#hope you don't mind the tag ana it's just that you're my second ana friend πŸ˜‚πŸ’“
in-superbloom Β· 3 years
πŸ’« hai there πŸ’«
i was tagged by some lovely peeps @chamaleonsoul @valiantnerdtm @redrattlers (thank you angels πŸ’œ) to do this lil game: when you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to your last ten people in your notifs (anonymously). whoever you want <3 you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity β™‘
1. my niece <3 she's a tiny ball of happiness with too much energy that doesn't match her size at all, but she's a big beacon of light in my life and i'm really excited for her lil sister to arrive πŸ’›
2. watching live concerts <3 as someone who lives and breathes music but has only been to 3 live shows in her life, just watching them on a screen brings me an insurmountable amount of happiness πŸ₯Ί
3. playing games with my friends <3 we haven't done this is a good while, but we've always loved to get on a skype/whatsapp call while playing something & it has always been a really good time bc we're all always trying to make the other laugh, and we're also really competitive lmao & we use the time to gossip, bc ofc 😌 i played with my friend yesterday & was reminded how much i miss doing this πŸ₯Ί
4. brigadeiro 😌 did some for my bday & boi, i really wish everyone in this lil funky world could have some bc that's something sent to us from paradise, i'm sure πŸ₯΄ and it amazes me that it's something so simple to make, tho given the amount of sugar in there, it's a fair trade lmao
5. i was going to say creating but i'll say specifically making hand-crafted things. it's been a while since i've done anything, but i really love to make creative stuff with my own bare hands, from a letter (a super decorated one, ofc 😌), to sewing, painting or just decorating phone cases like i did with mine <3 it's just so nice & also a very therapeutic thing πŸ₯Ί
tagging (only if you want to, ofc & i'm sorry if you've already done it): @littledrummerangie @httpsgfg @wastelandcth @calmfolklore @wonderland-irwin @normani-kordei @suchalonelysunflower @calumsash @hoodhoran @ijustdontlikepeople πŸ’œ
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