#further proof that chaos can be passed down to offsprings
Gideon accidently proposing to Sophie has the same chaotic energy as Alec calling Magnus his '' betrothed "
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10 things I'd love Mamas to be to know
The postpartum wisdom. 2017 must be the year of Le Bebès as I know so many expectant Mama bears some even with twinnies! Now I'm only still fresh as this as I've produced and kept alive and healthy 1x tiny human who is growing undoubtedly like Jacks bloody beanstalk, for just over 3 1/2 months. However I know and am meeting so many first time expectant Mamas and to say it felt like yesterday Ollie was on the inside kicking around would be a lie because I literally love being able to lay on my belly again after 9 long months. And regain control of ones pelvic floor muscles. It's so hard to be able to "give advice" to new Mamas to be. As everyone's journey throughout their pregnancy is their own and unique and unlike anyone else's. so to judge others pain tolerance, weight gain/ loss, hormonal swings, mental health, choice of birthing is actually not up to any of us to pass judgement on and say this is how you should or shouldn't. Today I had the best chat to a complete stranger/ retail lady at my fave shop of all things divine smelling at the body shop. She commented on Ollie and his adorable little hat. She went on to tell me how she was expecting her first wee human in May. It was great I finally felt I was at this point of my postpartum journey where I could bring laughter and light to all the things that once made me sad and feel alone during my pregnancy. We spoke about birth plans and the importance of keeping an open mind in bringing your baby earth side safely. The fears and pressures surrounding breastfeeding. The highs and the lows. We both agreed on having produced 1x human was enough. I thoroughly agree I have come into this wild motherhood and created a mini me my job here is done. With my friends all having little people too we pretty much will have a Gang spreading from the Sunshine Coast to Brisbane without me needing to produce any further offspring. I believe if we knew how intense pregnancy and labour and a newborn all was we'd probably not have children.... or would out of sheer craziness. I guess I was thinking today what would be 10 top tips I could pass down to some of the first time Mamas out there after all I had so much love and support and great tips from friends and family, not exactly do's and dont's but just general hey it's ok try this out. 1. First trimester I recall my boobs feeling like heavy rocks of lava and taking off my bra was unbearable especially being big busted. Go out and grab a handful of cheap crop top bras go a few sizes up as everything is going to expand. They saved me from agony rolling over in bed in night in the first tri. 2. Eat a Big Mac and don't feel guilty, there's so many rules on what to and not to eat during pregnancy. My first trimester I had to force myself to eat my greens and salads without reaching for the coco pops day or night. I ate runny eggs Benedict in the ending of the 3rd trimester and Ollie seems aight. (Not that anyone should really take my nutritionist advice as I am far from an expert). But what I'm saying is don't feel you have to live off green smoothies and send yourself crazy because all you want is to demolish a block of chocolate. Chocolate releases endorphins, endorphins make people happy remember? And less likely to savage humans. 3. There ain't nothing wrong with a little over reppin' the preppin' when it comes to wipes, bath soaps, face washers, bibs, creams and butt wipes. You will use them... bibs unless you want to be continually napisaning out the milk stains I personally found the dark ones like my soul far more advantageous. Bulk buying things like baby laundry detergent (I use purity and earth choice as we cloth nappy too) and in Australia use the App "shopfully" it ranges from supermarket specials through to big w, Kmart, baby bunting and so on all at the click of your finger. So the conscience of being able to not get off your couch is perfect! Load up on things for you too, pads, toilet paper all the home shit so you don't need to be going to the supermarket all the time. 4. Your body will change in ways you never expected. I became violet from Willy Wonkers chocolate factory almost instantly overnight. I was a puffed up waddling blueberry. And it's not the same feeling as putting on a few KGs it's a cargo ship for a human and is exhausting and painful, so put your swollen feet up after each day. I used to lay on the bed or floor with my legs up against the wall just to run the circulation back down to my legs. All these changes won't kill you though. They'll feel at times like they are but again your body is beyond amazing. 5. Shoving evening primrose oil up your hoo-ha is a real thing not to bring on labour but soften the cervix and I totally believe in it as well as raspberry leaf tea tablets into the 37th week. My cervix was nice and soft when I presented for labour and once in active labour things moved relatively faster than I had imagined.... My haemorrhoids took the cake in pain. There's no real medical proof behind it but I feel I'd like to vouch for this alternative method. 6. There is no real point to a birth plan. Your baby will do what it wants so don't go in thinking you'll waltz in have a nice natural water birth with aromatic oils and Himalayan monk music humming in the background. You might need to get out of the water and be on a bed. You might need to have an emergency c-section or forcep delivery. That is ok! That is still birth that is not you failing or doing the wrong thing. The wrong thing is to fight off the midwives and doctors when they are concerned and intervention is needed. I had Ollie via big salad tongs forceps and I'm so grateful I went in open minded and kept a asking for the epidural haha! 7. Once earth side your baby will throw you a surge of hormones, you'll be so in love, in awe, in pain, hungry, exhausted, anxious, proud, terrified. That roller coaster is normal and seriously utilise the midwives help as much as possible whilst in hospital. I buzzed them every time I put Ollie on the boob to make sure I was getting my latch right. I buzzed them when the sheer pain of afterbirth meant I couldn't get up to get him out of his bassinet so I'd need a hand. Midwives to me are Angels and boob and vagina experts. 8. It's ok to cry and feel overwhelmed it's ok to feel like you don't have a clue what you're doing because seriously pretty sure most Mums have just winged it, I'm still winging it with Ollie and he's not got many real complaints other than how dare I shower whilst he snoozes because he will awaken and cry and let me know he's not impressed with such abandonment in his cot for 5 minutes. 9. Take time for you postpartum, if your partner, mother, sibling or close friend can mind your baby for a wee while, go throw on a face mask or go for a drive to get a coffee, seriously rebellious wild feeling about being child free in the car it's speakers full boar and bad ass mama all the way. 10. You've done an amazing job, birth & beyond truly changes you and you're a bloody legend for what you've done so don't ever forget that! But also know if you're not ok it's not weak it's empowering to ask for help. My ovaries still twist and turn in a painful manor when I see heavily pregnant women, newborns or entourages of families of 5 children navigating their way through the plaza with precise chaos. I just think ouch no thank you. I have my one little Gang member and when I look at Ollie now even through sheer exhaustion some days I just think. This all happened for a reason and the unconditional love and lengths you will go to for your wee one is indescribable. It's ok to not enjoy pregnancy, I did not feel glowing and blossoming I felt like a whale with my extra 25kg and pelvic instability. Now though, worth it and even more. So I hope some of these tips and words help reach some Mama bears out there. I sure as hell know I wish I spoke to more Mums with little ones when I was pregnant. Rise and roar you courageous ferociously brave Mamas be. Love from Ollie & I xx
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