#dust bunny is a little treat for ME because in french ''dust bunny'' is ''mouton de poussière'' (dust sheep)
originalartblog · 4 months
do you think Dazai would just call Chuuya "angel" in his mind or whatever, and then call tiny!chuu "cherub"(not based off the the biblical ones, but the baby ones with chubby cheeks and stuff from those church murals) so he doesn't get confused or smt? please i need to know someone elses opinion before i self combust
While I do enjoy the thought of Dazai making up small equivalent of Chuuya pet/nicknames for Tiny Chuuya very much, I don't like it when Chuuya is called anything relating to godhood :[ My boy spent so much time angsting about his origins and was convinced for so long he was nothing but a container for a fake "god" that couldn't truly be called human. I don't want to even remotely allude to that when trying to be cute. "Angel" specifically is also a loaded word in the context of bsd (many characters were placed on an unwanted pedestal through being nicknamed or compared to an angel) so I personally wouldn't throw that one around carelessly with any pairing.
Tiny Chuuya nickname suggestions: (the) slugling, (the) dust bunny, Chuu-chan (condescending)
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