#hogwarts verse: lightning scars and dark lords
maddmuses · 5 years
Harry James Potter
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Age: (Verse-specific, will generally play from 11-17)
Education: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
House: Gryffindor
Aliases: The Boy Who Lived, The Chosen One, Master of Death, Lightning, Vernon Dudley, Bartholomew Mashingspoon, Roonil Wazlib
Date of Birth: July 31st 1980
Appearance Harry Potter is wiry with pale skin, green eyes, and wild dark hair. Throughout his youth this lean build was due to malnutrition and being confined to a small cupboard for the first eleven years of his life. In respect to his height, this was largely the same, with Harry being considered short until partway through puberty, when he achieved a growth spurt, eventually growing to just below average height. A trademark that Harry is well-known for is a lightning shaped scar on his forehead, left behind from a botched killing curse directed at him when he was a baby, by Lord Voldemort.
Growing up Harry frequently wore the ratty, baggy, hand-me-downs of his cousin Dudley, never properly fitting the boy, as even at Dudley's thinnest, he was often of a width that could contain three of Harry. Additionally, Harry has always had poor vision, requiring him to wear a pair of round spectacles that were, until he was introduced to magic then taught the repairing charm, reparo, often broken and taped up. These glasses ill-fitted Harry in his youth, but he was able to eventually grow into them. At Hogwarts Harry frequently wore the school's assigned uniform, occasionally also wearing clothing that he would have second-hand from the taller, but distinctly less obese, Ron Weasley.
Personality Due to his isolated upbringing, both emotionally and somewhat physically, Harry is a reserved boy, not often making many friends, and rarely actively seeking out his peers for friendship, instead usually being able to attract others to him, either through the charm of his modesty or, initially, the prestige of his name. Despite not having a great many friends, beyond rather superficial ones with his classmates, those friends that Harry did make that he considered close were some of the closest relationships that one can have with others. Even without marriages and the like coming into it, Ron and Hermione were his family.
Many would think that a person growing up with Harry's fame would become conceited, but after his growing up with the Dursleys, and a sincere lack of feeling as if he'd actually done anything to earn this sort of adoration, Harry is rather humble, not often prone to fits of big-headedness, though when he received praise for things that he did accomplish, on his own, it was clear that Harry was able to experience pride. Even then, Harry is the type to designate credit where it's due, and he understands that his achievements aren't possible without those who help and support him.
Harry's early life in the magical world was often involved in solving mysteries, as studies aside, Potter has an inquisitive mind. When he notices that something is out of the ordinary, even for the fantastical world of wizardry, he feels compelled to follow-up with it. Despite his constant insisting that trouble seeks him out, a statement with a great degree of truth, Harry's desire to follow through on the truth is consistently a factor that doesn't mitigate the situation.
Due to his being wronged in so many ways in his early life by Voldemort, and dark magic, Harry has an intense desire to protect others from similar fates to his own. Though he cannot prevent every child's parents from being lost, in his adult career, Harry still took great actions In making sure that dark wizards would be a minimized threat in Great Britain, and beyond.
Biography [Summarized in the Harry Potter media franchise]
Abilities and Skills -Love: Harry Potter's ability to love, and be loved, is what ultimately served him the most in his struggle against Lord Voldemort. His great potential for this allowed him to be protected through certain unique kinds of magic, as well as allowing him to access similar kinds of magic. Beyond solely having others support him, his love allowed him to create an extremely powerful patronus, serving him outside of fighting Voldemort.
-Auror Training: As an Auror Harry received an additional three years of education which taught and supplemented skills that he already had which suited him to hunt, sabotage, and defeat dark wizards.
-Magical Skill: Harry is very well-versed in several schools of magic, specifically: Charms, Transfiguration, and Defense Against The Dark Arts. Getting Es in his OWLs for the first two, and an O in the latter, the highest in his class. As well, due to his many encounters against enemy wizards as a child, Harry is a skillful duelist, accomplished in combat magic, being able to defeat the most dangerous of Death Eaters, and surviving Lord Voldemort, a wizard of an extremely high magnitude. Additionally, Harry is highly skilled in a wide variety of Dark Arts, being able to cast numerous dark charms, jinxes, hexes, and curses.
-Flying: A talented seeker, Harry was a proficient broomhandler from a young age, even impressing who was considered to be the greatest seeker of the age, Viktor Krumm at 14.
-Parseltongue: Through his connection to Lord Voldemort, Harry is able to speak in Parseltongue, a magical language that enables its speakers to communicate with snakes through some manner of rudimentary telepathy.
-Deduction: Due to years of investigating conspiracies and mysteries during his time at Hogwarts, Harry has a very strong aptitude for being a detective, a key skill for an auror.
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➥legal name: King Ganondorf Dragmire ➥nickname/alias: Lord of Darkness, King of Darkness, Demon King, Prince of Darkness, Great King Ganondorf, The Great Ganondorf, Emperor of the Dark Realm, etc. ➥birthday: N/A have never specified ➥birthplace: Gerudo Desert ➥gender | species: Male | Human - Gerudo race ➥preferred pronouns: Him/His/He, somewhat dislikes excessive flourish such as His Imperial Majesty, but would prefer it be done correctly if it is done at all. ➥sexual orientation: Straight, mostly just wants the ability to have children and a partner he actually finds worthy ➥spoken languages: Old Hylian, Middle Hylian, Modern Hylian, Archaic Gerudo, Gerudo, Sheikah, several languages used by monsters, basics of Goron and Zora, and can read Goddess Script (headcanon name for the oldest language, the kind seen in Skyward Sword)
➥education: personal tutors, trainers, books, self-taught, personal studies and expeditions, among many other sources. ➥occupation: King, conqueror, hunter, warrior, scholar, teacher, among many other duties ➥socioeconomic level growing up: His education, training, and hefty food needs received a great deal of priority, one might even call it comparable to Hyrule’s and in the way of physical improvement far more (and far more dangerous and hostile). A great deal of the Gerudo’s little wealth went into his growth but beyond that he was almost entirely cut off from any special privileges, even luxuries most children his age would have such as small toys. The one luxury he did manage to attain before growing up was a guitar on which he began to learn music. He would move to prefer instruments with keys such as pianos and organs, but he would continue to enjoy string instruments from then on. He also had a notebook in which he’d occasionally draw, but beyond those it was all dedicated to advancement. ➥living conditions growing up: Extremely spartan, in more ways than just the lack of luxury goods. Constant training, studying, and working at almost every waking moment. His room was barren and his life sparsely had anything other than the brutal training regiment. ➥criminal record: In his own country, none. In other nations, a great and long list.
➥parents: Koume & Kotake (adoptive), birth mother deceased, trainers would sometimes take on some motherly role. ➥siblings: None by blood, by tradition he calls almost all Gerudo daughters or sisters but its more a title than a statement of relation, more meaning daughter of the Gerudo or sister of the Gerudo than his specifically. ➥relationship status: Single ➥significant other/s: None, may become verse-dependent... eventually. ➥children: None ➥best friend(s): None, prior to the end of OoT it would be Nabooru ➥pets: a horse, five white wolfos, and a kargarok, later in the Adult timeline he has the Helmaroc King. One could make the argument almost all the animalistic monsters in his army are his pets and would not be entirely mistaken, but those are the ones he personally tends to. ➥rivals: Zelda and Link ➥enemies: Fate, the Gods
➥character’s build: Massive, heavy, a towering wall three men across at 4′3″ inches from the edge of his shoulder to the other shoulder, each leg as thick as a normal man’s torso at the thigh. ➥height: 9′2″ ➥hair color: Bright, sunny orange fading steadily to a dark bloody crimson as it curls up at its fringes ➥eye color: Gold ➥body modifications: Some traditional tattoos on his back. ➥scars/birthmarks: Born with a mark on his forehead, would accumulate countless scars across his entire body over the millennia, eventually his chest would be almost naught but scar tissue. Some of the most notable include a massive lichtenberg figure climbing up his arm and over his shoulder down over the right shoulder plate ➥powers/abilities: A great many. From neigh invulnerability to teleportation to lightning like speed, creation of servants and revival of beasts, sight across countries and curses that kill gods, he is not to be trifled with. ➥restrictions:  Pride is a great limiter, as is a sense of honor. For more physical restrictions he is unable to track everything, even with all his power he is, to some degree, a human. His power comes from his soul, if his soul is weakened, his connection to the Triforce strained, his energy worn down, he can be banished and imprisoned or, in some cases, even killed. The Demon King is not an easy opponent to bring down and often requires multiple people to challenge. ➥physical or mental illnesses: N/A I give descriptions of what he thinks and how he thinks, never prescriptions. ➥addictions: N/A
➥vice: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath ➥virtue: chastity / temperance / charity / diligence / forgiveness / humility / kindness ➥religion: Originally the Gerudo religion which I have yet to give a name for but is a worship of ancestors and what Hylians would call the Sand Goddess. He still mostly believes in the ancestors and spiritual aspects but long came to understand who were and weren’t gods and that he had disagreements with them. ➥alignment:  lawful / neutral / chaotic || good / neutral / evil NO. Bad system, divides morality into absolutes and ignores subtleties. Always hated that system except when I can manipulate it like having a lawful good character that goes to the extreme and slaughters people on suspicion. ➥hogwarts house: I have never cared about Harry Potter besides enjoying John Williams and being forced to watch it despite not liking it. ➥element: This is such a broad thing, what element system of belief? Like the fire/ice/earth/wind version? Fire I suppose. Does it include “Darkness” and what does darkness entail in this variant? Far too vague a question.
Tagged by: Stolen from @cartoonlonk Tagging: I dunno whoever feels like it and is reading this.
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fidelixcorde · 5 months
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While Taylor and Harry would argue that their love story began in 1997 during their Sixth year at Hogwarts, their friends and loved ones would instead say it began the day they met in 1992, when the Chamber of Secrets had opened, and it was revealed that Harry wasn't the only Parselmouth on campus.
Two powerful bloodlines came together -- that of the Potter/Peverell line and that of the Khalil/Sayre line -- when Taylor and Harry fell in love. The world would rue the decision to try and keep them apart during the Wizarding War, while Harry was hunting Horcruxes, and Taylor was hunting the Death Eaters.
Post-War, after rebuilding Hogwarts and laying to rest those who fell to the darkness, the two celebrated their wedding in 2002 at the Burrow during the early spring when the flowers were in bloom and the weather was more mild. Shortly after, they fell pregnant with their first children, James Sirius and Rubeus Arthur, both born in early 2003.
As their family grew, Harry joined the pro-Quidditch league after trying -- and quitting -- the Auror training. Playing for the Falmouth Falcons, he brought them to the World Cup three times, and he brought home the Cup twice. After seven wonderful years, he retired from pro-Quidditch to accept Headmistress McGonagall's offer of becoming the Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, now that the job is no longer jinxed.
In the meantime, Taylor joined forces with Hermione Granger ( @bccksmarts ) to create the Wiltshire Primary Academy, a school for underaged magical children from all walks of life, in order to educate them in a setting that makes it harder for the pureblood supremacy to fester. They teach a few core classes from Hogwarts, as well as mathematics, language arts, world history, science, chemistry, and music. There are also a few extracurriculars, such as gym and art classes. The Academy is open all year 'round, in order to give some of the children a safe haven from abusive homes/environments, and thus Muggleborn children are better prepared to enter the magical community.
After the twins were born, Taylor gave birth to two more children, Lily Luna (2005) and Jonas Alessio (2006). Due to these back to back pregnancies, when she fell pregnant again, she suffered a miscarriage by 15 weeks, and fell into a deep depression. It took months to claw herself back out of the hole of darkness, thanks to her support system, and she refocused her efforts back into her children, in order to give them a good life. However, after nearly seven years, Taylor does get pregnant -- by accident -- with their final rainbow baby, a little girl (Laura Minerva, 2013), who is absolutely spoiled to near death.
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fidelixcorde · 5 months
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The third child of Harry and Taylor, Lily Luna Potter is her father's spitting image, from his green eyes to his rather untamable black hair, though traces of Taylor can be seen in her high cheekbones and cheeky smirk.
Similar to her namesake Luna Lovegood, Lily is of a dreamy personality, using her art to express herself and how she sees the world. Once she was old enough to hold a crayon or a colored pencil, there was no stopping her from capturing the beauty all around her on paper, and her skills are growing with every passing day. When she's not drawing, she's sleeping, or eating, or completing her studies for the day.
Thanks to her large family, Lily is never without companions; her best friends are her younger brother, Jonas, and their cousin Miles, born to Tyler Borelli and Astoria Greengrass. She also has a particular fondness for Scorpius Malfoy, the son of Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger ( @bccksmarts ) as he too is quite an artistic prodigy. They often explore on different methods together, and every playdate they have ends with paint all over their smocks.
Lily has big dreams to someday be a famous painter. Perhaps she will one day paint the portraits of future Hogwarts professors and Headmasters/Headmistresses.
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fidelixcorde · 5 months
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In the Sayre bloodline, there is always at least one pair of twins in every generation.
James Sirius and Rubeus Arthur Potter were born in February of 2003, to Harry Potter and Taylor Borelli. Both of the boys have their mother's more Lebanese features, such as strong noses and dusky skin, but they have Harry's famous emerald green eyes and sharp jawline. Identical down to their birthmarks, James and Rubeus were welcomed happily, and have grown into incredible young men.
James, like his namesake, is a prankster at heart. "Confuse, don't abuse" is his motto, frequently swapping pictures with magazine photoshoots, leaving coins in unexpected areas, and even swapping out little rubber ducks for people to find. He also takes after Fred and George, using some of their more harmless products in order to earn a laugh from others. Nothing makes him happier than to brighten someone's day with silliness, and he always has an optimistic view on life, looking forward to the future. After graduating Hogwarts, he plans to travel the world, climb some mountains, really live life to the fullest.
Rubeus, similar to his own namesake, is a bit more quiet than his twin brother, though he too loves to play the occasional prank or two. However, he is more likely to be seen trying to rescue stray animals every chance he gets, and from a young age, he started building bird houses and little caves for dogs and cats to have somewhere to sleep during the colder months. He's particularly fascinated with thestrals and hippogriffs, finding them both to be majestic, and as a result his best class in Hogwarts is Care of Magical Creatures, something that makes Hagrid so proud he could -- and will -- cry. After graduation, he plans to travel for further Creature studies, before he joins the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, though he is very pro-creature rights. He learned the best information from his godmother, Hermione Granger ( @bccksmarts ) and he wishes to do her proud.
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fidelixcorde · 7 months
Taylor's (Main) Hogwarts Verse: Detailed
(Creative liberties, long post ahead)
Taylor is the third child and last born daughter of Catherine Khalil and Alessio Borelli; her elder fraternal twin sisters Heather and Ruth are a good six years older than her, and she's about five minutes older than her own fraternal twin, Tyler. All four of the children are direct descendants of Isolt Sayre, the founder of Ilvemorny, through one of her own twin daughters, on Alessio's side of the family, and Alessio died of dragon pox when Taylor and Tyler were only four years old.
Being born in America, the Borellis were content to stay, allowing Heather and Ruth to attend Ilvermorny all their school years and graduate. But after Taylor and Tyler completed their first year, Catherine was offered a job by the British Ministry of Magic and the pay was good, so she packed her kids all the way to the UK and had their papers transferred before second year; the twins were with the first years in their Sorting, with Taylor going to Slytherin and Tyler going to Hufflepuff.
Taylor has vague Seer abilities in which she had visions while she's dreaming, but often cannot recall explicit details in her dreams unless there's danger approaching. So she has nightmares about big yellow eyes after the Chamber of Secrets is opened, and she reveals she's a Parselmouth the same time Harry Potter does, resulting in the school regarding the two of them with heavy suspicion. It's also how she befriends the Golden Trio and becomes outcasted by many of her Housemates. Despite being a true Slytherin descendant, Taylor is not regarded very highly by many in her House, but she doesn't care. If anything, she often beats up people who try to be bigoted around her and she always gets away with it.
Tyler is one of the Petrified victims that year, and so Taylor travels with Ron and Harry -- and Lockhart, briefly -- into the Chamber of Secrets itself in order to help control the basilisk long enough to rescue Ginny Weasley. She helps to stab the Diary with the basilisk fang, and she earns friendships across the rest of the school for her efforts.
In third year, Taylor becomes fascinated with the concept of Animagi, and she works that entire year to become one herself. During her efforts, she helps Hermione in trying to help Hagrid save Buckbeak's life, as well as trying to keep Harry safe from Sirius Black, not realizing that he's an innocent man. She also figures out quickly that Remus Lupin is a werewolf, and keeps his secret, often leaving high quality chocolate outside of his office after full moons. Before the end of the year, she succeeds in becoming an Animagus; her form is a little black fox with white spots all over her back. She reveals this when she helps the Trio try to save Sirius from the dementors, and she chased after Peter Pettigrew when he turns into a rat to try and escape them, unable to catch him, but she does manage to cause some damage before the dementors cause her to faint. No one else knows that she's an Animagus, and she remains unregistered.
Fourth year, Taylor is one of Harry's supporters after he's named a Fourth Champion in the Triwizard Tournament, even making new buttons to counteract the Potter Stinks ones. She's even Harry's date to the Yule Ball, even if she was a last resort option for him. She helps Hermione capture Rita Skeeter in the woman's beetle Animagus form, and she even keeps the jar on her during the summer, only releasing her once she's sure Rita is too traumatized to retaliate.
Fifth year, Catherine, Heather and Ruth have officially joined the Order of the Phoenix, so the Taylor and Tyler are at Grimmauld Place when Harry's brought there. They become even closer to the Weasleys, and Taylor is named the girl prefect in Slytherin House, which annoys her since she has to work with Draco Malfoy. For every time Draco abuses their position to abuse others, she willingly docks points from Slytherin in retaliation, until he knocks it off. She gets on Umbridge's nerves so much that she earns a scar on the back of her hand through those "detentions" that says I Must Not Challenge Authority. She wears the scars like a badge of honor, even joining Dumbledore's Army; the Patronus she produces during these lessons is a thestral, one of the rarest forms a Patronus can take, while Tyler's takes the form of a sparrow. She has horrendous nightmares during the year, various visions coming through, and at least three days before Arthur Weasley is attacked by Nagini, Taylor begs Ron to write to his father and ask him to not "take unnecessary risks". Due to this warning, Arthur's injuries are less severe. At the end of the year, Taylor and Tyler join Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, and Luna to the Ministry of Magic to try and save Sirius Black, something Taylor succeeds in doing by pushing him out of the way of Bellatrix Lestrange's curse. She also chases after Harry when he chases Bellatrix and battles Tom Riddle one on one for a brief time before she's almost fatally injured and rushed to the Hospital Wing after the Battle concludes. Her feelings for Harry have started to turn romantic (she's in denial).
Sixth year, things are quieter, though Taylor's nightmares persist. Her Amortentia smells like Harry -- treacle tart, with the Quidditch pitch, fresh air, leather gloves and broom handle polish -- and she becomes quietly obsessed with wanting to know what Harry smelled, though she never asks. She also notices Draco becoming sicker over the year, and tries to corner him about what he's doing, but he always shakes her off. It's during this year that she either gets close enough to Harry that they start dating, or they become very close, but he tells her at the end of the year that he can't risk putting her in danger and doesn't want to start anything lest Riddle figure out that Harry has a more severe weakness, meaning his feelings for Taylor. When Dumbledore dies, Taylor's the only one who doesn't care because she hated the guy, and she only attends the funeral for Harry's sake. She also starts looking into Horcruxes on her own.
Seventh year, the Borellis are invited to Bill and Fleur's wedding. Taylor and Harry dance and share a kiss, before the Death Eaters attack and the guests either flee or fight back. Taylor and Tyler manage to flee before they're captured, and Catherine, Heather and Ruth are tortured for information on Harry's whereabouts. As a pureblooded family, they're not killed, especially since Catherine's from a powerful ancient family of her own back in Lebanon; it's during this year that Riddle finds out about his blood ties to the Borelli siblings, and he instructs his Death Eaters to not spill their blood, imagining that they can be brought around to "the right ideas beheld by their noble ancestor".
Tyler is the only one to return to Hogwarts for their seventh year, when attendance for all students becomes mandatory. Taylor instead flees, and she begins hunting Death Eaters on her own, wearing a cloak that covers all identifying features, and a mask covering her face. She monikers herself The Banshee, as she whistles before every attack on Death Eaters and Riddle supporters, leaving a bloodbath in her wake. She's slippery enough to not get caught, and she knows better than to contact anyone in the Order, but she reverently listens to her radio every night for Potterwatch, waiting for news on Harry and feeling relieved every time there isn't any. Heather and Ruth also flee by Christmas, as Catherine refuses to go into hiding unless she knows where Tyler is, and then the entire family goes underground. They all return for the Battle of Hogwarts, and Heather dies to protect her siblings during the fight. Thanks to Taylor killing as many enemies as possible, Riddle's forces have dwindled to less impressive numbers, and she cheats by giving as many allies as possible Felix Felicis right before the fight, so the Fallen Defenders are also dwindled; she's still devastated by Heather's death, even if they were never very close.
Taylor and Harry marry a few years after the wars' end, and they have several children. Harry becomes the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, while Taylor and Hermione Granger band together to create a magical primary school called the Magical Academy; it's to give a learning space for all magical children, including Muggleborns and halfbloods who only live in the Muggle world, being taught alongside their magical world raised peers, in order to stop the bigotry that the pureblood ideology upheld.
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fidelixcorde · 5 months
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As the final child of the Potter brood, Laura was both an accidental pregnancy and their rainbow baby, born after Taylor experienced a miscarriage six years prior. Since birth, she is thought to be Taylor's mini-me, a complete copy-paste, brown eyes and all. She is the only child of the entire clan to have her mother's eyes, something which Harry likes very much.
A spunky and curious tot, Laura is just now learning how to walk. She scampers when she tries, more or less launching herself headfirst into her target, be it the couch or someone's arms. She laughs easily and loudly, and she loves bright fun colors. The outdoors fascinate her, and she's constantly getting filthy when people take their eyes off of her for only a minute or two. She also has a great sweet tooth, favoring treacle tart and chocolate pudding for desserts, and grapes for a healthier snack.
Someday, this little girl will be one of the greatest Quidditch players of all time. For now, she is content to be the spoiled little miracle, adored by everyone who meets her.
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fidelixcorde · 5 months
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If it wasn't for his green eyes, Taylor would swear that her fourth child with Harry could be her father Alessio, reincarnated and ready to take on the world again, so strong is the resemblance the boy holds from his late grandfather. And just like Alessio, Jonas is a steady and kind boy with a sense of wisdom that goes far beyond his years.
He was, by far, the easiest child since birth. He rarely ever cried, never threw a tantrum, and loved to be held by anyone who was within reach. But perhaps, that was indeed some of Alessio's influence, as less than a year after his birth, Taylor fell pregnant and experienced a miscarriage, and in her dark hours, Jonas was the baby she clung to the most, grateful that he was there at all. As a result, Jonas is a bit clingy to his mother, following her around often as a toddler just to keep her company.
As a child, Jonas began to show an interest in cooking and baking, often having fantastical ideas for cuisine -- most of it chocolate oriented -- and always wanting to help prep every meal. He liked reading the cookbooks that were laying around the house, and as his coordination got better, Taylor and Harry started giving their boy cooking lessons. He'd quickly proved to be a natural.
Jonas' best friends are his elder sister, Lily and his cousin Miles. He also likes hanging out with Scorpius, as Scorpius isn't a picky eater and is more than glad to help him with any concoction he's trying in the kitchen. Plus, Scorpius is neater than most kids, and Jonas appreciates that tremendously.
When Jonas is almost seven years old, Taylor and Harry end up having their rainbow baby, a little girl named Laura Minerva. Due to being the closest to her in age, Jonas deems himself her protector and mentor in everything, and he adores her wholeheartedly.
Someday when he's all grown up, Jonas wants to be the best chef in all of the UK. Maybe even the world. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?
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fidelixcorde · 5 months
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The Potters, a family portrait, circa 2015 From left to right: Lily Luna, James Sirius, Taylor Potter (nee Borelli,) Laura Minerva, Harry Potter, Rubeus Arthur, Jonas Alessio
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fidelixcorde · 9 months
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@bccksmarts: “ are you pregnant? “ — because they're women and Hermione Granger is far from stupid to NOT notice ✨
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Shit on a stick, honestly. See if anyone else tried to pull wool over Hermione's eyes ever again, that woman saw everything. Which was astounding, because Taylor didn't even think she was showing yet, was she? Did she have to check the bedroom mirror again?
"I-- What-- Bitch!" Said affectionately, of course, with a startled laugh, before Taylor was reaching across to take Hermione's hands. "First of all, not so fucking loud, I literally just got the news a couple of days ago. Second of all, how did you even know?"
Still. Kinda nice that she didn't have to hide her excitement from everyone.
"Harry doesn't know yet, I'm planning a little something," she went on. "Don't spoil the surprise, please?"
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fidelixcorde · 8 months
Facts About Taylor's (Main) Hogwarts AU
She is a descendant of Isolt Sayre, and thus is of the Slytherin bloodline. She can speak Parseltongue. She likes to do it to mess with people she doesn't like, or carry on some conversations with the garden snakes that hang around the Herbology greenhouses.
Her wand has the shaving of a Horned Serpent's horn as a core; it will sing a mournful note when there is danger approaching or already near her, and she trusts her wand better than she will trust any Dark Detector.
Her Patronus is a thestral. She accepts death as a natural phase of the life cycle. She isn't necessarily spiritual, but she does believe in an Afterlife, and she also thinks reincarnation is possible.
Divination, Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts are her best subjects. She likes to be prepared for possible futures, she experiments with her potions to try and make them better, and Defense is a great way for her to get her dueling skills sharp.
If she went to Ilvermorny and then transferred to Hogwarts, her House at Ilvermorny was Thunderbird. The Sorting Hat puts her in Slytherin, though it concedes that she would have also done exceptionally well in Gryffindor.
Taylor has the -- private -- thought to herself that magic can be dark or light considering context and situation. She is not above using "dark" magic if it means protecting innocents, and she believes in eye for an eye justice. She also dabbles in some more ancient magic to try and strengthen her own.
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fidelixcorde · 9 months
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@bccksmarts: ❝ a book can be as dangerous as a sword in the right hands. ❞ — straight FACTS
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"Oh, no doubt, no doubt." If anyone knew that better than anyone else, it would be the resident bookworms. You could learn a lot of nifty things from books that you probably shouldn't be learning, but hey! Information was out there! Might as well use it.
"I would also argue that I could cause more immediate damage with a big fuckin' sword," Taylor counter offered. "You know? I swing it, someone's limbs fly off, it's all in good fun."
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fidelixcorde · 9 months
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@bccksmarts: "have fun in potions! try not to punch anyone." --I snorted bYE - like why is this prime gryffindor/slytherin bestie vibes hELP
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"You cannot feasibly ask me to not punch anyone knowing exactly where I am going."
Taylor's voice was a tad dry as she and Hermione walked the corridors together, though when they'd reach the entranceway to the dungeons, Taylor would be going below while Hermione continued on to Arithmancy. A part of her wished that Taylor could have followed her there, but numbers were hard, and even she had her limits.
Still. Struggle with numbers, or deal with Snape? It was such a hard decision.
"One of these days," she declared, "I'm going to create a potion that's going to explode right in his face. I might even do Snape a favor for that. I still remember when he threatened to poison Neville's toad."
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fidelixcorde · 5 years
Taylor’s Hogwarts Verse
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Name: Taylor Lillian Borelli
Age: verse dependent, usually 11-27
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Blood Status: Unknown (suggested half-blood due to not knowing her father)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Seven inch maple wood, Horned Serpent core, flexible. It emits a musical note when it senses danger nearby.
Patronus: Fox
Animagus Form: Black fox, with tiny little white spots across her muzzle to represent her freckles, and a white tipped tail. Goes by “Vixen” when in this form.
Roles: Beater on the Slytherin Quidditch team, eventual Head Girl. (In Maurader Verses, she also becomes a Prefect, though she has no idea why).
Verses Available: Mauraders era; Golden Trio era; Nex Gen.
Brief Summary: Taylor Borelli was raised by an overprotective single mother, home-schooled for most of her life, until she received her Hogwarts letter about a month after her eleventh birthday, hand delivered by Minerva McGonagall herself. Despite her mother’s fears -- and plenty of fights -- Taylor was able to collect her supplies at Diagon Alley and board the train to Hogwarts come September First. She was a Hat Stall, having sat on the stool for nearly six minutes, as the Sorting Hat was torn on where to put her, until it finally selected Slytherin. Over the years, she has proven herself to be quite unlike any Slytherin anyone else has known, being kind and supportive and friendly towards many of her peers, including those outside of her own House. While she dabbles in the Dark Arts for last resort purposes, she despises anyone who mistreats others or uses Dark magic to inflict harm on innocent people, and will always choose to fight against anyone who spouts bigoted ideals, especially the pureblood ideology. After Hogwarts, depending on the timeline, she can open a bookshop and run her own business.
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