#happy belated inukawa friday
mashpotatoe ยท 1 year
๐Ÿ“ inukawa
๐Ÿ“ misc thoughts
so to me his outer space escapade did happen just without the very unnecessary played-for-laughs bit. he learned a valuable lesson in communication and returned back home after a few weeks stuck on a different planet, and sure hes scarred for life but adding that much depth to his character feels inaccurate to me. i think his biggest takeaway from the entire experience is being able to do the shoujo eyes on command to be a little annoying freak around his friends so i cant explain how happy i was to see the anime epilogue made it canon
hes just so average and silly and nothing beyond that. his family doesnt care to show him kindness (see: in the fanbook when asked what his parents' reaction was to the alien incident he said they just Didnt Say Anything To Him?!?) but i think they're pretty loaded ยฅยฅยฅ so hes inclined to wanting to slack off feeling hes set for life and can afford whatever game or puppy print jacket he wants.
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๐Ÿ”” unpopular opinion
there aren't many popular opinions about him to begin with but i sometimes see him portrayed as too cutesy for my taste. hes a cringefail unnecessarily rude teenager with a short temper and a sailors mouth (at least in the manga) im sure he takes sweet selfies with his dog sometimes but i imagine he still does it in a funny rather than cute way. like the notion is nice but the angle makes it look like hes choking the beast to death and not hugging it by the neck
maybe he has a cute sneeze or something
๐Ÿ“ข song that reminds me of him
who let the dogs out OBVIOUSLY but other than that... dale dale! by tokyo ska paradise orchestra i think he'd listen to shitty rap and ska music and can sit through 10 hour versions of meme songs just to stick to the bit
๐Ÿ“ฆ general feelings about him
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it started off as somewhat ironic, i thought his design was funny and basically knew him as "dude who strangely resembles teen reigen and has a few funny lines" as im sure most people do, but the more i started noticing him the sincerer the inukawa craze became. what really sold me on him is his and tomes friendship, im a sucker for the 'lesbian and her gay poodle' dynamic and theyre precisely that to me. inukawa is a random cisgay to me just for fun. HE'S JUST SOME GUY! hes my star of mediocrity
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literally just tweeted happy inukawa day on a friday months ago and it stuck. just kept doing it
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