#first my little robutler now these
kitkatyes · 6 months
I painted myself some ieytd badges because I’m going feral
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cooldude272 · 9 months
Hey, you ever heard of I Expect You To Die?
Well, the third game has playthrough videos now, and having watched said playthroughs, I have to say;
I had a very different vision for it.
Spoilers for IEYTD3, because I am about to do a lot of infodumping.
So, first big thing; I did not think Prism would be working with Zor.
I was picturing her as more of a third party trying to take both Zor & the Agency down, and the whole game was essentially a big three-way fight where Robutler & Co. would constantly butt their way into missions; usually failing miserably, to Agent Phoenix’s benefit.
Oh, and speaking of!
Turns out, Agent Phoenix didn’t exactly come back to the Agency in good faith.
That’s right; it’s the Big Betrayal, except you’re the betrayer.
And as a little treat, here’s how my final mission goes;
Handler’s talking up how Prism’s likely almost ready to deploy her robot army, and you’ll be sent to her factory to stop her.
Suddenly the power in your HQ cuts out — leaving only the desk lamp — and you hear a previously locked drawer click open.
Inside, you find a strange, boxy pistol, with a stylized Robutler on one side, and an instruction to “STOW IN COAT POCKET” on the other.
When you hold it to your chest, it disappears, the lights kick on, and Handler remarks on how “that was certainly odd”.
Still, you’re sent to Prism’s factory all the same, where you eventually find the inventor about to open up the ceiling door and deploy her robots.
She waxes poetic about how this model is the “ultimate agent”, and how nothing that you could do can hurt it, with said model cheering her on.
Eventually, she sends Robutler down to finish you off, and he definitely looks like he’s going to do it, as nothing you stole from the factory tables puts a dent in him.
But then you hear a beeping sound.
From your coat pocket.
You reach inside, pull out the pistol, and you know what, have the stage directions for this scene, that’d be way better;
[An abnormally large, suspiciously intact bullet, is seen embedded in Robutler’s casing.]
Robutler: “Aw, Agent, I thought we had already established that bullet don’t woaaAAAAAAAAA”
[Robutler convulses as electricity shoots off him wildly, before he appears to shut down.]
Dr. Prism: “…Robutler? Robutler, what happened? Are you okay?”
Handler: “…Agent, what is that? We didn’t give you that pistol, where-”
[Suddenly, Robutler seems to reactivate, his lights all red, and he starts limply hovering into the air, eventually reaching Prism’s elevation.]
Dr. Prism: “…Robutler?”
[Robutler’s eye focuses on you.]
[He speaks in a voice that isn’t his; a voice that all of you know all too well.]
Dr. Zor: “Told you I’d be in touch, Agent.”
And that’s where I’ll have to cut this off for now, as it is very late and I have a plane to catch tomorrow; but I promise on my life, I will continue this.
Don’t touch that dial.
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