#he briefly if distractedly talks to me and asks me some question about being black/nonblack without a friend
miss-nadias · 2 years
had a dream I murdered 3 people it was cool
#idk why but i was japanese and I was at some big building with a bunch of other folks#we're waiting for some form of entertainment and i piss off 3 bullies in some vaigie situation involving snacks#so they get pissed and try to kill me#i somehow manage to not only fight them off#but i cut off their hands as their attacking me and escape through a bathroom window#im on this soft green netted awning and i make my way down onto the ground as i act like nothing happened#i hear what sounds like a cop car and hold my hands up because prison is better than being dead#but it was just an ambulance so I awkwardly walked back into the building#a few people looked at me weird but didnt say anything so i just walked back inside and continued my day#there was this weird puppet thing in the walls i could've technically escaped through btw#but it was creepy as hell and there was a good likelihood that i would die painfully cause it was dark and there was metal and big gaps#between the hunks of metal#anyways i make my way back into the building but i go a bit deeper inside#there's two massive openings to what looks like the same room#ant man is on one side and iron man is on the other side#because im me I don't hesitate before i go to Tony#he briefly if distractedly talks to me and asks me some question about being black/nonblack without a friend#i tell him im japanese with maybe 1 friend but then say something along the lines of I'd be mexican with 0 soon#this was my way of trying to tell him i was almost definitely wanted for murder and would be arrested any minute#but he didn't seem to process the statement#meanwhile the police have entered the building and search the two massive crowds that came to sit and look at two superheroes do nothing
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