#guess what? people can own more than one outfit uu
Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Reiji Heaven [03]
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ー The scene starts in Yui’s bedroom
Reiji: Shopping...?
Yui: Yes. I was thinking it’d be nice to go shopping for clothes and such since it’s been so long...
Reiji: ...Understood. In that case, I shall go with you as well.
Yui: Eh? You will...?
Reiji: We do not know when another Vampire might target you for your blood after all.
Or is there perhaps a problem with me tagging along?
Yui: N-No!
Reiji: Well then, let us go.
ー The scene shifts to the department store
Reiji: Places like this are so noisy, they really tire me out...
Yui: ( To think I’m actually out shopping together with Reiji-san... )
( It’s almost like a date, I’m so happy! )
Reiji: What are you grinning for? Well then, let us go purchase everything you need.
Yui: Yes!
Yui: ( Ah. This outfit is so cute...This one as well... )
Reiji-san, Reiji-san! What do you think of this dress (1)? 
Or would something like this in a chic color be better, perhaps?
Reiji: I believe both look fine.
Yui: But I can’t make up my mind...
Reiji: In that case, please go with this one.
Yui: ( He chose the one in the chic color... )
Reiji: This one looks more elegant after all.
I believe it will make someone like you, who thoroughly lacks grace, look at least a little better.
Yui: Yes! I’ll go with this one then!
Reiji: ...Seems like she is so excited, not even my insults are getting through...
Yui: Ah, this blouse caught my attention as well.
These shape of the sleeves is different between these two. Both are cute though...
Reiji: Like I said, either will do.
Good grief. I do not understand why you must make such a fuss over something as trivial as buying clothes...
Reiji: With this, we have bought all necessities. 
Yui: Yes.
Reiji-san...Thank you so much for today.
Reiji: I am beyond exhausted. I would like to refrain from ever going through this kind of trouble again.
Yui: S-Sorry.
( I had a blast though... )
Reiji: Well then, let us head home.
Yui: Eeh? Already?
Reiji: We have gotten everything you needed, right? You should have no reason to stay here.
Yui: Well, that’s true but...
( I wish we could have stayed a little longer... )
Male A: Hey hey, give me one bite of ice cream as well.
Female A: Eeeh~? Guess I have no other choice. In that case, here~!
Yui: ( Ah...A couple. They seem close... )
( I wish I could go on a normal date like that with Reiji-san as well. )
Reiji: What are you spacing out for?
Yui: Ah, no...!
( However, I feel blessed just to be able to spend time together like this. )
Reiji: ...Please wait there for a second.
ー He walks away
Yui: Eh...? Reiji-san?
( He suddenly left. I wonder what’s wrong? )
( Is he perhaps upset because I took too long shopping...? )
ー Reiji returns
Reiji: Have a taste.
Yui: Eh?
( This is...Ice cream... )
Reiji: You were looking at the ice cream with rather greedy eyes after all.
Yui: That’s why...You bought it for me?
Reiji: Yes. I figured I have to reward my prey every once in a while.
You might be incompetent, but I can tell that you are putting in effort in your own way.
Yui: T-Thank you very much...
Reiji: You truly are a child...Rejoicing over something like this.
Yui: ( What to do? I’m so happy... )
Reiji: It’ll melt. Hurry up and eat it.
Yui: Yes!
...It’s delicious...! Uhm, would you like some as well? A bite...
Reiji: No thank you. I do not comprehend how people can happily consume something which has such an unnatural color.
Yui: Right...
( ...I guess things won’t go like with that couple... )
Reiji: ...However, well, it has somewhat piqued my interest...
Yui: ( Eh? He pulled me closer by my shoulder... )
Uhm, Reiji-san...
ー He kisses her
Reiji: Nn...
To get a taste, this should do just fine.
Yui: ( I-In front of this many people...! )
Reiji: Hm...It is more delicious than I expected.
Yui: Then, uhm, let’s buy one for you as well...
Reiji: Like I said, this will work just fine, right?
Yui: But right here...
Reiji: Fufu. What is the matter? Your face is flushed bright red...
Yui: ( Unlike before, Reiji-san seems to be enjoying himself now...! )
Reiji: Well then, may I have one more bite?
Yui: Uu...
Reiji: Well, not that I need your permission.
Yui: ( Reiji-san really is a bully... )
ーー THE END ーー 
Translation notes
(1) The term ワンピース or ‘one piece’ is often used to refer to (casual) dresses. It obviously comes from English, but it is used in a different context, so please be mindful of this.
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