#but if I had to choose. Henry
youngpettyqueen · 1 year
Henry or Potter?
man as much as I do love Potter, gotta go with Henry here
I like Potter a lot but I do think my interpretation of him is. definitely not what the show intended him to be read as. and for all I love him, he does bring in this softening of the anti-military stance of the show in general which im not a huge fan of. he's a great character, but narratively speaking not always handled the best, and I gotta dock points from him for that. he's funny as hell, he's got some real interesting nuance, but I wish he'd been handled better overall when it comes to how the narrative treats him
Henry is also funny as hell, he's got some really fucking cool nuances to his character, and his spin on the anti-military attitude is really neat imo. I think the fandom has a tendency to dumb him down a lot because he's fairly indecisive- Henry's incompetency is sometimes plain old incompetency, yes, because he was never the sort of person who should've been put in charge, but there was also a decent amount that I think was deliberate incompetency. Henry didnt want to be in charge, and he showed that where he could. but he also stepped up whenever he needed to, I could list examples for hours, but one of my favourites has always been when he had to choose which patient to save- one who would take an hour, or one who would take several hours and more than one surgeon. underrated moment imo
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clove-pinks · 23 days
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I'm going to need some kind of expert on Freaky Hairstyles of the 18th Century to weigh in on this one (which is why I'm turning to my tumblr pals).
I thought this portrait of a young William Henry Harrison was c. 1790s but the National Gallery of Art dates it 1800. (It may still depict a slightly younger Harrison, since he left the US military in 1798 and this look screams military).
Anywho—WHAT is happening to his hair? I have seen mullet-like late 18thc. men's styles that pair shorter fringe/top with more length in back: but not this part well behind his ears that attaches a long braided queue to the back of his head?? It looks almost like a French braid going up the back of his head, I'm not sure how it's secured (ribbons? hair pins?)
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 2 months
note: this is not a comprehensive list, just what i could think of today. good enough for now, i say! ✨
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nebulousfishgills · 4 months
Please do share the notes with us 👀
Okay, let me transcribe *exactly* word for word what I wrote down in my journal for you all (Again, bear in mind that my bestie and I have NOT finished the game yet, so this isn't the full list, I will be adding more):
(The whole dialogue exchange between Henry and Brenner when Henry's getting his tattoo touched up and calls Brenner a parasite because *chef's kiss*)
Orange for Lunch??
Freedom in mind void to ability suppression
Russian Spies?
Losing Control of the hivemind?
Eleven makes him emotional?
Control over the hivemind is fickle?
"Creepy Henry" by the other kids
Mind Flayer bullies him
Using the hivemind to hunt for Eleven
"Obsession is how you love"
Eating dinner away from the rest of the family as a child
Comic books
Flies around like Spider-Man with the vines
Corpses = Trophies
Spiders = Muse
Mind Flayer communicates to Henry with Brenner's voice
"Most human thing about him" is feeling time
"Tied down like your mother" ??
Physically inside brains?
Obsession with the past
Obsession the only way he can connect
Influence only goes as far as the corruption
Ants? Spiders eat ants?
Chapter 2 says November 1983
Mind Flayer wants to devour everything
Will the key
Chapter 3 The Possession of Will Byers
Vecna in communication with Will
Manipulates Will's memories?
"I understand you more than anybody else"
Can possess technology?
Sows seeds of doubt
"You'll finally matter to someone, Will"
Fascinated by environment (nerd)
Mind Flayer absorbs Henry's memories
Studies Henry
Brenner said he'd take the chip out
Stole some of the Flayer's power?
Mind Flayer is a DICK
Keeps escaping Mind Flayer's influence
Rewarded for hurting things
Saw Eleven like a sister - "Alice"
Eleven was the "replacement?"
Mind Flayer deadass pulls out a "rate your emotions" chart
Henry corrupts the Upside Down
We stopped in the middle of the memory nexus loop since the headset was dying and it was getting late, but that's what I've written down so far. I'll update this once we finish the game and then maybe come up with a more comprehensive analysis post.
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leupagus · 1 year
So I'm sure there's different versions of this
But the one my cantor* told us when we were in Sunday School was this one:
Two rich men go to a cloth merchant's shop. This merchant is known for having beautiful silks, even though he has but a small humble store in the outskirts of town — so small that his infant son is sleeping on one of the chests!
These rich men want to buy these silks, so they demand to see them at once.
The merchant says, "I am sorry, they are not for sale today. Come back tomorrow and I would be happy to show them to you."
The rich men, knowing that this merchant is a Jew, think "ah-hah, he wants more money!" So they offer him a tremendous sum.
"I am sorry, they are not for sale today. Come back tomorrow, good sirs."
The rich men are puzzled, but they double their price. Quadruple it. Anything this merchant wants, they can give him.
"I am sorry, they are not for sale today. Come back tomorrow, if you please."
So, the rich men leave, annoyed, but they present themselves the very next day and sure enough, the merchant goes to a chest and pulls out the most beautiful silks that these rich men have ever seen. And when they offer to pay, he will only accept the price that he himself has deemed fair — many times less than even the first offer these rich men made.
"But why would you not give us these silks yesterday?" they ask, happy but baffled as they (or more probably their servants, but the cantor didn't get into that) pack up the silks to leave.
Just then, the merchant's wife comes in from the back, carrying their infant son. The merchant smiles and says, "Because my child was sleeping on that chest, and I did not wish to disturb his slumber. His peace is more precious to me than all the money you, good sirs, could ever provide."
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wonder-worker · 9 months
Thomas Penn writes about 500 year old dead historical figures like they're celebrities in a gossip column
#it's funny to an extent but after a point it gets very grating#he has a wealth of information but he's far too sensationalistic and florid#and tends to choose the most unsympathetic and/or colorful interpretation of every situation and historical figure#he also has a habit of ... narrativizing history which doesn't really work for me#also his fatphobia re Edward IV was absolutely revolting#I was planning on ordering the Winter King but after looking at the synopsis and first 2 chapters that were available online - no thanks#I'm definitely not interested in reading about Henry VII supposedly being 'sinister' and 'Machiavellian' because he...ruled successfully?#because he did what kings (unfortunately) did all the time? How was he any different from the others?#also imagine calling *Henry VII* ruthless & unscrupulous when his predecessor murdered his own kid-nephews and his successor was Henry VIII#like please be serious#I had the same issue with the way he described Edward IV's reign. His descriptions were so theatrical and emphatic but#at the end of the day the things he was describing were very normal lol#or they would be normal if Penn didn't choose the most critical (and mocking tbh) perspective for every single thing#the way he described Henry VI's reign was also annoying but it thankfully had far less pagetime and was not the focus of his work#so it was comparatively more tolerable#i'm glad that he acknowledged the propaganda against Margaret tho. I didn't like how he described her but at the very least he acknowledged#that she was being slandered#also calling Warwick 'the regime's biggest headache' lmfao#and ig some of his analyses on Richard III were interesting. It helps that R3 had a very short and very dramatic reign from start to finish#so Penn's flourishing tone doesn't really feel out of place for it
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azuureal · 1 year
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sotogalmo · 6 months
Garrett and Mr. Schmidt with this song
(please read the tags, because I went crazy with Garrett & Mr. Schmidt there. Moreso how they are as humans. Their good and bad parts of them. Mostly bad. Because no one is ever good and no one is ever bad to the bone. Gah. They make me so ill-)
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mirai-desu · 11 days
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Miss Scarlet & The Duke » Series 4, Episode 3
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I've shared this once before but it still gets me. BoCo was trying so hard.
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daffodillz · 1 year
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same energy.
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One thing I do not get is ppl saying Henry has to not have suffered in order to be a bad/evil villain? Esp when it's some of the same people who claimed that Jason wasn't too bad when he didn't even try to justify his actions and um ALSO was about to kill a kid.
The *point* of ST is how scary it is to be human when surrounded by humans.
If you can understand that Jason's ultimate pitfall was becoming but a product of his surroundings, you understand enough to know how ST writes their villains.
Yes, Henry's speech was complete grandiose bullshit and unrelated to his ultimate goals. That. Is. The. Point. All of that to Henry was an afterthought. A theatrical, paper thin justification for his true actions- continuing the cycle of abuse. The same character skeleton has been done before- IN THE SHOW with Billy.
To acknowledge what clearly happened in the show (Virginia trying to send Henry to Brenner which is low key a metaphor for conversion therapy/ institutionalizing him for mental disability, as well as he had to live in a home with a mom who thought he was a demon and treated him as such and a dad who never paid attention) Is NOT to dismiss the pure villainy of Vecna. Nobody I've seen is saying he doesn't fucking suck, but what I have seen is people saying he's the bc antagonist because of what he represents- the cycle of abuse. His villainy doesn't come from nowhere even though it sure as fuck doesn't come from where he says it does.
He certainly acts like a monster- but he is just a man.
Btw if you're smart enough to know we got at least three bullshit/ intentionally misleading monologues in ST4, you can make room for one more.
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whitephoenix81 · 2 years
So I heard that Henry Cavill is giving up the role of the Witcher, to play more Superman...
In my honest, humble opinion, he should give up Superman, to play more Geralt. Henry Cavill does a better Geralt, than Superman.
When the first season of The Witcher came out, my brother and my dad were watching it. I came into the room, just passing through to get to the kitchen to get some water. At the time I didn't know that they were even making a TV show of The Witcher. As I walked past, I glanced at the TV. I saw Geralt on the screen, and thought, "Oh, he's watching a cut scene." I thought my brother was playing the video game, and my dad was watching him play. It wasn't until I had my glass of water, and I was walking back through the room, that I did a double take. 1) That "cut scene" was lasting way too long. 2) now that I was closer, that Geralt was much too detailed. He looked too real. Too much detail, to be a video game.
Henry Cavill looks, and the way he performed in the show, was BORN to play the role of Geralt of Rivia. On the other hand, I've always been on the fence when it came to his Superman.
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asuiru · 9 months
ugh the last post got me thinking about the r*rb movie and now im mad about it again. i have never been so mad about a movie adaptation in my life
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boleynqueenes · 11 months
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
The royal visit to Wolf Hall was, then, the most constant and closest proximity in which Jane had ever observed the King, for by the time she served the Queen he did not take pastime in her chambers any longer, and by the time she served her usurper, he did not leave the Boleyn circle for anything save statecraft, and the Seymours were rarely invited inside either. Although she rarely observed him alone…but paired. They would oft not deign to descend upon the household save for the occasional meal, only if ever and whenever weather nor natural night did not lend towards the comfort of viands outdoors; both sweat-dappled, gliding in from far afield as they stripped off their hawking gloves. Jane marked the days, each more insufferable than the last, each ended by peals of laughter ricocheting down the hall by evening, and worse, much later, peals of moans pierced her sleep. He did not seek her out at Wolf Hall. That would be how it would have gone was this some chanson, some Arthurian tale, but no, he did not even notice her, especially, at Wolf Hall, not with the Marquess dazzling him at every turn. He merely granted her the selfsame, detached courtesy he gave the rest of her family for hosting.
#anon#fic ask meme#im a huge bitch -- freckle from caleb gallo.jpeg#NT previews#i have to craft and form a plausible psychological blueprint for all this#which is basically that...progress was some form of renewed honeymoon/ vacation bcus while they're alternately promoting reform and#strengthening the ties of support with their allies and sporting and traveling from place to place#even gaining support...as chapuys was aghast but required to report#they are united#but once they're back at court all the same pressures and expectations come to the fore again#and then the cracks in their relationship start to show again#and their shared intimacy diminishes once they are back in 'routine' again#the constant audience + the constant pressure; again#actually their progress seems to have been fairly joyous so i've never liked how it's fictionally depicted#they were gaining supporters and norris remarked that the king had never in his life#'signed so few documents' ahr5gwrfshdfawegrifhuzc#a) speaking to perhaps how the reputation of henry as someone that left all that to wolsey has been overstated#(when i do my wolsey flashbacks i plan on depicting them as more collaborative; the best wolsey biographies depict this)#b) anne was recorded as being pregnant like...very soon after this progress?#i choose to believe it was because they were too busy fucking#tl; dr i don't actually believe jane seymour was in any way a threat at this time; only later#i feel like the visit has been endowed with significance just bcus we do know what happened later#even tho henry taking a mistress during his wife's pregnancies was pretty much de rigeur#not a new thing.#*to wolsey and to cromwell too; i should say#*psychological/emotional blueprint; i should say also
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melrodrigo · 3 months
on your knees - c.s.
Cairo Sweet x Fem!Reader
Summary: It’s Valentine’s day and Cairo really needs a date.
Word Count: idk i’ll fill it later
A/N: Hiii, here to feed my babies. Beware the last few parts because i did nawt proofread this. Will come back to edit it eventually! Thanks for all the love
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“Come onnnnn, go on a date with me?” The girl in front of you practically begs, leaning forward till her whole body is pressed up to the front of your desk.
“Very funny.” You tell her, dryly.
Cairo’s been whining all week about not having a valentine’s date, but you don’t know why she specifically chooses to whine to you about it. After all, you had heard from around school she had a crush on Mr.Miller.
Your nose crinkles in disgust at the thought. Their coupling would be wild at best, and illegal (not to mention boring) at worst. It would be like seeing Einstein and an Instagram model holding hands. Except Mr. Miller wasn’t Einstein, he was Henry Miller. A spectacularly boring middle aged white guy.
To be completely transparent, you wouldn’t have minded going on a date with Cairo. Since, truth be told, you might’ve had a (tiny) crush on her.
You let your mind wander, think of what it would be like to take her out. The perfect date.
She loves nature, so it would be outdoors for sure. She doesn’t love extravagant gestures, you’d probably make her a little picnic. Your train of thought is cut short by the evil voice that tells you she could be fantasizing about a certain professor on your imaginary date.
Cairo breaks your daydreaming by falling to her knees beside your chair, hitting the carpet with a loud thud.
Your eyes widen, and you quickly grab her shoulders and try to push her up, but she refuses. For such a small girl, she sure had a lot of strength.
“What do you want me to do, beg? I can beg.” She tells you, still on her knees, dress pooling atop the rug.
You’re ashamed to admit the position has a bit of an effect on you. But who could blame you? Anyone would be flustered if Cairo Sweet was looking up at them like that…
It’s a little awe inspiring, seeing Cairo so, desperate. You’re not sure what’s brought this all on, but the cold cut Cairo you once knew has disappeared completely from the equation.
“Cairo.” You hiss, eyes darting between the door and the girl in front of you, praying that no one comes in.
“What’s it gonna take for you to go on a date with me?” She whines again, reaching for your shirt cuffs for something to hang onto.
There’s a swoosh and a quiet “oh!” that brings your attention back to the door.
Mr. Miller.
He stands somewhat awkwardly, smiling the type of smile that somehow indicates he’s unhappy. His eyes narrow when he notices it’s Cairo on the floor, his beloved teacher’s pet.
Okay, now you really need Cairo to get up. You support (force) her up and onto half of your chair, reprimanding her quietly as Miller walks past, coughing.
She straightens only slightly before settling once again on your lap, claiming it’s more comfortable and “a more suitable place for her to focus on her studies”.
“Why don’t you just sit at your desk, hm?” You point at the table, a single chair, smack dab in the middle of the classroom, in front of Mr.Miller. She was such a nerd.
She stares back at you blankly, big brown eyes making you a little distracted.
“That’s not mine.” She says, and you breathe out a laugh. The tension breaks. Her eyes crinkle lightly at the sound.
“You’re so weird.” You mumble, but allow her to sit further into your lap, no doubt much more comfy than her previous position.
“Can I sit here the rest of the class?” She asks, a little bashfully. You give her a pointed look, but nod nonetheless.
“Whatever you want.” You tell her, and she seems happy with that, taking her laptop and notebook out, ready to learn.
You see her lock eyes with Mr. Miller, who looks very confused. She smiles shyly and breaks the contact by nudging herself into the crook of your neck.
Maybe all this was just to make Mr.Miller jealous.
You frown at the disturbing thought. Cairo’s breath tingles your skin as she tilts her head up so her lips are right beside your ear. The sensation makes you shiver, quite unwillingly.
“Now will you go on a date with me?” She whispers, huskily. Her confidence has returned, cocky like the Cairo you know so well.
You weigh your options.
You do really want her to get away from Mr.Miller…it might be a good time to slap some sense into the young girl.
“Alright.” You say curtly, already regretting your decision.
Cairo removes herself from your neck, smiling wide. For a second it quells your anxieties, her milky white pearls blinding.
She turns back as more students start filing in, ready yet again to learn.
You can’t focus for the duration of the class, mind wandering. Valentine’s day was tomorrow, what were you going to say? What were you going to do?
You stay quiet until class ends and all the way while you walk her back to her home. Cairo pokes at you a couple times to try and get you out of your head.
“Don’t forget flowers!” Cairo teasingly yells from ahead of you, already one foot into her house. You straighten up, dumbly answer with a “You got it!” and a face palm once she’s out of sight.
Okay. This was it. Last night was spent toiling on your bed, writing a script of what you’ll tell Cairo, prepared lillies- her favorite flowers, and a batch of the best things you could possibly find in your fridge.
Bread, butter, freshly sliced tomatoes, lettuce, and two slices of turkey left, you’re all ready and set.
The script is tucked away into the back pocket of your jeans, snug and cozy. It radiates warmth that makes you think it’d be terribly rude to ever take it out.
You sit down onto the grass, arms on both sides straightened, palms rubbing uncomfortably with the tablecloth.
“I shouldn’t be this nervous.” You remind yourself, but it does almost nothing to quell your worries.
You can’t keep lying to yourself, the truth swims in your head and you’re afraid it’s going to leave your lips the second Cairo arrives. You aren’t nervous about the letter, or anything to do with Mr.Miller. In fact, you’re nervous about the date.
A tiny part of you, no matter how much you try and shun it away, hopes that, maybe, just maybe, if Cairo liked this date, she might start liking you.
The minutes count themselves down too fast, and it’s almost time. You sit straighter, checking your shirt for any wrinkles.
You see a tiny figure make it’s way onto the lawn, and you have to bite back a smile when you realize it’s Cairo.
She looks almost shy as she walks up to you, twiddling with her thumbs.
It’s like a wave washes over you when you finally see her up close. She’s wearing a gray turtleneck, with a denim jacket over it, hair all nice and wavy. She looks unbelievably good.
It takes a second for you to grab your bearings and act like you weren’t just blatantly staring at her.
“You look beautiful.” You say, as casual as you can muster, and Cairo breaks out into a smile. You notice she’s wearing water liner, and it makes your knees feel like jelly. She’s only ever done makeup like this once, during your school dance, and it had all but made you swoon.
“Yeah?” She muses, mindlessly. Bending down and sitting on your makeshift picnic cloth.
“Yeah.” You breathe, even though you can tell she didn’t really need an answer to that. She reaches for your face, pushing a stray hair back.
“You look good too.” Is what she comments, all soft like.
You’re a little ashamed to admit you dressed up particularly for this occasion. Some rosy pink blush, your favorite lipstick just for her.
You cough awkwardly, and it breaks you both out of your trance. You reach for the food and serve her her plate.
You get a good while into talking and laughing that you bring up Mr. Miller.
“So…do you have your eye on anybody right now?” You ask nonchalantly, pretending like you haven’t mapped this whole conversation out in your head a million times.
Something flashes in her eyes but it disappears so quick you can’t tell what it is.
“You know you can tell me anything,right?” You tell her, and you mean it. Whatever or whoever it was, you’d be fine with it. You wouldn’t just stop being friends with her because of complicated feelings. She mattered more to you than that.
She bites her lip, then speaks quick, like she has to get it out before she overthinks too much.
“Yeah I am interested in someone. In this school, actually.” She says.
You feel your heart drop to your ass, you’d hoped against hope that the rumor wasn’t true- but with this new information, it had to be.
So much for ‘being okay with anything.’ That’s it. It’s over for me.
“Oh?” You try and ask, but it comes out as a little squeak. Cairo shoots you a weird look, but continues telling you about it.
“Yeah…I really like her. I just, I don’t know if I should pursue it.” She purses her lips.
Now it’s really time for your heart to flip. Her? Did she say ‘her?’
“Yeah, I did.” She confirms, small smirk playing on her crimson lips.
“Shit, did I say that out loud?” You ask her, cheeks heating up immediately. She gives you a quick nod.
Oh god.
“You like a girl?” You ask again, disbelieving.
This time she huffs, sounding almost impatient.
“Yes, I like a girl.” She says, exasperated, with a bit of bite in her tone. Something defensive and possibly jealous stirs up in you fast and quick. Why does she look annoyed?
You can’t help but answer in the same way.
“Okay, so who is it that you like so much?” You ask pointedly. The fire in her eyes that was there just moments before simmers, and just like that, she reverts back to her normal self. It’s almost concerning how she does it so quick, like the flip of a switch.
She suddenly looks nervous again. You give her a small encouraging nod, take her hand in yours as support. They tremble slightly.
“I like you. And I know you probably-” She continues but all you can hear are the echos of her first statement.
I like you. I like you. I like you.
I like you.
You retract from her hands, surprised beyond belief. You regret it immediately when her smile drops.
Her mouth is moving rapidly, and you use the best of your abilities to try and hear what she’s saying.
“I mean why do you think I even begged you on this date? I swear your head is so thick-“ Her words pass through your ears in intervals, and finally, after she’s done, and looking at you expectedly, all you can do is croak out a weak, “You don’t have a crush on Mr. Miller?”
Cairo blinks once, twice.
“What?” But there’s no fear or judgement or any hint of any emotion except disbelief.
Huh, so she didn’t know about the rumor.
“Who said I have a crush on Mr.Miller?” She asks, nose scrunching in disgust. You sigh, looking up to the sky and thanking god.
At this revelation, you’re elated. You scooch just a tad closer and tell her about the rumor. When you’re done, you expect someone shocked, or weirded out, but all she does is letout a hefty laugh.
“God, just because I like a class doesn’t mean I want to fuck the teacher.” She smiles, and you marvel in the way she’s able to shake it off so easy. She’s always been like that, carefree.
You let your mind wander to what she said before. She turns her head to look at the scenery, allowing you guys to sit in comfortable silence.
You say her name, a simple sound, but it makes her look up into your eyes, curious.
“Did you really mean what you said? You like me?” You ask, soft.
She gives an adamant nod, assuring she really does. God, you could not focus right now. She looks so pretty.
“I like you too. Like, a lot.” You breathe, and watch as her eyes sparkle.
“Really?” She blinks, in a state of vulnerability you’ve never seen. You can’t believe that she wouldn’t believe it. You give her the same nod, grin breaking out on your face.
“Can I kiss you?” She asks, gaze fluttering between your eyes and your lips.
It’s all you’ve ever wanted- you can’t even speak.
Her kiss isn’t what you’ve always imagined. Something soft, something gentle. That’s how it always was with the first kiss. You should’ve guessed long ago Cairo wasn’t just anyone.
She surges in, grabbing your face tight like if she lets go you’ll disintegrate. She’s so rough, and you can’t get enough of it. She climbs over your body and settles in your lap, grabbing the collar of your shirt to deepen the kiss.
You break away when it gets too much, both of you panting. Her cheeks are now another shade of pink you can be proud of causing; her hair messed up in a way that makes you want to grab her and kiss her again. And so you do.
You guys stay like that, laughing and talking and kissing till it’s dark out.
“It’s a good thing I forced you on this date, isn’t it?” She muses, rolling in your arms.
You giggle, high from the endorphins.
“You didn’t force me, it was a two person thing.” You try and justify, hoping she doesn’t think you didn’t want the date.
“It’s sweet of you to say that, but we both know you would’ve never asked me out.” She tells you, booping her nose against yours.
“Oh shut up.” And you take her lips in another kiss before she can retort.
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