fast ein Paneer Tikka Masala
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Angelehnt an das tasteoftravel Rezept “schnelles Paneer Tikka Masala”, aber mit frischen roten Paprika & frischen Tomaten statt der passierten Tomaten und der Thai-Curry Mischung von Charaf Gewürze statt gemahlenen Chilis & Koriander. Dazu Reis und “Pesto” aus Koriandergrün.
Nächstes Mal wird der Paneer Käse aber selbst gemacht! 
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We've lived in 5 countries across 4 continents in the past 4 years. One might think it's the culture and the atmosphere of each place that I'd miss, but nope, it's the FOOD. American pulled pork, Singapore milk tea, South African biltong, Swiss chocolate, and basically everything that comes on that tiered platter during an afternoon British tea. Living in London I'm loving that I can get a few pieces of my past homes in one spot without a plane ticket. Which is good because we're starting to have trouble fitting in our seats given our stomach expanding hobby! #fatandhappy #foodietravel #homeiswhereyourstomachis #bigbuttsdontlie (at Chinatown London)
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