durifmdarchived · 3 years
the familiar scent of coffee lingered within duri’s nose, sat by a big window. on that day, he decided to visit his uncle’s and aunt’s café, a place that he spent his childhood and teen years in. it had seemed that a lot of times, when a place smelt like nothing but coffee, it had always brought him back to the warm embrace of the café that he grew up in, that he spent a lot of his days in. things still felt the same in the café, even though his uncle and aunt managed to upgrade it to bring it into modern times. maybe it was the energy that made it felt the same. 
he had moose with him on this day, who seemed to not want duri to leave the house on his own. he was laying on the floor, right next to the table, and would wag every time he got a glimpse of duri’s uncle or aunt. but, on this day, duri had invited jaewon out to the café, as it had been a long while since they last saw each other - due to busy schedules and all that. plus, he felt like it would be nice to see jaewon, to remind himself that everything was going to be okay. 
he took a sip of the mocha, placing it down. he looked at moose when he hears a tail hitting the floor, and the large dog getting to his feet, “dancing” a bit. he looked up to see jaewon, giggling softly. “hi, jaewon!” he greets. “it looks like moose is really excited,” he added on. “order whatever you like, it’s on me! don’t let my uncle or aunt tell you otherwise!”
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fmdsamsooarchived · 3 years
❨ starter // @fmdjaewon​​ ❩
While their relationship was far from being a normal one, especially in its earlier stages, Samsoo was incredibly happy with Jaewon. Their years of friendship had cultivated into a relationship that Soo treasured more than anything, and he was fairly certain that Jaewon felt the same way about him too. Their relationship, while not perfect, was more than anything that Samsoo could really ask for. In all honesty, he wasn’t sure what to expect from the other male when they first entered the romantic dynamic with one another, especially given how Jaewon used to behave when it came to intimacy, but he was glad that his worries and apprehensions were put to rest. As it turned out, Jaewon just so happened to be a great partner, so great that Samsoo found himself feeling a little guilty for having those reservations when they first got together. 
Now fast forward three years later and the two of them are still going strong. Three years later and Soo was just as infatuated and in love with Jaewon as he was in the beginning of their relationship. It was something he tried not to take for granted. He knew there were a lot of people who couldn’t say the same about their significant others. 
Even though they had fittings for their music video and stage outfits that day, Samsoo still wanted to do something really nice for his boyfriend on their anniversary. He had somehow convinced Ting to distract Jaewon with one thing or another while he got everything prepared at their apartment. He didn’t go too over the top, just cooked dinner and lit a few candles and set up a nice vase filled with flowers. He checked his phone, looking to see what time it was, just in time to hear the front door open. He smiled reflexively, stepping out from the kitchen to see Jaewon standing by the front door. “Ah, jagiya! Happy anniversary.” 
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fmdjaeinarchive · 3 years
“okay, look. i love the song, but it just doesn’t feel very me.” 
it’s only been a couple of days since she finally heard the title track for her mini album, and she was surprised to hear that it was written by jaewon. well, partially, but he had some big credits on it. now that she thinks back on it, she does think it reminded her of him, but then again his style had been pretty diverse so she couldn’t catch on right away. there was nothing personal against the song itself, but she wasn’t sure why dimensions was trying with her when her debut failed. plus, this was a complete 180, and she’d rather sing about falling in love again instead of having to act all tough chic. or at least that’s what the song sounded like. 
she hadn’t meant to come over just to complain, but as much as jaewon and herself both pretend like they are annoyed of one another, he’s simply one of those people that she can be honest with. “got anything else for me?” she inquires with a dry laugh. she doubts he knew the song was coming to her anyway, and she knows the company wasn’t going to change it at this point, but it didn’t hurt to ask. who knows? maybe he’ll throw her another song later on; one that’s more personalized for her.
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famedbasearchive · 3 years
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Timeline: January 11, 2021
On-Set Filming Dates: January 11, 2021
Deadline: January 31, 11:59PM KST
Those involved in Hot Topic(k) this month may earn up to 6 points total for writing, by the end of January 31 KST:
Completions of the two interviews included in the in-character prompt. (1 point each, up to 2 points total)
A headcanon of 400+ words of your muse’s “lesson plan”* before going in to complete their mentoring gig. (2 points).
A solo para of 400+ words based on filming |OR| a thread with the mentor for the same skill of at least six posts. (2 points *points may only be collected for one or the other).
These do not count toward monthly limits or toward normal schedule points. All posts for this task block should be tagged with #fmdht2.
A week before they’re scheduled to film, the idols chosen are informed that they’ve been cast as mentors for the episode 6 & 7 block of the show. They’re informed of their filming time, the skill they’ve been chosen to give a workshop on, and the other idol that will be helping with the same skill. They will also be told the songs and arrangements the idols will be performing for their respective position evaluations. Dance mentors will also be given the choreography ahead of time to familiarize themselves with.
There will be five contestants performing each song.
Episodes 6 & 7 (Position Evaluations) - January 11
Vocals: @durifmd & @fmdnina (Songs: WISH’s “Downpour” & Femme Fatale’s “Playing With Fire”)
Dance: @fmddowoon & @fmdjoosung (Songs: “Get Ugly” & “Shape of You”)
Rap: @fmdhaon & @fmdjaewon (Songs: Alien’s ‘Rhythm Ta” & Unity’s “Boss”)
The mentors will arrive at the studio where the show is filming on January 11. The vocal mentors will coach in the morning, the dance mentors in the afternoon, and the rap mentors in the evening. The pair will be filming their mentoring at the same time, though they may mentor separately, together, or switch on and off as they see fit.
Before doing any other filming, the mentors are pulled aside for a short talking head interview as follows:
Which song do you consider to be the harder performance of the two?
If you were a contestant on the show, which song of the two would you have wanted to chose to perform?
What do you expect a pre-debut trainee to struggle most with for their position evaluation?
The pairs will mentor the first group listed for around an hour and then switch to the second group listed. 
Once inside each room, they’ll introduce themselves and the members of the group they’re helping will introduce themselves to them (note: Muns of mentors may write interactions with NPCs in the groups to their liking, but please avoid writing detailed interactions with every single member of the group since some contestants may later not be NPCs).
The group will then show the mentors the current state of their performance. The mentors will be expected to give initial critiques and feedback on their performance before working more in-depth to help improve their performance over the course of the hour they have with each group. Though other performance elements may be in play in a performance other than the specific skill the position evaluation is for, the mentors are suggested to keep to advising on the specific skill they are there for.
At the end of their time mentoring, each mentor is asked to pick an MVP from the contestants based on what they’ve seen from the workshop. They may use their own criteria to pick this.
After they have completed their time mentoring, they will be asked to give one more talking head interview before leaving:
How do you feel your mentoring session went?
Did anything happen that threw you off of your original plans? Did you realize they were struggling with anything unexpected or did you add on any other tips in the moment?
Do you feel you’ve grown or learned anything from mentoring? Do you feel that vocals/dance/rap is in good hands with the next generation of idols?
The position mentors are also invited to come and be filmed watching the live performances for their specific position on filming for the final stages on January 15 to react to the stages. This is optional.
Every mun who submitted for this casting should have at least one muse receiving a mentorship role, either during this filming or the last one. Most muns should have gotten their first choice muse in, but a few may have gotten a second or third choice muse in and not their first choice. This is simply because the first choice muse was submitted to fewer categories and/or only to more selective categories and has lower odds of being selected, while the second or third choice muse was submitted to more categories and/or less selective categories and had higher odds.
* = The “lesson plan” headcanon doesn’t have to take a specific format or resemble any kind of real lesson plan; it should just detail what your muse is anticipating having to teach and help with and what they did to prepare for mentoring.
Any questions can be directed to the main’s ask box!
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fmdtingarchive · 3 years
setting: jaesoo’s apartment  date: january 16th, 2021 time: 5:39pm  characters involved: guanting & @fmdjaewon​
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he didn’t want to come crawling back to his hyungs every time he faced a problem or issue, but he didn’t really know where else to go. he could only think to turn to the two people who had always been there for him; samsoo and jaewon. particularly the former, especially with the advice he was going to be asking for when he arrived. once he got to their apartment, he let himself in, courtesy of samsoo giving him their access code. ting kicked off his shoes and neatly stacked them by the front door before taking off his jacket and hanging it up. “soo hyung?” he called out, stepping farther into their apartment looking around for any sign of life. he heard some bustling around in the kitchen and he immediately made a beeline in that direction, stopping short at the entryway. “hi baba,” he greeted once he saw jaewon standing there, giving him a small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “is samsoo hyung here? i have to talk to him about.. something.” 
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fmdxsujiarchive · 3 years
suji decided that she was going to enter this final round without too many thoughts. it’s not like her career depended on this win or anything considering that her latest album has done well on its own. while the overload of schedules had taken a toll on her physically, she’s actually a bit grateful that it fell in the middle of final preparations for our songs. the overall success of unstable mindset has stabilized her own mindset that this show won’t be a ride or die situation for her. 
“hey!” she doesn’t think she would have found herself saying hello without hesitating a couple of months ago, but now that the show’s been going on for a while, and she’s taken some time to have a proper conversation with jaewon, she thinks she can confidently at least consider him a close acquaintance. “i never got to thank you personally, but your song got me my first win.” a playful curtsy is given towards his direction before she chuckles. “you nervous?” with the question, she stares at the stage that’s still in the middle of being set up. the venue seems odd without an audience in it, and she doesn’t think she can ever fully shake off the nerves that come from performing in front of a live audience. 
@fmdjaewon, december 10th, final recording
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charliefmd · 4 years
joining each other to do what they do best, @fmdjaewon and charlie spends the night drinking their woes away.
When the sun sets and the roommate is kicked out of the apartment, it leaves Charlie as the sole owner of the place, a sense of emptiness she hasn’t felt in a long time. But it is not without purpose because soon arrives the comfort of a drinking buddy just as they had scheduled. “Welcome, my dear friend.” Greeting him with a grin on her face, having nearly thrown the door open a few seconds after the doorbell rang, she does the sensible thing of stepping aside to let him inside. The tunes of an r&b song plays in the background, a hint of nostalgia weaves through the otherwise empty and silent apartment, and something to keep her entertained while she waits for the male.
“I warmed up a pizza while waiting for you because I got hungry.” The comment is thrown over the shoulder as an explanation for why the fragrance of a classical pepperoni pizza permeates the air, a somewhat stifled laughter joining her words, as she makes her way to the kitchen to take it out of the oven. “Whoa. It’s perfect. I can’t believe I’m about to say this but… we can share it if you’re hungry.” There’s a hint of teasing laced in her words, and the grimace makes it clear she’s not as serious about it as she sounds, and she would, if he asked, share the food with him.
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fmdinyeong · 3 years
👀 + if you would get to make chroma with its current concept but you got to handpick the members who would you put in the group?
Send me a “👀 + a question” and my muse has to answer honestly!
👀 + if you would get to make chroma with its current concept but you got to handpick the members who would you put in the group?
“I honestly have no idea. I don’t even like the thought of a group with seven members, that’s at the very least two members bigger than any group debuting in 2021 should be. Look at Vive, five members. Perfect number.”
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fmdjoosungarchive · 4 years
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sung didn’t used to be the type to drink, basically ever. it had been a conscious choice to keep his wits about him, and avoid chance of gluttony. he’d gotten accidentally drunk once, at a company event no less, and though it wasn’t the moment he decided to drink, it had sparked an era of sung not being as against drinking.
nowadays, he drank sometimes. casually, with a friend, he might have one sip of a drink, rather than outright reject it like he might have before. that night was casual, though more in that sung would rather be fully aware of what happened during a company event --and to skip the hangover that would only make schedules the next day more difficult. he’d been nursing on one flute of champagne most of the night, leaving his head, at most, lightly swimming. despite what others had been saying about the alcohol, sung’s low tolerance was no match for it.
jaewon didn’t seem to have the same mindset. frankly, sung worried a bit that jaewon might black out. he wondered where soo had gone off to, but, it wasn’t his fight. sung was soo’s friend, jaewon’s friend, which meant he should be looking after jaewon as well. “hey, would you like to talk?” his hand hesitated, but followed through on reaching out to grab jaewon’s wrist. “let’s go to the garden, yeah?” sung pulled them both along in the right direction, but once on their way, relaxed his grip, leaving a flat hand wrapped as a blanket over jaewon’s forearm. “i don’t think i’ve ever seen you drink like this. are you feeling alright?”
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fmdrinaarchive · 5 years
script / rina & jaewon
it was hard to really believe she got the role. even the fact that it was leading role, to start off rina would've been fine with a supporting one or even a cameo. but bc managed to get her this and she was sure it was mainly for the press. with all of that in mind, it wasn't a strange that she was little nervous for the script reading. it had been a day of constant bows until she found her seat.
even then, there was still a little time before they started. mostly everyone was settled and her co-star just sat down next to her. at least she could let herself relax a little. unity was a junior group but she didn't really count it, they debuted the year after. it couldn't hurt to be friendly with her co-star?
"hello, i hope we can get along well. honestly.." she dropped her voice to a whisper. "i'm really nervous."
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durifmdarchived · 3 years
👀 + do you think you're the most talented member of knight?
send me a “👀 + a question” and my muse has to answer honestly! ⏤ accepting!
do you think you're the most talented member of knight?
      “um... i don’t really think so? in regards to positions, i’m only a main vocalist, while a few other members have a lot more positions for themselves. sure, i can sing really well, but that only goes so far, right? i always practice really hard for cheorography and it won’t take me that long to memorize the moves, but it still is a really long while. but, i don’t think that tilte belogs to me, personally.”
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fmdjaeinarchive · 4 years
“i said push me not try to kill me.” 
it’s probably jaein’s fault to trust that jaewon would simply push her on the hammock instead of aggressively swinging her around. why she ever agreed to come with him on this overnight camping trip was a mystery. sleeping under the stars sounded like a good idea until jaewon got put into the picture. now she was stuck with his annoying ass, and his one hundred and two ways of bothering her. 
getting up from the ground, she wiped at her pants before pushing him in the stomach with all the power still left in her. “fuck, i thought this was supposed to be some healing retreat,” she stated before scrunching her nose up in annoyance. she made her way back onto the hammock though not before putting a hand up towards jaewon’s direction, indicating that she doesn’t want him within five feet of her or the hammock. “i don’t think i’ll ever be getting into camping.” 
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famedbasearchive · 4 years
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Timeline: October 10, 2020, to November 7, 2020
On-Set Filming Dates: October 10, November 7
Deadline: November 5, 11:59PM KST
Those involved in the main cast of Our Songs this month may earn up to 10 points total for writing, by the end of November 5 KST:
Completions of the two interviews included in the in-character prompt. (1 point each, up to 2 points total)
Up to two solo paras of 400+ words based on filming for episodes 5 & 6. (2 points each, up to 4 points total). 
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with another muse in the main cast based on the Our Songs episodes 5 and 6 schedule. This must be with a different muse than the thread you collected points for last month. (2 points)
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with the guest muse your muse is writing for for this round based on the Our Songs episodes 4 and 5 schedule. (2 points). **Note: This should be the first priority and points may only be collected for the exact requirement listed. That said, should you have trouble completing this by the deadline with the guest muse, this requirement also be passed only for the sake of elimination consideration (not points) if you complete a second thread with another muse from the main cast by the deadline.
Please remember the number of the above tasks completed by each muse will factor into eliminations during blocks with eliminations.
Those guesting on Our Songs this month may earn up to 6 points total for writing, by the end of November 5 KST:
Completions of these interviews. (1 point each, up to 2 points total)
A solo para of 400+ words based on filming for episodes 5 & 6. (2 points).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with the muse your muse is paired with for Our Songs episodes 5 and 6 schedule. (2 points) 
These do not count toward monthly limits or toward normal schedule points. All posts for this task block should be tagged with #fmdos3.
Following the performances on October 8, the competitors will go backstage to their dressing rooms for a little under an hour while the audience is instructed to vote for two songwriters whose performances they liked the best. These votes will be calculated and combined with online track votes based on a weighted formula, and then the competitors are brought back out. They are first told the cast members that got the most votes in the live voting and the online voting as follows:
- Live audience vote: Youngjoo - Online vote: Taeyong
The final rankings are announced as follows to announce the safe competitors from fifth place to second:
5. Suji 4. Taeyong 3. Joohwan 2. Sun
Choi Jihoon congratulates the four safe competitors and dismisses them from the stage to bring the four remaining on stage (Youngjoo, Kami, Eunah, and Jaewon). The competitors currently on stage represent first place, sixth place, and the two competitors who will be eliminated and he reminds everyone of that. After building suspense, he announces Youngjoo as this round’s winner and announces she’s won a prize: she’ll be invited to perform a solo set on one night of the Topaz Music Festival, a popular music festival held at the venue they performed at this round that will take place in November. The festival is normally for non-idol singer-songwriter types, and this will be the first time an idol has been invited to perform. (admin note: If the mun would like to officially confirm this claim as a prize, please submit this form to the points shop blog to have it added to her career page! The mun may decide the exact date for the festival around their muse’s schedule). She’s individually congratulated and then dismissed from the stage.
This leaves three competitors (Kami, Eunah, and Jaewon) and only one will be safe. After building the tension, it is announced that Jaewon has placed sixth and will be safe to go onto the next episode. This means Kami and Eunah have unfortunately been eliminated from the competition and the final overall ranking for the latest round is ultimately as follows:
1. Youngjoo 2. Sun 3. Joohwan 4. Taeyong 5. Suji 6. Jaewon
On October 10, the idols will once again return to the “recording studio” set they first met at on their first day of filming. Competitors will once again be seated based on their rank (first place in seat one, second place in seat two, etc.). Basic pleasantries will be gone through on camera recounting the last round and reminding everyone of the rules and structure of the show before host Choi Jihoon will inform them of their third songwriting mission:
“After the first and second round, you should all have an idea of who you yourself are as a songwriter and who the rest of the cast are as songwriters. You’ve seen their versatility and the areas they excel in the most, both as a performer and songwriter, but a truly gifted songwriter can work for others as well as they can work for themselves, For this round, you will all be asked to write for another idol who will be performing a song you wrote. No one will be able to get through on an established image or popularity alone this round, as the songwriter behind each song will be kept anonymous until everyone has cast their final vote at the live performances. There will be no additional requirements this round, so put your all into shaping a song fitting of the artist who will be performing your song this round.”
The competitors are given time to react to the prompt before they are dismissed from the main set to their green rooms. In their individual green rooms, they’re once again approached by a camera crew and given a form provided by production with basic information on the idol they’ll be writing for, although the exact identity of the idol is not revealed yet (admin note: please keep in mind muses shouldn’t really be able to narrow down exactly who they’re paired with from information on the forms since the form will be re-typed to remove the element of handwriting recognition and they are not informed the idols are limited to the three in-’verse companies). They’ll react to the information and be expected to talk about their first thoughts. After this, each musician will film a talking head interview in a private room with a small team of cameras and producers where they are asked the following questions:
How are you feeling about the ranking you received last round? How do you feel about it in comparison to your rank for the first round?
What are your thoughts on the song you’ll write this round based on the information you’ve been given about the idol you’ll be writing for?
How will you approach writing a song for someone else differently than you’ve approached writing songs for yourself for the first two rounds?
What are your thoughts on your other competitors at this point in the competition?
From October 10 to October 17, all competitors are given time to begin to work on a song or potential songs based on the information they’ve been given. They will be filmed both through the stationary cameras installed in the studio in their company buildings and will also be instructed to continue to use their self-cam to record their creative process as well.
The guest cast members will be made aware at this time of their role in the show: having a song written for them by an assigned cast member to record and perform. They will not yet be made aware of which main cast member they are partnered with and are asked not to discuss their guesting with anyone.
On October 18, all pairs will meet through either a filmed meeting at a coffee shop or through a filmed video call depending on what schedules allow. This meeting will be the reveal of their partner’s identity and during this meeting, the main cast member should be prepared to show the song they’ve been working on and discuss together with their partner about the song and any changes that may need to be made to fit the idol’s voice, style, or preferences. It is up to the main cast member how much they change to accommodate their partner, although they will not be allowed to completely redo the song at this point.
The main cast member will have from October 18 through October 27 to finalize the song and get vocals recorded from the other idol on the track. The pairs may meet up over the course of this time as they wish to work on recording and finalizing, although each meeting should be filmed.
There will be no “demo” presentation for this episode in front of the other competitors due to the nature of the task. Final mastered versions of all songs are due to the production team by the end of October 27.
On November 1, the final version of each competitor’s song will be released onto the base TV website and voting will open for online audiences. They will be uploaded onto streaming sites a week later so as not to reveal the writers’ identities.
On November 7, all competitors and all of the special guests will go to the regular building with the performance set from first episode, where their songs will be performed and voted on. As with last episode, minor set and prop elements are permitted, but they should be easy for the staff to get on and off the stage. The respective companies will be responsible for the styling and performance preparation of the performer. 
Once filming begins, the competitors will be informed they will be performing in a randomly generated order in order to maintain anonymity of the writers. The audience is asked to vote more on how well-written a song is for the idol than how amazing the performance is since the songwriters are the ones being evaluated. The performing order is revealed to be:
Wei - “Pit-a-pet” (written by Jaewon)
Huiseon - “Baby Baby” (written by Sun)
Aera - “Diver” (written by Joohwan)
Duri - “Heaven” (written by Youngjoo)
Charlie - “Iljido” (written by Suji)
Minjung - “Girl, Interrupted” (written by Taeyong)
As each guest idol is performing, the six songwriters and all five other guest performers will sit backstage in their individual dressing rooms while their reactions are filmed. Since they are in private, songwriters may react appropriately to the song they wrote. At the conclusion of each stage, each competitor will be given time to talk about their thoughts on the performance and song. In the final airing of the episode, only some competitors’ comments will be aired per song.
During the break following all six song performances, each competitor will film another talking head interview (admin note: please wait to complete this interview until all songs have been chosen and listed above):
Talk about the song you wrote for this task. How do you feel it compares to the first two songs you wrote for the show?
How do you feel the idol you wrote for did in performing your song? In what ways do you feel the song benefited from not being performed by you?
Which of the other songs/performances caught your attention the most?
Which song do you expect got the most votes online and from the audience?
As usual, the rankings for the second round were determined by random generation for spots among who completed the most tasks. In this case, spots one through six were generated by those who had all tasks completed in the #fmdos2 tag on their muse’s blog by the deadline. Two muses did not complete all of the tasks, so they took the eliminated spots. The only exception here is that the admin’s muse will not be eligible for the overall first place ranking unless they are the only muse who completes the most number of tasks. Proof shots of the name picker can be found here (note: admin is in EDT, while the deadline was in KST, so the names were drawn after the deadline).
The winners for separate live voting and online voting were determined using weighted selection based on the randomly generated overall rankings. Rank one got eight submissions into the generator, rank two got seven, rank three got six, etc. and the two eliminated muses got one submission each, and then names were drawn. Proof shots of the name picker for the live audience vote and online vote winners can be found here. A proof shot of the randomizer for performance order this round can be found here. Pairs were made simply by pairing the order of the main cast by seniority directly with the guest cast submissions by order of submission from earliest to latest. Only one switch was made to ensure all muses would be writing for a muse with a skill set or song availability significantly different from their own.
For this task block you will need to submit the following information: the song you would like to claim for your muse to create for this round’s task (and a performance reference if one is available and agreed upon with the performing muse) and the creative claims on it. Please note that the song choice should ultimately be the decision of the mun of the main cast member. Muns may discuss what the performing muse is comfortable with, but the song choice should be based on what the muse would write with the information presented to them and not what the performing muse would necessarily want written for them.
The form link will be uploaded here at 12AM KST October 10/11AM EDT October 9, twenty-four hours after this post goes up. The form link can be found here. A reminder of the limits of creative claims on each muse for the show can be found here. If you think there is a mistake or if a song is released that leads to a necessary update, please contact the main.
Songs Claimed:
Heaven - Gaho
Iljido - Moonbyul
Girl, Interrupted - Miso (prod. 2xxx!)
Pit-a-pet - Yukika
Baby Baby - Suran
Diver - YooA
The simplified theme for this round is “Written By, Not For”. Please read the prompt in the in-’verse info for full details on what this means.
For all rounds, a song must fit all general rules of music claims (i.e. matches muse position, is not too explicit, must be by an artist in the Korean music industry, etc.) and must receive admin approval.
For this round, these are the additional limitations and requirements on songs that can be chosen:
The song must be solo. This means it cannot be a collab or have a feature.
The song must be performed by the muse assigned by the show and the muse performing cannot have creative claims on a song.
In real life, the song must not be a title track according to Melon and cannot have an official MV. Special clips, live clips, and minimal production lyric videos are acceptable, but the song will have to be re-released on an album in the future to claim such videos as canon to the universe.
In real life, the song cannot have charted higher than a rank of 75 on Gaon’s Weekly Digital Chart at any point.
You may claim songs with choreography, but choreography creative claims are not available. As usual, songs with more emphasis on complex choreography should be reserved for muses with dance positions.
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fmdtingarchive · 4 years
Setting: Bonfire Date: June 19th, 2020 Time: 8:57pm Characters Involved: Guanting & @fmdjaewon​
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“Baba.” Ting flipped over the strips of meat that were currently grilling over top of the bonfire, poking at them with the cooking utensil he was using. “Are these done?” He wasn’t really used to cooking. His meals were either prepared by one of his hyungs, more often than not Samsoo, or whatever cook the restaurant he decided to order takeout from hired. He was more than capable of cooking meals for himself, but he didn’t really like cooking. It was so tedious, he would much rather just eat. But alas, he was trying to do the adult thing. He promised Jaewon that he would cook for him for their first meal together in quite some time. His hyung had been busy with his own schedules for Champion, and Ting had been doing his own thing. It was even worse because they all weren’t living in the dorm anymore. “I miss you, baba,” he said after a few moments of comfortable silence. “We don’t see each other anymore.”
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fmdxsujiarchive · 3 years
for an industry that seems so adamant on making sure idol interactions should be kept at a minimum, the three companies loved to organize things together. the cruise in itself wasn’t too bad—minus the fact that she was stuck here for her birthday—but the holiday ball sounded like an excuse for company staff to throw all their idols in a room together so they can go off and get drunk on their own. not that she was complaining; it was better than being supervised like kindergarten children.
she’s simply roaming around when she spots a familiar face. sneaking up to jaewon, she gives him a slight tap on the shoulder, putting on a bright smile when he turns around. “you’re not gonna get completely wasted tonight, right? though i was more than glad to listen to your thoughts on halloween.” at this point, she’s teasing him for their last encounter at an event like this. before that night, she didn’t know jaewon could... talk so much, but she’ll admit that it was nice to see a loosened up version of him.
@fmdjaewon, december 26th, holiday ball
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charliefmd · 4 years
halloween 2020: alcohol changes people and charlie witness this with @fmdjaewon
Two’s a company but three’s a crowd, or however the saying goes.
No artist is a stranger to vast and loud crowds, but not everyone revels in the attention. Charlie, luckily for her (she likes to think) falls in the category of enjoying her time in the spotlight (for better or for worse, it’s always up to debate.) She thrives in crowds, makes it her stage, and doesn’t let the pressure of thousands of pairs of eyes stop her from enjoying herself and having fun.
But one thing is not like the others.
A familiar face is spotted amongst the crowd and Charlie makes a beeline for the male. Throwing an arm around his shoulders in a greeting could give her one of two reactions - an annoyed one for being interrupted when he would much rather be alone or an amused one, in which he’s neither happy nor mad about interacting with her. Really there isn’t much else to expect from the younger male but she doesn’t take those things to heart.
“Oh, there’s the man of the hour!” the volume of her voice is quite probably a little too loud for something as formal as a masquerade ball but care flew out the window the moment alcohol entered her system and that was quite a few hours ago. “How are you doing on this fine evening, sir?”
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