like he's done enough. Only twenty four hours ago he had Penelope sleeping on his chest. Now Reina’s in the same spot, her hand reaching out to cup the setting sun with her injured hand.
“Kintsugi.” She says softly, then sits up. Max watches her, head tilting as she moves to her closet and swings the door open. Grabbing a stool, she clambers up to the top shelf and starts rustling around. From his vantage point on the bed, Max can see deep scars running the inside of her leg and wonders briefly where they’re from before Reina settled back in front of him on the couch. She sees him looking and swallows, digging something out of a box from her closet.
“Also from my dad.” She says, eyes flickering up, “same day my mom was in Fukushima.”
“Ah.” Max nods, and lets Reina continue to rustle. He wants to ask questions, but he’s curious as to what she’s doing. She sets down her brace and a thing of gold paint and hands a brush to him.
“What is this?”
“Okay. It’s kinda stupid because this is no where close to what you’re supposed to do, but hear me out,” Reina raises her hands in defense. Max let’s her have the floor, he’s not gonna judge her.
“Kintsugi, it’s a Japanese art of repairing broken pottery or dishes or whatever with urushi lacquer mixed with powered gold or whatever and I don’t have lacquer and this isn’t technically broken but!” Reina pauses her rambling, chews her lip, and looks away from Max and to the window, “When I had my first hand brace, my Jiji—my grandmother, she painted it with this beautiful gold design. She told me it was my kintsugi. That I was broken, and that she was mending me. And… she’s always been my biggest support. Besides my mom, Jiji sacrificed so much for me, almost all her salary went to helping me get into F4 because my dad stopped helping me pay for racing until he started sponsoring me last year. And… Kintsugi is our thing. If she breaks anything she waits for me to fix it.”
There’s something hanging here, something so vulnerable, so Max asks with plenty of pause to show his trepidation, “Why did you give me the brush, then? Where’s Jiji?”
“In Washington.” Reina hums, “And… you… you’re a really big supporter to me. And you mean a lot to me, Max. I’ve only known you for half a year now but… you’ve helped me with a lot. And you sacrifice a lot for me. You flew all the way here to help me because my Mom asked. And don’t think Christian didn’t tell me about you trying to anonymously sponsor me.”
Max laughs softly, “Guilty as charged.”
“I want you to paint something on it. Anything. I have a—“ Reina starts to dig again, “a gold marker too. I do this all the time with things I break—like my phone cases or my hair ties. This is a whole bin of knockoff Kintsugi.”
She hands Max the marker and then rolls off to the side to curl back into her blankets, but rests her head on his thigh. Max sits and stares at the brace in his hand, rolling it around in his grasp as he thinks of what to write. There’s about a thousand things that ring through his head, and none he can settle on.
And then he gets an idea.
While Reina watches him focus, the golden light of the sun haloing him, she wonders briefly if she’s found her own form of Kintsugi in him. Sure they weren’t perfect, and both deeply troubled in their own right, traumas rooted deep within them, but they had each other and that was what they needed.
And Max knew he found Kintsugi in Reina.
Reina sits up when Max hands her the brace back, making an odd face when she sees its written in Dutch.
“laat u niet definiëren door uw naam. Do not be defined by your name.” Max says simply, and Reina looks up at him and tears prick in her eyes immediately. When Max helps her put it on, he adds a bit more gold flare to the boring black brace and smiles.
“Now you can wear it, yeah?” he says, and Reina leans up to wrap her arms taught around him. He laughs softly and hugs her back, letting her bury her face in the side of his neck.
If she sobs, he doesn’t comment, just lets her lay there until she’s run dry.
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A week later, Max is unpacking in Monaco when he notices something new in his bag. He finds a small little keychain, a little blue ribbon tied to a clasp he knows he can snag on his keys. It’s in Japanese, but the note attached makes him smile a little watery smile.
Thank you. That’s all I can say. For everything you were supposed to help me with, and everything you chose to do on your own. I hope I can return the favor.
ps. it says ‘do not be defined by your name.’ just like my brace,’
The keychain hangs off the zipper of his work jacket instead. And if anyone asks—and Yuki is the first to ask the meaning since he knows what it actually says, he simply smiles and says it’s a gift. No other explanation needed.
Except for when Geri asks, and he tells her the whole story, and then Christian ‘yells’ at him for making Geri cry.
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reinamatsumoto made a new post!
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liked by gerihorner, logansargeant, maxverstappen, and 458k others...
reinamatsumoto: [come back soon, big brother]!!
viewing translation from japanese
tagged: maxverstappen
misshanatanaka: [so sweet! glad having him by helped sweetheart!!]
user2: MAX IS HER BROTHER !!!!!!
logansargeant: did our sushi date meaning NOTHING.
⤷ logansargeant: YES?
⤷ oscarpiastri: please rei he's pouting.
⤷ reinamatsumoto: fine. anything for my favorite white boys.
⤷ user6: my favorite prema survivors <3
user4: so are we gonna talk ab her punching a reporter? bc shes hot for that.
oscarpiastri: PERONI??? FOUL.
gerihorner: so so so cute!!!!!
⤷ reinamatsumoto: thanks mom!!!
⤷ maxverstappen: thanks mom
user5: logan crying in the comments is so real
yukitsunoda: [max is a big softie!]
⤷ reinamatsumoto: [I KNOW !!!]
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taglist (thank you for your support!!)
@vellicora @justsomejess @struggling-with-delia
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bizlybebo · 4 months
some silly lil doodles/sketches of the riptide bakery au because @s0lar-ch3ri ‘s additions to it made me absolutely lose my mind
(extra rambling + captions transcribed beneath the cut if you can’t read my handwriting!!)
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image 1 caption: Jay saying “i don’t wanna talk about it.”
image 2 caption: Gillion saying “I cannot find her, Chip! If she’s not here, and she just finished mixing the batter, I— I fear we have made the greatest mistake!”
Chip saying “No, no, it’s— it’s fine! She’s probably just— right over here!”
Cutaway caption points to Pretzel drinking a cup of tea and says “Absolutely fine”
Image 3 caption: Chip saying “Yeah, so he’s this small boy we keep in the back! And I know what you’re thinking— it actually doesn’t violate any child labor laws! ‘Cause we don’t pay him!”
Caption pointing to Ollie says “was just given 200 mg of caffeine”
Image 4 caption: points to Gillion operating the cash register and says “Has caused irreparable financial damage”
the context for image 2 is cheri’s comment that the equivalent for this au of the pretzel missing arc would be that gill loses track of her and ends up thinking that he somehow baked her into one of the pastries and gets really distraught over it. I adore this idea soso much
i havent seen pd yet but i’d like to imagine william, vincent, and dakota terrorize a nearby grocery store on the regular and so they’re usual customers to the riptide bakery. (cheri’s also the one who thought of pd existing in this au too)
i’m particularly obsessed with the idea that chip accidentally overshares to a customer and gets the cops called on them for having a Small Boy In The Back Who Does Unpaid Labor For Us (they pay him in exorbitant amounts of caffeine that his mother would never allow him to consume)
they let gillion man the register ONCE and the business nearly goes under because he doesn’t understand cash nor card or just. money in general. not only does he give away hundreds of dollars or just throw it up in the air for the cool confetti affect, but he also starts letting people pay with the most random shit that isn’t money, like crunchy leaves off the sidewalk or literal trash. he manages to sell a hot chocolate and a croissant for a weird looking substance that turns out to actually be goobleck
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
“He gets it from you”, Steve said as they watched their five year old son hop onto the play table and and kick the toy plates onto the ground.
“You get what you get when you marry a rebel”, Eddie said before going over to pick up their kid and at least pretend to reprimand him about proper manners.
Oliver, Ollie for short, was very clearly becoming a mini-Eddie.
Steve had been worried about becoming his father. Someone who stamped down any creativity or individuality and punished the smallest transgressions. Turns out when he had an actual child he just became a more experienced version of himself as a teenager. He tried all his might to enforce the rules and while most of them stuck, his kid was gonna do what he was gonna do. Which was also very much an Eddie thing too.
Eddie had made sure music was a part of Ollie’s life from a young age but it wasn’t until he was ten that he wrote and performed his own song for someone outside of the family. 
He played for his school talent show and Steve couldn’t have been more proud. Even Ollie knocking over the microphone got some judgmental side eyes from the other parents.
Ollie is thirteen when he gets detention for the first time. Which is pretty good in Steve’s opinion.
“Thank god, I was afraid we were raising a conformist”, Eddie said on the ride to the school.
“Just to be clear, we’re NOT encouraging this”, Steve reminded.
“Let’s hear what he’s in for before deciding that.”
When they heard he had gotten into a fight with a kid who had shouted a slur with multiple witnesses, well the decision had been made with some lenience.
“So did you win?”, Eddie asked on their way to the ice cream shop.
“He was bleeding by the end”, Ollie said, surprised he wasn’t in total dog shit.
Eddie whistled and then grinned at Steve from the passenger seat. “Are you sure he’s yours?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Ha ha.”
Just a year later, Steve is driving their boy to his school dance, date in the backseat with him. Steve’s eyes are mostly on the road but occasionally they drift to the mirror. 
He drops the two teens off with a promise to be back in a few hours. He thinks to how Ollie’s date looked nervous at first but then he gets her with his huge smile and big gestures and just talking about normal stuff and how they’re already laughing before they even got to the school and he can’t help but think about his first few dates with Eddie.
Turns out even with the gates closed, Vecna dead, and the Mind Flayer defeated, the government would do what it did and find a way to dig up old shit. That was how Steve found himself beating back a demodog with a nail bat he never thought he’d be using again.
Ollie, seventeen now, was knocking heads with his own bat, nail-less but made of metal. Eddie only saw a few moments of both his boys holding their own as he drove up in a pick up truck, honking to get their attention. 
Steve grabbed their son and pushed him forward, beating down one last monster before heading for the truck himself. They hopped into the back and Eddie sped off, leaving the horde for now.
“You guys weren’t lying...”, Ollie said, lying on his back in the bed of the truck. “They’re real.”
When they arrive back home, they’re relieved to see the rest made it too. With the whole party here, they could regroup and plan. Eddie leaned against Steve’s side.
“Ollie looked like a real beast out there with you. He’s definitely your son.”
Steve watched as Ollie gave Lucas and Max’s son a headlock noogie to reassure him that everything was fine and they were gonna take care of these weird monsters.
“I think there’s a little of both of us in there.”
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pluckyredhead · 8 months
Ngl do you think the relationship between Arthur and Garth has anything to do with how often at the time adopted children were and are considered not as “real” as biological children? Especially because the whole nuclear family BS. Not saying that’s all of it but I think it plays a role
Oh, 100%. I mean, look at this:
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Arthur is willing to kill Garth to save Aquababy, because Aquababy is his son...with the implicit corollary that Garth isn't. The kid he has raised since, like, age 8, who has been by his side and living in his house all these years, is just...a sidekick.
(I think it's worth noting that Batman, who is not a good father, was once in a similar situation - Ra's al Ghul wanted him to pick whether Tim or Damian should die - and Bruce immediately chose himself. Arthur didn't even consider sacrificing himself for the boys. When you're a worse father than Batman, you know you've fucked up.)
I will say that in the early decades, comics only rarely explicitly referred to heroes and sidekicks as fathers and sons - you don't see it very often with Dick or Roy either. That's why all the sidekicks were wards and none of them were legally adopted. (Dick wasn't adopted until he was over 18; Roy never has been.) This was mostly to keep the heroes seeming young and fun instead of stodgy old dads.
But since the 70s on, Dick and Roy have been very frequently, explicitly stated to be Bruce and Ollie's sons, and the same is true for subsequent sidekicks: Jason was going to be adopted right away, Tim was going to be adopted whether he wanted it or not, Mia is clearly Ollie's daughter.
By contrast, I can only think of two times the Arthur/Garth dynamic has been described as paternal. The first is from Garth's debut:
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HE IS SO TINY. Also I can't stop laughing at how Arthur's like "Fuck that noise." TERRIBLE.
I can't remember exactly when the other instance was, but I want to say it was Arthur calling Garth his son in like...the early 2000s? Maybe the Jurgens run? It would've had to have been before the 2003 run, because Garth was not putting up with Arthur's bullshit from 2003 on, and then the New 52 happened.
But yeah, they don't use those words for each other...basically ever. (Lorena and Jackson are also not Arthur's children. To be fair, Jackson has two very alive parents so Arthur being like "YOU ARE MY SON" would be weird and inappropriate.)
I think another factor, though, is that Arthur isn't just Garth's former mentor and guardian - he's his king. A lot of the time, Arthur has very cold, formal relationships with almost everyone in his life who isn't Mera (and sometimes even her) or a literal baby. There's a certain loyalty Garth owes Arthur - or at least both characters seem to feel Garth owes Arthur, whether or not you or I might agree with that - that has nothing at all to do with family.
We also don't really know the Atlantean norms around this sort of thing. Like, we can extrapolate things about Ollie and Roy's relationship that aren't written on the page, but do Atlanteans even have differentiations between ward, foster, and adoptee? Do they differentiate between adoptee and biological child?
And combining both of those ideas, Garth being considered Arthur's son might have political ramifications. Does that put him in the line of succession? The comics have been wildly inconsistent on this (Titans called him a prince this month and I yelled "EXPLAIN YOURSELF, TOM TAYLOR" at the page), but one could headcanon that Arthur has very deliberately avoided formally recognizing Garth as his son for political reasons. (Unless he has and that's why Garth is apparently a prince now, like he was in the Jurgens run but no other time in history. EXPLAIN BOTH OF YOURSELVES, TOM TAYLOR AND DAN JURGENS.)
Anyway yeah, I mostly think you're right that it's just anti-adoption prejudice, but there are some other factors that make this situation unique among the many, many mentor/sidekick relationships in comics.
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blackbatcass · 3 days
how would you rank bat-children from bruce's least favorite to favorite? also i'd say do the same for ollie's kids but he would kill himself if you made him do that (mia still his fav though)
oh my god you guys do want me dead💀
I'll be honest, i don't think there's much value to be found in 'rank-the-favorites' discussions. like the honest answer is 'it depends' and i just don't think it's productive. I do think that in most cases wrt relationships with bruce, dick is always going to come out on top. as i've said those two are just on a whole other level. they Know Each Other in a way that no one else will even come close to. I don't think it's controversial to posit that actually raising dick from childhood adds a layer to the relationship bruce has with him that really can't be replicated with anyone else. like...jason was with him for 2-3ish years as a tweenager, cass and tim were adopted in their mid teens. meanwhile bruce was effectively dick's parent from age 8 onwards.
I also think the timing is something that would be almost impossible to replicate. dick entered the picture very early into bruce's years as batman. bruce was the one solid thing in dick's life after his parents died. they were literally each other's crutches through all that emotional turmoil and became, for better or for worse, extremely codependent. all that to say, dick and bruce's relationship is just so crazy insane that pretty much nothing compares. he just has the advantage. you can't recreate the mind bogglingly deep connection 25 yo bruce had with 8yo dick grayson it just can't be done.
on the other hand, cass also has something with bruce that can't be replicated by anyone else: she is Exactly Fucking Like Him. she is his carbon copy. they Get each other's rock-solid convictions & moral code sooo deeply. fandom tends to use this as evidence to point towards cass being the favorite child, but like as greta mysterycitrus has eloquently said in the past, she is exactly like him (derogatory). bruce obviously loves cass deeply, that is his daughter, but I don't think having that relationship with her is always easy for him. her existence points out some uncomfortable truths about himself that he doesn't always want to confront. I mean... if you were to meet yourself as a seventeen year old it would probably be weird as FUCK lol. I especially think the fact that cass has killed someone really fucks with his head and forces him to reevaluate his own morals/worldview.
and like...I don't think he always treats cass fairly. we see it over and over again in bg 2000. he thinks he knows what's best for her because he sees himself in her, but the things he thinks are best for himself are Not Healthy to say the least. he intentionally keeps himself at a distance because he initially did not want that close, father-daughter relationship with her: it was strictly batman and batgirl. and he thought that's what she wanted/needed. but being so singlemindedly driven to a cause with no boundaries or normal life is not exactly the best way to go for a teenager. so I think those two had a lot to figure out when the dust settled.
I have much fewer thoughts about jason, tim and damian simply because they are not my blorbos like dick and cass are lmfao. i do think tim deserves a whole lot of credit for stepping in to save bruce and helping when bruce was at his lowest. like. that was obviously NOT easy lol. bruce and tim are interesting because bruce held himself back from being a father to tim for so long, when jack was still in the picture. but when it comes to a head and tim gets adopted, it's just...natural? like there was nothing else that could have happened there? I am honest to god not the biggest tim fan and have not read enough of his comics to talk intelligently on him any more than that lol. but I do know bruce loves him very very much and would be lost without him<3
jason....jason. I mean what is there to say lmfao. if your dead teenager turned up and started mass murdering what would you do. I think it's pretty obvious to say that losing jason was soul-crushing for bruce and permanently changed him as a person; we see those aftereffects in his relationships to people like tim, steph, and cass. jason will never stop being his son, and bruce will never stop loving him. but things will never be the same again. I don't think jason's actions post-resurrection will ever be justifiable or forgivable to bruce. like even if jason woke up one day like 'suddenly i'm cured of being a villain' I don't think he would be welcomed back with open arms or anything. jason is a murderer. he has killed like a fuckton of people in cold blood. that is something that will never be okay with bruce. grappling with loving your son versus your son being a murderer which is antithetical to everything you have spent decades building...that's rough buddy. is that controversial? idk i spend as little time as possible thinking about jason todd
I think it hurts bruce to look at damian sometimes because he just can't stop seeing talia. I think he loves damian deeply but it isn't always easy. that whole timing of final crisis was just so messy that they didn't get off to a super smooth start and had to do a lot of work rebuilding that relationship. I think damian has to reconcile his childhood hero worship of bruce with the actual very flawed man which isn't easy. it has been a LONG ass time since i've read damian's comics so that's about all I got.
IN CONCLUSION! This is very long and I absolutely did not answer your question sorry. but these are kind of my cliffnotes thoughts on each of the wayne kids' relationships with bruce.
and yeah if you tried to get ollie to rank his kids he would knock himself out with a boxing glove arrow
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speedforce-zoomies · 5 months
Y’all know what I think would make an interesting AU?
If everyone in the 90’s Young Justice was a clone or a “clone”
Canonically we’ve already got two out of the main ten
Conner Kent/Superboy being a “clone” of Superman & Lex Luthor
& Slobo being a clone of Lobo
Two things to note 1) I think it’s kinda boring if all of them have the same backstory so I’ll still try to give them all a reason that they’ve left Cadmus early in life
And 2) If we’re looking at all the various DC works 1 to 1 clones usually have some major issues
For example the other attempts at cloning Superman didn’t work, the DNA was too unstable
And in the DCAU, the Supergirl 1 on 1 clone had the side effect of being mentally connected to Supergirl which made her mentally unstable and Waller purposely avoided going the 1 to 1 route with Terry implying that it was still not a smart route to go down decades later
Therefore every “clone” will still have two “parents”
Let’s start with the other members of the core four
Tim - obviously a clone of Bruce, could add in Selena’s DNA if the scientists want some extra kick or he could still be the son of Janet so that he’s raised in a similar manner (rich kid upbringing) to Bruce
Janet and Jack could be having fertility issues and are given an opportunity to have a child through Cadmus and they just ignore all the weird stuff like rich people tend to do. Maybe they know Tim is Bruce’s clone, maybe they don’t. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Cassie - Diana Prince & Steve Trevor - not only would this give them access to the Amazons/Themyscira but also to a member of military personnel who knows a lot of stuff he probably shouldn’t
If this pairing Helena Sandsmark could be chosen to adopt her specifically so that she has a higher chance of interacting with the Greek gods which activates her powers (I mean Helena is already canonically interacting with them - might not be hard for Cadmus to realize that)
Could also do Diana & Helena Sandsmark, she could be in the same boat as Janet in the earlier scenario and just rolls with all the weird stuff.
Bart - Barry and Iris. Could still have the aging problem and still raised in Virtual Reality just some centuries behind the usual route. Imagine him thinking up the twins names himself - I mean Dawn and Don as twin names SOUND like they came from a kid raised in VR lol. When Barry and Iris later have the twins, they just roll with the names because Bart said them so matter of fact and Cadmus acts like they aren’t surprised that Bart got it right about Iris’s pregnancy.
Maybe they send him to go find Wally through suggestions from the VR so that he can better learn his powers/can become the next Flash and then Wally sends him to Max like in canon.
Now for the others…
Cissie - super easy Bonnie & Ollie. Bonnie as an Olympic-level archer wants her daughter to be the best archer and a hero and so she seeks out Cadmus and asks just straight up asks them for a clone.
Greta - I’m sorry to say is a mystery. She was a failed clone but no one seems to know who her original DNA came from.
Anita - could be a clone of her mother Oshi if Agua killed Oshi before she had Anita. Cadmus could reach out and be like hey Donald Fite it’s not the same as having your wife back but um, we could clone her? Give you a kid? Maybe Agua pushes for it idk
La'gaan - I couldn’t find much about his history prior to him becoming an Atlantis citizen so I imagine Cadmus might have captured his “parents” or maybe it’s someone who works with Orm and wants to send in a spy and though a child would be easier to get in than an adult. When Aquaman makes him a citizen he decides not to betray his confidence.
Ray - cloned from the original Ray and his wife or another golden age hero. Again pretty simple. Cadmus just thought he was neat. They are obsessed with Sun based superheroes after all. Ray is one I could see being locked up in Cadmus until the formation of the team since he was already locked away from the Sun in his origin story.
So at some point I imagine Tim would probably start to unravel things which would lead to similar events to canon (regarding the formation of the team I mean) but I just think it would be interesting since cloning is so prevalent in the DC universe to have an entire team of clones or “clones”
Maybe after distributing the other clones Luthor gets the idea to actually raise Conner himself which is always a fun AU
Plus with all this cloning going on they could potentially have the tools to prevent Slobo’s body from degrading which is a nice bonus
What do y’all think?
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Queen’s Residence:
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Oliver had been gone for a long time. Nobody really knew what happened in his time on Lian Yu, except for him. And he kept that information close to his chest. His family didn’t need to know what he went through.
Moira welcomed her son back with open arms. She was more than happy to let him back into their home and into her heart. So relived after all those years she morned him and his father. She was instant on a party and a press event to announce his return. But she couldn’t risk loosing her child again, so she hired him a body guard. Jonathan Diggle was to follow Oliver around whenever he leaves the house. Drive him to and from locations and see to it he was brought home to her. Oliver didn’t like this, but he wanted to appease his mother.
Oliver had missed his mother of course. But he grew to miss his siblings just as much. Thea was so young when he left on that boat, and Y/N even younger. He doubted they would even recognise him. Thea was angry, something he expected. People reacted in weird ways to grief, and she had taken it hard. He watched from afar as she drank at a party, still too young to consume alcohol but not caring anyways. But he couldn’t tell her what to do, she thought he was dead for the past 8 years.
But he saw her with Tommy, his best friend. And Tommy was trying his best to get Thea off the floor and out to the car. He appreciated that his best friend had been trying to take care of his little sister. But you were nowhere to be seen at this party. Oliver assumed Thea would drag you along with her everywhere she went, but maybe he was wrong. Maybe the two of you didn’t get along like he imagined in his head. Which saddened him a little. He hoped if you didn’t have him, you’d at least have each other.
He met Tommy out by the car, greeting Thea. She looked like she’d seen a ghost. And she was more than wasted.
"Oliver." She mumbled.
"Let's get her home." He spoke to Tommy, ignoring his inebriated sibling.
Tommy smiled up at his best friend, just happy to have him home. Oliver gave him a silent thanks for keeping his little sister safe while he was away. The ride home was mostly Thea drunk mumbling into Oliver’s chest as she nearly fell asleep on him. Oliver didn’t mind her line of questioning, just happy to have her there.
He knew his mom was likely to throw a welcome home party for him soon. Considering the Queen’s were a high importance family, the press would have a field day with his return. But he could use Thea to stave off the party at least another night. Letting her sober up before the inevitable announcement of his valiant return home.
He carried his sister inside and Tommy followed after. Moira met him at the door, looking at her daughter questionably.
“Hello Tommy” she greeted.
“Hello Mrs. Queen.”
Moira invited Tommy to stay the night, enlisting his help to set up a party in the morning. Oliver carried Thea to her bedroom. He tucked her in and bid her goodnight. She was still mad at Ollie for leaving her, but she’d get over it eventually. There was still one person he’d yet to see. Someone who didn’t greet him when he came home. His youngest sister y/n.
He wandered the halls that night, unable to sleep in the coushy palace that was his home. He’d grown used to the rugged conditions of the island. His calloused body felt rough against the gentle sheets. He remembered her nursery being in the easy wing. She didn’t cry much as a baby, like he or Thea, so Moira and Robert didn’t feel a need to coddle her and keep her close. But he figured she wouldn’t still be there. Why keep the same room when there where countless others in the mansion.
He checked each room, all of them coming up empty. He began to grow concerned. It was two in the morning, where the hell was his sister? He wouldn’t wake anyone in search of her though. Thea was certainly exhausted, and his mom probably emotionally so. He finally opened the last door to his left and found what he was looking for. A room clearly occupied by a teenager.
There were posters plastering the walls, a lava lamp in the corner, and a seemingly endless supply of plushie creatures on the bed. But still, no sister. Her bed was empty. But he calmed his nerves, thinking perhaps she spent the night at a friends house. Thea had been out all night partying despite his return, so it wouldn’t be odd that Y/N wasn’t compelled to come running home either. She was even younger than Thea, perhaps she didn’t remember him at all.
He sighed and made his way back to his room, calling it quits for the night.
The next morning was chaotic as expected. Paparazzi where swarming the outside of the mansion, somehow catching word of his return already. Moira was doing recon, while Oliver attempted to sneak out. But John cut him off.
“Where do you think you’re going?” The older man asked.
Oliver sighed, Diggle was about to become a pain in his ass, that was for sure.
“Have you seen Y/N?” He asked.
“Hmm?” Diggle hummed.
“My sister, she wasn’t here last night. Perhaps she snuck in sometime this morning? I’d rather see her before facing those sharks outside. Imagine learning your brother his home from the tabloids.”
John sighed.
“I was just paid to keep an eye on you Oliver. Haven’t seen anyone else enter the house this morning.”
It was worth a shot. Oliver declined to his fate and put the sharks at ease, stepping outside. The next few hours were a whirlwind, of questions and party set up. Until half the town was cramped into the mansion and Oliver was the man of the hour.
Yet someone was still absent. Oliver had no idea what Y/N would look like all grown up. But his instincts told him she wasn’t here. He approached Thea and stopped her dancing to asks.
“Have you seen our sister?”
Thea shrugged. Oliver sighed heavily. He gently grabbed her arm and led her away from the vapid college boys swarming her. They were much too old for her anyway.
“What the fuck Oliver!”
“Why won’t anyone tell me where she is? What’s going on?” He asked.
It was Thea’s turn to let out a sigh.
“Did you check the closet in the foyer?”
She walked away giving him an odd look. Oliver thought this was strange. Why the hell would she be in a closet? But none the less he skilfully managed to ditch prying eyes and his security detail and make his way to the front room. Which was mostly free from loiterers.
He didn’t know how to approach, if she was hiding in a closet, she must have a reason. He gently knocked on a closet, something he never thought he’d do. He heard shuffling inside, indicating that someone was indeed in said closet.
“Thea, what are you doing away from the- oh…”
Oliver was shell shocked for a second. Seeing her so grown threw him off, he didn’t know what to expect. The tone of disappointment in her voice kinda hit him harder than he expected.
“Oliver?” She asked.
He gave her a smile.
“Aren’t your guests missing you?”
“Parties aren’t really my thing anymore.”
She grabbed his collar and pulled him into the closet, slamming the door shut.
Oliver let his eyes adjust to the dark, and stood there awkwardly. He cleared his throat, about to speak.
“Someone was walking by, they would have seen you and dragged you back. You’re the man on the hour.” She explained simply.
“Thanks. So, what’s with the closet?”
“You’ll make fun of me.”
“I’m your brother.”
She scoffed.
“By blood? Maybe, but I don’t know anything about you. You sure as hell know nothing about me. Besides, don’t brothers bully their sisters or some shit?”
He chuckled at her vulgarities, he didn’t know what to expect.
“You selling drugs out of our foyer?”
“You were legally declared dead mate, still are until mom’s lawyers figure out that bullshit. If anything, I’d be selling drugs our if my foyer. And no. That’s not it.”
He held up his hands in mock defence.
“I’m, you and dad left your coats in this closet before you disappeared. They still smell like you. I come here when I need to breath.”
“You come to a musty closet to breath?”
“And there’s the judgment. Get out!”
“Hey, no. Look I’m sorry.”
“There’s things you don’t know Oliver. You were gone a long time. So I’ll spell it out for you. I have autism. Means I’m a bit different then the rest of you. Parties overwhelm me and make me want to rip out my teeth. I also hâte change, you being a live was a major one. So I’m not leaving this closet until it feels safe again. It was nice meeting you brother. Glad you didn’t drown.”
He simply stared at her for a second. She was blunt, no lies like everyone else. A stupid grin broke out on his face.
“I can steal us some snacks from the party and be back before anyone sees me.”
She rolled her eyes.
“You’re a dork, you know that!” She pushed him out of the door. “I like the cheese squares and the orange soda, come back without those you’re getting locked out.”
Oliver thought he made a mistake to come home. Not ready to be back in society. But seeing everyone, seeing his little sisters, he knew he made the right choice. He was home, and he was excited to learn what they meant all over again.
An: ahhh sorry this was short. I haven’t been in the mood for writing recently. But when I am I will write y’all some longer form content. Be back soon when the burn out were made off! 🥰
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hello, i would like to hear about the titans fantasy au O.O
Oh man, you really shouldn't enable me like this... but if you insist!!
Alright, here's the setting: We're in some weird Lord of Rings/DnD fantasy setting with various magical creatures and inconsistent technological developments. Were tunics worn at the same time as ball gowns? Were carriages used at the same time as broad swords? I don't know! And I'm not doing any historical research! It's just haphazardly medieval!
Donna, for the most part, is relatively unchanged. She fits into this setting rather well. She is the demigod daughter of Zues, warrior in training, third in line to be Queen of the Amazons. At 13 years old she is a new arrival from her island nation and she is hoping to learn monster hunting (she's hoping to learn by doing). The one condition of her joining Diana was that she was supposed to stay with Diana at all times. Both of them nodded and smiled in agreement when their mother, the Queen, said this. Both immediately parted ways once their boat hit the shores of this new and exciting world.
Speaking of new and exciting, the King of Atlantis' ward is tagging along for the first time to see the surface world. Garth is fascinated (and a little terrified) and he's hoping to learn new types of magic! The Crown Prince (his older brother) Koryak says that he will make a fearsome mage one day and he really doesn't want to let him down. Garth imagines that one day his brother will rule as King and Garth will be there at his side as the Head Mage. He really has to work on his skills to get to that point though! Hence studying abroad. He's also... maybe... looking to meet some friends. Or any friends, really. He doesn't have any and he's heard good things.
Lord Richard of Gotham is so tired of politics. His... 'father' is the Crown Prince, next in line for the throne of Gotham. Not that anyone, including Bruce, is happy about it. The Kane family has had the crown for centuries and now, because the King only had daughters and Bruce's mom had the audacity to marry a Wayne (their rival house), they stand to lose it all. Thankfully, Bruce's status as Crown Prince is only temporary. As soon as Princess Kate Kane is married off, her husband will automatically be next in line. (Although they've sure been taking their time with that. What's the hold up?) So Bruce doesn't have to ever worry about being King and Dick (as Bruce's totally legitimate love child that Bruce didn't make up to make sure Dick could inherit everything if he ever died, don't do the math on their ages) doesn't ever have to worry about the throne at all. Sure, he's technically second in line but it's as far away from reality as a nightmare and just as scary. For right now all Dick has to worry about is being a squire, going on adventures and learning how to be a great knight! What could go wrong!?
Crown Prince Elroy is fucked. Seriously fucked. The old Crown Prince Oliver saw Roy at an archery competition and decided 'Yeah, that one.' Ollie offered him a room, food and all the arrows he could ever want. When Roy found out that Ollie was taking a page out of Robin Hood's book, Roy was overjoyed. The two of them had a blast stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. It was great! And then Ollie's father, the King, found out. He disowned Ollie, not that Ollie cared, and life went on as normal with one major giant exception. The King didn't have any other children (legitimate children anyway) and Ollie was now disowned. So the King legitimized Roy as Oliver's bastard child and heir. Or, sorry, Elroy because apparently 'Roy' wasn't fancy enough. Now Elroy is the Crown Prince. Elroy is under lock and key so that Ollie can't influence him. Elroy is being forced to study. (The King promised him that this was just to make Ollie see reason but Roy isn't so sure... the King is putting a lot of effort into his training...) The only saving grace is that Roy is being sent away this summer to learn sword fighting. Archery is 'a cowards sport' apparently and Roy 'needs to expand his horizons'. Well.. they certainly agree on that last one. Roy is making a break for it and he's not coming back.
Wally is a young apprentice working for his Uncle Barry. He's learning how to make medicine and treat wounds and find useful herbs. At least, he's learning that sometimes. A lot of his time is spent being a delivery boy. Uncle Barry says that's an important part of any medical treatment, actually delivering the medicine. Wally thinks that he just wants him to burn off energy. Regardless, Wally spends most of his time delivering medicine and he does it well. It helps that he can cross the continent before most people can blink their eyes. He can't tell anyone that though. Barry has made that part extremely clear. As far as their patients are concerned, Barry is a local doctor who just lives outside of whichever town they're in. There's a lot of things Wally can't tell people. Like how his eyes glow and magic lights up on his fingertips when he's excited. Or how he doesn't really like hats, he just has to wear them to hide his slightly too pointy ears. He gets it. He does. He's heard the whispered stories of fae, the hushed talk of changelings, he's read the old cracked tomes on the Elven Folk. He knows what people will think he is. But he isn't. He really isn't. He's just... Wally. And sure, he might be a little bit odd but he's just as human as the next guy, he swears!
Donna finds herself left on the doorstep of the greatest monster hunters in this new world. Garth is accepted to shadow some of the best defense mages ever. Dick finds himself stopping in with some fellow Knights (he is soon to be one after all) on his way home after a particularly hard mission. Roy finds himself shipped off to learn sword fighting from some 'trusted experts'. Wally is on a routine delivery run to drop off some supplies for his Uncle's good friends. Whether it's fate or something far more sinister, they all find themselves at the temple of the Knights of the Emerald Flame. Sir Hal Jordan, who was not ready for the sudden onslaught of children, panics and gives them a mission to get them out of his hair.
The rest, as they say, is history.
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tgammsideblog · 1 year
Scratch and abandonment issues
Recently we learned more about Scratch’s past in the episode ¨A Soda to Remember¨: At some point he had a close friend, Adia, that meant the world to him and this girl had to move away for non-specified reasons. Adia and Scratch made a promise that they both would think of each other each time they drank Surly Sid Strawberry Soda, which is what Molly and the others try to find in this episode.
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The fact that this is one of the few things that Scratch was able to recall from his past life says a lot about how important Adia was to him. There is the possibility that she was one of the few, if not theonly friend Scratch had when he was a child. And based on different hints that the series has given until now, it’s very likely that he didn’t have a good family. In ¨Game Night¨ he has a weird idea of how families work, almost as he didn’t have one during his human life. He isn’t capable of remembering his last name nor who his family was. He has more memories of a close friend that he made during childhood than his own family.
Combine his probably only friend moving away with parents who didn’t care about him and this resulted in Scratch developing abandonment issues growing up that still haunt him in his afterlife. In Season 1, Scratch wasn’t fond of Molly being friends with Libby. He sometimes wouldn’t care about making Libby look bad (Talent Show). During Scratch the Surface he suggested Molly to end her friendship with Libby instead of telling her the truth about Scratch’s existence. And while he had his reasons of why Molly couldn’t tell Libby (him getting in trouble with the Ghost Council) it doesn’t take much effort to see that he had other intentions under all that. He clearly didn’t like the idea of having to ¨share¨ Molly with someone else and he insited in how Molly should stop talking to Libby.
These other intentions weren’t left clear until the later segment, ¨Friend Off¨ when Libby and Scratch competed over Molly’s friendship and who was the ¨better friend¨. During the episode Scratch kept insulting and making fun of Libby, not giving her a chance and constanly bragging about his relationship with Molly- something that Libby answered with acting the same way. Scratch later revealed to Libby that the reason he was acting this way is because he didn’t want to lose Molly as a friend and didn’t see himself as ¨cool¨ as Libby was. By the end of the episode they both make up and start being friends once they left their jealousy aside.
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Scratch appeared to have control of this personal issue for while the rest of Season 1 as there weren’t other serious incidents that made him act possessive and a bit controling towards Molly. ....Until another person entered in scene: Oliver Chen 
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In contrast to Libby, Ollie comes from a family of ghosthunters. He was raised to think that ghosts are evil and they should captured or even destroyed. This gives Scratch a legitimate reason of why he doesn’t want Molly to be going out with Ollie, since it could put him, a ghost, in danger. At first this seemed to be the only and main reason of why Scratch doesn’t like Ollie hanging out with Molly nor the Mcgees. Most of his dialogue implies it was this and Molly tries to understand Scratch’s perspective despite her feelings towards Oliver.
This seemed to be Scratch’s reason until he followed Molly to the school dance in ¨I Wanna Dance with Some-Ollie¨ and saw Molly and Ollie hanging out together... and had these reactions.
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While his dialogue indicates that he doesn’t like Ollie because his a ghosthunter, his body language and expressions say another thing: He feels jealous and fears Molly being more interested in Ollie than spending time with him. After all it does make sense for Scratch to feel insecure. Molly and Oliver share a lot in common and they are both teens of the same age. It didn’t take long for them to click with each other.
One thing i appreciate about ¨I Wanna Dance with Some-Ollie¨ is that this problem that Scratch has was brought up again and this time around it showed an uglier less subtle controlling side of him. If one watches the song sequence of this episode without having the context of Ollie being a ghosthunter, it looks like Scratch is just being possessive of Molly. He tries messing with Ollie every chance he gets, wishing for the two teens to be apart of each other.
Around the middle of the episode, Scratch realizes that, yes, Molly looks very happy hanging out with Ollie and that if the boy wasn’t a ghosthunter he could try supporting Molly in being in a relationship with someone she likes. This itself was an important moment for Scratch because he was putting Molly’s happiness over his jealousy, which is a good contrast with how he acted in ¨Friend Off¨ regarding Libby being Molly’s friend.
The problem came when he and Molly had an argument and Scratch (probably not intentionally) came off as being possessive again by telling Molly that she could only be friends with him or decide to hang out with Ollie, having to choose  between one option or the other. Molly dismissed Scratch’s worries, assuming that he was trying to be controlling again, which wasn’t the case in that moment. Scratch left the building, sad not only for their argument, but feeling devasted that he had lost someone who means the world to him again.
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By near the end of the episode, Molly frees Scratch from a ghost trap and they both apologize for how they were acting. Scratch adknowledges that he wants Molly to be happy and he would support that if the circumstances were different. From Molly’s side, she admits to Scratch that he was right and she can’t be with Ollie for the moment.
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In all, this was good character growth for Scratch, even if that wasn’t the main center of the conflict or part of it. It was better addressed and how it’s something that he realizes that he has to work on. What i would great to see is future episodes exploring this aspect of Scratch further. The things that caused him to develop this fear of losing people and him opening up to others about it. It really doubt ¨I Wanna Dance with Some Ollie¨ is going to be the end of it, since it is clearly something that is more complicated that it seems to be.
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dysthanasia-series · 4 months
Thin Edge of a Wedge Pt. 1
Summary: Isaac approaches Renato with a surprising request. (Possible future scene taking place shortly after Phagophobia, based loosely on this prompt.)
Words: 2,075
Content Advisory: Sexual themes and situations, consensual vampire hypnosis, angry sexual tension, enemies-to-forced-allies-to-lovers, swearing, kissing, biting, consensual blood-drinking, violent vampire feeding thoughts, enthusiastic consent, fade-to-black ending
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Renato turned his head and leaned in a fraction as if his hearing had failed him. “I’m sorry. I thought you said—”
“Hypnotize me. Dorian says it’s possible to learn how to break out of bloodborn trances with practice. So, help me train.” Despite the direct words and his matter-of-fact tone, Soto kept his gaze—usually so bold, so sharp—trained on a far corner of the motel room. An arm crossed over his middle, gripping the opposite as he sat on one of the two shabby beds.
While his body already knew which way to cast its vote, Renato’s finer faculties hesitated. “What prompted this?”
“Hm, gosh, let me think. Oh, right. We’re surrounded by Unseen Hand agents who’d love to stab us in the back.”
“Are you implying you could get lost in another bloodborn’s eyes? Agent Soto, you wound me.”
“Can you give being an asshole a rest for, like, half a second? I’m serious.”
It wasn’t an unreasonable request, truth be told. Quite pragmatic really. Possibly even laudable, given all Soto had recently suffered—no small amount of which sat at the top of Renato’s ever-growing list of mistakes.
That’s precisely what made it so suspicious.
Renato took a seat on the bed across from Soto’s, the rickety frame squeaking as he crossed his legs and leaned back on both hands. “You didn’t have a problem snapping out of my hypnosis the first time. And you seem to have at least some level of immunity to Kinslayer’s version now.”
“That’s not the same as being able to resist questioning in a casual situation I’m not expecting, or with weird soul magic involved. Like you keep pointing out, if Oleander or Motley or any of the Unseen Hand gets wind of what we’re actually up to we’re dead.”
Again, a bit of strategic paranoia worthy of an aquila. Something was definitely off.
“Fine, suppose I agree,” Renato said. “What, exactly, do you expect me to do?”
“I dunno. Ask me stuff I wouldn’t want to answer and I’ll try to resist.”
The sensible thing to do on his end was to walk away, of course. Ignore Soto and whatever strange impulse was driving him for the rest of the evening. Heaven knew there were a hundred and one tasks actually related to their survival that needed his attention.
Only none of those sent a thrill up his spine.
“Okay, let’s do it.” Renato leaned forward and put his hands on his thighs, smiling. He had enjoyed the odd sleepover party—sharing secrets, truth or dare, all that—as a child when they’d been possible. A shame Ollie wasn’t staying in the same motel. He wouldn’t have minded asking for a couple of her facial masks.
With just a trace of trepidation, Soto mirrored his posture. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. Released it. Met Renato’s amused gaze with grave determination. “Ready.”
“What’s your name?”
A divot of annoyance appeared on Soto’s brow. “You know it already.”
“Remind me.”
“Isaac Soto Marquez,” he huffed.
“Your birthday?”
“July seventeenth. Which you also know.”
Well, he’d glanced at it in the Coven’s personal file on Soto, although that had been weeks ago. Considering Renato didn’t remember the exact date of his own birth (which might have already passed since he did know it occurred during storm season), he’d have to make a note to write Soto’s down. Get his favorite grumpy researcher a little treat. Speaking of which…
“What sort of cake do you like?”
There. Surprise smoothed out Soto’s expression. Without disapproval or anxiety etched around his mouth or eyes, it was easy to remember he was barely coming up on age thirty. “Cake? Er, tres leches. With fruit on top, not cinnamon.”
“What kind of fruit is your favorite?”
Shoulders relaxed. Pupils dilated slightly. “Well, uh, I like summer ones the most. You know, mangoes, cherries, peaches.” A pause. “That last one’s my favorite, though. I love peaches. Even from a can.”
“Really? I used to love oranges, though of course I can only enjoy them for their smell now. Some of my best memories are of stopping at ports with orchards so I could pick some.” Renato smiled, earning a shy one in return. “Have you ever eaten fruit straight from the tree or vine, Agent Soto?”
“I…yeah. Yeah, a lot of the werecreature communities I’ve visited have gardens. And I did the whole picking strawberries thing during the spring once with Jeremy.” A soft, faraway sheen shone over dark brown eyes.
Renato ran his tongue along the back of one fang. He had Soto now. While their little game hadn’t been Renato’s idea initially, he wasn’t sorry he’d played, whatever the true stakes. “Who’s Jeremy?”
Creaking as weight shifted the other bed. “My ex.”
Careful. The trick was not to let the prey become too distressed. To give him a little guiding nudge here and there along the path, but to always keep him going with the flow of conversation, not against. Not until the trap had sprung and it was too late. “I see. How many relationships have you had, Agent Soto?”
“Just two. Long term ones.”
“Oh, that’s hardly anything to be embarrassed over.” He had one more than Renato under his belt, after all. And, well, he doubted Soto could have done any worse than Ollie and him had. “Even if you’d had hundreds that didn’t last past sunrise it still wouldn’t be.”
“I know. I guess…sometimes I wish I’d been more aggressive or outgoing or whatever. Elfy always gets pissed when we go out and I turn someone down.”
“Elfy? Your friend from the spirits department?”
“Yeah. She’s always telling me to loosen up and stop thinking with the head on my shoulders so much.” A hand flew up to cover a giggle.
As far as life’s little delights went, Renato ranked witnessing the angriest, most stubborn human he’d ever met giggle just below watching his aquarium. “But that’s not really your style?”
“Nope.” A twitch of the fingers, flicker in the eyes. “Well, okay, once in a while—when I’m really drunk—it is.”
This entire situation came into sudden, cold focus. Decades of training kept Renato’s expression, his mask, from slipping, though. “Would you say you’re bashful when it comes to flirting?” He had certainly read Soto that way during their fateful first meeting at that diner. Though he’d swiftly shed whatever reservations he’d had once they crawled into the backseat of the car.
“Mm. Not really. Not after I get what’s going on.”
“No? High standards maybe?”
“Don’t think so. I don’t have a…a type or whatever.”
“Perhaps you have a hard time surrendering control then?”
Another fidgeting ripple disturbed Soto’s reverie. “I…something like that.”
“Is that why you asked me to hypnotize you, Agent Soto? To surrender control?”
With a jerk, his flustered prey wrenched his gaze away, half-collapsing onto the mattress. Soto panted, his skin gleaming from a light coating of sweat, like he’d just finished running a lap. The tart, candy-apple scent of fear wafted over to Renato, prompting a flood of saliva. Swallowing, he let his lips twist into a smirk.
“That’s a failing grade, as far as I’m concerned.”
“Your tactics could use some work,” Renato continued, uncrossing his legs and rising in one smooth, dignified motion. “Also, I don’t appreciate being subjected to hidden tests. I may not have made the best choices in life, but I’m not so despicable as to ravish someone under the influence either.”
Blinking owlishly but stare quite clear, Soto whipped around to gawp at him. “What do you—”
“Good night, Agent Soto.” He could understand, at last, why Ollie and his reluctant human roommate relished their perches atop a high horse. The rush of victory was amazing as he spun on his heel and strode toward the room’s door.
The sound of grating bedsprings warned him before a hand latched onto the back of his shirt. With a deft turn and shrug, Renato broke the laughable hold on him.
“What the hell—” Soto began.
“I understand the need to hold a grudge.”
“—do you mean—”
“What I don’t get is digging for more reasons to fuel it.”
“—by ravish?”
They stared each other down. Any possibility of hypnosis taking hold tore apart in the clashing currents of hot and cold fury radiating between them.
“I wasn’t testing you,” Soto said, breaking first.
“Oh, really? Please do explain. I’m all ears, as they say.”
“I told you, I want to learn—”
“You’re terrible at lying, Agent Soto. Even to yourself.”
He bristled, the all too familiar defiance setting his jaw and sparking in his eyes. “I’m not—”
Renato whirled and reached for the doorknob.
Weak human fingers scrabbled at him once more. “I don’t know how else to talk to you, all right? And I didn’t think you’d pry into my love life, for fuck’s sake!”
The truth at last. Instead of melting, the rage inside of him expanded, sinking fresh, keen icicles deeper into his chest.
Of course Soto couldn’t simply talk to him. Renato was a bloodborn. Worse, he was an aquila. He wasn’t capable of human mistakes. Or emotions like remorse. At best, he could pretend he was. Wear a charming disguise. Beguile. Lure. Distract. But never offer anything permanent. Never anything real.
“Say something already!” The grip on his shirt tugged. “Don’t give me this silent treatment bullshit.”
Whatever mask had settled over his features made Soto let go and take a step back when he turned.
“Do you want me to make you lose control, Isaac?”
Soto stiffened. It didn’t hide the tremor in his limbs. “You conceited prick.”
“Isaac.” He’d forgotten how good the name felt in his mouth. “It’s a yes or no question.”
Narrowed brown eyes spat death curses at him before darting away again. Soto’s tightened lips parted. No sound came forth. They sealed shut again.
Renato sighed. “You’re a bad liar, but I never took you for a coward when it came to being honest.”
He could have dodged, easily. Instead, he allowed Soto to grab his shoulders and bring their mouths crashing together. Let him decide, too, when to break away and stagger back, chest heaving, stare wide at his own daring.
“That’s not an answer, Isaac.”
Renato slipped one hand around the back of Soto’s head, weaving his fingers into careless black curls but not pulling. Not yet. The other cupped Soto’s jaw, pleasantly rough and raspy from a couple day’s worth of stubble. With his thumb Renato wiped the frown from his lips.
“Yes or no.”
Soto closed his eyes, but it was already too late to hide anything going on behind them. A half-choked swallow made his throat flex in the most enticing way. “I…yes. Yes, okay? I want it.”
It. He wanted it, nothing more. Of course. Still, Renato could do better than a grudging confession.
His hand went from cradling Soto’s face to tearing open his shirt—the shirt always fucking buttoned up to the collar. He should have been a priest, truly. Soto gasped from the sudden violence or the air hitting his exposed shoulder and chest or both. Not giving him a chance to recover, Renato leaned in and started sucking on every bit of bared skin he could get at. Not biting, no, never that again, no matter how much he wanted to chew and rip until Soto’s pulse burst in his mouth like a ripe slice of orange. He only let his throbbing fangs graze over warm flesh, press against it to leave imprints of his teeth behind. Maybe prick it here and there so his tongue could lave over the precious ruby beads of blood afterwards. Savor each tiny shock that shot through him and made the world’s colors scintillate for an instant. Soto threw his arms around Renato to stay standing. Each sharp kiss drew a new, delightful prey noise from him.
He was even more intoxicating than memory served.
Pulling back, Renato inspected his work. Half a dozen little reddish-brown bruises trailed from Soto’s neck and skimmed along just above the curve of his collarbone. A satisfactory start.
“Yes?” Renato prompted again.
Eyes still shut, Soto shivered. “Yes.”
Much, much better. Smiling, Renato guided his willing victim back a pace and shoved him onto the nearest bed.
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thequiver · 11 months
Why is the Meltzer retcon bad?
So there's a few reasons-
It's out of character for the Oliver Queen we've seen since the 1940s comics and especially since the 1970s comics to not want to be around for his kid. It makes absolutely no sense too with the Ollie that we saw in the much darker Vol 2, and it doesn't make sense with the Ollie we saw in the earlier issues of Vol 3.
Even disregarding that it's out of character, it relies so heavily on the assumption that "nuclear family is best always" that it wants us to think less of Ollie who felt that he couldn't be a father after returning from an extremely traumatic life event. In this case the text itself rather than the characters in it, wants us to treat the island as if it was an extended vacation rather than months of trauma.
There isn't any reason to fuck with Connor's character arc like this. Throughout Connor's arc in Green Arrow Vol 2, and even his focus in Quiver, so much of Connor's relationship to Ollie and as a result to himself is built around the tumultuous first meeting in Green Arrow Vol 2. And his relationship to his father is built on Connor hearing about Ollie from Moonday, and receiving a scrapbook of his father from her. Moonday speaks favorably of his father to Connor, to completely change the end of Ollie and Moonday's relationship is to mess with this original nature of Connor and Ollie's relationship, and to do so in a way that doesn't really make sense- especially when there's no reason to do so. Connor can miss the idea of having Ollie as his dad as a child, and Ollie can have his canonical guilt over not being there for his son without adding a retcon that serves only to mess with past canon, be out of character, and promote weird ideas about nuclear family and trauma.
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scarisd3ad · 8 months
Superstar | football player!Joel miller x popstar!reader
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One - sparks fly
Previous >> next
Warnings - cursing, fake dating? Age gap based off of Taylor swift and Travis Kelce kinda hard launching their relationship last night, Joel has his both his daughters but they are way younger in this (Sarah being 9, and Ellie being 5), Joel is 37 and reader is 26, no outbreak au, and modern au (its around 2022 or 2023)
Summary - when you find out about a certain football player showing up at your tour you decide to reach out just because of all the dating rumors, but what if thoughs rumors turn into reality?
‘Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile’
I don't think I've ever cleaned so hard as I did today, I made sure anything not child appropriate was put up, I made sure all the rooms were cleaned, the floors were mopped, and the carpets were vacuumed. I also made sure ollies litter was fresh. everything was ready for when Joel and his oldest daughter arrived. I even made sure to wear a kid appropriate one-piece bathing suit with a pair of shorts pulled over it. ollie somehow knew I was expecting visitors, so he was being way more energetic than he normally is, running around, jumping on and off things and scratching up the side of the walls. 
knock, knock knock.
I look down at my phone it was only 12:50 they were 10 minutes early. I take a deep breath in; my heart was pounding against my chest. just act normal, I can't make this kid and Joel think I'm weird. "Act normal, just be me" I whisper to myself as I walk up to the front door. I open the door to see Joel in a pair of swim trunks and a shirt that read 'Dallas cowboys', the little girl stood next to him looked to be about 9 she had curly brown hair, and the same deep brown eyes her father has. "Hi oh my god your early" I laugh, Joel smiles and nods "yeah per Sarah's request she said we needed to be here early" Sarah smiles shyly up at me "hi Sarah im-"
"y/n l/n I know who you are daddy and I listen to your music in the car" I laugh as Joel bites his lip and laughs "yeah my mom bought her your album for Christmas didn't she Babygirl?" Sarah nods "yup grandma bought it for me after I showed her my poster of you." I love all my fans, but the little kids will always have a special place in my heart because I remember being their age and listening to my favorite artist's hoping id be just like them when I grew up. now I'm just like them and little kids are looking up to me hoping they'll be like me.
"How about you two come in I've got some chips and drinks sittin' out by the pool waitin' for you" I say as I open the door wider so they both can walk in. "oh my god kitty" Sarah falls to her knees in front of ollie as he walks up to her. "Aww daddy look its purring" Sarah exclaims as she rubs her hands down ollies back. "His name is ollie" I say, "aw ollie you're so pretty" she coo's.
"c'mon Sar lets go swim" Sarah frowns but obeys her father and rises back to her feet. "Daddy, I want a cat, can you get us a cat?" she whispers to Joel as we walk back to the backyard. "Maybe Babygirl." ollie follows behind us meowing for attention. we walk out into the backyard and Sarah immediately pulls her shirt and shorts off before jumping into the pool. "Daddy! get in!" Sarah shouts. "One second Sarah let me talk to y/n for a little bit." 
we both sit down at my little patio table while Sarah swam around. "So, why'd you wanna hang out?" he asks his voice just low enough for me to hear but so Sarah couldn't. "Wanted to know if you we're serious?" I say with a laugh, "of course I was, don't lie bout shit like that." 
"So wanna give me your number now?" he chuckles before placing a small, beaded friendship bracelet on the table. "Oh my god" l laugh as I grab the bracelet and examine it. it did indeed have his number on it in small white number beads. "Daddy!" Sarah shouts "alright, alright I'm comin'" he mutters as he stands up and pulls his shirt off of his body revealing his torso that looks like a normal 37-year-old mans and not a professional athlete. he had more of a dad bod than a sixpack and I can say I find a dad bod way more attractive. my eyes widen as I try not to stare. he makes a running start before jumping in the pool. Sarah squeals "daddy! you splashed me!" as he resurfaces. "You comin'?" Joel shouts which snaps me out of my daydream. "Oh yeah! yeah!" 
I pull my shorts off before getting in the pool with them. "Daddy! daddy throw me!" Joel picks his daughter up and raises her over his head before tossing her. she giggles as she fly's through the air and lands on the other side of the pool. Joel swims over to me and leans himself against the pool wall. "So, when's your next show?" he asks as ollie saunters over to the edge of the pool and lays down. "Um next weekend in Maryland" he nods as he drags his wet hand down ollies back which ollies isn't too fond of. ollie shakes the water off of himself before moving farther away from Joel. "Maryland's far away" I nod, one thing I didn't really like about the whole popstar touring around the world thing was not being able to stay in one place long. this weekend I was in Texas which was good because then I could stay at home but next weekend, I'm all the way in Maryland, and then the next weekend I'm in Pennsylvania. "When do you get a break? from tourin' I mean." 
"Oh, um I think late September, but might be later" I was only really off once I was finished with the US leg of my tour, but I only got 2 or 3 weeks off before the international leg of the tour. "hm" he leans his elbow against the side of the pool as Sarah swims up to him. "Daddy again! again!" he shakes his head as he takes both of his hands and places them on the edge of the pool before pushing himself up and onto the ground. "No Babygirl m'gonna take a break" she pouts as she lets out a quiet "aw man" before swimming off. he shakes his head, signaling for me to get out of the pool too. reach my arm up and he grabs it pulling me out. "You got anything to drink?" I had put all the alcoholic beverages up and out of reach just in case his kid was the type who likes getting into things. "Yeah, yeah they're inside though" I whisper. 
"Hey Sarah stay in the shallow end for me k? y/n and I are gonna go inside and grab something" Sarah nods and then we both walk back into my house. I walk into the kitchen and open the cabinet I had stored all the alcohol in. I step up onto my tip toes as I grab a bottle of whiskey. "I've got this" I say turning and showing the bottle. he grins "my favorite" there's a weird feeling in my belly knowing I had picked his favorite on the first try. "So, what do you want to do?" I ask as I grab two small glasses and place them on the counter. "bout what?" he asks, as he leans against the counter next to me. I pour some whiskey into both glasses before handing one to him. "Bout the rumors" I say. he brings the glass to his lips and shrugs. "wanna post a picture, to fuck with'em?" I ask as I swallow down a big gulp of the whiskey. it wasn't right, but sometimes is funny to fuck with the fans, have them fangirling over a relationship that is obviously fake is funny. 
"Sure c'mere" he takes his phone that he had grabbed off of the table as we walked in. I scoot closes, he taps his cheek and whispers "kiss my cheek" my breath hitches as I press my lips to his cheek. I can smell his cologne and strawberry ChapStick he must've stollen from one of his daughters. the cologne was woodsy, and manly something you'd expect a man like Joel miller to wear. he adjusts the camera so it's able to get both of us in the frame. he snaps the photo "tag me" I whisper. he types in my username before posting the picture on his story. almost immediately his phone begins to go off. 
we both go back out and swim a little more, deciding to totally ignore our phones and just get to know each other. when they leave Joel tells me to text him and that we should definitely do something like this again. 
I'm lying in my bed with ollie curled up next to me. I'm mostly ignoring all the notifications I'm getting from every social media platform but sometimes I'll get a glimpse of a comment or tweet that's along the lines of 'holy shit are they actually dating?' and I smirk to myself knowing that it worked. 
bringgg brinnggg bringggg
the loud ringing of my phone wakes ollie right out of his deep sleep making him look around eyes wide and confused. "it's alright honey" I coo as I pet him. I answer the phone and I'm immediately met with a loud scream "holy fucking shit! are you two actually together???" Kailey shouts, I roll my eyes realizing my best friend is just as gullible as the rest of the internet "no he just came over and we hung out. she screams again "SOOO are you going to date?" I let out an annoyed sigh "no we're just friends, but I'm going to bed I'll text you tomorrow love you."
maybe Joel miller 
me - hi
maybe Joel miller - y/n?
me - Joel?
maybe Joel miller - yup
you have changed maybe Joel miller to Joel miller. 
me - wanna keep doing this?
Joel miller - what?
me - keep fucking with them
Joel miller - why?
Me - idk it’s funny ig
Joel miller - ig?
Me - I guess
Joel miller - ohhh okay yeah that sounds fun.
me - yeah, it's fun, even my friend believed it💀
Joel miller - same my momma called asking if I'm dating someone.🤣
me - soo? u up for it miller?
Joel miller - sure maybe we should meet up at a restaurant?
me - maybe you could pick me up and take me to a restaurant??😑
Joel miller - yeah yeah more believable ig 
me - so how bout next Thursday 5? 
Joel miller - 👍👍👍
@taylarxse @none-of-this-makes-any-sense @ktheunready @camixkami @skysmiller @mars743 @romeestrvjds @lightxzhan @alyhull @jenna-mcgraw19
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