page-2-ids Β· 2 years
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Hallowtraumic: A gender related to Halloween, childhood trauma, and trying to make up for a stolen childhood, especially using Halloween Eastraumic: A gender related to Easter, childhood trauma, and trying to make up for a stolen childhood, especially using Easter Julytraumic/Fourthtraumic: A gender related to the Fourth of July, childhood trauma, and trying to make up for a stolen childhood, especially using the Fourth of July
All of these are exclusive to those with childhood trauma
The colors are all inspired by the related holiday
I stumbled across Christraumic (and -traumic as a suffix) again and figured it would be cool to have some counterparts for other holidays
No suggested pronouns
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thatliminal-wanderer Β· 2 months
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Traumacore ID Pack
Requested by πŸ«€πŸͺ½anon
Abaddon, Addy, Amaia, Amanita, Amelia, Anahera, Angela, Angelette, Angelica, Angelina, Angelo, Angerona, Aniela, Ariel, Ashley, Auiak, Ava, Bacia, Balaksha, Benjamin, Blaire, Blessed, Bomma, Bronach, Cael, Castiel, Cessiar, Charolette, Chimie, Chisuke, Chrissa, Claudie, Cordelia, Corinne, Deirdre, Desemona, Dol, Dolores, Eden, Elijah, Ember, Emma, Engel, Evangeline, Evelyn, Eztli, Felicity, Gabriel, Gabriela, Gwen, Halia, Henry, Ichigo, Isabella, Itishree, James, Jophiel, Laveda, Leah, Liam, Lola, Lucas, Luna, Mallory, Mia, Michael, Mugdha, Nathaniel, Nishkapata, Noah, Oliver, Olivia, Perdita, Ramiel, Raphael, Raziel, Riju, Sariel, Seraphina, Sophia, Theodore, Tristan, Uriel, Valeji, William, Zaccheus, Zadkiel, Zelenka
blood/bloods, cloud/clouds, cor/corrupt/corrupts, de/dec/decays, dull/dulls, empty/emptys, fall/falls, fi/figure/figures, flower/flowers, fun/fungus, gore/gores, hum/hums, inno/innocent/innocents, kid/kiddy/kiddies, knife/knives, melancholy/melancholies, mist/mists, mud/muds, nostalgia/nostalgias, plush/plushes, prey/preys, pure/pures, rot/rots, sacred/sacreds, sick/sicks, soi/soil/soils, somber/sombers, sorrow/sorrows, spoil/spoils, stitch/stitches, stuff/stuffie/stuffies, taint/taints, thread/threads, to/toy/toys, toy/toys, void/voids, ☠️/☠️s, ⛓️/⛓️s, β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή/β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ήs, 🌘/🌘s, πŸŒͺ️/πŸŒͺ️s, 🎈/🎈s, 🎭/🎭s, 🏚️/🏚️s, 🐁/🐁s, πŸ‡/πŸ‡s, 🐊/🐊s, 🐍/🐍s, πŸ›/πŸ›s, 🐑/🐑s, πŸ‘€/πŸ‘€s, πŸ’‰/πŸ’‰s, πŸ’”/πŸ’”s, πŸ’­/πŸ’­s, πŸ“Œ/πŸ“Œs, πŸ”‡/πŸ”‡s, πŸ•ŠοΈ/πŸ•ŠοΈs, πŸ•·οΈ/πŸ•·οΈs, πŸ•ΈοΈ/πŸ•ΈοΈs, 🚨/🚨s, 🚫/🚫s, 🚬/🚬s, πŸ₯€/πŸ₯€s, πŸ₯‰/πŸ₯‰s, πŸ₯£/πŸ₯£s, πŸ₯©/πŸ₯©s, 🦈/🦈s, 🦝/🦝s, 🦷/🦷s, 🧫/🧫s, 🧸/🧸s, 🩸/🩸s, 🩹/🩹s, πŸͺ‘/πŸͺ‘s, πŸͺ°/πŸͺ°s, πŸͺ±/πŸͺ±s, πŸͺ³/πŸͺ³s, πŸͺΆ/πŸͺΆs, πŸͺ½/πŸͺ½s, πŸ«€/πŸ«€s, πŸ«—/πŸ«—s
The Bloody [One/Angel/Your choice of Animal], The Blurry Nostalgic, The One Which Feels Broken, The One Who Grew Up Too Fast, The One Who Lost [prn] Innocents, The One With a Broken Childhood, The Traumatized One, [prn] Which Wants [prn] Childhood Back, [prn] Who Feels Like a Broken Doll, [prn] Who Hides [prn] Trauma Behind Cute Images
Aesthetitraumic, Angelcoretraumic, Auroracoretraumic, Babycoretraumic, Beaniebabytraumic, Beastwoundgender, Bettertraumic, Brokenangelic, Brokendollic, Childhoodgender, Corrangelic, Corrinnogender.exe, Crayongender, Cybercoretraumic, Dangerlinetraumic, Dontraumic, Dreamsweetraumic ,Filthangelic, Foxcoretraumic, Foxplushtraumic, Genderfangel, Ghostklahomic, Guardetrayal/Trascguardetrayal/Tremguardetrayal, Hallowtraumic/Eastraumic/Julytraumic, Ingeluse, Inochuld, Kindetravio, Liminalspacestalgic, Lolitatraumic, Lostboy, Memoridemic, Mychemancetraumic/Mychemancetraumix, Nostbackplushic/Kenostbackplushic, Novemberaintraumic, Nursedollic, Oreotraumic, Pateretraumic, Pinkanifuraum, Psychosocialtraumic, Recovertraumic, Sacrilambtraumic, Snuftraumic, Sweetchildtraumic, Teremuskin, Traumacoric, UYI1traumic/UYI1traumix, UYI2traumic/UYI2traumix, Vantablackic, Virstuel, Wistigender, Wolfplushtraumic, Xenohoardtraumic
Other MOGAI:
Alderpelosgui, Assigned Void Doll at Birth/AVDAB, Brokenwingsdernic, Fallevior, Innocentperspesque, Traumavesi, Unholy Omninoun
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