In Pursuit:Hunter Full Moon in Taurus
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In Pursuit:Hunter Full Moon in Taurus
Saturday, October 28 will bring us a Hunter Moon in the sign of Taurus. The Hunter Moon derives its name from the fact that hunters once used the bright light of the fall Full Moon to allow them to track prey at night. The Hunter Moon is always the first full Moon after the Harvest Moon, the closest full moon to the autumnal equinox. This Hunter Moon is special. It will be a partial eclipse, conceal in the earth shadow or umbra. as it is known. While some of the Moon will be hidden in the umbra It won’t totally disappear. It will take on a reddish hue, an effect known as the scattering. It will be visible in Africa, Asia, Europe and Austrailia.
The Moon, considered a planet in astrology, is concerned with needs like food, security, and emotional support. As the planet responsible for mothering, emotional balance and the home environment, its chief focus is the nature and care of ones being and, if any, your offspring. Taurus is a sign that places its emphasis on values, whether it’s an object which you possess or an opinion that you hold. The sign of Taurus shares many of the moon’s concerns namely food, shelter and emotional security. This lunar transit will bring to the forefront
Eclipses, in astrological terms, provides greater insight into the part of the consciousness of the planet being affected (i.e. Sun or Moon). Because this eclipse affects the Moon, governor of unconsciousness, your impulses and desires may be very present in your thoughts. This particular eclipse, under the auspices of Taurus, may induce a measure of regarding possession and how you may obtain or maintain them. Don’t be surprised where you’ll have an urge to address matters related to your immediate needs such as food and creature comforts
The Hunter Moon in Taurus is a time to determine what you’ll need in the coming weeks and how you may need to go about getting it. The Retrograde is still in effect so let your effort be flexible and intuitive. The Full Moon will end the day before the Retrograde concludes on Nov 3rd
the question of values regarding your needs. How do you feel about the way earning your living? Do you feel valued in the important areas of your life? The next three days will bring up these matters and ask you to make important decisions. Taurus, an earth sign, is very emotional (its ruler is the planet Venus) and coupled with the Moon, may make this a very demanding time with regard to your feelings. The good news is that because Taurus is an earthy sign, decision making should prove grounded in practical, pragmatic and in realistic thinking. Be aware that you should mindful of making any major decision during this weekend given the retrograde.
Full moons, again, are good times for initiating or launching of projects. The waxing energy tends to promote and nurture such activities. It also provides numerous ways to achieve likely success. At this time, you’ll be directed to that which you care about most and ask to eliminate that which does not serve you. Work on projects you already are committed to, making them more effecient.
Taurus, This Moon is going to ask you to assess both objet and opinions. What do you need and what do you no longer need? As this is a time of harvest, cultivate what is most useful to you and dispense with all dead wood and things you’ve outgrown.
Scorpio, this moon will ask that conclude or end that which works against the pursuit of your desires. Anything found wanting, cast aside and draw to yourself that which you need to help you advance.
Leo and Aquarius, this moon may ask that you address an outstanding need. Whether you require rest, nutrition or possibly change in unproductive habit. Whatever it may be, the underlying question should be “What will you need?” This Hunter Full moon should be a time to seek opportunities for fulfillment and personal gain. Like a great hunter, let instinct and common sense provide you with the resources you need.
Aeion is a professional astrologer and tarot card reader with 20 years of experience. His approach is based in the belief that divination should be in employed to enhance ones' life experiences, not to predetermine them. Let Astrology and Tarot be your tools for better living.
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