#dont just deny the horrendous shit he did in the series?
soft-sickness · 6 years
My thoughts on the Jake Paul series
Okay I’m gonna start by saying I’m shit with words and my brain may scatter so if everything seems unorganised in this, then uh, my bad guys.
Now, at the beginning of the series, I didn’t have much of an opinion on Jake Paul. I heard a few stories about him from them trending on social media but I never watched his videos or kept up with his drama. So needless to say, I was able to be pretty unbiased about the series.
Now, at the beginning Shane was learning about what it meant to be a sociopath. He was joined by Kati Morton who I genuinely thought did a horrendous job at explaining the symptoms. Not only did she come across extremely vague to a point where basically anyone could be considered a sociopath, but she also used words like “icky” and “gross” to describe them which was extremely unprofessional of her. Now, I understand she meant that empathetic people would hear about those traits and think the traits are gross but either way, as a professional she shouldn’t be offensive like that about mental disorders. If memory serves correctly, she did end up apologising but her apology, to me, seemed very forced and just not genuine at all. Anyway, you get the point. I don’t agree with the way she came across at all in the situation. As for Shane during that episode, he definitely put a horror vibe into things which didn’t bother me at all. He treated the series like he would any other series of his. I respect that. It made things more entertaining for those who have a hard time focusing and he meant no harm by it. Shane definitely got sociopaths and psychopaths mixed up a lot which is honestly something stupid for people to be mad about. It’s so common for people to mix those two things up and you could definitely tell Shane was doing his best to understand things.
Moving on, his interview with Nick Crompton. I have so much respect for that video. There were funny parts but it was serious when it needed to be. Nick was extremely respectful which I didn’t expect. He’s a very genuine and kind person. You could see that he was trying his best to word things properly and stay honest and respect privacy when needed. I don’t have too much to say about that video. Very professional and respectful.
Alissa Violet. She’s definitely one of the people I had the biggest problems with. She was hurt by Jake repeatedly. That’s undeniable. Their “relationship” was toxic and unstable and a majority of it was Jakes fault. However, one thing that annoyed me the most about her was when Shane asked her if there was anything she might have done wrong in the relationship. If there was anything that she did that could’ve harmed Jake or been toxic/unhealthy. Alissa completely avoided the question by immediately attacking Jake even more. I in no way think Jake is innocent and I’m not trying to justify his actions but Alissa definitely played a part in things that she just completely avoided. She was extremely unhelpful during the entire interview. She made herself seem 100% innocent and blamed alcohol on her actions which is just childish in my opinion.
Moving on to Ericka Costell. I think she is an amazing influence in Jakes life. I think she will be very good to him and make a huge impact on him in the long run. I don’t think she’s completely innocent either. She was friends with Alissa and when Alissa left, she started to date Jake which can cause problems for the friendship. I’m not saying it’s completely wrong to do that but I do think there should’ve been some communication to understand everyone’s feelings about that. Also, I think her song talking about how she isn’t “her”, which I assume is meaning Jakes ex, just seems super petty and immature. I think it was completely unnecessary. Other than that, I think she does her best to be a good person. She’s a little cocky but nothing too extreme.
This part of my opinion will probably upset a lot of people, but I in no way think Jake is racist. His drama with the Martinez twins is just super over dramatic and unnecessary. The Martinez twins never bluntly stated that Jakes jokes were upsetting them. They may have dropped hints about it, sure, but they never bluntly stated that that specific word was upsetting them. Don’t make racist jokes if you can’t handle people making racist jokes back. Don’t expect people to pick up on hints and then get mad when they can’t read your mind. The Martinez twins should have acted like adults and physically stated that the jokes were upsetting them and they shouldn’t have made racist jokes back. So in my opinion, they have no right to call Jake racist for jokes if they were doing the exact same thing.
Oh man, now moving on to Logan Paul. Logan overall was extremely disrespectful. He didn’t act professional. He also felt the absolute need to include himself in one way or another in the series which I just deemed as completely childish. I do NOT think Logan is a sociopath, not at all. I think his environment growing up playing a huge role in his mindset and attitude. I also think he got much more attention and got away with a lot more growing up so he no longer thinks that anyone has a right to tell him what is/isn’t okay. Overall I just think he’s an asshole who knows he’s an asshole but just doesn’t care as long as he’s deemed better than Jake. I believe Logan is extremely narcissistic (not NPD, just very cocky. I’m not sure what other words can describe him besides narcissistic and cocky).
Greg Paul. The father of the boys. He is DEFINITELY the worst person in this series. He is supposed to be an adult and a role model for his sons. He’s supposed to teach them right from wrong and never make one boy feel more loved than the other. I think he’s a terrible father. He supports his kids bad decisions and acts more childish than either boy. He raised his kids to be unhealthily competitive and, in a way, punished the kid who always “lost” in competitions which unfortunately just happened to be Jake. There genuinely way too much to even explain about Greg. He disgusts me as a human being and his kids deserved to be raised in a much better environment than what they were.
Jake Paul. Our main boy. I think Jake has done a LOT of horrible shit. Some of which can never be forgiven. The dead body? Unforgivable. The abuse? Unforgivable. Some things are just incapable of being forgiven. However, holding a grudge isn’t good either. He may not be forgiven for those things but they do not define him as a person either. I think Jake is super oblivious to A LOT of things. I don’t think he genuinely grasps the concept of right from wrong. I think over time he slowly becomes more aware and learns but not unless someone points it out to him and thoroughly explains it. There’s also no denying the fact that Jake is desperately trying to improve himself as a person. He hasn’t quite learned how to word things properly which seems to upset a lot of people but he’s doing his best and I respect that. Jake didn’t defend his actions and instead, he explained his mindset and took blame like an adult. He may not have worded it properly but the intention was obvious that he was trying to own up to his mistakes. I think overtime he will improve a lot in life and become a much better person, I just hope he gets more positive influences in his life and I hope one day he is capable of understanding his dad and brother are toxic to be around and Jake needs to express boundaries with them. I may not be overly fond of Jake but I respect the person he’s trying to become.
Shane. I can’t believe I even have to talk about Shane in this, but apparently he’s getting a lot of hate as well. First and foremost, SHANE DID NOT CONDONE RACISM. Shane made the series to get everyone’s point of view and let them tell their side of the story. He has no intention of attacking anyone or invalidating them. Anyone who is mad saying Shane was allowing racism, you’re being over dramatic. Shane let Jake tell his side of the story. Shane wasn’t there to be biased and rude. Jokes are jokes. Offensive or not, that doesn’t make them “not jokes” just because you don’t find them funny. In multiple videos, Jake AND the Martinez twins made racist jokes towards each other. I dont want to hear any “you can’t be racist towards white people” shit cause that’s just plain ignorant and annoying. You can be racist towards any race. Shane had pure intentions and meant no harm by anything. He has my full respect and he put a lot of time and effort into making this series. He doesn’t deserve this unnecessary hate people are giving him. I have no respect for those who create drama in their minds just to pretend to be oppressed.
Now, Andrew. I don’t even have an opinion for anything involving Andrews actions in the series. Everything is well filmed and edited amazingly. Andrew deserves a lot more credit than he gets and I’m extremely thankful for all his time and effort put into creating this series for all of us. He was, is and continues to be a blessing on the YouTube platform. I hope he gets plenty of rest and recovers from this exhausting series.
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