#honestly this was just my excuse to info dump about hedgehogs
awkwardsonicphotos · 1 year
One thing that has happened recently with sonic that I adore is when Sonic does things real hedgehogs do.
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Curling up when nervous where only his face is visible. (Obviously sonic is brave by nature so you would hardly ever get this. But still cute.)
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My hedgehog, Thistle, sleeps like this. Half curled up.
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Hedgehogs are nocturnal and can not see well at all during the day or in bright rooms. If I turn on a light my hedgehogs freeze in place and just stand there like a deer in headlights.
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But hedgehogs do navigate their surroundings very well in the dark thanks to their amazing sense of smell and hearing! Even if a hedgehog is blind they can get around surprisingly well! So sonic using his ears to listen for danger is very accurate hedgehog behavior.
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And finally, sonic constantly face planting is also very accurate for hedgehogs. Hedgehogs have terrible depth perception and sense of height. If you have a pet hedgehog you should always be around them and watch them carefully so they don’t walk off high ledges or fall off of tables or beds. They will also just run right into walls. While their quills are amazing for absorbing the shock of falls if they land on their face or belly it could be fatal or lead to severe injuries. Thankfully, Sonic is very sturdy.
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