#i actually had to read back the quote to understand what gillion was saying and then i felt so fucked up i had to share this
burning-sol · 1 year
Extract from a draft doc titled 'gillion'. This is so old it's from June 22nd 2022.
A message pulsated throughout the storm, "A hero born of moonlight, storm and sea. They shall rise or fall to being unity. They will be tested or bested by evil's hand. By their choice one will remain: sea or land."
[pretend there is cool text inbetween because I didn't write anything noteworthy here]
"And you know Jay... The thing is that the ocean doesn't care about you, it just is. A-And you can't explain it, can you? You can try to assign meaning to it but nobody can explain why the ocean is. Not a single person.." Gillion's expression was haunted as he lingered on that last word.
Jay's mouth was dry, "Do you feel scared?"
"I don't know... I just know that sometimes it feels like it'd be so much easier if I just let the waters take me instead of trying to fight it..."
Jay stood next to Gillion, looking out across a horizon that was illuminated by the frictions in the sky. She rested her head against his shoulder. "What do you see out there?"
Gillion paused, raising his head to look. "I see... I see something in the distance that I can't reach. I see the horizon but no matter how far I swim or how hard I try... I-I can't reach it Jay... I just can't....."
"I know how that feels..."
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