#don't disappoint us brad bird!!
pika-ace · 7 years
Incredibles AU?
Ah yes, the AU I have been waiting for! The AU where the Rosario family can truly shine!! Kevin as Mr. Incredible, Camila as Elastigirl, Lincoln as Violet, and Nina as Dash; I greatly considered Nina as Violet, but I thought that Lincoln having the Invisibility powers would be more fitting since Kevin gives more attention to Nina than him. And Nina having super speed kinda makes sense, with her rushing around and doing all her academic stuff as fast as possible. I’m also not sure about Syndrome, but I thought it would be cool if Benny was Syndrome; like he was a big fan of Kevin as a kid but as he grew Kevin pushed him away because he doesn’t have super powers and Benny just got so twisted by his anger that he grew up to be a supervillain. ALSO! Daniela as Edna; PERFECTION!!!!
NOW, Plot time!
So Kevin and Camila, along with a bunch of other barrio dwellers were Supers back in the glory days, like Usnavi’s parents, maybe Abuela, Sonny’s parents, Vanessa’s parents, people from the previous generation. But then all the suing stuff happens shortly after Kevin and Camila get married so they all go into hiding. Years later, Kevin is having his mid-life crisis while Nina (maybe age 12) is putting pressure on herself to be the best in school and Lincoln (age 17) is having trouble fitting in at school (bullying, wanting to pursue music even though dad won’t like that, and in the middle of discovering he’s gay). However, Kevin DOES go out every Wednesday night with a friend (if we don’t want Benny as Syndrome, he could be Frozone; that could be pretty funny XD) to fight little crimes like in the movie. Camila is NOT for this cause she wants to focus on raising her family; she KNOWS about the troubles her kids are going through and having superpowers doesn’t help. UNTIL Kevin gets a message from an anonymous source that they have a superhero assignment for him. Of course he accepts, (after getting a patch job on his old suit and a NO CAPES lecture from Daniela) and he’s greeted by, get ready, USNAVI of all people, who’s working for Benny, along with Vanessa (she’s like the head of security or something). Unfortunately, Kevin doesn’t immediately recognize him (he and Camila lost track of the De la Vega family after they went into hiding) and Kevin does the whole robot fight thing. And things keep going from there with Kevin PRETENDING to go to work (when he got fired a while ago) and not telling Camila. After a while, Kevin gets called back by Usnavi, now in his new suit, and Kevin faces the new and improved robot and its creator, Benny, who Kevin is shocked to recognize. Kevin then puts the pieces together of who Usnavi and Vanessa are and learns that about how Benny was so mad about Kevin pushing him away that he pushed himself to create his inventions and everything. Kevin manages to escape him and starts snooping around. Meanwhile, Camila calls Daniela who then shows her all the awesome new suits for the family; she’s been making new designs for EVERYONE including their neighbor Sonny (who’s maybe about 8 or 9 here and who Nina babysits for sometimes); his mom isn’t a super but his dad was (Benny’s robot killed him), but he hasn’t shown any signs of having powers, mostly because he’s been really sad for a while because he misses his cousin. Sonny’s mom has tried getting a hold of him, but it’s like he completely vanished after his parents died (again, Benny, but Usnavi doesn’t know that yet). Meanwhile, while Kevin’s been snooping, he discovers the whole computer thing and how Benny has been calling supers down to his island to test his new robots and they’ve all been killed one by one, including Usnavi’s parents, Vanessa’s parents, and Sonny’s dad. He even finds a file on Usnavi, saying how after his parents died, Usnavi has flat out REFUSED to use his powers and Benny’s basically letting him work for him out of pity since they were good friends in the past. Vanessa HAS been using her powers, which are electricity based, hence why she’s head of security; anything involving electricity, she can manipulate, and he can even send parts of herself through wiring so she can see EVERYTHING. Anyway, after Camila accidentally activates the homing device on Kevin’s suit, he’s caught and Camila gets a jet from a friend who owes her. But of course, Nina and Lincoln sneak on the jet and the missiles happen (Usnavi basically has the same reaction as Mirage in the movie when Camila says that there are children onboard but he’s too afraid to speak up). So Kevin now thinks his family is dead and the three Rosario’s get to the island. Camila sneaks into the building but luckily, Usnavi’s had enough of trying to justify what Benny’s been doing and frees Kevin. Nina and Lincoln have their own little adventure in the jungle and eventually run into their parents only for Benny to appear and catch all of them. Luckily, Nina tells Lincoln to do his shield thing and they all escape, thanks to help from Usnavi and Vanessa, who was actually a double-agent this whole time. She thought it was suspicious that Usnavi just vanished like that, as well as Benny, so she joined up to try and get closer to them. The Rosario’s also convince Usnavi and Vanessa to come with them, because they miss them, and Nina brings up how much Sonny misses Usnavi; he needs his big cousin back. So they get to the city and have their big robot fight where everyone, except Usnavi, fights (Usnavi keeps thinking about his parents and how they died to something like this) and after that they head home when they get a phonecall from Sonny’s place; Nina was SUPPOSED to babysit Sonny for the few days they were gone but since they had to sneak on the plane, she asked one of her friends to do it. But this phonecall is REALLY weird; like Nina’s friend is freaking out, before she calls again and thanks Nina for sending a replacement sitter. Everyone bursts into Sonny’s home only to see Benny holding Sonny, and he plans to take Sonny and make him his sidekick. Benny starts flying away on his rocket shoes and Usnavi’s freaking out at what to do; none of them can fly and Kevin can’t risk throwing something. Then, Usnavi watches Benny fly away and hears Sonny screaming for him and something just snaps, and he flies into the sky, finally using his powers after all this time. Usnavi and Benny have a little air fight for a while, until Benny really starts hurting Usnavi (the guy’s pretty out of practice) and now it’s SONNY’S turn to snap and freaking catches his whole body on fire, turns it to steel, basically all the stuff Jack-Jack does (I REALLY hope the sequel lets us see more of that!) and Benny is defeated, Usnavi catches Sonny, flies safely to the ground, Lincoln uses a shield to protect them from Benny’s crashing aircraft, maybe we can have Benny live and get arrested maybe for Nina to reform him later, the supers start to come out of hiding and everything’s good.
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