#generally i will *sometimes* read say gen or fluff but i just don't love it
not-poignant · 1 year
Hi Pia
I'm curious, do you enjoy reading fics with trauma recovery as much as you enjoy writing them?
And is there anything you enjoy writing but hate/dislike reading? And vice versa?
Hi anon!
I do enjoy reading fics with trauma recovery! It's mostly what I read when I'm looking for something longer, however, I don't like trauma recovery just because it's trauma recovery? It needs other stuff too. A lot of folks assumed I'd like the Steve/Bucky Marvel pairing because Bucky has PTSD, but I actually can't stand that pairing (though I like both characters) and don't care as much about those specific narratives of PTSD (interpersonal trauma recovery interests me more than military or natural disaster trauma recovery, for example).
I don't know if I enjoy reading fics with trauma recovery as much as I enjoy writing it. In fact I'd say that's not true anymore because I've read very few fics with trauma recovery since I started writing Falling Falling Stars and I kind of realised I could write exactly what I wanted. Ever since then, reading the fanfiction of other folks doing trauma recovery is a harder sell to me personally, though I still do look for hurt/comfort etc.
I do still reread old fics I love, and old novels with trauma recovery / hurt/comfort that I love. But I don't... reread that content as much as I write that content, so if we're talking about 'time spent reading trauma recovery' vs. 'time spent writing/editing trauma recovery' alone, then I would definitely like writing it more.
Most of the original novels I've recced here and on Goodreads, particularly in romance but not always, generally have trauma recovery as a centralised theme or major part of the story.
As for stuff I like writing but hate/dislike reading:
Horror and supernatural horror (can't watch it, don't love reading it, really enjoy writing it)
Stories that are too long (lol)
Probably other stuff I'm forgetting.
And for stuff I don't like writing but really like reading:
Like, too much to list! I don't like writing nonfiction novels but I read a ton of nonfiction novels, lol. I don't really like writing high literature but I still read it. I don't like writing plays for the stage but I'll read 'em.
I mean isn't this true of most writers? Most of what we haven't written and/or don't enjoy writing is often what we're still going to really love, because we can't do everything. Idk, I have no interest in writing The Great British Bake Off, but I really like watching it. I have no interest in writing police procedurals but I love watching them.
Specifically in terms of romance fic, I'm not sure. Probably areas where I'm extremely concerned about the level of work involved in making a slightly accurate fanfiction - like getting terminology, customs and costumes right in certain fandoms like say, Natsume's Book of Friends or Mo Dao Zu Shi, and the actual process of writing seems extremely intimidating but I like reading (or have liked reading) stories in those fandom/s where other people are willing to do that work. I've definitely been thinking about researching this a bit more with an intention to writing fic going forward though.
I can be a really lazy writer, but I'm also a writer who can really appreciate when another writer has done the hard yards in areas of fandom where I want to read, but writing fills me with :/ feelings. Like, I really respect when you can see an author's care and research, but it's not weighing down the page and I don't feel like I'm getting a lecture that feels like a Wiki page that's been condensed down. Some of my favourite fandoms for like weird random niche knowledge included Dragon Age: Inquisition, and that was a fandom where I ended up doing a ton of research myself (i.e. what did horses eat 200 years ago, how did you prepare and store their food).
In terms of genre, there's not a ton of difference honestly. I don't love writing or reading gen. I don't love writing or reading fluff in the absence of hurt/comfort. I don't love writing or reading hurt-no-comfort. Maybe the biggest one is that on the very rare occasion I'll read a heterosexual PWP that has a kink I'm really looking for, but I don't intend to ever write het again.
(Finally pressing post on this after forgetting I had it in my drafts for ages!)
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fonulyn · 22 days
20 Questions for Fic Authors
thanks for the tag @thebrandywine 💖
answers under the cut.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
268 works.
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
1,256,253 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
RE. and still have the urge to write Gears but lol if you thought nivannedy was a rare pair...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
nobody's perfect (TOG, pretty gen)
now drunk on lust I drown in you (forever within I'm lost in you) (RE, Chreon)
and who's to find the way right through you (RE, Chreon)
scattered fragments of time (that's all we are) (RE, Chreon)
how to accidentally get adopted - a guide by Piers Nivans (RE, Piers-centric, also background Chreon)
5. Do you respond to comments?
always! i know i missed a couple, sometimes i take ages, but i do always try to respond bc i love and cherish nice comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
the bad endings on three words to last forever. i still like the angstiest one the most :'D
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
lmao like everything else idk i want them happy. i've written loads of fluff idk how to quantify which is the happiest.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
only ever got a few nasty comments thankfully, so no, not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
yeppp. idk what does 'which kind' mean? anything that feels inspiring lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
not really. i did start a few back in the day but i didn't really finish them. i am not really into crossovers tbh i don't even read them 99% of the time.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yeah. someone was selling it on amazon pffth.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
a few. apparently five on ao3 lol but i think there was one or two back in the lj days too. might be wrong tho :'D
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
lol loads. at one point in life like... fifteen years ago, most things i wrote were co-written with a friend. and i've done it a couple of times after that too. i really like co-op stuff tbh but haven't found people to collab with lately.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
right now i would sell my soul for nivannedy. might already have.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
ehhhh at this moment i doubt i'll ever finish anything. maybe the lifeguard au? i was red-hot for the idea at first but then it kinda... fizzled out. kept changing. got ruined by pushy ppl lol. but maybe i'll get back to it one day bc i would love a nivannedy summer romance tbh.
16. What are your writing strengths?
uhm. characterization. dialogue. emotional shit? idk i think i do best when i have intimate moments with two people. tiny everyday moments and mundane shit. like that. if i get going writing sometimes flows super well and i think i can get consistently readable stuff done in one go. but that'd require getting going lol.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
action. i suck at action. i also suck at it in the way that i can't actually make myself start writing. i got way too co-dependent when i still had people excitedly participating in the process and now i sit here sad doing nothing :'D but anyway. writing action and having some self-discipline lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
depends very heavily on the context. in general i do think it should be all in one language for readability but there are exceptions. i've done it too lol but it was only like a line or two in finnish :'D
19. First fandom you wrote for?
diru, twenty years ago lmao, it's like a different lifetime. i only learned of the existence of fanfic at the ripe old age of nineteen lol but yeah it's still been so long now.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
asdjfngkn i can not choose between all of my children c'mon. uhm. am just gonna say the self-indulgent series bc it truly was so important to me for so long and i'm still devastated it ended. sigh. now i made myself sad again :'D
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divagonzo · 5 years
I don't understand why some prioritise romantic love so much in fiction. Like in fics, Ron usually says something like Hermione is the one he loves most. And I don't get it? He loves her more than his parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, HARRY, and even his children????? Same with Harry, he usually mentions how Ginny is the most important person in his life, and I can't help but think "what about Ron???? What about your children??" Why does love have to be measured and ranked all the time?
‘Ello Nonnie. I hope you don’t mind while I’m tucking into some homemade poutine right now….
I’m going to assume you’re one of my Aces by the wording you used in this ask. If I’m wrong, I’ll admit to it later.
Under a Read More ‘cause this got long fast.
Humans are quite fickle in that they want labels, boxes, sorting, prioritizing, and compartmentalizing. They, in general, are more comfortable by being able to sort these issues out and categorize them by personal importance. So thus, it’s easier to mention that, for most allosexuals, that Romantic love is prioritized (and sometimes also vilified, too.)
Ask 100 people and you’ll have a list of 100 different ordered priorities for them.
In the Grand Scheme of things, yes, romantic love is considered the paragon, the highest priority. It’s the highest if you fit a very narrow scope of such things. Those priorities get a bit wonky when you aren’t that narrow scope person. Those who are Ace… or Aro…. maybe not in a romantic relationship… wouldn’t necessarily make romantic love their priority.
Most people, including writers, won’t specify how someone loves one another. Some could be construed as laziness but it’s more of an unwritten social construct that “romantic love is the priority” especially if it is with people who are partnered off. (I’m intentionally avoiding Polyamory on this issue because, so I understand it, the dynamics are wholly different and I’m going broad brush here.)
But let’s get to brass broomhandles here… we’re talking Ron Weasley, the one who has so many spoons and so much love in his heart and soul that not even powerful dark magic can keep him shut up. This is the lad who went in harms way repeatedly to protect his friends and family.
So for him to say he loves Hermione the most, part of it probably is how he is feeling in that particular moment but also it’s a social expectation in that you love your partner just that much.
It’s bollocks. Love can be a long-term feeling but more importantly, it’s a choice to feel this way. It’s not always blazing fire passion. Sometimes, it’s in the little embers of “Have a great day,” “Thinking of you,” and “Here’s a small bauble for you ‘cause  I thought you’d like it.”
I won’t get into my own situation (but will talk later if anyone is interested) but suffice to say, for many people, their spouse/romantic partner is a priority but not necessarily the only one you do love.
This is especially true for those who ascribe to the mindset that there are different forms of love, all of which are vital, healthy, and important to a person.
They are, listed below,
“Eros” or Erotic Love. The first kind of love is Eros, which is named after the Greek god of love and fertility. …
“Philia” or Affectionate Love. …
“Storge” or Familiar Love. …
“Ludus” or Playful Love. …
“Mania” or Obsessive Love. …
“Pragma” or Enduring Love. …
“Philautia” or Self Love. …
“Agape” or Selfless Love.
So let’s go down the list here….
Eros: Love for your partner. For Ron, That’s Hermione (or those who say Harry, that’s good too. YMMV.) He’d say this probably in a moment to reassure Hermione, to let her know he’s not leaving her, he’s there (like she just had a nightmare - whatever.) This doesn’t discount that he loves his parents, his siblings, especially Harry, probably Neville too *and Luna especially* but this particular flavor of love would be focused on his romantic partner. (AKA Hermione.)  He’s chosen his one and focusing on his own partner and their needs. (And better be hopefully reciprocated from their partner.)
Philia: Affectionate Love. This could be for Luna, for Harry, for pretty much anyone that Ron feels especially close to without feeling the need to engage in (adult behaviors behind closed doors). Yes, there are plenty of people who engage in Philia with people whom they are not married to. I’ve got quite a few who fill this category. (And being a Dragon with trust issues, this is huge.)
Storge: Familial Love. This is for his siblings, parents, nephews, and nieces, maybe even cousin Barny. The bonds are there, they bind, and it’s a welcome feeling to spend time with them. You don’t want to necessarily want to be overly affectionate with them (limits are probably a Bro Hug, maybe a kiss on the cheek if it’s Mom or Dad) - and no further. (Anything further is greatly frowned upon in Western Society.)
Ludus - playful love can be with kids by enjoying the time spent with them. It’s silliness and pranking and being goofy.
Mania - in short, the Potions Professor for Ms. Evans. #enoughsaid
Pragma - enduring love. This is the big one for me and probably Ron, too. It’s those who are ride or die, be there on your worst day or your best, and fight by your side or celebrate living another day. It’s the one you’re sitting at a table when you’re 80 playing chess because they are still rubbish at it but it’s time spent together and that’s wonderful. It’s a quiet contentment with your partner, with no need to fill the quiet space but enjoying the time spent with them.
Philautia - self-love. (No, not that. I won’t get into the grotty bits of this.) (This is ace safe) but the big point here is that you’re content with who you are and are comfortable in your skin, with your well-being, welfare, and how life is going. It’s that you don’t want to check out early and if you were snatched away you’d be madder than a wet moggie on Sunday.
Agape: Sacrificial Love. See Harry J Potter. But aside that, I’d say Ron Weasley falls into this one particular, especially with those who he is closest to, like Harry and Hermione. There are numerous examples in the books where he puts his own safety and welfare at the back of the line, looking out for his best friends and siblings and more. His martyr complex did drive much of it, especially with his rubbish self-worth by the end of the BoH, but I think that had anything happened to H or H, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself.  Rather he pay the price and neither of the others.
So, in short? There are numerous examples of all 8 forms of love and it really depends on the person what they value the most. The thing is, most people won’t read the gen fic that focuses on the other forms of love (aka in need of fluff) besides Eros or Philios. But then those of us who fall into the 1% would - but that’s where we need to write our own stories and tales, so we can focus on the other forms of love besides Eros.
But there’s also the aspects of a personal love language, in how you show these forms of affection for someone. Ron? Loves his wife, his kids, his best mate, his siblings, his family. All receive the love from him but it’s different flavors of it. But since this is fic, it’s focused on Eros.
But that shouldn’t discount that other forms of love are vital and healthy and necessary.
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