#handmaderug outdoorrug 5x8rug kitchenrug 6x9rug cottonrug livingarearug kidsrug livingroomrug runnerrug squarerug 8x10rug bathroomrug
casavanihomes · 2 years
Our Cotton rugs are woven by Indian artisans to meet international quality standards. Our one-of-a-kind cotton rug provides a special touch to any space.For  well decor, a hand-painted block was used. We also have various floor layouts for these hand block printed cotton rugs to decorate the floor. They're perfect for your living room, bedroom, or farmhouse. They can be taken outside for a picnic or hung on balconies, verandas, and backyards.
(VISIT US : https://www.etsy.com/listing/1163413452/hand-block-printed-area-rug-indian?ref=listings_manager_grid)
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casavanihomes · 2 years
Our Cotton rugs are woven by Indian artisans to meet international quality standards. Our one-of-a-kind cotton rug provides a special touch to any space.For  well decor, a hand-painted block was used. We also have various floor layouts for these hand block printed cotton rugs to decorate the floor. They're perfect for your living room, bedroom, or farmhouse. They can be taken outside for a picnic or hung on balconies, verandas, and backyards.
(VISIT US :https://www.etsy.com/listing/1085172752/9x12-feet-outdoor-garden-beach-yoga-rug?ref=listings_manager_grid)
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casavanihomes · 2 years
Our Cotton rugs are woven by Indian artisans to meet international quality standards. Our one-of-a-kind cotton rug provides a special touch to any space.For  well decor, a hand-painted block was used. We also have various floor layouts for these hand block printed cotton rugs to decorate the floor. They're perfect for your living room, bedroom, or farmhouse. They can be taken outside for a picnic or hung on balconies, verandas, and backyards.
(VISIT US : https://www.etsy.com/listing/1099097405/4x6-feet-rug-kitchen-dining-room-rug?ref=listings_manager_grid)
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casavanihomes · 2 years
Our Cotton rugs are woven by Indian artisans to meet international quality standards. Our one-of-a-kind cotton rug provides a special touch to any space.For  well decor, a hand-painted block was used. We also have various floor layouts for these hand block printed cotton rugs to decorate the floor. They're perfect for your living room, bedroom, or farmhouse. They can be taken outside for a picnic or hung on balconies, verandas, and backyards.
(VISIT US : https://www.etsy.com/listing/1085099716/indian-hand-block-printed-area-rug-extra?ref=listings_manager_grid)
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