#i am better off joining forces with a write-holic without ideas
katyspersonal · 2 years
Do ya read BB fan fiction? Would you ever consider writing any? Do you have any favorites? What do you wish to see in Bloodborne fan fic writing if anything? I’m curious!
Hahaha that's a funny question. I actually haven't read Bloodborne fanfics yet because I just usually don't read fanfics...? I am always too bouncy with my free time! 'Oh I need to work on my drawing oh I need to hang out with that friend oh I need to play a game oh I need to take a long walk while weather is still great oh I need to write that theory oh I need to figure that out' etc...
Just no way to organize my spare time. I create so many thoughts that I can't just stop, relax and consume thoughts instead. XD It is the curse of ADHD and overly rich imagination, man. But, I need to at least write my own fanfics. I have so many BB stories in my head that it'd be a shame if they never got told. Though learning how to draw/plot mangas so I can tell them visually seems like a way more efficient option for me! I don't like to describe places, but I like having solid "excuse" to draw this or that character.
However I'd be really interested in reading fanfics that have to do with Byrgenwerth or School of Mensis! And also... please, if you know genuinely high quality (and elaborate?) fanfics about Edgar x Micolash - share. Please this is my favorite ship but since I care about it so much I demand for it to be handled with GREAT care and GREAT psychology/context. Tbh the first fanfic I do want to write has to do with how they became a thing because I have one cool story based off my theory!
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