drakeelves · 2 years
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Drake Elves 2021 - Taco Belle
Saturday 12/11/21 - Day 1
Apparently fruit trees do not prevent elf infestations, because Holly, Snow, and Mistletoe are back.
And we also know that the elves subscribe to BuzzFeeds, #1 Embarrassing Husband list. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10226014182131866&id=1555370938
Every girl dreams of her chance to dress up like a princess. And what boy doesn't wanna be encased in a Mexican entree? First thing they did on entering our house was to put on Dena's Belle dress and my Taco costume.
I'm never gonna live down Taco Belle am I?
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drakeelves · 2 years
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Drake Elves 2021 - Christmas Tree Day
Friday 12/10/21 - Day 0
It never fails... December 10th rolls around and we get a tree, then those pesky elves show up the next day. As we searched the lot for the perfect tree we just didn't feel any sparks.
While wandering around the garden center Dena pulled out a papaya tree and asked what I thought. Seemed unorthodox for holiday decorations but then I realized that getting a nontraditional tree might confuse the elves. I might get a year with no elves! 
Pack up the papaya! Papa's got some mischievous elves to thwart!
P.S. We also wound up with a side-kick buddy plant. And Kane bought a brick. We really shouldn't be left alone in a store.
P.P.S. We started naming our Christmas trees a few years back. This one is named Mary Jane. Go figure.
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