#heechul imgine
blu-joons · 2 years
pairing: kim heechul x reader
word count: 506 words
prompt: pride
summary: slightly unsettled by a script, heechul is worried about damaging his pride until you remind him of the many things he’s done in his career thus far
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Your eyes looked to Heechul in confusion after reading through the proposition that the broadcast had given him for the latest episode of Street Alcohol Fighter. The disappointment on his face was clear, but you struggled to make sense of it all.
“What’s wrong with it?” You asked him as you placed the script back down beside you, “it’ll get plenty of views Heechul.”
His eyes went wide, gasping across at you as you failed to agree with him. “I’ve got pride Y/N, I can’t lower myself to these standards.”
Your eyes rolled as he dramatically snatched the script away, replacing it with himself sat down on the sofa beside you. Your head continued to shake as he looked at you, trying to get you to change your mind.
“Have you seen some of the things that you’ve done in your career? You think that that’s going to be the most damaging thing to your pride?” You asked, watching as the look of surprise on his face dropped.
As you began to reel off some of his more embarrassing moments, Heechul found himself struggling for argument, even as you went silent, he was still. His mind had left him, struggling to think of anything that he could use against you.
“I think it could be fun,” you smiled, pointing at the script in his hand, “surely even you can give something like that a chance?”
“I’ve only got a little bit of pride left,” he corrected himself, still frowning across at you, “what if this is the thing that just makes me lose the last bit of pride that I have Y/N? The show is a well-respected show too.”
Your hand poked gently against his arm, an action that Heechul still decided to dramatically react to. “I can guarantee that this is not the stupidest thing that you’ll have done in your career.”
Another sigh came from him as his eyes couldn’t help but wander and look at the script again. “I can’t believe that this is what it’s come down to. You know, a few years ago I would have never agreed to do something like this.”
“You’re the one always telling me that you’ve got to stay relevant.”
Another huff soon followed as once again you managed to find the right thing to say again to leave Heechul stuttering. The more you spoke the more irritated he became as the more he leant towards accepting the script.
“Why do you always seem to know the right thing to say?” He asked you.
A smug laugh came from you as you figured that you’d worn Heechul down, “so, are you going to tell them that you’ll do it?”
“You know if it all goes wrong, I’ll blame you,” Heechul assured you, “the remaining, tiny amount, of pride that I have is riding on this and the fact that you convinced me too.”
“You’ll be fine, and if it all goes wrong, you’ll give the viewers a good laugh.”
“You are enjoying this far too much.”
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