darkandlightsides · 2 years
I'm maybe.. being a little... heldatgunpoint- I assure you I CANNOT tell you. Even IF I remembered.. Whichm... Mm.......
I really don't... Look being threatened aside I am not. Reliable... Everything in this memory is so so scrambled my dear- the best I can tell you is that they DID exist.. And hope that doesn't get me uh,,, shot. please.
~Jain anon
"No...No no no DONT PULL THAT WITH ME YOU-- NO!! NO!!!"
"I think she needs to cool down a bit..~ erm.. Back to your office for now, Sleepy head!"
Then a wire wraps around Beth's wrist, and she goes frozen and stuck. She is dragged like a lifeless statue to her room.
"Trust me its better like this. This would ruin my story! A plothole like this would take too much energy to clean up, oh no no no we simply cant let it happen. Ill just try to make it so she never knew about what info you have mhmhhhehehhhh- okaaaaaay?"
"Thank you for....ehem...Behaving."
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hemaglobun · 4 years
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Day 3: My Way or The Highway (Held At Gun Point)
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