#grits teeth and mutters I WILL NOT WRITE OVERLY SERIOUS ISSUEFIC multiple times
queenlua · 3 years
i zoned out of an entire meeting today because i was too busy trying to construct a Complete Theory of Simon Blackquill TM in the back of my mind
i cannot get over his whole deal.  what was this dude like in prison?  how the fuck did Edgeworth look at THIS dude, of all the dudes, and think “yeah there’s no way he’s guilty”?  also what does Simon even do once he’s out of the clink?  i mean, he prosecutes, obviously, but like, for instance—take Athena. can you imagine how weird it’d be striking up a friendship with the dude who metaphorically took a bullet for you after seven years.  the inevitable “Athena and Simon hang out at Waffle House after he’s released” reunion must be so cringingly awkward
...also, all his weeb knowledge probably ossified, like, seven years prior.  like, i remember when i was obsessed with Bleach, and then college happened and i forgot anime existed for several years, and when i paid attention again it was all this Attack on Titan shit that i did not understand???  that’s the mood Simon’s having, except, y’know, with everything
i am only the slightest provocation away from going feral and spitting out a bunch of fic,
so if you have any headcanons or prompts or whatever you want to share with me before this all ossifies and i finally go wild... now’s the time to do it
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