#edited bdubs a little - champion fits him better and since champions can be gifted items instead of powers I'm considering the clock
occultdaddy · 2 years
Immanence is originally a dsmp au, but I wanted to apply it mcyt I currently watch. Relevant terms explained in more details underneath the readmore
Cubfan & gtwScar - Vessels of The Vex Monarch.
Bdubs - Champion. Either blessed by a nature deity, spesifically vegetation, or something something godly item clock.
Cleo - Champion of an ancient god, long forgotten. Her undead life was a curse, but she's cool with it now.
Welsknight - Champion. Unknown. (for now?)
MythicalSausage - blessed by Pearl
Martyn - blessed by Those Who Listen
FWhip - unknowingly blessed by that which worms itself through the dark. Blissfully unaware to how he, unlike others, returned with riches after having accidentally dug too deep into the world.
Joe Hills - Oracle? He's a confusing man. It is unknown whether the deities actually grants Joe the vision and the knowledge, or if his conscious simply grasps onto them by themself.
Pixlriffs - Observer of Time. Does well to document and preserve it without meddling... much.
Keralis - A mortal tether to a void daemon which is... himself??? Perhaps not all of the void deities in need of a mortal tether are lower deities
Lizzie - Child of The Inconceivable. Her reality warping is extremely powerful for someone who's technically half mortal...
Jimmy - son of a dying-and-rising deity.
Pearl - A deity. She keeps "changing" the story of what domains belong to her. So no one really knows. Maybe she doesn't even know anymore.
Impulse - albeit viewed as a demon most of the time, being a Greater Hellbeast means he falls into the deity category.
Gem - a nature deity
Etho - mortal, but it's questionable.
Xisuma - mortal, but just barely
False - mortal. god killer.
Docm77 - Construct. He's done a fair amount of self-alterations since his original construction that he can't be considered anything but self-made at this point. god killer.
EvilEx and Hellsknight - Constructs.
Grian - a former Observer of The World Code. From his extreme and chaotic meddling he is somehow no longer an Observer and is something else. While consequences of meddling is common, being a former observer is unheard of.
Joel would have been considered a construct... Except no mortal made him and no deity has claimed to do so either. He simply came to be one day from clay and magic.
Champion - Those that have been granted a gift by a deity. It can be a godly item or a power. It cannot be taken back or traded away. Unfortunately it's not unusual for bad luck and even curses to follow gifts.
Vessel - Someone containing the actual power or even the deity within them. The god can directly influence/interact with the vessel. Deities usually only pick vessels if they want to be directly involved with the mortal world or they're in dire need of tributes. Not all people, especially humans, can survive being chosen as a vessel.
Oracle - They are granted visions and knowledge by one or more deities. They have little to no control of what they see and when they see it.
Blessed - Those who are in favor of one or several gods. Their gifts may be weaker than that of a champion, and can be revoked at any time. But at least it doesn't come with bad luck/curses.
Observer(?) - Those who are meant to only overlook and maybe document a deity's domain. They are not supposed to meddle with it, doing so inflicts grave consequences
Void demon(daemon) - low level deity that lives in the void underneath bedrock. Usually in the depths where players die, but sometimes they will traverse closer to the bedrock. They are unable to leave the void without a mortal tether. A mortal tether is very different from a vessel despite both being closely bonded with a deity. A mortal tether doesn't gain any boons of their own, but the daemon usually will protect them because of their reliance on them.
Half-deity: born with a fraction of the power of their parent, but similarly to Champion it comes with some sort of drawback/curse/bad luck/etc.
Deity (player) : While uncommon, there are some deities who become players. They're usually lower deities such as nypmhs. As far as people know.
Construct: Creatures usually made by mortals: most common way is through the means of of science, magic, or a mixture of both. Constructs who are players have become conscious in one way or another. (it's fairly common for player construct to have rebelled against their maker)
god killer: not really a role, but a title. A mark from ones deed. Even deities can gain it if the difference in rank and power between the the deities is large enough.
The Vex Monarch - vex are considered fae, but their monarch counts as a deity.
Those Who Listen - several deities, possibly minor pantheon
The Inconceivable - The Alien. The Other. The Eldritch Abomination. How is Lizzie half eldritch? It's incomprehensible to mortal minds.
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