the-great-edc · 4 years
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Spain day 4 After I put my clothes on #shoppingmode #barcelona #streetphotography #louisvuitton #EDCESLife #DailyBB #sorryforbothering #taiwaneseman (在 Louis Vuitton) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6qU3Hll-pB/?igshid=u5tzgs7jzlj1
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the-great-edc · 4 years
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Spain day 8 Madrid is also not a really huge city Walking on the cloud with cozy sunshine Easily fall in love with this city Big thanks to the photographers for bearing my daily BB #EDCESLife #DailyBB #sky360 (在 360º Rooftop Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B60loz0lv2y/?igshid=x05fj5ycc3e3
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the-great-edc · 4 years
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Spain day 7 The beginning of 2020 is sit down please Top 3 restaurant in Madrid for us And a 2am dial in GRCN bi-weekly meeting presentation What a lovely year it would be⭐️ #happynewyear2020 #googler #sitdownplease #EDCESLife (在 Casa Marius) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6z7BAdF85c/?igshid=dfhj2zo2uj9l
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the-great-edc · 4 years
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Spain day 6 西班牙跨年習俗 在倒數時會伴隨12聲鐘響 每敲一下要吞下一顆葡萄並許願 若能在12聲鐘響完順利吃完12顆葡萄 就能讓明年一切順利幸福 據說某年葡萄產量過剩 為了幫忙消耗掉才有這樣的習俗 同時在第一次倒數完畢 太陽廣場畫面會轉到西非外海 那裡是西班牙屬地的加那利群島 時區比西班牙晚一個小時 太陽廣場的鐘聲為了配合加納利群島的跨年時間 原本跨完年後鐘塔時鐘會倒轉 根據加那利群島的時區再跨一次年 約10分鐘後會是我此生第一次 同晚跨兩次年 So ready for 2020 Wish me luck for 12 grapes Luckily I’ll have 2 shots😎 #EDCESLife #happynewyear2020 (在 Sol (Madrid)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6wROD-lEMQ/?igshid=j2a93580omus
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the-great-edc · 4 years
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Spain day 5 馬德里的第一天算是高低起伏 尤其下午入夜後 基本是場冒險之路 小偷、搶劫氾濫的預防針被打過很多次 以致走在路上總是膽戰心驚 後方的尾隨者、眼神詭異的路人 或是夜晚巷弄內兩個高大黑人突然拍肩 : Hey, nice shoes! Where you come from? Korea? : ....(ignore and starting to run away) : Hey! I’m talking to you~~~ : nononono (keep running way) 大致是這種情況 馬德里不思議 所幸還是有許多美景、美食、慶典相伴 小冒險旅程繼續 真有不對勁 跳上共享電動滑板車立刻滑走也是上解 Hey, nice shoesssssss(尾音漸遠) #EDCESLife #madrid (在 Parque El Retiro, Madrid España) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6un8FBFkcy/?igshid=hs40hq5wq03m
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the-great-edc · 4 years
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Spain day 5 About Google Madrid Before new year there’s basically no one Unfortunately didn’t experience the Tapas Bar #EDCESLife #googlemadrid (在 Google.es) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6uk2ELFb5y/?igshid=rgjov2gb438o
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the-great-edc · 4 years
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Spain day 4 窗床BB再現 1. 巴塞隆納早晨太陽偏曬 2. 窗外早有沿海岸線晨跑的健康人民,覺得該見賢思齊 3. 想到剛剛已辛苦的搬床墊加上昨晚的腸胃蠕動,運動量已足 4. 決定還是來杯粉紅酒配逼逼用的當地報紙、草莓開啟美好一天 5. This is how we holà to Barcelona 6. 床墊復位後,枕頭上的禿頭胸毛先生依舊不知所云 Always a pleasure to travel with W Bella Ciao~ Boom Boom Ciao~~ #wbarcelona #whotel #bonvoy #EDCESLife #DailyBB (在 W Barcelona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6p1_6MlVfK/?igshid=1t574uui0f8o9
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the-great-edc · 4 years
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Spain day 3 美到讓人心臟病發的聖家堂 讓我必須得分三次發 北側不知道什麼立面(南側榮耀立面) 小紅書找來的私房小景點 5分鐘路程走到Ayre hotel 電梯至8樓後一旁有個小樓梯通往rooftop bar 下午時段人數不多沒有被要求消費 是個可以舒適欣賞聖家堂在不同陽光角度美感的好地方 Sagrada Família part 2 It’s so magnificent that I have to post in 3 parts separately #EDCESLife #sagradafamilia #dailyBB (在 Ayre Hoteles) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6n9oPSldhb/?igshid=nac9tmk3l0w2
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the-great-edc · 4 years
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Spain day 3 美到讓人心臟病發的聖家堂 讓我必須得分三次發 西側受難立面 是比較新的建築部分 據說整體會在2026年完工 這次就先沒入場燈塔 留點懸念給個再來巴塞的好理由 Btw依舊是前方公園可拍 攤販人群相對沒那麼多 想上廁所也有個不怎麼需要排隊的選擇 Sagrada Família part 2 It’s so magnificent that I have to post in 3 parts separately #EDCESLife #sagradafamilia #dailyBB (在 Basílica de la Sagrada Família) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6n8n0HlTXI/?igshid=kmwiqzc0n4dy
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the-great-edc · 4 years
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Spain also day 2 巴塞隆納說大不大 乘著山軌車一路向上 能趕在夕陽西下前 於耶穌的懷抱中把城市盡收眼底 側旁是無入場門票的遊樂園 山頂的沁冷讓熱可可吉拿棒攤販大排長龍 每15分鐘鐘響順理成章地 又把心往哪家溫馨小店的Tapas和Cava帶去 Salut 🥂 Can’t help but falling in love for this city #EDCESLife #tibidabobarcelona #dailyBB (在 Tibidabo · Barcelona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6nWdezFf0D/?igshid=26tzu2usoooa
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the-great-edc · 4 years
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It’s all about food Thx @chuism3 for the awesome recommendation! #foodie #EDCESLife #eateateat (在 PacoMeralgo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6lYX_KlBmj/?igshid=88e4yg3tyxge
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the-great-edc · 4 years
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Spain day 2 米拉之家美到需要單獨成篇 高第在巴塞基本是神一般的存在 Keep discovering #casamila #gaudiarchitecture #EDCESLife (在 Casa Milla By Gaudi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6lEgFYFqU9/?igshid=sl102wbblt3k
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the-great-edc · 4 years
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Spain Day 1 每一步路都是風景 海灘與藝術建築們比肩而立 瓊漿玉液便宜過水 時刻防禦扒手的警戒心 手才有空閑讓咬成小塊的吉拿棒 作為晚夜的袖扣 #EDCESLife #vacationmode #barcelona (在 Barcelona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ilUcdlGNp/?igshid=tuasrw2dn4zz
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