#goingto be so real w you I had to google dagur bwcause . the arabic dub had wildly different names 4 everyone
malikselfindulgence · 6 months
SENDING THIS BEFORE I FORGOR AGAIN:Hiccup and Pipsqueak loving eachother is like WAY OBVIOUS to literally everyone except them,even fuckin' Dagur.Case in point:
There's a scene in his fic(still a huge wip,not even half way through Httyd 1)where Hiccup asks Stoick permission to go visit Pipsqueak because he hadn't seen him since the morning of the movie's opening dragon raid attack and Stoick immediately says 'Alright but no funny bussiness.I know how you two are with eachother so i feel the need to make that clear'(And ofc Hiccup mcdies of embarrasment and denial)
All the other viking teens assumed they were a couple already pre-befriending them
Valka spots the love between them after literally 3 convos with them
In Rtte,Dagur is actively hostile to Pipsqueak for 'stealing' Hiccup from him(because of whatever they fuck he had going on on his side towards him in those seasons).Hiccup is still in denial but tells Dagur to his face he'd pick Pipsqueak over him even if he held his axe to his throat(and this leads to Pip kicking Dagur's ass so hard he's scared of him now)
And that's just the stuff i've planned ahead.They're so autistic 4 autistic Odinbless
I FUCKING LOVE THEM SO MUCH IM SO SERIOUS . Bitches who r so comfortable with each other and have been for so long they're unable to see how close they've come to be ..... also the stuff w dagur is so real that hiccup line is going to be bouncing in my head 4 ages . KICK HIS ASS PIP!! Also would VERY much love to read the fic if you wanna share :33!!!
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^ sillies ever ... the twins were making fun of him u can hear them laughing in the bg
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