#for dm i mayhaps want to hear him sing here is the house
elektroblues ยท 3 years
im gonna ask you the same question i asked miss spxce about which song would you have liked alan to sing bc im curious now ๐Ÿ‘€
frothing at the mouth just seeing this in my ask box am i predictable if i said "stalker". (speaking of that song i want to know who did the whispery talking bits bc it doesn't sound like douglas now does it ๐Ÿคจ or maybe it is douglas and i have a bad ear sjfkshskdkshs). and someone needs to write "luscious apparatus" but through jack's perspective and have alan perform it. also maybe "curse" too, just bc i want a version where i don't have to listen to moby and lmao imagine alan rapping damn he's hip
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