#ghhhhnh thankyou anon
shoezuki · 4 months
I beg you post your travellin mini fics onto ao3 as like an X/? fic or something. I so desperately need them in my library, they bring such joy. I also have tumblr fearing buddies on ao3 that I'd love to share them with.
Of course if it's too much effort then forget I asked, I'm mostly jus hear to tell you that I adore your writing and each new fic gets me genuinely excited! <3
hhngghGNNG. ANON. i am on one knee i am proposing now. Hold my hand. This is us
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Thankyou so much anon im so fucking glad u dig it ok ok im gonna tell u a secret. Shhh ok. I been plannin on postin em on ao3 eventually but After i finish my doctor fic because they are technically set after my doctor fic like the Epilogue to that fic. It started w me wantin to make up planets that sampo would talk bout wantin to take gepard to in doctor fic n then i was like 'wait he WILL take gepard to these planets' and voila
But fuckit ya ill post em individually in a series later today when im. Not in the middle of class bsskfbdh. The sa.mpard tag on ao3 has been sad lately i shall fix it
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