#he gets himbo-fied a lot and I dont agree with doing that to really
youngpettyqueen · 1 year
Henry or Potter?
man as much as I do love Potter, gotta go with Henry here
I like Potter a lot but I do think my interpretation of him is. definitely not what the show intended him to be read as. and for all I love him, he does bring in this softening of the anti-military stance of the show in general which im not a huge fan of. he's a great character, but narratively speaking not always handled the best, and I gotta dock points from him for that. he's funny as hell, he's got some real interesting nuance, but I wish he'd been handled better overall when it comes to how the narrative treats him
Henry is also funny as hell, he's got some really fucking cool nuances to his character, and his spin on the anti-military attitude is really neat imo. I think the fandom has a tendency to dumb him down a lot because he's fairly indecisive- Henry's incompetency is sometimes plain old incompetency, yes, because he was never the sort of person who should've been put in charge, but there was also a decent amount that I think was deliberate incompetency. Henry didnt want to be in charge, and he showed that where he could. but he also stepped up whenever he needed to, I could list examples for hours, but one of my favourites has always been when he had to choose which patient to save- one who would take an hour, or one who would take several hours and more than one surgeon. underrated moment imo
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