#dw everyone i’ll be back to making shitposts momentarily
syncopation53 · 2 years
Alright I’m just gonna get some personal thoughts out of the way in regards to the newest season week
To start off, I don’t have the season pass. I can’t listen to any of the post-PsiOps lines other than what’s available on YouTube, so there might be additional context that I’m missing that would be obvious to any other player who does actively play. I don’t engage with Destiny content every single week, I play for maybe half a day per week if I’m lucky just cause that’s how my adhd brain works plus real life takes precedence over fictional lives.
That being said, I was indeed angry about Crow’s decision and accidental murder of the Psion. I was looking at things from a certain one of my character’s perspective and saw the potential good being able to actually enter a Hive Lightbearer’s mind and see how exactly the Light affects it in that way, and maybe find out if Savathûn was more directly involved with raising the Lucent Brood than the Traveler/Ghosts are with the Guardians, even if they were kept in a perpetual state of not-dying. Watching previous weeks content, I realize Crow has a lot of empathy for them (hell I do too, I’d love nothing more than for us to have an alliance with the Lucent Brood as well), but I still mainly sided with Saladin in regards to the aftermath. It was a reckless decision that Crow made without anyone else’s knowledge that led to the death of an innocent person. He shouldn’t have done what he did even if it was out of misguided altruism and he now has blood on his hands in his second life.
I don’t know how well I can explain my thoughts or if this just seems like I’m trying to retroactively backtrack so I don’t get torn to pieces by bigger and more popular Destiny blogs on here, but I was never against Crow. I loved his character and arcs in all the seasons leading up to Risen. I still very much enjoy him as a character. I don’t think of him as Uldren, they’re two separate people in my mind, and I’m definitely not a Cayde stan who has advocated for Crow to be killed for the actions done in his past life that he (before Lost) couldn’t even remember. I act and feel a lot of the story through my characters, and Fireteam Phoenix would defend Crow from those kinds of people in a heartbeat. All of them, without question. Which is why it hurts to see phrases like “if you were angry at Crow this week get off my page” and “the people who are angry at Crow for this have always hated him from the beginning.” Not trying to point fingers or direct the blame onto anyone, I’m just saying that it hurt me personally to read those words in the tags after watching the cutscenes when I have always been a fan of Crow.
And I was indeed upset, not only at Crow’s decision but also at the writers for making yet another conflict that will split the already black-and-white reactionary fandom (though, thankfully, this season there’s no obvious strawman for everyone to direct all their hate towards). Personally I think the cutscene after the fact felt a little bit rushed and probably could’ve waited a week to let things fester a bit, but time will tell where this new plot will lead us and what Bungie has in store for everyone at the end of Risen and in the seasons beyond.
Here’s hoping that the writers can stick the landing with this one yet again.
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