#emulator to play. i was gifted final fantasy xiii-2 a few years ago tho and really liked it so i do have an interest
mishkakagehishka · 11 months
wait nono you're so right abt the charm of older games. i actually find myself disliking many games that are realistic for what... just the sake of looking realistic? like i like a realistic-cartoony vibe (smth like more modern zelda games, where there's realism but it's still stylized) but hell i am such a sucker for like, p2-era graphics. pixel art games<3 just stylized art in general ! augh.
realism just makes games all look same-y and makes them so unnecessarily large... gimmie the silly clunky polygons of older zelda titles or persona 3 or the older smt games...
anyway i feel like i had a point here but i lost it. tl;dr photorealism dumb gimmie fun stylized graphics
No but right that's my issue with it. Video games and animation - i like when it's stylised and not photorealistic. The technological marvels of "you can see every individual pore on this character" is great and all, but~ it loses uniqueness (and charm through that).
Another problem, and maybe this is just the RE engine i have an issue with, is that it can also often seem uncanny. I played Devil May Cry 5 and I watched playthroughs of the Resident Evil remakes, and ... they have their Moments where i think it just looks a bit off.
Zelda is stylised, so no matter what happens, nothing looks off. Final fantasy is stylised so even when the hair physics are off, you don't really notice it (hair physics are what throw me off the most with the RE engine). But when a style tries to look photorealistic, especially when it's animated and moving, the most minor flaws can just make it look too off, uncanny even.
Besides, graphics are like the last on the priority list for me. They just end up slowing down your console, but don't really add much to the story or gameplay, do they?
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