whisperingaspenslog · 3 hours
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Finally (sort of) finished this! They’re supposed to have two other hair styles and 1 other hair color but I’m putting them off as they don’t appear in the first 6 episodes anyways. (one with super dark eyes might not either) If you’re wondering what the deal is with their face color, they don’t take care of themself like they should. They wear makeup to try to feel better without actually taking the time to actually take care of themself.
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whisperingaspenslog · 30 days
Name change!
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The more time went on and more of the story got written, 'whispering pines' made less and less sense. I was in denial about needing to change it for a long time. But better now than when the show is already out, right?
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whisperingaspenslog · 1 month
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Poster for my animatic series! Wasn’t originally a poster, but I figured the logo would work well here. xD This is meant to be the flat version of a standee scene, which I can hopefully start testing soon!
The shows about Payton (right), a schizophrenic trying hard to mask and Pizookie (left), a [redacted] trying hard to mask. Everyone who seems to have known them for a while seems to hate their guts.
Explanations for the name and trees (as well as a lore dump) below the cut
There is a reason the shows called whispering pines when there’s aspens on the cover. The whole mountain is covered in pine trees, well everywhere except a certain area. The aspens there are a big part of Pizookie’s (left) backstory, it’s essentially all he has left from back then. Payton (right) went through something similar, while he was left with a few items, most were lost. (he recreated his most sentimental items from memory. He made sure to include the old stains and repairs he remembered from his old coat and old stuffed bat. Just realizing I really should’ve included one of them here. xD
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whisperingaspenslog · 1 month
Beta readers needed for Whispering Pines Episode 1 script!
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The final form of whispering pines:
Will eventually be a series of animatics of 12 minutes per episode. I’m going to make 6 episodes before deciding whether or not to continue. Color and background music are currently up in the air. Full animation and voice acting are not currently in the plans.
Currently in the scripting phase with 12 scripted pages per episode. (only episode 1 is fully written)
About the story:
Potential warnings:
Murder (nothing shown) Psychological trauma Fire trauma (past fire resulting in deaths) 'Scary' mental illnesses and disorders
The story
Centered around a costume design college located in a mountain town. As the new semester starts, new and old students seem to be on edge by the presence of one suspicious student.
My sister, after reading the script, described the genre as ‘absurdity-in-reality’ . I'm honestly not really sure what genre to class this as. After reading about different genres, it’d probably fit under the physiological drama or physiological comedy. Might also fit under urban fantasy if you view the character’s problems a certain way. Those genres all seem to cover the central theme anyways.
The help I need
What I mostly need is someone to read it over and tell me:
would you want to continue after the first episode
what you think is happening?
what do you think happened in the past?
what you think the characters problems are?
was it enjoyable as a script?
do you think it would be more or less enjoyable animated?
do feel confused about anything?
These characters all have visual designs. (pictured below) Most, if not all, will have their designs tweaked later or will be redesigned a bit to fit the story better. 
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(yes these designs are a bit rough at the moment, For most of these characters, these designs are their first drafts)
If anyone's interested, please either message, reblog, comment etc.! Just anything to let me know you'd be fine if I started messaging you with links and asking questions.
I'm going to leave this open for two weeks. If no one shows any interest, then I'm just going to continue to the next step without the feedback. xD
If anyone is interested then you'll have a week after closing to give any feedback.
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whisperingaspenslog · 2 months
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And with that, all reoccurring characters from season 1 have been designed!
I will no doubt be doing a second draft of almost all of them at some point, but for story and boarding purposes, this is good enough.
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whisperingaspenslog · 2 months
I've made a notion template with a timeline of different stages.
There's 56 stages all with various tasks. I need to complete the current stage before seriously moving onto the next one. Completing tasks from a different stage accidentally is perfectly fine. I'm just not supposed to set a goal for that day to get any future tasks done.
This is the template if you'd like to see the plan:
Currently on stage 1:
[x] episode 2 has basic plot and goals
[x] episode 1 has at least 3 scene summaries
[ ] episode 1 has all characters designed
Just need to design one more character before I can move on!
Feel free to use my template! I created it since all the schedules and things I was trying to use made feel like failure. I'm chronically ill, I shouldn't have to feel like a failure for needing to rest. With the stages system I'll complete tasks when I'm able, no repercussions from a schedule.
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whisperingaspenslog · 2 months
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The almost all the side characters have 1st design drafts!
Giga was originally a girl but then I realized the group would be 3 girls, 2 enbies, and 1 dude, and that just seemed too off balance for me. xD
Pizookie- The always confused one, also the one you probably shouldn't piss of. Second oldest of the friend group
Freya- The "I don't care if you're coming with me or not but I'm going to do what I want even if it's stupid"
Giga- a "you do you but I'm totally going to laugh at your idiocy" kind of guy. Selectivly mute (not sure if I'm getting the term right, feel free to correct me) Usually communicating through sign or text to speech. The most noise you'll get out of them is bat-like squeaks and chirps. The oldest of the friend group.
Payton- The spacy friend who seems to do weird and suspicious things all the time
Eloise- The over protective mom friend
Marvin- the "let's do stupid shit, it'd fun!" friend
Verna- ugh, kids these days. Eloise's grandmother as well as Pizookie's and Payton's clueless boss.
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whisperingaspenslog · 2 months
Significant changes have been made! The number of episodes has been cut in half! From 36 to 18. Realized there was no way of ever finishing 36 episodes, even if I left them all thumbnails, in my lifetime. Hopefully it doesn't end up feeling too rushed this way!
Full script per page:
Season 1: 13/ 72
Season 2: 7/ 72
Season 3: 7/ 72
Summary per episode
Season 1: 6/ 6
Season 2: 6/ 6
Season 3: 3/ 6
Have plot points per episode
Season 1: 6/ 6
Season 2: 6/ 6
Season 3: 4/ 6
Season 1: 1.5/ 5
Verna: DONE
Season 2: 6/ 6
Witch Doctor: NOT STARTED
Tech witch 1: NOT STARTED
Tech witch 2: NOT STARTED
Goat ghost: NOT STARTED
Season 3: 3/ 6
Tech High priestess: NOT STARTED
Payton’s brother: NOT STARTED
Payton’s in-law: NOT STARTED
Kitchen High priestess: NOT STARTED
Kitchen witch 1: NOT STARTED
Kitchen witch 2: NOT STARTED
Spearmint: DONE
Season 1: 2/ 216
EP 1: 2/36
EP 2: 0/36
EP 3: 0/36
EP 4: 0/36
EP 5: 0/36
EP 6: 0/36
Season 2: 0/ 216
EP 1: 0/36
EP 2: 0/36
EP 3: 0/36
EP 4: 0/36
EP 5: 0/36
EP 6: 0/36
Season 3: 0/ 216
EP 1: 0/36
EP 2: 0/36
EP 3: 0/36
EP 4: 0/36
EP 5: 0/36
EP 6: 0/36
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whisperingaspenslog · 2 months
Scenes 2 and 3 of episode 1
These are meant to be more thumbnails rather than the full animatics. Which is why the first 2/3 is lower quality. The file was originally tiny before I changed the way I make these.
I'll get the first scene done eventually! >:0
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whisperingaspenslog · 2 months
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Thumbnail sketches for future scenes
Possible (?) standee merch
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whisperingaspenslog · 2 months
Full script per page:
Season 1: 13/144
Season 2: 7/144
Season 3: 7/144
Summary per episode
Season 1: 8/12
Season 2: 9/12
Season 3: 5/12
Have plot points per episode
Season 1: 12/12
Season 2: 12/12
Season 3: 5/12
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whisperingaspenslog · 3 months
Full script per page Season 1: 8/144 Season 2: .5/144 Season 3: 7.5/144
Summary per episode Season 1: 12/12 Season 2: 10/12 Season 3: 4/12
Have plot points per episode Season 1: 9/12 Season 2: 10/12 Season 3: 3/12
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whisperingaspenslog · 3 months
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Welcome to the Whispering Aspens Progress blog!
Here's were I post most of the work I do on this animatic series! There are potential spoilers ahead!
What is this project?
Whispering Aspens is an animated series that will be kept at most, as colored animatics. As this project is run completely by one (chronically ill) person, full animation is just not possible.
Completing this project might not even be possible, but being chronically ill and unable to work, I need something to make life feel fulfilling.
Trilled-llama is my main blog if you're curious.
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This is premise of the series:
              Payton acts pretty strangely, if anything seems even slightly weird, he will ignore it until someone else acknowledges it first. Typically coming off as extremely rude or just oblivious.
              Pizookie also acts kind of weird, strange things just tend to happen around them with no explanation. For example, the lights tend to flicker if their upset and any electronic device they work on will always be left with strange functions the device shouldn’t physically be capable of having.
Potential Spoilers below the cut
              Eventually we know why they act so strange. Payton is schizoaffective and is actually quite observant, he just doesn’t always know what’s real or not and Pizookie is an witch with magic powers who’s been living in the woods with other witches. They’d both been hiding these things for fear of scaring people away.
So essentially, Pizookie realizes Payton is clearly noticing their magic but thinks he’s just cool with it. Meanwhile, Payton assumes he’s hallucinating all of it, and realizes that Pizookie has probably figured that out, but they don’t mind.
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whisperingaspenslog · 3 months
Full script per page
Season 1: 8/144
Season 2: .5/144
Season 3: 7.5/144
Summary per episode
Season 1: 6/12
Season 2: 4/12
Season 3: 3/12
Have plot points per episode
Season 1: 6/12
Season 2: 7/12
Season 3: 4/12
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whisperingaspenslog · 3 months
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A bat mascot type character in the whispering pines universe. They're essentially a more goth version of mascots like pusheen and hello kitty, they exist to look cute and sell merchandise. Payton of course loves this little guy.
Not quite sure what to name them, thinking something like batty butler or something. Yea I'll keep thinking for now though xD
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whisperingaspenslog · 3 months
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whisperingaspenslog · 3 months
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Map of the town. Hopefully it's clear enough that it's in the mountains. Not sure if the town should be called whispering pines or not.
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