#he hit a home run today but ofc they still lost to the fucking royals lmaooo
litwhorees · 9 months
Bo who
Bo Naylor ! Here’s some random photos that honestly don’t even do him justice
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and a video cus why not 🤷🏽‍♀️
apparently I really love him in the red jersey lol
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Hand in Glove - Chapter 2 | Ben Hardy x OFC
A/N: I was so blown away by the love the first chapter got, wow! Thank you so much! You're all so lovely! Anyways, I decided to take advantage of the fact that there's a storm outside to write the next chapter and it just came pouring out. So, there you have it! Now I won't feel bad if I won't have the time to write during the week because adulting is hard, y'all. Anyways, this chapter's flashback's are from Annabelle's POV and are in italics, so don't get it twisted.
Word Count:~2.6K
Warnings: Swearing. Ridiculous amount of fluff. (Like, sickening. Utterly disgusting.) Also, a few more drunk shenanigans and mentions of sex (but none actually happening? Is that even a warning?)
Chapter 1
Ben and Annabelle had knowingly started something they couldn’t finish. The dimly lit room was filled with sounds of the soft rustle of clothes on sheets, muffled moans and grunts and the humdrum of the TV playing in the background.
“You’re killing me, woman,” Ben groaned before he bit his bottom lip as Annabelle dragged her fingernails over his t-shirt and down his back, “Jesus.”
“I could stop,” laying under him, Annabelle raised an eyebrow, challenging Ben with a cheeky smirk, “wouldn’t want you to die.”
“Don’t you dare,” he snaked one hand under her top and up her ribs and took her bottom lip in between his teeth, nibbling on it gently with a content hum, “I just can’t get enough of this.”
“Enough of what?” she feigned innocence, batting her eyelashes at him.
“Enough of you,” he could feel goosebumps forming on her skin under his lips and chuckled softly, “seems like the feeling is mutual.”
Annabelle tilted her head back and to the side with a sigh and closed eyes, as Ben covered every inch of her neck and face with kisses. When she opened her eyes, she let out an audible gasp.
“Is it really light out?” she wondered and caused Ben to stop his kissing attack and turn his head to look at the early morning sun illuminating through the window as well, “did we really make out like horny teenagers all fucking night?”
“M'fraid so,” he shrugged and smiled lazily, “haven’t pulled an all-nighter like this one in ages.”
“It’s a good thing neither of us has work tomorrow,” she furrowed her brows, “er… today.”
“True,” he said and snickered when Annabelle yawned loudly, “am I boring you, love?”
“That’s impossible,” she kissed his lips sweetly and reached up to brush the back of her hand against his cheek, “I think my brain just realised how long I’ve been awake.”
“We could sleep,” Ben rolled off of her and laid next to her, turning on his side to face her, “or at least try.”
“But I hate alcohol sleep, it’s the worst sleep,” she pouted and snuggled closer up to Ben, burying her face in his chest, “you smell so nice.”
He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her even closer, resting his chin on the top of her head. His heartbeat lulled her to sleep, but Ben was wide awake.
I was late. Gwil invited me over for dinner with his mates and I got caught up on set, and now I was rushing like a madwoman because being late makes me horribly anxious. I let myself into Gwil’s flat, assuming everyone else had already got there by now but was surprised to find Ben sitting on the couch, alone.
“It’s just you here?” I looked around, “where is everybody?”
“You sound disappointed,” Ben smirked. This is the first time I’ve ever actually been completely alone with him since we first met, and I found it oddly exciting.
Sometimes it felt like our friends will do anything to make sure it’s never just him and me, alone. Like they enjoyed cock-blocking us. Tossers.
“Oh, no,” I walked over and put my hands on the back of the sofa, leaning forward on my arms, “quite the opposite.”
Ben’s eyes slowly raked up my body, his tongue poking out to lick his lips. Just then, the door burst open and Gwil, Joe, Rami and Lucy rushed in like a hurricane, ruining the moment before it even started, as they always did.
Ben stared blankly at the Top Gear re-runs playing on the TV while Annabelle slept, listening to her breathing softly. He couldn’t feel the arm she was laying on anymore and he assumed his bladder is about to explode, but he dared not move. He pushed her long, straight, brown hair over her shoulder and let the palm of his hand travel from her cheek, down to her jawline, softly caressing down the side of her neck.
“Feels nice,” she mumbled against his chest and wiggled her toes, “how long was I out?”
“About two hours,” he spoke so softly, yet she could feel the low rumble of his voice echoing in his chest.
“Did you get any sleep?” Annabelle leaned back to look into his bright green eyes, her cheeks flushed from sleep, and pouted playfully when he shook his head, “I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry about,” Ben grazed his thumb over Annabelle’s lips and smiled when she kissed it softly, “did you sleep well?”
“Strangely, yeah,” she ran her fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes as he smiled, “what time is it, anyway?”
“I'm guessing it’s around Nine,” he grunted as he stretched to reach for his phone on the bedside table, “I need to take Frankie out for a walk before she pees all over the floor.”
“You can join us,” he sat up and whistled for Frankie, smiling warmly as he heard the patter of her paws on the hardwood floors as she scrambled to jump on the bed, “if you want.”
It wasn’t even my idea. Gwil insisted that I brought my friends over to the pub one night because he felt like he was stealing me away from them. I warned him not to. I told him how annoying we all are, but he wouldn’t listen. So now, he got to witness first hand the weird little ‘love-triangle’ we had and his competitive side kicked into gear. Ben, Gwil, Rami and Joe were determined to ‘out-friend’ us and they were losing, fast.
“Do you people ever get sick of each other?” Gwil asked, looking from me to my two cast-mates.
“No,” we choired.
“We’re just as bad as you are,” Clara, who plays my sister on our series, gestured with her hand across the table where Gwil’s cast-mates sat alongside him, “if not worse.”
“Disgusting,” Joe shook his head mockingly, eliciting very animated nods from Rami, “positively repulsive.”
“I know you are,” I tried not to slur but I was way past drunk by now, “but what am I?”
“Bloody adorable, is what you are!” Jamie, who plays King Henry VIII, pinched my cheek playfully.
I noticed Ben grit his teeth at that very moment, and shot him a puzzled look. In the blink of an eye, his face turned neutral again and he was calmly sipping his beer, avoiding my questioning gaze.
“Alright, you royal pains in the arse,” Clara clapped her hands to get our attention, “time to go. Long day tomorrow!"
“What’s happening tomorrow?” Joe looked like a confused puppy, making me giggle uncontrollably.
“Tomorrow,” Jamie drawled as he twirled a lock of my hair around his finger, “King Henry finally gets a taste of the one he can’t have. Yet.”
“Seriously?” Gwil was incredulous, “the one day we can finally come visit you on set and I have to watch my cousin’s sex scenes?”
“Woo!” Joe high-fived Ben as if they won something.
“It’s not a sex scene!” I felt my cheeks burn.
“Boo!” Joe and Ben chanted and frowned, causing Rami to bang his forehead against the table and Gwil make gagging noises.
Annabelle stared at the last text Ben had sent her after he and Frankie walked her home for what she felt like was hours, but was actually just a couple of minutes.
‘I could still smell you here when I got home. I can’t wait to get you alone again.’
She didn’t really know what it was she was doing with Ben, exactly. She never experienced anything like this before, an inexplicable chemistry and attraction with one person that just felt so incredibly right and natural. Annabelle was never one to commit very easily, but she doesn’t date or hook-up much, either. Most of her friends are guys, most girls hate her for being surrounded by men all the time, even if they were just her friends.
Frankly, she hated the dating “game”. It always ended up going to shit, and she could never seem to know how to pick the 'right' guy. Even Jamie, as much as she adores him and despite the attraction and chemistry, was all kinds of wrong for her and she constantly beat herself up for even going there in the first place. When shit hit the fan with Jamie, as it did with everyone else, she opted to waste her time with him in a non-comittal way and give up on dating altogether. They had such a horrible dynamic as a couple, brief as it was, that they went right back to being friends with benefits, no questions asked.
But with Ben, it was completely different. Since the very first time they had met, Ben had the ability to make her stomach flutter and her heart lurch, but still make her feel comfortable enough to be her true self. The way he had always looked at her made her feel oddly special, like he can’t see anyone else besides her whenever she’s around. She found that she always looked at him for his reaction when she told a story or spoke to him and his friends, and whenever the rare occasion happened that they were left alone for a couple of minutes, she couldn’t help but think about what his lips would feel like.
Then the other night happened, and she finally learnt what his kisses tasted and felt like and how her body and his body just fit. Now he knows what she looks like when she wakes up after getting completely sloshed, and she knows what it feels like when his body is pressed up to hers, covering every inch of her.
She completely forgot she made plans with Gwil for the rest of the day, and as she washed the dirty dishes in the sink and made herself tea still wearing last night’s clothes, she was totally lost in thought about the previous night’s events.
When Gwil entered Annie’s flat using the spare key she gave him after knocking on the door five times with no response, he could hear her singing in the kitchen while dishes clattered. He closed the door loud enough for it to be considered a slam and walked over to the kitchen, chuckling when he saw her wearing the same clothes she did the night before.
“I take it you had a good night, then?” Gwil cut her train of thought and she jumped, startled by his sudden appearance in the door to her kitchen, “whoops, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Jesus Christ almighty, Gwil!” she panted, her hand pressed to her chest, “stop sneaking around!”
“I called and texted you like, a hundred times!” He went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer, opening it with a hit on the cap against the edge of the counter top.
“Keep up with the cheek and I’ll take the key to my flat back,” she hopped on the counter and stuck her tongue out at him, “you Praying Mantis.”
"Oh, that’s a really good one, calling me a bloody insect,” he scoffed, “did Jamie at least drive you home this time?”
“Why would Jamie drive me home?” she stifled a yawn and rubbed her eyes.
“Didn’t you meet him at the pub?”
“Uh,” Annie fumbled with the lace trimming at the hem of her top, “no, actually.”
“Who did you meet, then?” Gwil raised an eyebrow.
“Ben," she felt like a deer in the headlights, knowing her confession will be followed by a thorough interrogation, threats to her life and a lot of wailing on Gwil's behalf. This isn't the first time she took a special interest in one of his mates and he never took the news too well.
“Come again?” he lowered his beer bottle and blinked in confusion.
“I was out with Ben.”
“My Ben?” he gasped, "please tell me there's another Ben..."
“Our Ben.”
Ben and I walked down the path in the nearby park, side by side, as Frankie trotted happily, ears flapping and tail wagging, on her late morning walk.
“C’mere for a second,” Ben wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him, leaning down to kiss me, “thanks, that would be all.”
“Glad to be of service,” I rolled my eyes and stumbled when Frankie pulled hard on the leash, desperate to run and play, “can we release the poor girl?”
“Sure,” Ben took out his pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his back put one in his mouth, letting it dangle from his lips as he spoke, “want one?”
“Not my thing,” I crouched down and unhooked Frankie’s leash from her collar, smiling when the pup bolted in a clumsy little stampede on the grass.
When I stood back up, Ben took my hand and led me to a nearby tree we could sit under. Leaning against the tree, Ben spread his legs and bent them for me to sit in between. I leaned back into him, using his knees as armrests.
“This is so weird,” I mused, “I don’t think I’ve ever been this comfortable around another person who doesn't share some part of my DNA, ever.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” He kissed the top of my head before taking another drag from his cigarette.
“You’d better,” I smirked, “but really, isn’t this weird?”
“It’s unusual, yeah,” I felt him nod slightly, “but I like it.”
“Obviously,” I turned and tilted my head back to look at him. He glanced down at me and nuzzled his nose with mine, “aren’t the boys worried about you not answering their texts?”
“Let them worry,” he shrugged and inhaled deeply, finishing off his smoke, “I think they’ve probably guessed that I’m busy.”
“I bet they’re jealous of whoever stole you from them.”
“I know they are, for a fact.”
The boys sat in the catering tent for their lunch break, catching up on each other’s whereabouts during the weekend. Somehow, it turned into Gwil sharing lovely tales about Annabelle’s party-girl past and her conquests during that very self-destructive phase of her life. There was even one story of how Gwil walked in on Annabelle and Jamie in the loo at the wedding they had all attended just a couple of months earlier.
“Let me get this straight - you’re telling me that you went out with a girl you actually claimed was 'illegally hot', both got drunk, went back to your place and didn’t bang?” Joe raised an eyebrow.
“I call bullshit.” Rami announced.
“I don't care,” Ben scoffed.
“She told me the exact same story, actually,” Gwil chimed in as he reached for his can of soda, “and she’s not shy about admitting to her occasional slaggish tendencies.”
“Call her a slag one more time,” Ben pointed at Gwil with his fork, “I dare you.”
“Oh, relax, Romeo,” Gwil rolled his eyes, “but seriously, she swore all they did was dry hump like the cute little puppies in heat that they are.”
“Thanks for the mental image, man,” Joe pursed his lips to stifle a laugh, “I still find it hard to believe.”
“So, what,” Rami said after listening to the heated discussion, “are you her boyfriend now?”
“Nope.” Ben replied, his eyes fixated on his plate.
“They’re taking it slow,” Gwil made air-quotes with his fingers, eliciting sneers from Rami and Joe.
“Oh, fuck off,” Ben threw his utensils on the table and slammed his hand down, before he abruptly stood up, making his chair fall behind him, “knobheads.”
“Come on, mate! We’re just taking a piss!” Gwil called after Ben’s receding back, to no avail. The only response he got from Ben was his middle finger up in the air.
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