#finding out he really doesn’t care if you become illithid just made me love him more
messiahzzz · 7 months
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few extra tentacles? doesn't matter. gale is just excited to learn more about his squid spouse
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completelynobody · 4 years
Legis....It’s you
Olidas' Afternoon, 15th day of Summer's Warmth, Year 45 A.E.
United Merchant's Guild Hall, Freehold of Proust
Lex Legis handed over the parchment containing the completed form he was required to fill out in order to be considered for the position.
"All the information you asked for."
The halfling behind the counter accepted it, and looked it over with a skeptical scowl.
"Right....Mister Legless..."
"Legis," He interrupted, "Lex Legis."
The halfling gave him a sidelong glance.
"That's what I said...Legis...anyway, the Kaelinth city guard is currently at a full roster. If you're dead-set on a city guard position, Jobrak will be where the action is."
Lex nodded.
"Wherever...its fine."
The halfling set the parchment down.
"If you're so motivated to be a guard, why not try one of the kingdoms? The lords are always looking to hire guards, or outriders."
Lex shook his head.
"Nobody in any of the kingdoms had any use for my father. Now, I don't have any use for them. I'm perfectly happy in Proust."
The halfling shrugged.
"Suit yourself. I'll get this information into the works. Someone will come out to talk to you shortly."
Lex nodded.
These guild people were very thorough. He liked that.
After a lifetime of uncertainty, things were finally following a logical order for him.
Born to off-world parents, Lex never really was accepted by the children his age, who were born native to this world.
His father, being an off-worlder was forced to find work where he could. That meant the Legis family often had to move from settlement, to settlement.
Despite his father's prowess in battle, none of the native born rulers particularly cared to hire him on.
Probably due to the blue tinted flesh, inborn to his race.
The Zenythri, a people who could trace their lineage back to beings hailing from the outer planes devoted to law and order, were rare enough on the world his family escaped, before the Illithids ravaged it. Here, on Alluria, the Legis family was positively unique.
Unfortunately, uniqueness was not a favorable condition in this world's different societies.
When Lex reached fifteen years of age, he left his family back in the lands of the western frontier, and made his way as a mercenary adventurer.
Using all his father had taught him of the art of marksmanship using blaze-dust weapons, Lex had made a name for himself among the ranks of independent men-at-arms.
In the intervening decade, Lex had shed blood on two continents against all manner of foes.
He preferred to take jobs working for established rulers...much the same way his father had tried.  Despite their resistances to hiring men like him. Men who were different.
No matter what the cause, some part of him could not be brought to work for any entity opposed to the established authority.
After ten years of it, Lex had seen enough though. The disorder that invariably accompanied the nomadic lifestyle of adventuring was wearing on him.
He chose to settle in Proust.
Lex couldn't quite explain why, though. Perhaps it was the inherent disorder of the freehold's lack of any centralized authority that called to him? A situation that, on some inborn level, he felt he could rectify.
The closest thing to a governing body in the freehold was the United Merchants Guild. Moral ambiguities aside, they represented order in the region. It was that order that appealed to Lex the most.
Of course, the money wasn't bad either.
"Lex Legis?"
A comely human female was holding his parchment. She cut an impressive figure, standing rigidly amidst the bustling happenings of the guild hall.
"Here, I'm here."
He stood and waved a hand to gain her attention.
She looked at him with a blank expression, belying no prejudices she may have due to his unusual skin tone.
"You're here applying to join the guard?"
He nodded.
"Yes, someplace fixed though. One of the towns or cities. I'm not exactly eager to patrol long stretches of empty roads."
She smiled.
"I completely understand. Follow me."
She lead him back to an out-of-the-way office, deeper in the guild hall. Holding open the door she beckoned him inside.
Once in, she closed the door and rounded the desk.
Settling into her chair, she indicated the empty seat across from her.
"Make yourself comfortable Mr. Legis."
Lex sat, hands folded in his lap.
"My name is Dandria Dustil. I'm chief recruiter for the guild's security forces here in Proust."
Lex studied her. Her dark hair and features, as well as her tan skin tone spoke volumes as to her origins.
"You're Redgulan, are you not?" He asked.
She blushed.
"Yes, originally. I was born on a farmstead north of Lanterum. But I moved to the city when I was very young. Lived there until the attack eleven years ago. Now I'm a proud citizen of Proust."
He nodded with a slight smile.
Changing the subject, Dandria pretended to recheck the information on the parchment.
"So you're aware of the fact we're looking to fill the ranks of the Jobrak guard, yes?"
Lex nodded.
"Like I told the small-fellow out there, wherever is fine."
Dandria offered a nod in return.
"It says here your preferred method of armament is a blaze-dust pistol?"
Lex smiled.
"Its a family thing. My parents and I came here from another world with the rest of the refugees escaping the Illithid armada. Where we came from, my father was a fairly respected warrior. His weapon of choice was the same as mine is today."
She offered no indication of approval or disapproval.
"Those weapons have become more common since the war. The old Admiralty made use of them extensively. Did you serve?"
Lex shook his head.
"I thought about it, but if my father wasn't good enough for them, then they weren't good enough for me."
She clicked at him with a humorous tone.
"Oooh...a bit of callousness? That'll come in handy here in the freeholds."
He shrugged.
"Let's just call it a pragmatic indifference."
She smirked.
"Fair enough. It also says here you've done wok as a bounty hunter?"
He nodded again.
"Yes. Tracking down lawbreakers mostly. Bringing crooks to justice just appeals to my nature, I guess."
She quirked a brow.
"Were any of these 'crooks' guild members?"
He chuckled.
"A few."
Dandria reclined in her chair.
"Then why come work for the guild if you know we don't exactly operate within the law all the time?"
Lex shrugged.
"I figure, here, you are the law. Doesn't affront me much if the laws of other regions are being bent. Just so long as what's law here remains consistent and equally enforceable."
She smiled again.
"They are indeed."
She leaned forward and used a quill to sign off on the parchment.
"You can go ahead and report to the constabulary headquarters in Jobrak. Bring your gun. I suspect you'll need it sooner than later. As far as I'm concerned, you're the newest copper in the Jobrak city guard."
Lex smiled and got to his feet.
"Thank you Miss Dunstil. I'll head out first thing."
Heindas' Evening, 10th Day of Summer's Ebb, Year 47 A.E.
The Nymph's Nest brothel, Jobrak, Freehold Territory of Proust.
"Yes, Lord Idald, I am fully aware of your status in the Kingdom of Redgulus. But, as I've repeatedly reminded you, you're not in Redgulus."
Lex shook his head when he took in the state of the Redgulan nobleman's appearance.
Half-dressed, covered in spatters of vomit and other less identifiable stains. The noble shook a fist toward him.
"I am Rosgrave Idald, second son of Count Hernon Idald!"
He waved a sheet of wine-stained vellum at Lex.
"And I've just gotten word of my father's passing! So...naturally, I am grieving in the proper Redgulan fashion! I'm getting drunk and sporting with harlots!"
He waved the vellum so hard, he threw off his own balance. He stumbled into Lex's partner, a gruff Dwarf named Gaorge Stonepalm. Gaorge shoved the nobleman to the floor.
"Keep off of me with all that mess!"
Gaorge clenched a fist.
"Or I'll spill the contents of yer skull all over this lovely carpeting!"
Several of the courtesans who worked at the brothel looked on from an adjoining room.  Lex could hear their whispers of disgust.
He gently reached out and clutched Gaorge's wrist, giving it a quick squeeze, calming the dwarf.
"I am sorry for your loss Lord Idald. But that doesn't mean you can shirk your bill here. These ladies have provided a service for you, and they expect to be compensated. If you don't pay up, my partner and I will have no choice but to take you to the city's jail, and hold you until your family sends funds to cover what you owe, as well as post your bail. I'm quite sure the last thing your poor, beleaguered mother needs right now, in this difficult time, is word that one of her sons is sitting in a freehold city's jail cell because he refused to pay his brothel tab."
The lord rolled onto his ass and sat on the floor, drunk and incredulous.
He began to weep.
"I'm sorry!"
He grabbed a fat coin purse from his belt and threw it at Lex and Gaorge.
"Here! Just take it! Take it all. I don't care anymore!"
He accentuated his words with more waves of the vellum.
Gaorge smiled and picked up the pouch, testing its weight.  He looked to Lex.
"This ought to cover the bill, and then some. A pittance for our troubles?"
Lex shook his head and took the coin purse.
"No, Mister Stonepalm, we're duly compensated for the work we do."
He opened it and counted out enough coin to cover the nobleman's bill. He handed the coins to Gaorge.
"Go settle Lord Idald's account, I'll get his lordship on his feet and out of here. I'll see about getting him a room at the Red Boar Inn. Meet me there."
Gaorge smirked as he eyed up the ladies who were turning on their sultry charms now that the Dwarf had gold in his hand.
"You bet Legis. Say...an hour?"
Lex glared at him.
"Ten minutes. And that's to pay the bill already due, not for your own sport.”
Gaorge scowled.
"Pelor’s balls, Legis, yer too uptight sometimes. Whatever. I'll meet you in ten."
Lex nodded and crouched down, helping Rosgrave to his feet, and tucking the coin purse back into the nobleman's belt.
"See you there."
He threw the nobleman's arm around his shoulder to help support him.
"Come on now Lord Idald, let's get you somewhere you can sleep this off."
Hexdas' Midnight, 23rd day of Autumn's Rest, Year 49 A.E.
Beggar's Alley, Jobrak, Freehold of Proust
Lex cursed and he crouched behind a stack of ruined crates, and quickly went about reloading his pistol.
Lex really hated the undead. Especially vampires. Even more so when those vampires liked to cast spells at him.
He looked across the alley to his partner Gaorge. Smiling, as he worked at reloading, he called out to the wounded dwarf.
"How we doing over there, Stoney?"
The Dwarf clutched at a wound on his scalp that was still gushing blood.
"Me? Oh, I'm just fuckin' dandy! Its all fresh mangoes and perky pixie-tits over here!. How about you, Legis? Still fiddling with that stupid gun? Anyone ever tell you swords don't need reloading?"
Lex smirked as he tamped the ball and powder tight.
"And anyone ever tell you that swords require you to get awfully close to the raging vampires you're trying to vanquish?"
He peered up from behind his cover to see the vampire was working out the somatic component to another spell.
He crouched back down and cursed again.
"He's warming up another one Stoney! What's the plan?"
The dwarf pulled his hand away from the wound and rubbed his bloody fingers together. He laughed.
"Same strategy my father's great grandfather, Orlock Stonepalm used against the dreaded Minotaur Lord of the Sullen-Depths Labyrinth!"
Lex chuckled.
"Let me guess...we rush it?"
The Dwarf hefted his axe and nodded.
Lex shook his head as he pulled back the firing mechanism.
"Our Warforged colleague, Constable Spade, tried that already. He didn't fair so well."
Gaorge shrugged.
"Maybe the bloodsucker will be surprised we'd be dumb enough to try it too?"
Lex rolled his eyes.
"Alright, on three...I'll put a ball in the bastard while you clear the distance and hack it down."
Gaorge smiled.
"I can agree to that."
Lex grinned.
"You know why I love being partnered with you Stoney?"
The dwarf's face crinkled in confusion.
"No, why?"
Lex smiled wide.
"You're real easy to shoot over."
Gaorge rolled his eyes this time.
"Kiss my ass Legis."
Lex laughed.
Garoge smirked.
"You ready Legis?"
Lex nodded.
Gaorge set in a crouch.
"On three, right?"
Lex peered up again.
Gaorge nodded.
He burst forth from behind his cover and rushed down the alley at the Vampire.
Lex laughed and quickly stood up, taking aim.
As the dwarf closed the gap, Lex saw the vampire's eyes go wide for a moment before it completed its spell.
He pulled the trigger, and in less than a heartbeat, the familiar buck of the explosive recoil shook his arm.
At the same moment in time, the vampire's spell was unleashed.
Lex felt his muscles begin to seize up.
He braced himself against the tightening sensation, trying to steel his fortitude against the vampire's arcane power....
Gaorge heard the whistle of Lex's shot whizz over his head. The vampire's spell must not have gone off properly, because he didn't see any brilliant flashes or feel the heat of any explosions.
Gaorge almost pitied the creature when his axe buried into its head, splitting it like a ripened fruit.
The creature dissipated into a gaseous state and drifted away in the night winds.
He sighed.
"Well Legis, looks like it got away this time."
He paused, awaiting some sarcastic, yet dry reply. When one didn't come, he turned and looked back up the alley.
"Hey Legis, did you hear me?"
He saw Lex, standing motionless in the shadows. His arm still extended, aiming the pistol at where the vampire was.
"Legis, you alright?"
He started walking back towards his partner, who refused to answer.
"Come on man! Its gone! Quit posing and come help me pick up the pieces of what's left of Spade. Knowing Jimur, he'll want to melt down the poor bastard's body for the raw Adamantine."
Legis still refused to answer, much less drop the aiming pose.
The dwarf walked a little more briskly toward his silent and still partner.
"Come on Lex, what in the hells is wrong with you?”
He kicked a small, empty wooden keg at him.
Legis made no attempt to move, or block the projectile. It made impact, and knocked Lex down.
Gaorge's heart sank when he heard the distinct sound of rock, striking rock, and cracking.
The dwarf ran as fast as his short legs would carry him to his now fallen partner.
He dropped to his knees when he found Legis laying in the alley, completely petrified.
The keg he'd kicked had knocked over the living statue, causing it to make impact with the cobblestone alley.
The arm holding the pistol had broken off at the shoulder. The chest cracked diagonally from the broken shoulder, down to the hip.
Gaorge tried to frantically hoist the statue back up to its feet, but the blood on his hands caused him to lose his grip..
He watched in horror as his partner's form impacted the ground again, separating the upper section from the lower along the fault line.
"Oh gods...Legis. I'm so sorry."
Thirty minutes later, Gaorge pushed a wheelbarrow filled with the parts of the fallen warforged constable, and the pieces of his petrified and shattered partner, into the Jobrak City Guard headquarters.
"Someone help!"
Bocdas' Afternoon, 8th Day of Winter's End, Year 50 A.E.
Hallink Gemnibbler, the gnomish enchanter, smiled as he gazed upon his completed creation. He turned to his current patron, Jimur Fletcher, who stood nearby.
"Well? What do you think?"
Jimur stepped out of the shadow of the large bodyguard who was never farther than an arm's length from him.
He casually looked over the creation.
"Is it alive?"
Hallink clicked his teeth.
"He is most certainly alive. It took me a few months to piece everything together properly, and I had to make a few necessary adjustments here and there...but yes. I think its all in all a successful experiment."
Jimur looked at the gnome with a dubious glare.
"So you just pieced the poor bastards together, and brought him back to life like this?"
The gnome nodded.
"Yes. I'm afraid the warforged was a complete loss. And the petrified constable would have been as well. Luckily there was enough of the fallen warforged's....chassis...left to act as a new body."
Fletcher looked first to his bodyguard, then to the creation.
"So he's a living golem?"
Hallink shook his head.
"Technically, he's a half-golem."
The bodyguard let out an agitated groan, but otherwise remained silent.
Jimur turned to face Hallink.
"So he's alive, but has golem parts?"
The gnome nodded.
"Yes, I suppose that's accurate. Save for his head, and torso, his body is primarily artificial."
Jimur looked back at the creation.
"Well...when can he get back to work?"
The gnome laughed.
"Whenever you'd like."
Jimur's eyes narrowed.
"You put him back together physically...but is he 'all-there' mentally?"
The gnome shrugged.
"Depends on how mentally stable he was before. There's also bound to be some slight residual affect to his state of mind. He's really been through quite a shock. But...I took steps to ensure he won't pose a danger to the general public."
Jimur stared at the creation.
"What kind of steps?"
The gnome walked over and stood next to Jimur.
"I wove a few mentally binding spells into the whole construction process. He's going to fairly single-mindedly perform his duties as a constable. But unlike a true golem, he is capable of his own thoughts and able to plan his own courses of action. The spells are more like safeguards. Directives, if you will."
Jimur turned to him.
"Oh yeah? What are these directives?"
The gnome smiled.
"Ask him."
Jimur quirked a brow and turned to the creation.
"Officer....what are your directives?"
Lex Legis blankly looked up at Jimur Fletcher.
"Serve the public trust. Protect the innocent. Uphold the law."
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overfedvenison · 6 years
Neverwinter Nights 2 Journal....
Alright, I went through the Coven of Hags. I wasn't expecting much - it was basically a string of nonlinear challenges to get to the front of the line, and I had to fight the last group as the group of undead refused to budge or speak to me. No matter, I turned their Vampires into Chickens and killed the rest.
But upon gaining council, the hags trapped me in a dungeon - The Skein. Around here I'm feeling the Fighter's lack of Diplomacy, and so am improving my Intimidate skill as I level.
The atmosphere here is thick. It's dark, dank, and dripping with water. A mad hag is somewhere beyond, cackling and screaming as you explore. I really like the concept, and it's unnerving at first... But the hag just talks too much, and after a while it gets sort of annoying rather than scary. A shame, but an excellent first impression.
The Skein is kind of rough at places... My wizard Safiya is hanging back near the start, buffing me with a Persist Haste while I venture fourth. By using Stealth, Tracking, and Search I wander through the area alone, without much issue aside from a group of hags who's magic eventually wore me down enough that I had to use my Telthor Leg Bone to become Ethereal and retreat until I regenerated... For some reason I didn't want to stay locked-on to attack them, either. Still, being worn down once and retreating to use a Ring of Regeneration gives me about twice as much HP as I actually have, and I have 480 HP, so... Not too much three hags can do against that while I attack them with my Reaper's Despair sickle, haha. At another point, I brought out a bow and started sniping an elemental that couldn't reach me.
I also encountered a group of NPCs surviving in this desolate dungeon and actually got a (Search) dialogue check to call out someone's bluff, which was neat. I found they were listening to "The Sleeper," a drow trapped in an eternal slumber who periodically babbles exposition.
I made my way through the Skein, and made my way to the Hag. Her boss fight was interesting; at one point she took over Safiya and I had to defeat her, but being a wizard the melee fight was one-sided. I wonder what would have happened if I was alone? In any case, it seems the hag was placed here for a relationship with a human that she loved, which birthed Gann. In this playthrough I never met him, so.... Whelp. Interesting information, nonetheless. I elected to kill her before the madness returns - Neutral, remember.
Killing her gave me the ability to travel into dreams. Weird, but sure. I travelled into The Sleeper's nightmare, and she begged me to kill her as the hags trapped her in eternal slumber due to dream traveling. Since I am neutral, I decided to to kill her, as well - I might have freed her if I wanted to slaughter the coven of hags above, but she's right in her assessment that the knowledge they have is too valuable.
From there, I went upstairs, fought some hagspawn, and entered into the dream of the coven...
The coven first sent me on a stageplay at a dreamscape of the theater my and Safiya are staying at, where we reenacted Akechi's defeat at the hands of the god of death. My character was told to improvise, but I didn't know my lines... Akechi didn't flee nor fight, though, and given the god of death is DEAD and replaced by a new death god I suspect Akechi's involvement.
The crowd turned hostile, and so I had to reenact Akechi's punishment and fight off various monsters. Afterwards, the actors playing Akechi's allies told me they would wait for his return and go through the gate when needed.
After that, a portal opened. I followed it to see the slumbering people maintaining the Slumbering Coven, who you could see in the real world before I entered this dreamscape. I entered the human's mind, and he wanted to gamble over a game of "Hells," essentially Mastermind. I beat him three times in a row by keeping track of everything in a note document and analyzing everything.
...After that, I exited to find the other two people gone and a new portal opened. I followed that one as well.
Beyond that was the Red Mage Araman that usurped Safiya's college, standing at the Betrayer's Gate I had found and cleared earlier. Safiya, or someone that looks like her, soon joins him... As expected, Araman is the brother of the child I met in the vision I had earlier (It was hinted at there,) who turns out to be Akechi the Betrayer (Which was at best a theory at the time.) Also as expected, we need to find the Silver Sword of Gith in order to open the gate beyond to the Fugue Plane and the Wall of the Faithless. I found that, being quite thorough, most of the preliminary questions I could inquire about were things I knew already... But now, everything is coming together. We have confirmation that all this is connected: The Spirit Eater Curse, the Sword of Gith, Akechi and the Crusade against the Wall of the Faithless.
Akechi explains that he previously betrayed his god to help his brother. Dream-Safiya knew the betrayer, and he wanted her safety. Akechi "suffered for her love" in her words. We know from earlier that Akechi had turned his back on his faith because his wife, who worshipped no god, died in a magic accident bricked into the Wall of the Faithless. If the woman who looks like Safiya in this dream is indeed that women, that means she may have been successfully removed from the Wall by Akechi during the last crusade?
I have a small argument with Araman here - He says he cannot betray his god again, I tell him that the betrayer would not want them to fight. Araman says that suffering cannot be avoided, and the universe cannot be torn asunder for the sake of one soul. I say "You're hiding behind philosophy and abstraction. However you justify yourself, you've betrayed your brother's trust." He declared that some choices are simply wrong, with love only making it harder to oppose, and that Akechi's quest is selfish and that he did not consider the conesquences. He says that the woman who looks like Safiya, too, "sows suffering in loves name and would have the heavens fall if love was served by this."
Then he attacks. I made short work of him, and the woman who looks like Safiya fades away after thanking me.
Uhh, you can choose to say his hand was forced,  and he is not to blame, or that the gods should be obeyed, or that love is most important... But I'm neutral in the most "Gods and demons, get the hell off my planet" sense, and not schmaltzy enough to support love for loves sake. The Wall of the Faithless is planar dieties imposing their will on mortals, which is inherently unjust to my neutral views.
After that, I exited and took care of the two other people maintaining the Hag Coven's barriers... An Illithid who I had to help escape a maze, and a wizard trapped in a contract with a demon. I got 2500xp each, and a dream dagger I used to kill a pit fiend later.
And then, more plot: The portal brings me to the Wall of the Faithless where we meet Bishop again - An athiest, he is fused into the wall. Apparently he died after escaping the final battle, when the ceiling caved in on him (Since that data is not kept in the expansion, you basically just select what happened in a dialogue choice.) Despite being encased, sentient and awake, inside a wall, he's as sarcastic as ever and in a pitiable state.
He tells me that the wall of souls waits for me to lead the crusade, but he believes it to be a pointless endeavor and waits to be devoured to nothing. Then he drops a bomb on us: When taken over for just a moment by some outside force, he sees us inside the wall.
After fighting a pit fiend, I took a mask fragment from his body.
So, what does this all mean? I have theories...
- First: If I'm following correctly... the Sword of Gith should be at the college of Red Wizards, taken from us in the theater we explored earlier. The owner of the theater we were staying at, and her Red Wizard contact, had sent gargoyles to get us before the start of the game, extracted the silver shard in our chest, and placed us in Okko's Burrow to intentionally receive the curse. Maybe.
- I... Think this may have been a gambit to force us to continue the Betrayer's Crusade, as we reforged the Sword of Gith, and the point of removing the shard from my character's chest and giving her the curse was to complete the blade so I can lead the crusade once more. Araman led a coup in response, to stop our crusade at any cost. Hence, the Red Wizards, now mostly led by him, are our enemies and we will have to fight many to get the Sword of Gith
- The connection between Safiya, Araman, and Akechi explains why she was sent to find us in the Burrow, and how she got inside, at the start of the game Safiya was sent to get me and bring me to her Mother (Edit: Aunt) at the theater, who would have explained the situation, maybe, and brought me to the completed Sword of Gith? But that was interrupted by Araman's flunkies which resulted in the people we had to see dying.
- What's more, the spirit eater curse... Either that was the punishment Akechi endured for his treason, and so he bound himself inside the den and kept his spirit from leaving, or the Spirit Eater Curse is not a curse at all, but something Akechi made intentionally to fight the gods. Or, a third option, it may be the result of a soul being ripped from your body, hence why I am in the Wall of the Faithless. I think the way to cure myself of this affliction is probably to get my soul back from the wall, in any case.
- I don't know yet if Safiya is the same person who was plucked from the wall, perhaps extending her life via her specialized Transmutation magic, or if she is being earnest in not knowing about current happenings or why she was sent to find me. She doesn’t seem like it, at the very least.
EDIT: I played another like, five minutes and cleared the area and got some confusion cleared up. Wah
I left the Wall of the Faithless and spoke to the Coven of Hags, now physical and willing to speak.
The white and red twins were Lienna and Nefris. Nefris is the mother if Safiya and former head of the Red Wizard college, and they were twins...
Uhh...Did we not know that already? I guess I just assumed.
Apparently, they wanted to end me of my affliction. They show me what happaned... The two approached the coven and wanted to know how to cure the affliction, which they were told was indeed an affliction doled out by the former god of death. So I must find the God of Death's corpse, go into his dreams, and find a cure for the affliction that way (Which I have a STRONG INCLINATION is going to be "Get your soul/Akechi's Soul back from the wall of the faithless)
Alright, that reveal... Debunks a few theories I had, but strengthens a few others. Also I think I'm confusing a few of the characters, wuh. It was the white mage who died, not Safiya's mother? Right then...
I spoke to Safiya afterwards who cleared up a bit. - Araman hasn't succeeded on a coup against Safiya's mother, and Safiya's mother was the person in the dream. That means the Red Wizards aren't our enemies... Quite yet - Safiya is safe, then, and just an agent of her mother. - Akechi's allies for the fight are a demilich, a dragon, and a celestial. They were referenced elsewhere. - Since the twins were trying to cure me, they aren't part of a conspiracy.... However, It doesn't seem to make sense that I got the curse for entering Okko's lair in that case. If the Gargoyles took me from the crumbling area in Meredelain to the Theater, and then to Okko's Lair, I would have had to have the Sprit Eater curse before I was in there? No? Unless I was placed there and THEN moved. Mmm.... I think I'm missing something. This will clear itself out in time.
Oh! And Safiya asks to train me now that we're close. First she sharpens my mind and gives me a free +1 INT and a +2 on spell save DCs. Now my Intelligence is 16. ...A shame I don't get skill points for it. I also leveled up, and have 570 HP
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