#for stretch...i wanna say loz would be a comfort game but idk they can be SO melancholy maybe something milder like. animal crossing
capricioussun · 4 months
It's been a rough day today so here's some comfort headcanons
Rus tries to distract himself. Preferably with company if it's an option, but he'll also manage on his own. He’ll do puzzles, sort/clean things in his room, customize some clothes, just...anything to take his mind off things for a while. If it's really rough though, he might just crawl into his closet and sit there disassociating for a while. Sometimes, coming out of being so stressed, he'll draw or paint something for a little while. Helps him reorient a little.
For a while, Edge would only distract himself. There's not time for comfort in a world like theirs. This would lend to overworking frequently, or on the rare occasions he pushed himself too hard, a very bad panic attack where he'd do his best to hide (usually in his closet) and make as little noise as possible. Once surfaced though, he takes a lot of comfort in making things with his hands. Either crocheting, cooking or baking, or painting. Though he'd rather be alone when calming down.
Stretch runs hot and cold on company for comfort. Sometimes he needs it, will go anywhere he isn't alone so he can't hear himself think, but sometimes he absolutely doesn't want to be near anyone. Those times, he mostly just distracts himself with video games or wallowing in bed dipping in and out of consciousness. He doesn't have as much available energy as the other two, so if he’s already feeling a bit beat, picking up his hobbies tends to just make him feel worse, so mostly, he just tries to nap and...not think about it.
Something someone could do to help comfort Rus would be to distract him. Hang out with him, do or talk about things unrelated to what's upset him. Giving him that space to not talk or think about it while still feeling supported would help a lot.
As for Edge, while he generally prefers being alone, if he’s not too worked up, quiet 'parallel play' might help. Just hearing someone nearby, doing their own thing, especially if they'd be willing to play taste tester if he’s cooking or baking, it helps bring him out of his own head sooner, and...well, it's good to be reminded he doesn't have to handle everything on his own anymore.
Honestly, Stretch being mildly bullied into doing something mild, if he’s not too down, could help him a lot. Especially getting him to leave his bedroom, even if he doesn't go much further than just the living room. A movie, snacks, and low energy company could usually do him a world of good (and someone who doesn't make him feel like he should be ashamed for feeling bad).
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