#dumplings but they’re cult recruiters
ao3screenshotss · 2 years
holy shit i’m never going to the city again
i was trying to get home (my friends were going a different way so i was alone) and i asked this woman for directions (for the tram) and instead this man answered and i was like okay thanks and walked away
and then he kept on talking to me and talking about his lunch and stuff and i was just giving one word answers and then he gave up and then tried to take a selfie
and then i realised i was in the photo so i moved away and then he moved his phone to include me in the photo again so then i turned my head around and he stopped using the camera
AND THEN he called someone and was like ‘boss when are you getting here’ and maybe it was cause he was lost or something cause he said he had only arrived in the city a day ago but i freaked the fuck out and immediately called my mum and asked her to stay on the phone with me
after that he leaves me alone but we end up getting on the same tram and i immediately move to the other side to get away from him and stayed on call with my mum the entire time
i didn’t see him after that but god i was so scared i’m so glad i’m alive honestly
anyways if you end up getting to the end of this watch out for random people and if they seem sketchy listen and watch what they’re doing if something seems wrong get the fuck out of there
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