#gero gomez
moreslendermales · 4 months
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Gero Gomez photographed by Jordan Ferreira
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solopezoncillos · 1 year
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cloudsspoke · 1 year
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FULL THREAD about the legendary AFA's Truco Tournament
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It is well known, the players of the Argentina national team spent many years playing this truco game when they were enlisted in concentration camps. I tried to trace the history of this tradition, and these are the results.
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Trivia: Messi lent 2 of his MOTM trophies to be used as a prop when the winner of the 2014 Truco Tournament, Martin Demichelis and Maxi Rodrigues, took their commemorative shot.
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A year later, it's Otamendi & Javi Pastore's turn to win the tournament.
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Kun & Messi in 2017.
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The AFA pres won the 2018's truco tournament.
And now fast forward to their 2021 Copa America Journey. With the new coach and youngsters joining the Old Guards, the Truco Torneo tradition still lives on.
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This marked the first time Messi had not partnered with his long-time best friend/forever roommate Kun, and eventually, the new trio consisting of Messi-Rodri-Lea won the tournament.
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Last, the most recent tournament took place in Doha, Qatar. We got to see who was in charge of it (De Paul, Paredes), who teamed with whom, and who wasn't participating (Aimar, El Huevo, and German Pezzela).
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The weird thing is, I found several articles that talked about different results about who won the torneo. Some said Tapia won again with Leo becoming the runner-up, others said Tapia won and the runner-up was another AFA's staff, and I too found people who were hyped up about Juli winning the tournament.
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Someone on Twitter made a thread about the same topic (Truco Torneo) and from her post, we get to know that Di Maria denied this rumor about Juli.
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Thanks to Taglia and Lauti who shared another inside story about the tournament. In their version, after Di Maria-Dybala-Ota team beat them, the trio then beat the Leo-Lea-Rodri team and based on the bracket maybe they (Di Maria-Dybala-Ota) were finally beaten by Chiqui Tapia's team.
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Taglia mentioned about the tournament kinda 'lost its sparks' once the favorite team lost. It seems fitting to the one Rodri said as per this OP's post. (Or it could also maybe they wasn't in the mood after the loss against Saudi Arabia).
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Well, we're lucky that the topic of this confusing torneo is being mentioned during El Kun's legendary Twitch Stream, although it isn't very clear at all since no one mentioned the opponent who challenged Messi's team.
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++ Torneo de Truco UPDATE
According to this recent clip, Lea did admit Ota-Di Maria-Dybala team beat his team and said the winner from the torneo was a team consisting of a manager, utility staff, and a goalkeeper coach.
One thing for sure is, 3 of the known loser teams have something to be blamed for. Lauti blamed Foyth, Lea called for the injustice, and then Cuti and Licha joined forces in slandering Molina's truco skill right under his Insta post.
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I hope the upcoming docu will reveal the real winner of the 2022 Truco Torneo.
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asuncasasolaipuinak · 5 years
IV. edizioko ipuin sarituak | Relatos premiados de la IVª edición
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Asun Casasola Ipuin Lehiaketaren 4. edizioak datorren ostegunean, martxoaren 14ean, banatuko ditu bere sariak.
Ainara Elizondo (Hondarribia) eta Juncal Baeza (Madril) helduen kategorian eta Naroa Carrera (Errenteria) eta Alessandra Bedoya (Jaen) gazteen kategorian, izan dira Asun Casasola Ipuin Lehiaketaren 4. edizioko irabazleak.
Ainara Elizondoren “Lau hizki” (bigarren urtez jarraian garailea da Ainara Elizondoren ipuina) eta Juncal Baezaren “Pruebas” izan dira epahaimaiak helduen kategorian irabazle hautatu dituen ipuinak. Gazte kategorian, Naroa Carreraren “Urte luzeen amaiera” eta Alessandra Bedoyaren izenbururik gabeko ipuinek lortu dute saria.
Aurtengo edizioan 328 ipuin bildu ditugu, 4 ediziotan izandako parte hartzerik handiena lortuz, “Nik sinisten zaitut” lelopean. Abiapuntu horrek berdintasunaren aldeko jendartea bultzatzea eta genero indarkeria baztertzea zuen helburu. 2018a inflexio puntua izan da indarkeria matxistaren aurkako borrokari dagokionean. Argi geratu zen hori martxoaren 8ko protestetan, jendarteak, nazkatuta, bere egin zuen “nik sinisten zaitut” leloa. 
Gipuzkoa eta Euskal Herritik iritsi zaizkigu ipuin gehienak, baina estatu osoko puntu ezberdinetatik ere jaso ditugu: Madrildik, Cadizetik, Valentziatik, Alacantetik, Zaragozatik, Toledotik, Tarragonatik, Gijondik, Vigotik, Pontevedratik, Huescatik, Granadatik, Albacetetik, Valladolidetik… eta baita munduko hainbat puntutatik ere: Alemaniatik, Latinamerikatik (Kolonbiatik, Mexikotik, Puerto Ricotik, Dominikar Errepublikatik, Argentinatik, Uruguaytik…) eta baita Estatu Batuetatik ere.
Helduen kategoriako irabazleek (16 urtetik gorakoek) 300€ko saria jasoko dute diru saritan, eta baita 50€ko balioa duen liburu sorta bat ere, Irungo Brontë liburu dendaren eskutik (liburu guztien zerrenda gure Facebookeko orrian dago eskuragarri, Asun Casasola Ipuinak-en). Gazteen kategoriako irabazleek (12 urtetik 16 urterakoek), aldiz, 100€koa jasoko dute diru saritan, eta 50€ko balioa duen beste liburu sorta bat.
Laugarren edizio honetako epaimahaia emakumez osatuta egon da bere osotasunean. Guztiek literaturarekin edo feminismoarekin harreman zuzena dute, gehienak epaimahaikide izan dira aurreko edizioetan, baina beste batzuk inkorporazio berriak izan dira. Helduen kategorian, euskeraz, Yurre Ugartek, Ana Iruretagoyenak eta Idurre Eskisabelek osatu dute epahaimaia; helduen kategorian, gazteleraz, Mertxe Tranchek, Maialen Lehanek eta Marian Benitezek; gazteen kategorian, euskeraz, Itziar Gomezek, Ainara Maiak eta Ane Perezek; eta azkenik, gazteen kategorian, gazteleraz, Maite Vergarak, Noelia Lorenzok eta Naroa Lopezek. Epaimahaikide guztiek inplikazio maila ezinhobea erakutsi dute hasieratik eta horregatik, antolakuntzatik gure eskerrik beroenak eman nahi dizkiegu.
Sari banaketa ekitaldia datorren ostegunean, martxoaren 14ean ospatuko dugu, arratsaldeko 19:00retan, Irungo Kale Nagusian dagoen Brontë liburudendan.
Aurreko edizioetan bezalaxe, ipuin irabazleak irakurriko ditugu, epaimahaikideak eta irabazleak bertan izango dira eta Asun Casasola bera ere bertan izango da. 
Han espero zaituztegu.
Eskerrik asko.
Zalantzarik izanez gero, [email protected] helbidera emaila bidali dezakezue.
La cuarta edición del Concurso de Relatos Asun Casasola entregará sus premios el próximo jueves, 14 de marzo, en la librería Brontë de Irun.
Ainara Elizondo (Hondarribia) y Juncal Baeza (Madrid) en la categoría de adultos, y Naroa Carrera (Rentería) y Alessandra Bedoya (Jaen) en la categoría de jóvenes han sido las ganadoras de la cuarta edición del Concurso de Relatos Asun Casasola.
“Lau hizki” de Ainara Elizondo (quien gana el concurso por segundo año consecutivo) y “Pruebas” de Juncal Baeza en la categoría de adultos y “Urte luzeen amaiera” de Naroa Carrera y el relato sin título de Alessandra Bedoya han sido los relatos seleccionados por el jurado como ganadores de esta cuarta edición del Concurso de Relatos Asun Casasola.
Este año hemos recopilado 328 relatos, que supone la participación más alta de las cuatro ediciones, bajo el lema “Yo sí te creo” cuyo objetivo es fomentar una sociedad basada en la igualdad en la que no tenga cabida la violencia de género. El 2018 ha supuesto un punto de inflexión en la lucha contra la violencia machista, que quedó claramente reflejado en las protestas del 8 de marzo. La población hizo suyo el lema “Yo sí te creo”. 
En cuanto a la procedencia, la mayoría de los relatos han sido escritos por personas de Gipuzkoa o Euskal Herria, pero hemos recibido relatos de casi todos los puntos del estado: Madrid, Cádiz, Valencia, Alicante, Zaragoza, Toledo, Tarragona, Gijón, Vigo, Pontevedra, Huesca, Granada, Albacete, Valladolid… También han llegado relatos de mucho más lejos: de Alemania, de Latino América (Colombia, México, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Argentina, Uruguay…) e incluso de Estados Unidos.
Las ganadoras en la categoría de adultos (mayores de 16 años) recibirán un premio en metálico de 300€ y un lote de libros valorado en 50€ otorgado por la librería Brontë de Irun (la lista de libros puede consultarse en nuestra página de Facebook Asun Casasola Ipuinak). En la categoría de jóvenes (12 a 16 años), el premio será de 100€ en metálico y entregaremos también otro lote de libros valorado en 50€.
El jurado de la cuarta edición del Concurso de Relatos Asun Casasola ha estado íntegramente formado por mujeres. Algunas de ellas ya han formado parte del jurado del concurso en anteriores ediciones y otras son nuevas incorporaciones, pero todas tienen relación con la literatura o el feminismo. En la categoría de adultos, en euskera, hemos contado con Yurre Ugarte, Ana Iruretagoyena e Idurre Eskisabel; Mertxe Tranche, Maialen Lehane y Marian Benitez han formado el jurado de la categoría de adultos en castellano; Itziar Gomez, Ainara Maia y Ane Perez han valorado los relatos de la categoría de jóvenes en euskera; y Maite Vergara, Noelia Lorenzo y Naroa López han compuesto el jurado de la categoría de jóvenes en castellano. Todas ellas se han implicado con el concurso desde el principio y desde la organización queremos agradecerles el gran trabajo realizado.
El acto de entrega de premios se celebrará el próximo día 14 de marzo, jueves, a las 19:00 horas en la librería Brontë de la Calle Mayor de Irun. Como en las anteriores ediciones, se leerán los relatos ganadores, estarán presentes los miembros del jurado, las ganadoras y la propia Asun Casasola. Os esperamos allí. Muchas gracias. Si tenéis cualquier duda, podéis enviar un correo a: [email protected] 
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writerkingdom · 6 years
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jakion-sarean · 6 years
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☛ Panna cotta Jakioneko frutazko marmeladarekin.
Osagaiak (4pertsonentzako) 350 ml krema, %35 koipe murrizketarekin 200 ml esne osoa 40 gr glass azukrea 10 gr gelatina orri (4unitate) bainila leka bat limoi zesto pixka bat 60 gr Jakion marmelada Lantzea Lehenengo gelatina orriak ur hotzean sartuko ditugu. Gero, esnea, krema, bainila eta limoi zestoa katilu baten ipiniko ditugu irakitze punturarte, momentu horretan azukrea gehituko diogu eta nahastu. Gelatina orriak agortuko ditugu eta aurreko nahasteari gehituko dizkiogu hau arintzeko. Krema edalontzietan jarriko dugu, edalontzi hauetan ‘panna cotta’ aurkeztuko dugu; hotzgailuan 8 orduz utziko dugu gaineratzeko. Aurkezteko momentuan Jakion frutazko marmelada jarriko diogu: sagar-ahabi, andere-mahatsa, sagar-mazusta. Errezeta Consumer.aren bidez.
☛ Panna cotta con mermelada de fruta Jakion.
Ingredientes (4 personas) 350 ml de nata con 35% materia grasa 200 ml de leche entera 40 gr de azúcar glass 10 gr de gelatina en láminas (4 unidades) 1 vaina de vainilla 1 pizca de ralladura de limón 60 gr de mermelada Jakion Elaboración En primer lugar ponemos las láminas de gelatina en agua fría. Después ponemos la nata, la leche, la vainilla y la ralladura de limón en un recipiente hasta que hierva, en ese momento añadimos el azúcar y removemos. Escurrimos las láminas de gelatina y las añadimos a la mezcla una vez que se ha templado hasta que se diluyan. Colamos la crema y la vertemos en unos vasitos; serán los vasos donde presentaremos la ‘panna cotta’, dejamos reposar en la nevera durante 8 horas. A la hora de la presentación le añadiremos mermeladas de fruta Jakion: manzana-arándano, grosella o manzana-mora. Receta vía Consumer.
Argazkia :: Foto: Karly Gomez (http://ow.ly/Dt5J30hJGkH)  Unsplash.en
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wesonerdy · 7 years
ABC reveals their upcoming 2017 – 2018 primetime lineup, and we’ve got the details, including the announcement about Scandal‘s last season.
Upfronts 2017 continues! Yesterday, NBC and FOX announced their lineup from the upcoming season, and earlier today ABC held their showcase to do the same.
Channing Dungey, president of ABC Entertainment, unveiled the network’s new lineup this afternoon at Lincoln Center’s David Geffen Hall in NYC, and there are some shake-ups.
What stands out most to me is the changes to Once Upon a Time. After news that the majority of the series’ regular cast is departing, ABC has still renewed the show for Season 7. There are lots of questions about the nature of the reset for the new season. Incidentally, I do think the Season 6 finale does a surprisingly good job of setting the stakes and creating some buy-in from long time Oncers. In any event, Once Upon a Time will be moved from Sunday evenings to Friday at 8:00pm ET|PT. This time spot is notorious for being a death sentence to TV shows, but there’s still reason to be optimistic (more on that later…).
Also, some changes are on the horizon for Shondaland and TGiT too. The Catch has been cancelled, and while Scandal has gotten a full season order, Shonda Rhimes (Scandal’s creator and executive producer) and ABC confirm that Season 7 will be the show’s last. According to Ms. Rhimes:
“Deciding how to end a show is easy. Deciding when to finish is quite simple when the end date is years away. But actually going through with it? Actually standing up to say: ‘This is it?’ Not so much. So, next year we are going all out. Leaving nothing on the table. Creating this world in celebration. We are going to handle the end the way we like to handle the important things in our ‘Scandal’ family: all together, white hats on, gladiators running full speed over a cliff.”
Gladiators right up until the end!
In addition to their returning series, ABC is also introducing one comedy (The Mayor) and four new dramas (The Good Doctor, The Gospel of Kevin, Marvel’s Inhumans, Ten Days In the Valley) in the Fall.
We can expect ABC to bring us TWO revivals, Roseanne, plus a revamped American Idol (moving to a new network after being cancelled at FOX in 2015). Rounding out the announcement is that we can expect two Live Musical Special Events The Wonderful World of Disney: The Little Mermaid Live! (debuting Tuesday, October 3) and Rolling Stone 50.
Take a look at the list of shows that have been renewed and canceled, followed by the trailers, synopses, and character images from the coming ABC debuts. Make sure to share your thoughts in comments too!
20/20 America’s Funniest Home Videos American Housewife The Bachelor The Bachelorette black-ish Dancing with the Stars Designated Survivor Fresh Off the Boat The Goldbergs Grey’s Anatomy How to Get Away with Murder Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Middle Modern Family Once Upon a Time Quantico Scandal Shark Tank Speechless To Tell the Truth
The Real O’Neals Dr. Ken Imaginary Mary American Crime Secrets and Lies The Catch Last Man Standing Time After Time
Based on the podcast StartUp, Alex Schuman (Zach Braff, “Scrubs”) is a brilliant radio journalist, husband and father of two who is about to do something crazy – quit his job and start his own company. He quickly discovers it’s going to be a lot harder than he thought. Zach Braff stars, directs and is executive producer with Matt Tarses (“Scrubs”) and Davis Entertainment (“Dr. Ken,” “Blacklist”). Matt Tarses is writer and executive producer. Zach Braff is director and executive producer. John Davis and John Fox are executive producers of the series, from Davis Entertainment, as are Alex Blumberg, Chris Gilberti  and Matt Lieber (Gimlet Media) in association with Sony Pictures Television and ABC Studios.
ABC is bringing back “American Idol.” The network, along with producers FremantleMedia North America and 19 Entertainment, a division of CORE Media Group, will revive television’s most successful and recognized music competition series for the 2017-2018 season, bringing back the fan-favorite and making more dreams come true. A host and judges will be announced at a later time. “American Idol”‘s profound effect on the music industry is far-reaching and continually growing, launching the careers of superstars Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Hudson, Katharine McPhee, Adam Lambert and Chris Daughtry, among many others.  “American Idol” contestants have sold more than 60 million albums, resulting in more than 80 Platinum records and 95 Gold records. Its participants have generated more than 450 Billboard No. 1 hits and sold more than 260 million digital downloads. “American Idol” is produced by FremantleMedia North America and 19 Entertainment, a division of CORE Media Group. Executive producers include FremantleMedia North America’s Trish Kinane and Jennifer Mullin. FremantleMedia International distributes the series worldwide.
America’s favorite participants from past seasons of “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette,” from arch rivals to villains, will take competitive dating to a chilling new level.  In an ode to the Winter Olympic Games and slated to premiere in February 2018, “The Bachelor Winter Games” will reunite the all-stars at a luxurious winter resort, where they will go head-to-head in winter-themed athletic challenges, including the toughest sport of all – love. “The Bachelor Winter Games” is a production of Next Entertainment in association with Warner Horizon Unscripted Television. Mike Fleiss and Martin Hilton to executive produce.
Refugees from a war-torn country seek asylum in a small American fishing town, only the country these people are from is America – and the war they are fleeing hasn’t happened yet. As the government tries to uncover the truth behind this mysterious migration only one thing is certain: The lives of the people here — both the townspeople and these newcomers — will never be the same.  Writers Dan Dworkin & Jay Beattie executive produce with Jason Reed. “The Crossing” stars Steve Zahn as Jude Miller, Natalie Martinez as Reece, Sandrine Holt as Emma Ren, Rick Gomez as Nestor, Jay Karnes as Craig Lindauer, Marcuis Harris as Caleb, Simone Kessel as Rebecca, Kelley Missal as Hannah, Rob Campbell as Paul, Grant Harvey as Roy, Bailey Skodje as Leah, Jon D’Leo as Will, Luc Roderique as Bryce and Tommy Bastow as Marshall. The pilot is directed by Rob Bowman. The series is from ABC Studios.
A fresh new take on an established favorite, “Dancing with the Stars Junior” will pair celebrity kids and kids of celebrities with professional junior ballroom dancers to perform choreographed routines, which will be judged by a panel of renowned ballroom experts, to be announced at a later date. Slated to debut in Spring 2018, “Dancing with the Stars Junior” is produced by BBC Worldwide Productions
When his career is ruined by scandal, superstar magician Cameron Black has only one place to turn to practice his art of deception, influence and illusion — the FBI. Using every trick in the book and inventing new ones, he will help the government catch the world’s most elusive criminals while staging the biggest illusions of his career.  The series is from writer/executive producer Chris Fedak (“Chuck”) and executive producers Greg Berlanti, Martin Gero and Sarah Schechter.  Illusionist David Kwong (“Now You See Me”) will co-produce. “Deception” stars Jack Cutmore-Scott as Cameron Black/Jonathan Black, Ilfenesh Hadera as Kay Daniels, Lenora Crichlow as Dina Clark, Amaury Nolasco as Mike Alvarez, Justin Chon as Jordan Kwon, Laila Robins as Special Agent Deakins and Vinnie Jones as Gunter Gustafsen The series is from Berlanti Productions and Quinn’s House in association with Warner Bros. Television. “Deception” is directed by David Nutter, who is also executive producer.
Set in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, aka “The Mother Court,” this new Shondaland drama follows brand-new lawyers working for both the defense and the prosecution handling the most high-profile and high-stakes federal cases in the country – all as their lives intersect in and out of the courtroom. The series is created by Shondaland’s Paul William Davies and is executive produced by Shonda Rhimes and Betsy Beers. The series, from ABC Studios, stars Ben Rappaport as Seth Oliver, Susannah Flood as Kate Littlejohn, Wesam Keesh as Jay Simmons, Regé-Jean Page as Leonard Knox, Ben Shenkman as Roger Gunn, Hope Davis as Jill Carlan, Vondie Curtis-Hall as Judge Nicholas Byrne and Anna Deavere Smith as Tina Krissman.
Shaun Murphy (Freddie Highmore, “Bates Motel”), a young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome, relocates from a quiet country life to join a prestigious hospital’s surgical unit. Alone in the world and unable to personally connect with those around him, Shaun uses his extraordinary medical gifts to save lives and challenge the skepticism of his colleagues. The series is from David Shore (“House”), and “Lost” and “Hawaii Five-O” star Daniel Dae Kim. The series stars Freddie Highmore as Dr. Shaun Murphy, Antonia Thomas as Dr. Claire Brown, Nicholas Gonzalez as Dr. Neal Melendez, Chuku Modu as Dr. Jared Kalu, Beau Garrett as Jessica Preston, Hill Harper as Dr. Marcus Andrews and Richard Schiff as Dr. Aaron Glassman. The series is from Sony Pictures Television and ABC Studios. David Shore is writer and executive producer. Daniel Dae Kim, David Kim and Sebastian Lee are also executive producers. Seth Gordon directed the pilot and is also an executive producer.
Kevin Finn (Jason Ritter, “Parenthood”), a cluelessly self-serving person, is on a dangerous path to despair. In a downward spiral, Kevin returns home to stay with his widowed twin sister (JoAnna Garcia Swisher, “Once Upon a Time”) and niece.  On his first night there, an unlikely celestial being named Yvette appears to him and presents him with a mission – to save the world.  A light drama from executive producers Michele Fazekas & Tara Butters (“Marvel’s Agent Carter,” “Resurrection,” “Reaper”). “The Gospel of Kevin” stars Jason Ritter as Kevin Finn, JoAnna Garcia Swisher as Amy, J. August Richards as Nate, Chloe East as Reese, Dustin Ybarra as Tyler and India de Beaufort as Kristin. The pilot is directed by Paul McGuigan. The series is from ABC Studios.
Courtesy of ABC/Marvel
Courtesy of ABC/Michael Muller
“Marvel’s Inhumans” explores the never-before-told epic adventure of the royal family including Black Bolt, the enigmatic, commanding King of the Inhumans, with a voice so powerful that the slightest whisper can destroy a city. After the Royal Family of Inhumans is splintered by a military coup, they barely escape to Hawaii where their surprising interactions with the lush world and humanity around them may prove to not only save them, but Earth itself. The legendary comic book series will be brought to life in a way that has never been done before, as a version of the first two episodes will be shown globally in IMAX theaters for a two-week period beginning September 1, 2017. ABC will then air the entirety of the series on the network, with additional exclusive content that can only been seen on ABC. “Marvel’s Inhumans” stars Anson Mount as Black Bolt, Iwan Rheon as Maximus, Serinda Swan as Medusa, Eme Ikwuakor as Gorgon, Isabelle Cornish as Crystal, Ken Leung as Karnak, Ellen Woglom as an undisclosed character, Sonya Balmores as Auran and Mike Moh as Triton. The series is executive produced by Scott Buck, along with Marvel’s Jeph Loeb and Jim Chory with Buck serving as showrunner.  Roel Reiné will direct the first two episodes. This series is a Marvel and IMAX project and is co-produced by Marvel Television and ABC Studios.
Young rapper Courtney Rose (Brandon Micheal Hall) needs his big break. For years he’s toiled away in a small inner-city apartment, making music in his junk-filled bedroom closet. Tired of waiting for opportunity, Courtney cooks up the publicity stunt of the century – running for mayor of his hometown in California to generate buzz for his music career. Unfortunately for Courtney, his master plan goes wildly awry, ending in the most terrifying of outcomes: an election victory. With the help of his mother (Yvette Nicole Brown, “Community”) and friends, including Valentina (“Glee’s” Lea Michele), Courtney will have to overcome his hubris if he wants to transform the struggling city he loves. The series stars Brandon Micheal Hall as Courtney Rose, Lea Michele as Valentina, Bernard David Jones as Jermaine Hardaway, Marcel Spears as TK and Yvette Nicole Brown as Dina. From executive producer Daveed Diggs (Tony winner for Broadway’s “Hamilton”), writer/executive producer Jeremy Bronson (“Speechless,” “The Mindy Project,” “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon”) and executive producer Jamie Tarses (“Happy Endings”), the series is from ABC Studios. The pilot is directed by executive producer James Griffiths (“black-ish”).
Iconic comedy series “Roseanne” will return to The ABC Television Network, Channing Dungey, president, ABC Entertainment, announced today. The eight-episode reboot, featuring the original cast – Roseanne Barr (Roseanne), John Goodman (Dan), Sara Gilbert (Darlene), Laurie Metcalf (Jackie), Michael Fishman (D.J.) and Lecy Goranson (Becky) – will air in 2018. Sarah Chalke, who played the character Becky in later seasons, will also appear in another role. Roseanne Barr will executive produce, along with Sara Gilbert, Tom Werner, Bruce Helford, Whitney Cummings and Tony Hernandez. The series is from Carsey-Werner Television.
For half a century, Rolling Stone has remained an iconic and important voice in American music, culture and politics. Now, the people who have told their stories through the Rolling Stone lens are coming together to reflect on the last 50 years. “Rolling Stone 50” will pay homage to the brand’s influence and impact through a curated journey of its most seminal moments. Live from New York City, the three-hour special television event, set to debut Wednesday, February 7, 2018, will showcase live performances, short films, iconic on-stage moments, never-before-seen musical pairings, and celebrities that have shaped pop culture, music and politics. The special is a production of Done + Dusted and Wenner Media. Jann Wenner and Gus Wenner of Wenner Media and Ian Stewart, David Jammy and Katy Mullan of Done + Dusted serve as executive producers.
Based on the Danish series, “Splitting Up Together” is the story of a couple (Jenna Fischer, “The Office,” Oliver Hudson, “Scream Queens”) whose marriage is reignited by their divorce. Emily Kapnek (“Suburgatory”) writes and serves as executive producer of this new comedy, along with Ellen DeGeneres. The series stars Jenna Fischer as Lena, Oliver Hudson as Martin, Bobby Lee as Arthur, Diane Farr as Maya, Lindsay Price as Camille, Olivia Keville as Mae, Van Crosby as Mason and Sander Thomas as Milo. Jeff Kleeman, Mette Heeno, Mie Andreasen and Hella Joof are also executive producers of “Splitting Up Together,” which is based on the original series created by Heeno. It is produced by A Very Good Production and Piece of Pie Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television. Dean Holland directed the pilot.
“Ten Days in the Valley” stars Kyra Sedgwick as Jane Sadler, an overworked television producer and single mother in the middle of a separation whose life is turned upside down when her young daughter goes missing in the middle of the night. Just like her controversial police TV show, everything is a mystery, everyone has a secret and no one can be trusted. “Ten Days in the Valley” stars Kyra Sedgwick as Jane Sadler, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as John Bird, Kick Gurry as Pete Greene, Erika Christensen as Ali Petrovich, Felix Solis as David Gomez, Josh Randall as Tom Petrovich, Malcolm-Jamal Warner as Matt Abigail Pniowsky as Lake and Francois Battiste as Gus. “Ten Days in the Valley” is from Skydance Television. It is created and written by Tassie Cameron. Executive producers are Tassie Cameron, Kyra Sedgwick, Jill Littman, Dana Goldberg, David Ellison and Marcy Ross.
In a two-hour special event, ABC will take the iconic “The Little Mermaid” animated feature film and intertwine it with show stopping LIVE musical performances via cutting-edge technology for an explosive evening honoring one of Walt Disney’s most celebrated classics. Fans of “The Little Mermaid” and Alan Menken and Howard Ashman’s Oscar-winning songs will enjoy this never-before-seen live action/animation hybrid television experience featuring a soon-to-be announced roster of some of their favorite celebrity artists, whose performances will weave seamlessly throughout the original animated film. “The Wonderful World of Disney: The Little Mermaid Live!” is set to premiere on Tuesday, October 3. The special is produced by Done + Dusted with Hamish Hamilton, Ian Stewart, David Jammy, Katy Mullan, and Richard Kraft, of Kraft-Engel Productions, serving as executive producers.
  ABC FALL 2017 SCHEDULE (All Times ET|PT)
MONDAY 8:00pm—Dancing with the Stars 10:00—The Good Doctor
TUESDAY 8:00pm—The Middle 8:30pm—Fresh Off the Boat (new time period) 9:00pm—black-ish (new day and time period) 9:30pm—The Mayor 10:00pm—The Gospel of Kevin
WEDNESDAY 8:00pm—The Goldbergs 8:30pm—Speechless 9:00pm—Modern Family 9:30pm—American Housewife (new day and time period) 10:00pm—Designated Survivor
THURSDAY 8:00pm—Grey’s Anatomy 9:00pm—Scandal 10:00pm—How to Get Away with Murder
FRIDAY 8:00pm—Once Upon a Time (new day and time period) 9:00pm—Marvel’s Inhumans 10:00pm—20/20
SATURDAY 8:00pm—Saturday Night Football
SUNDAY 7:00pm—America’s Funniest Home Videos 8:00pm—To Tell the Truth (new day and time period) 9:00pm—Shark Tank (new day and time period) 10:00pm—Ten Days in the Valley
ABC Unveils 2017 – 2018 Primetime Schedule ABC reveals their upcoming 2017 – 2018 primetime lineup, and we’ve got the details, including the announcement about…
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Gero Gomez photographed by Jordan Ferreira
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Gero Gomez photographed by Jordan Ferreira
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