#fsm felt that there was only ever one way to handle things (similar to wu and garmadon)
the-ninja-legacy-whip · 5 months
What are the similarities and differences between lloyd and the fsm personality wise?
We know that they are very similar when you look at their looks, history and powers but what about personality?
Personality-wise is definitely where they differ the most.
Sure, Lloyd mellows out and grows calm/patient/wiser with age, but the FSM has always been like that, even in the worst of his moments. Unlike Lloyd, who's either at full-throttle with his emotions or pushing them down til they're not there at all, the FSM rarely ever hits his extremes, hence why he was faster at mastering his powers as one, as opposed to utilizing Green & Gold separately.
But a lot of how Lloyd was shaped was due to his upbringing and how he's been treated since. After all, the FSM left his parents because things were always going to be this way, and nothing was going to change their minds. Lloyd left because things didn't have to be that way, and there was room for something to change.
The FSM cut himself off from his parents at a very, very young age, and all the people (or creatures or Guardians) he subsequently met were then nothing but nice and helpful to him, making him return that kindness in, well, kind (something that drew Mystake towards him, actually). His first real taste of opposition beyond the First Realm was when the Overlord manifested (and specifically to blot out the FSM's own existence at that, go figure).
Lloyd, meanwhile, is always going to be a little bit jaded when it comes to people even if he wants to see the best in everyone, because everyone he's reached out to in his life or had to lean on for support has wronged him in some way at least once (...except Jesse?! Ahaha?! Oops?!) so he knows that even the people who do truly care about him can still hurt him, and he's always going to be a little bit defensive about it (potential Energy Shield symbolism *jazz hands*).
And yet, part of the reason he's willing to give old enemies the benefit of the doubt at times is because.......well, other people were willing to do the same for Lloyd at his own worst. He is his own proof that people can and are willing to be better, if even just one person is willing to give them a chance to change.
The FSM believed in Balance absolutely, while Lloyd absolutely believes in Balance. And there is a difference.
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