#george and nicky because they helped develop that car when it was shit
princessofmerc · 2 years
The feminine urge to gatekeep Williams
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Because I was really inspired by all the rumours and some of the post about other peoples teams for next year, I thought I would make my own. (This mostly realistic but still dreaming, so not everything is realistic. Also it might be biased because I think some drivers deserve better but especially the junior drivers deserve to be given a chance and not just be stuck. If this bias bothers you, I am sorry.)
Let's start with Mercedes.
Obviously I would let Lewis stay there. That man is at the top of his team game and will break all records that he can. But because we actually want to see more competitive driving, I would partner him with George. It would still secure them the teams championship but it will not only make for a little fight in the drivers championship but would also give Lewis a teammate that he could actually compete against and maybe give him more interesting/active races where he prove to everyone that still doubts him that he is one of the greatest.
Now, here I will go drastically different. Sure, let them keep Max so they can realize that he will never become the youngest world champion but give Max someone who actually would call RedBull out and might be the only that could make them change. Yes,I want Seb in a RedBull. For one as a fuck you to Ferrari but also because he might help them develop a car that could compete in the championship. Seb wouldn't take their shit and they might actually try to change and not only have their golden boy.
Racing Point
You know, I would just keep Checo and Lance there.
Both good drivers that have a competitive car without a preference for one as the winner, so let them have some fun and battle with the others.
At first I was against the idea of Daniel and Lando at McLaren. But now? I am here for it. I take it, I want it. The team is only going up and both of their drivers are great.
I would have just kept Esteban and picked Zhou as the second driver. He is good, consistent and doesn't look like he would be any trouble (obviously not like an Alonso.) Just give your junior drivers a chance (this is directed at all teams) instead of sticking to the Sam's drivers that don't really do much for you as a team.
Alpha Tauri
You know what? Alex deserves better than the shit he gets at Red Bull. He deserves to be in a team where there are people that care for him, that let him make mistakes and learn. He deserves to be somewhere where he can grow and is not constantly under pressure. Add to that the fact that he would have Pierre as a bestie who obviously has been through the same Red Bullshit, they would just be driving and having fun.
Easy, keep Nicholas because he brings in sponsors and because he can consistently bring the car in Q2, potentially even Q3 while still being helpful to Jack Aitken, his new teammate. Nicky is easy to work with, has experience and could benefit the team (not quit like George but still). He would help Jack get used to everything and that would be a beautiful team. All said.
I don't have anything against Romain but seeing as I would drop both him and Kevin in the next years and I still think Kevin is more consistent as well as the better of them, Romain will have to go. But he's just take a break where he lives his best life, making a family channel and talking about food.
Kevin stays there because he's talented and they need an experienced driver to partner with the new one, Christian Lungaard. They would talk shit about other drivers in Danish so no one will understand. Also, I feel like Christian is more quiet compared to Kevin, so he will calm the team down.
Alfa Romeo
Honestly? Kimi needs to go. I am sorry but that man has been in that sport so long and is right now just taking the space for someone young, talented and promising. He has had his time to shine and so one. Don't hate him but yeah.
Giovinazzi is honestly in my opinion not really it? Like sure that car is by far the worst one on the track but I would still expect them to maybe not be dead last most races (when nothing else has happened). He's had an okay, even good junior career but just not really that impressive to me? I would probably also drop him and let him become a model. But to be honest it can't get worse and the team has nothing to lose. So, I would probably get both Schumacher and Schwartzman. Mick has actually had a decent junior career (somehow I expected him to be worse considering some of the hate he gets but he's not as bad as some people like to make him out to be. He is also not his dad and never will be and I think as soon as you manage to realise that, you'll see he's actually done well.) Schwartzman I think is more unrealistic (I don't know if he has the points required for a super license) so if he is not available I would take Iliott. This is more difficult but I think the team could do with some young drivers, depending on who is more available. (In my dream it would be Schumacher and Schwartzman but I think the later could still do with maybe a year in F2 but he's really impressive so far.)
I hate them so I will just let them keep Sa*nz and Charles for now. (They will get another chance from me sometime but not this year or next year.)
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