conjuringchiaroscuro · 10 months
I love it when twins kiss. They should do it more often.
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conjuringchiaroscuro · 10 months
What are your thoughts on Mariocest (Mario x Luigi)?
SO GOOD 🫶 I don’t actively seek out content of it since I wouldn’t really say I’m in the Mario fandom but!! I definitely think Mario and Luigi kiss real and Mario is pursuing Princess Peach to distract himself from his feelings for Luigi while Luigi is happy being in Mario’s shadow, so to speak, because he’s just so proud of his brother and so in love hehe
Rating it 9/10! Only one point taken off because guys with facial hair aren’t really my thing HSHDH but otherwise a perfect incest ship!
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conjuringchiaroscuro · 10 months
Idk if you're okay with rpf, if you're not I'm terribly sorry and you can feel free to ignore this ask, but what are your thoughts on gallaghercest? The fuckers from Oasis, they've kissed twice in public and there's like a hundred pictures of them groping each other and being weird lmao
I don’t mind rpf too much actually! I don’t really consume it but as long as it’s not of minors and no one is being shown fic of them without their consent, I really don’t care y’know? Plus I’d be a huge hypocrite if I was anti-rpf because I was a huge Kellic shipper back in the day LMAO
With that disclaimer out of the way!! Kissing and groping in public is an absolute power move on their part LMAO and also when I googled them because I’ve never heard of them before I saw an article was called “Dueling Potato Brothers: The Collected Oasis Fights and Insults” and I think that is absolutely hilarious. Good for them tbh
I’d give this ship an 8/10! They are a very powerful shipcest ship and could probably take over the world, the two points off are just subjective taste! But objectively, very powerful.
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conjuringchiaroscuro · 10 months
shipcest ship rating: Andrew & Ashley from The Coffin of Andy & Leyley ?
(it’s canon by the developers saying outside of the game that they intend for them to get together iirc) (but it’s mostly hinted at in game and I see “fans” bending over backwards to say they aren’t a couple lol)
Oh I’ve seen them around! I wanna play the game so bad but cannibalism squicks me out so bad, so I’m not sure how well that’d go for me… q_q
But anyway! I love the content I see of them, I’m obsessed with the whole codependent sibling things and all of the screenshots I’ve seen of their interactions are So Good……. Definitely a good shipcest ship. I don’t have much to say other than I love incest codependent siblings!
9/10! One point lost for cannibalism haha but other than that!! Very good and I ship them without ever having played the game.
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conjuringchiaroscuro · 10 months
jolyne x giorno goes so hard tbh idek what degree of cousins they are bc the family tree is so fucked up but they need to kiss NOW....
Anon, I need you to know that I read this and then fell asleep and had a dream about them so now I ship them and I’ve only watched the Phantom Blood arc LMAO that is how powerful Jolyne and Giorno is. So absolutely I agree that they need to kiss right now!! I have nothing to add about their dynamic because I don’t really know anything about them right now but my dream has compelled me to agree with you.
10/10 because I don’t dream very often and when I do it’s usually nightmares so the fact that I had a dream about them because of this ask means they are truly a powerful shipcest ship!
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conjuringchiaroscuro · 10 months
hanakocorpse -> conjuringchiaroscuro !!
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conjuringchiaroscuro · 10 months
incest ship pairing rating - Simon & River Tam in Firefly / Serenity ?
(It’s very weirdly implied even if they don’t get together, plus one of the actors ships it)
So, I’ve never watched Firefly, so I had to look into it, but from reading their wiki pages, I definitely ship them and I love it! Simon giving up his life as he knew it to rescue his sister who got turned into a psychic weapon and becoming wanted in the process….. I am in love with that concept oh my god. I love that it’s implied too! And that one of the actors ships it hehe. They have good taste for sure!
10/10. Literally suits my taste perfectly and I love them very much
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conjuringchiaroscuro · 10 months
recruiting someone into jojocest is my biggest accomplishment omg
also phantom blood goes so hard like its so good but i cant wait for u to get to stardust crusdaers bc that one is my favourite
Ooh I’m excited to get to Stardust Crusaders too….. I looked it up to figure out which arc that was and it looks really cool!!! I’m gonna post when I get to that arc just for you anon 🫶
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conjuringchiaroscuro · 10 months
My gender is girl but in like a really weird and fucked up way yknow?
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conjuringchiaroscuro · 10 months
Fuck it my pronouns are she/he now
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conjuringchiaroscuro · 11 months
Having a hypnokink is so awful like why am I thinking for myself right now, that’s a little homophobic if you ask me :/
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conjuringchiaroscuro · 11 months
Sometimes I’m okay and then I remember Them
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conjuringchiaroscuro · 11 months
this is silly but i'm someone with npd and i'm glad i'm not the only one who sees wanderer as having it
It’s not silly at all, anon! I’m really glad my post reached somebody with npd and made them feel seen! I could write a whole essay on why I see him with npd, but the short of it is the trauma from being repeatedly abandoned lead to him being focused only on his own self interest because he decided everyone else would just abandon him again, and also even though he saw himself as above the gods, no one could ever hate him as much as he hated himself. He also lacked a stable sense of self which is common in people with cluster b personality disorders, and in the end when his goals failed, this manifested in him taking on the role of being nothing more than a tool to be used, which kind of seems like the tail end narcissistic collapse to me.
All of that to say! Wanderer having npd is canon in my heart and I’m glad my post resonated with you!
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