shima-draws · 6 years
Love Varian's boyfriend beyond words! Thank you so much for making him queer! (I needed it) I like Altair better, I believe it's harmonizes better with Varian than Elio (in addition, Elio reminds me too much of Call Me By Your Name, which I'm not a fan of because of the uncomfortable age gap), but choose whichever name you like best! Wonderful job on the OC, as always!
THANK!!!! And yeah OFC we need more representation //shakes fists
Ooh okay! Lol when I hear Elio I think of the Pokemon Sun/Moon male protag haha but yeah I see your point~
Altair and Varian……yeah they sound similar too so they mix well~ Pretty much everyone who’s responded said they like Altair as the name so! I think I’ll go with that
Thank you so much, friend-o!
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shima-draws · 6 years
I didn't know that you loved BW2! That's awesome! They were the first games I completed completely on my own, so they hold a special place in my heart. What's your opinion on Hugh? I think he's the perfect mix of a friendly and competitive rival, two personalities of rivals that people fight over. I ship him with the player 100%. Sorry that I babbled all over you.
Yeah I do!! A lot, in fact :’) I started out with Emerald and then got DPP and BW/B2W2 when they all came out, so I basically grew up with gens 3, 4, and 5! Though the BW series is my favorite, there’s just something more about it compared to the other games that really does it for me. The music, gameplay, region and plot are all fantastic; it’ll always be my number one!
I LOVE HUGH SO MUCH. He reminds me of a nicer yet still as snarky version of Silver, who is one of my favorite rivals if not my favorite!! Hugh’s so good. AND YES HELLA…I ship Sequelshipping so hard (Hugh/the female player character) they’re so good aaaaaaaaYears ago I started a Nuzlocke for B2 and I definitely planned on having Hugh be a more central part of the story and end up with the female character so!! Ye ye
And no problem, I LOVE talking about the BW series in general so! Hmu anytime!
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shima-draws · 6 years
I love how MBAV has been revived on your blog for, like, two asks.
YEAH LMAO this blog is such a mess, I can literally talk about 20 different fandoms in the span of an hour depending on what people come into my inbox to chat about, it’s pretty great
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shima-draws · 6 years
Be More Chill for the fandom thing, if you're still doing it?
Sure sure!!
Send me a fandom/thing and I’ll tell you:
Favorite character: Michael and I’m not saying that to be ironicLeast favorite character: Blaaarrgggh I’m not particularly fond of the squip but?? He has good qualities so I wouldn’t say he’s my least favorite, I don’t think I have a least favorite tbhCharacter I never expected to love as much as I do now: RICH I really love him a lotFavorite pairing: Boyf riends……….duh…Least favorite pairing: Jeremy/Squip please why would you even;; Michael/Squip is even worseFavorite song/scene/moment: BWUH my favorite song is probably a tie between The Squip Song and Two-Player Game? (I also unironically love MITB too) Two-Player Game is my favorite scene/moment and it’s the first BMC song I heard so it’s really special to me!Favorite headcanon: Okay honestly after the Squipcident is over everyone becomes super close and they hang out all the time and make corny gay jokesFavorite AU: I HAVE A LOT!! I love Starry and Jack’s Youtuber AU, the Celestial AU is fantastic, Kabbage’s Sky High AU is ADORABLE, I have a soft spot for my own Ready Player One AU, and I’m sure there’s more haha but I should stop here
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shima-draws · 6 years
Question: Which OC of yours would directly call a teacher an asshole for not taking extra credit work, and which one would go on a field trip they weren't supposed to go on intentionally?
Let’s see. Haha
Cursing at a teacher: Amber, GifreGoing on a senior trip: Kyran, Jamie and probably Terrence too lol
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shima-draws · 6 years
I had the exact same experience as you, as I just saw Love, Simon yesterday. As a queer person, I saw a lot of myself in Simon, like the the panic and anger at being forced to come out, the ridiculousness of the "Straight is the default" concept evident in today's society's, thinking that everything will get better in college, it was great! I only cried during the very end, though. Plus, wasn't Bram's email "bluegreen" plus a bunch of numbers? As in, the rival's Japanese plus English names?
gerardwayisgerardgay said: Same with Abby. My moviegoer friend got annoyed at me because I kept oogling at her as well.
I’M GLAD…it was such a wonderful movie and everyone who went to see it walked out of the theater smiling and I felt like I was on top of the world when it was over. I was GIDDY. It was fantastic
But yes yes I definitely agree! I cried multiple times because I’m weak and a sap lol so
YEAH LOLOL WHICH IS WHY I THOUGHT OF A POKEMON CROSSOVER IMMEDIATELY I was like “Oh hey the email is blugreen what if like. Pokemon crossover cause ya know” and Red would be Simon and it would be so cute
I love Abby…she’s just so pretty and!! So is Leah like they’re both gorgeous and I’m. Yeah
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shima-draws · 6 years
Why can Gilfre only shapeshift his right hand? Is it a genetic thing? A freak accident? Do people look down on him because of that? I NEED ANSWERS TO YOUR WONDERFUL OC'S!
That’s because most space elementals aren’t capable of fully shapeshifting!! Only the super powerful ones + any higher tier beings (AKA the Rulers, Grandmasters or Legendary Beasts) are capable of a full transformation. Gifre’s a pretty strong elemental but not considered powerful enough to be able to fully shapeshift. A lot of space elementals go their entire lives without being able to completely transform themselves, and can only shapeshift parts of their body~ Only through rigorous training and exposure can one master the art of shapeshifting!! Other circumstances can unlock these capabilities as well (for instance, Gifre is actually able to achieve full shapeshifting in the Mirrorworld, due to its special properties/it being an alternate dimension with different rules).
He doesn’t really get looked down on for not being able to fully transform?? At least not by most people. His superiors tend to taunt him about that but he’s not overly bothered. He’s a super skilled fighter that’s able to do a lot of damage without a full transformation so he manages just fine!! He also has one of the rarer space elemental abilities to portal jump (basically, create portals in space, twisting the dimensions and traveling through said portals to another place) so that’s considered a huuuuge plus back when he was working with Python’s Blood, at least for himself. The downside of his portal jumping is that only he is capable of traveling through them; other people can’t. So if a situation gets sticky and he needs to escape he can manage fine on his own, but if somebody else needs a way out Gifre can’t take them with him, and that’s another thing he gets shamed for within the organization ;w;
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I always love answering questions about my OCs it makes me happier than you know so I appreciate it ^^
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shima-draws · 6 years
Came for the fanfiction, stayed for the wonderful human being.
Came for the _______. Stayed for the _______.
OOF for my writing, huh?!! Thanks that means a lot! AND GOLLY GOSH, THAT’S SO SWEET, TY…
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shima-draws · 6 years
😟😶😓😫😦😨. The few times I've actually interacted with you, I'm terrified that you'll react hostilely because I have you in such high regard as a creator and a person.
Intimidation meme
😟 - I wish I had the courage to start talking to you.😶 - I’m not sure if I can reach out to you.😓 - I feel like you would not really like me.😫 - I admire you from the sidelines because you seem cool and I’m just a dork.😦 - I feel really insecure when I want to reach out to you.😨 - You intimidate me….a whole damn lot.
OOF I GET WHAT YOU MEAN…it’s super hard to reach out to somebody you admire and you like!! Don’t want to mess up or anything
But! A lot of the friends I’ve made here? The only reason we are friends is because they had the courage to come chat with me, and then they just continued to hit up my inbox or my DM! I’ve met some people through my ask blogs or just through this blog!! Like it was all just so casual and easy to be friends that I didn’t even think twice about it
Take it from me, a couple years ago when I was nowhere near as well known as I am now I REALLY admired this one artist, and one time she commented on my art and I freaked out and started saying things like “Wow I never thought you’d talk to me”. She never answered because I sorta put her on a pedestal? Like, just treating her as some god or someone I can’t even touch just because she was way more skilled than I was at art. Just treat me and any other artist you know as a regular person!! It makes conversation SO much easier and less awkward. Because a year or two later (when I’d calmed down and learned the lesson about pedestal…-ing), I left a comment on one of her works, just casual, and she answered and then we started chatting like old friends! It was nice
And like?? It takes a LOT to annoy me or make me angry, because I’m such an upbeat and positive person? I highly doubt anything you could say would make me upset, promise! And I’m a person that genuinely likes interacting with my followers, so there’s no way I couldn’t like you :’) All the times you’ve dropped by my inbox have been super great! And trust me I’m as much of a dork as everyone else here, probably more so. Have you SEEN my silly rants about Senyuu?? I am fandom trash and I’m not ashamed
Anyway sorry that was long but like. Don’t be afraid to just. Drop in. Yell about whatever. Be like “Hey Shima what JD did was really fucked up” and I’ll be like “HELL YEAH that boy needs some help!” LOLOL just silly things, anything, I’m always here to chat!
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shima-draws · 6 years
For the Ask Anon or Not, can you do 1-96? Kidding, could you do 17, 35, 96, 78, 61, & 47, please? You don't have to answer any you don't feel comfortable answering, they're kinda personal.
And nah, no prob it’s fine! I’m happy to overshare on the internet lololol
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
Uhhhh I actually can’t remember? I was crying last night but that was by myself haha
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
Like? For real? I dunno, I’ve never really thought about it? I love the concept of magic but having it actually exist is a bit of a stretch
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
Oof probably Panic! At the Disco, I really love their music!
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
Bisexual!! At least that’s what I’m going with for now haha I’m still not entirely sure yet since I have no dating experience
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
I mean?? Yeah? I’d probably ask around for someone who actually knew CPR since I have no idea how to perform it on somebody. But like there’s no way I could watch somebody die while knowing that I could do something to prevent it
(96) Favourite YouTuber?
I actually don’t go on YouTube that often but I love JubyPhonic’s Vocaloid covers!! I’m always checking out her channel for new stuff
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shima-draws · 6 years
Your new icon is gorgeous! It reflects how you've grown and developed as an artist astoundingly!
Aaaaah thank you so much!! Yeah the old one was pretty dated and I could tell at a glance how much I’ve improved since I made it so it was high time for a new one ^^
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