#i am waiting for the day society eventually collapses so i can become a farmer in the middle of the woods of montana.
awe-zzie · 2 years
Twink it up on a tractor
i literally want absolutely nothing more in life then to just own a stupid little farm and twink it up on a stupid fucking tractor. oh my fucking god.
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berfometalpha · 4 years
Legacy of Eternity: Chapter 2 Rebuilding and Reclamation Part 3
Days after Sea city was reclaimed by the Strike Fleet occupied sea city the devastation of the battle between the slavers and the joint attack force of the Iron-wolves, Crusagrum Templars, and the Armored marine corp. 
Kent was given the task and right to rule over Sea city as it’s new noble though he insisted that he should not be the leader of Sea city. Tensions run high with the High nobles of Ren’veil and the Dragon-wolf Nobility watches closely to the development of the city.
“General, We managed to total the numbers and sea city has about 681,945 citizens including the demi-humans and slaves...” Rex reported.
“And Boss the city’s infrastructure, pluming and trading are worse to shit... We got our work cut out for us... And why the ever living fuck do we have to work on this!” Clayton shouted as he waved the papers in his hand.
“Big bro, Lady Charlotte and Lord Victor assigned the Strike Fleet to govern Sea city...” Genji said as he looked at some documents.
“Yeah, Kent by the way the food situation will be very problematic soon as the food stocks that the city had was destroyed by the slavers before they were executed...”Marky stated.
“We got our fucking work cut out for us huh... Damn you Slavers!!!!” Clayton shouted.
“Okay, We shall worry about this one at a time... How goes the clearing of the rubble?” Kent asked.
“It’s going well sir the Iron Mamoths and the scorgon tank managed to clear at least 72% of the rubble but for housing we are still waiting for the deployable shelters... Though the heavy cruisers that are currently docked at the port had offered shelter for the citizens and medical had been working around the clock sir.” Rex reported.
“Good, once the shelters are deployed we shall start focusing on the food supply... Marky any news about that front?” Kent asked.
“I asked about that with some nobles that cooperated with us, they will trade food with us for the people for 500 credits per 1 ton of food.” Marky said.
“That seems reasonable... But we need to work on a sustainable crop rotation...” Kent stated.
“The Crusagrum templars and some scholars are willing to help out sir... They only need your call to make it happen.” Marky replied.
“Then Make it happen... Rex, can I trust you to manage the port area and Clay I’ll need your help to manage the peace for the mean time... I’ll be heading to New Hope village to talk with the elder their and see if they can help us with our little food problem. By the way where is Lily?” Kent asked.
“She should be coming back...”“ Night Engine roar”“ Correction she is already back from New Dawn with Lady Winter... She did say that she will be bringing some help with her.” Marky added.
“By the way general, Lady Aisha is at New Hope Village at the moment and would like to request your presence when you are available.” Marky stated before Kent left the room.
“Thank you for the heads up Marky, I’ll meat up with the soldiers at the field first before heading back to New Hope.” Kent replied.
As the door closed behind him the entire team looked at Marky as Clayton put some notes down on the table and asked.
“So... Did Tsundere lady really ask for him?” Clayton asked.
“...Maybe...” Marky said.
“You ass... Do you think the boss man is ready to love again?” Clayton asked.
“Hey we have to help him out... Last time he ended with a heart break... Besides Lady Aisha the perfect match for him.... Strong, independent, beautiful, though a bit obnoxious she is very sweet... Have you been living under a rock or something Clay?” Marky emphasized by quoting him.
“Hey fuck you I haven’t been livign under a rock but dude Priestess Lady is also a very good match for the boss... She is Beautiful, bouncy, smart, very bouncy, by the way she is somewhat shy around others but not to the boss... and did I forget to mention that she is very bouncy lady and look at those fox ears!?” Clayton stated.
“You did about 3 times to be exact you fuck!” Marky replied.
“Okay, we are not here to play cupid... But... I have to agree... we have to bring him out of the rut he’s in at the moment!” Rex added.
“Okay, so I got 500 credits that boss Kent will get together with the boss lady .” Genji added.
“Oh I’ll take that action!” Clayton said.
“I’ll put 50 credits on that one and see if Lady Arra gets to capture the General’s heart.” Marky added. 
“”“sigh”“ I dont know why am i even friends with you guys but I’ll place 1000 credits if Kent will get together with both of them.” Rex stated.
“Okay... wait is that even possible... And is that even legal boss cap?” Clayton asked.
“I read in new Hope village in the library where Lily studied the language and culture of the people... We found out that a family can have a minimum of 2 wives so long as the 2nd wife is a priestess.” Rex explained.
“Wait, you ain’t shitting boss cap?” Clayton asked.
“I am not joking... According to the current book of law of Ren’veil, In accordance to the law of the three gods, a person can fall in love with any children of the two gods, should a person fall in love with the daughters of the Wolf father, said individual must receive a blessing directly from the Wolf Father since the priestesses have an important role to fulfill in the people’s spiritual needs since their population had declined because of the two consecutive wars and the recent plague did a number on them.” Rex explained.
“So that’s why the priestess ladies are so few in number... I’m a bit confused boss cap... so what about the marriage thing with the priestess ladies?” Clayton asked.
“I’m about to get to that... So, In order to be wed to a wolf priestess said individual must receive a direct blessing from the Wolf Father that matches the birth mark of said priestess... Their birth marks will be present on a random part of their bodies... And if and only IF said individual will be worthy they shall be blessed with the mark matching to said priestess... Over the past few centuries the blessed marks will always appear in the left hand, these marks are not easy to receive as said individuals need to pass a brutal mental trial placed by the god himself before he blesses the individual said mark.” Rex explained.
“Wait a minute didn’t Boss man had a mark over his left palm before it got cut off by that ass of an swordsman?” Clayton said.
“Yeah, I noticed that mark recently it was never on him when we met him in the carrier ship, or when we found Ren’veil at least a few days after we met Lady Aisha and Lady Arra I saw the mark on his left hand...” Rex added.
“So the Billion credit question is... Who's the lucky lady? I’m hoping its Lady Arra... Man think about it... having a foxy lady to sleep and snuggle at night would be awesome.” Clayton stated.
“Don’t let your imagination run wild my friend... we have to finish our work first then we day dream.” Rex replied.
Rex and the others left the meeting room making their way to their assigned duties. Meanwhile Kent met up with some of the soldiers in the farming area and things were not working for the men of the strike fleet.
The situation of the fields were harsh was the safest term to use as the ground was badly dry as the ground was cracking beneath their feet. The canals for irrigation was none-existent, the original farmers were driven out of their respective lands. 
Kent sighed to the sigh of Sea city’s condition was from bad to worse by the second as one of the marines approached him.
“Sir, we have one of the farmers who owned this land but was pushed out by the former noble. He and his friends are willing to work for you specifically but they seem to be a bit scared sir.” The Marine reported.
“They fear that we will become tyrants like that fool... and please put down your weapons when you are talking to civilians we don’t want to put anymore fear into them... We must earn their trust trooper” Kent ordered.
“Yes sir.” The Marine saluted.
The young knight saw a dozen farmers and their respective families they were provided shelter, food and medical attention. Kent walked in the camp and saw many of them bore smiles that had been gone from them for quite a while now.
“My Lord, I am Yuvon, my family and I had been farmers here in sea city for over 50 generations...”Yuvon said as he tried to stand up.
“Hello, I am Kent Redridge Knight lord of Strike fleet New hope and current lord of Sea city... I am sorry for the current situation of your farm lands but now that we are here I want to make a change to how you were treated.” Kent bowed before the farmers.
“Please old one, do not push yourselves... I have heard many things from my Marines of what had transpired to your land... I wish to make a difference one, I will return your lands to all of you who had their lands stolen and I will provide over 750,000 credits to each and every family. Sergeant Tristram...” Kent said.
“Yes sir!” Tristram saluted.
“Everyone this is Tristram Enterprise, He like many soldiers that you have seen is one of my best and most trusted... He will oversee the security of your lands and if you ever and I mean Ever need anything do not hesitate to ask and I shall provide it right away.” Kent said with pride. 
“Thank you my lord... But why go through so much for us common folk we only wished to have our lands returned to us...” Yuvon said.
“I understand your confusion but... I learned from my father... To lead a city one must look  to her people... If the people suffer and the city prospers... It will eventually collapse in its own weight... If we build the future together then... We shall make a great future together... sure I may sound like a fool... But I want to be a fool that can smile with the achievements that we make... together...”  Kent said as he offered his hand to Yuvon.
Though he hesitated at first the young knight was breaking the status quo set and enforced by the nobles and their so called high society. Yuvon and his family risked it and accepted Kent’s offer for a new life in Sea city.
The two talked about how the farmlands could be restored as the damaged seemed to be deeper than expected. the young knight and the farmers boarded the gunships and headed towards the center of the field which was over 50,000 kilometers worth of land. 
In order to revive the lands it needed to be reconnected to the sea luckily the sea next to the city was fresh water which was no problem for the crops and the other was the land needed to have canals for the water to flow easily.
The gunship where Kent was  landed at the very center as Yuvon and Tristram asked what he was about to do when he pulled out the Excaliburst blades. 
“Tristram, clear the area at least 50,000 meters around me... I am going to plow the land if you would... And take my coat... Mom will kill me if this gets torn again!” Kent said as he removed his coat.
“Yes, sir... Pilot get everyone clear from the area now!” Tristram said as the gunship flew off.
He stretched out first as his arm turned into battle mode with the plasma reactors thrumming with power as he flexed his fingers and looked around him to see not a single soul in sight.
“Okay... So mom, I am going to use the Howling hammer!” Kent thought.
“You mean the plasma wave collider knuckle guard?” The Black queen said.
“Yes that’s the one.” Kent replied.
“””sigh”” lucky for you I made some modifications to your new arm since the last time you used it.... Okay use it at your own pace but remember the plasma cell needs to be replaced if you use it at full power.” The Black queen reminded.
“Very well...””exhale”” time to nut up or shut up!” Kent said as he slammed his knuckles together.  
The twin link plasma reactors began to thrum with power alongside each gravity ring that spun rapidly around his fore arm. He waited for the right moment as the Plasma reactors fueled his knuckles as the wind died down he opened his eyes and with all high might and fury he slammed his left arm to the ground. 
After a brief moment a massive shockwave tore the land apart and leveled it as if it were plowed by a thousand men. The bio plasma used in the reactors unleashed into the ground provided nourishment to the ground as if it were recently fertilized. 
Kent pulled his fist and flexed as if nothing happened He then pulled out the Excaliburst blades and sent a dozen blade waves in every direction as if he was making a checker board. As each blade wave hit the near by sea wall water began to pour into the canals he continued to repeat the process for the next 3 hours and burned through 3 bio-plasma cells in one day.
He sat on the ground as it was warm and filled with life once again he just laid back and enjoyed the moment. the Gunships later came to pick him up and brought him to New Hope base. 
While the gunship was heading their Tristram took off his helmet as he was a 23 year old man with black skin, black eyes and had a strong build. He smirked at the young knight as he was laid back and exhausted.
“Great work general, Yuvon and his family will have no more worries about getting started.. According to him we can expect their aide in about 13 months or so.” Tristram reported as he tossed a drink to Kent.
“At least things are progressing... Though slow... It’s still progress...”Kent replied as he chugged down the entire drink.
“Right, but General are you sure giving them that much money is sound?” Tristram asked.
“It is, I want to break the walls of the norm that was placed between the high nobles and the common folk... And this is one way we can do it.” Kent replied.
As the gunship landed he ordered the sergeant to take 150 troopers with him to guard the 328 kilometers worth of farm land as the night beasts would prey on the farmers who had already made some progress on the land.
He entered the base’s science division where his Grand Mother was and she noticed the young knight was covered in mud and dirt and his left arm was a bit charred.
“My, my, my Grand son... What had happen to you?” Sarah asked. 
“Grand Mother... I... Was plowing the land.” Kent said.
“With your fist... My my Kent you’re like your Father... But oh well... So what can I do for you?” Sarah asked as she took off her lab coat.
“Can I ask for some upgrades on my left arm... With more defense and energy efficiency?” Kent asked.
“Sure, please detach your arm I’ll need to study the combat data I’ll modify your Left arm using the data it gathered in it’s fabricator matrix.... It will take me a while so you might have to go with one arm for a few days.” Sarah explained.
He detached his arm and placed it on the frame work computer as Sarah went to work on it. Sarah asked him to leave the heavy work to her. Though she did ask Kent to take a shower as he smelled like fried manure after getting a fresh hot shower and a decent meal to eat. He made his way to the Ayekawa manner where Aisha was waiting. 
“Okay so this is the Ayekawa manner... It’s my first time seeing it in better shape after the battle for Hope.” Kent thought.
As he entered the manner he was greeted by Aisha’s mother Aisallia Ayekawa the First Grand Mage.She is similar to Aisha having long violet hair pinkish fair skin, and violet eyes that can catch any man’s attention. 
She wore a white dress with Violet lining with a white mage cowl and had high heels on though she wore stockings with a violet embroidery and a lapse lazily wedding ring.
“My, My Kent... or should I say the Knight of the people... Welcome to our home... What brings you here today child?” Aisallia asked.
“Pardon for my intrution ma’am but I was asked by Lady Aisha to come here today... The details I am not sure.” Kent said.
“Please call me Aisa, Come in to our humble home I’ll make you some tea.” Aisa said with a smile.
As he entered the manner he saw many crystals floating around the ceiling that acted as natural lights the Ayekawa clan are well known to come from a humble beginnings the calm atmosphere made it seem like anyone was in a different plain of existence.
He sat down on the sofa as Aisa offered the young knight some passion flower tea with one sip the strain in his body was relieved as if the viruses took a strange liking to such a herbal drink.
“Thank you for the drink Miss Aisa.” Kent smiled.
“It’s my pleasure my dear... And how may I address the knight of my people?” Aisa asked as she took a sip of her tea.
“You may call me Kent but I have a 2nd first name but my friends and colleagues call me Kent my lady.” Kent said with a smile.
“My, My, aren’t you a courageous one... But sadly I am already taken... I can see why my daughter has taken a liking to you...” Aisa smiled.
“““coughing”“I am sorry my lady?” Kent asked. 
“I’m Joking child I wish to lighten the mood... After all you did re-awaken the manna-flow back in sea city... I only wish to thank you for doing so much for the people... It would seem like you are the Hero we needed the most.” Aisa said as she sighed heavily.
“No thanks is needed Lady Aisa, I only wish to give Ren’veil everything that I can for giving the Zerrohnians a place to call home.” Kent answered with pride.
“Indeed... Oh my it seems our child has been busy..” Aisa said as she looked to the stairwell.
Lady Aisa looked to the stairwell to see Aisha was poorly dressed as she was still wearing a night gown.
“Mother, I told you not to disturb me when I am in the library!” Aisha shouted.
“So sorry my dear but you have an important guest.” Aisa said as she pointed to the young knight.
“Mom you know I don’t want to see anyone right now!!!” Aisha shouted.
“My, my even if it’s Kent?” Aisa said.
She looked down and saw the young knight with an awkward smile on his face as Aisha’s face immediately turned red as she ran up the stairs and got change after a few minutes.
She jumped off the 2nd floor and used feather fall to slow her descent Aisha quickly ran towards her mother. 
“My, my, I did tell you but you kept on pushing me out the door... So I was having a very nice talk with such a gentlemen... and by the way... when will you give me us a grand child?” Aisa asked.
“MOM!!!” Aisha shouted.
“I am only kidding, now off you go now kiddies you have a date today.” Aisha said as she snapped her fingers with a smile.
Aisha and Kent were suddenly teleported away from the Ayekawa manner and right outside the manner’s main gate house. 
“That was... a bit... overwhelming...” Kent said.
“““blush”“ Right... It’s not like I... ugh... wanted you to... ugh... you know...” Aisha said as she was turning beat red.
“It’s alright my lady... now shall we go for a walk?” Kent asked.
“Hey, I’m not a dog... But... I’ll take you up on that offer!” Aisha said as she grabbed Kent’s hand.
The two made their way to the Village square many knights and marines patrolling the busy streets to keep the peace though it wasn’t needed yet they will not lower their guard for a single moment.
While they passed a small trinket shop Aisha was looking at a bracelet with a violet embroidery sided with a silver wing. He took note of it the two made their way to the bar where Adventurers like her come to unwind after a long day.
“Wait here Kent...” Aisha said as she approached the reception. 
The young knight walked towards the message board and saw tens if not hundreds of requests coming from neighboring villages about wild beasts roaming the landscape, fell beasts such as goblins, trolls, Orc’s raiding the villages near and every village near hope. 
Though Marines and knights are participating in some requests but not all of the villages requests are being accepted by the Marines due to some constraints with the neighboring guilds. 
He took a look at one of the requests stopping a bandit clan from raiding the village of Bree.
Despite his rank as a knight lord he thought of many things to help the Vai’len that openly accepted the Zerrohnians.
“It’s time to give people some security my son...” The Black Queen said.
“Indeed and I have a few ideas in mind...” Kent replied.
When he looked to the receptionist he saw Aisha being surrounded by many adventurers who wish to party with her.
He walked towards the reception desk and bumped on of the adventurers in the shoulder.
“My Lady, let’s go...” Kent said.
“Don’t worry Kent...” Aisha said when one of the adventurers grabbed Kent by the shoulder.
“HEY I wasn’t done talking to her... Get out of the way or I’ll skin you alive!” One of the adventurers said.
“Really now...” Kent said as he turned to that poor soul.
They laughed at him for only having one arm Aisha walked away as it was going to be a blood bath. Before the fight began the guild’s other A ranked party who participated in the assault on the capital city know who Kent is and would be damned to get on his bad side.
“Okay everyone break it up Leroy.... The War just ended and we are all still getting back on our feet do you really want to start a battle again!” The Adventurer asked.
“Thorton... Do you really think I care?” Leroy said as he pulled out his blades.
“Fine, but can you take us all on?” Thorton said.
Dozens upon dozens of Adventurers stood up with their weapons ready to fight Leroy scuffed as he looked towards the young knight threatening him that this was not over.
They left the guild in a flurry of rage as Thorton approached the young knight he sighed and explained to him.
“Sorry about Leroy Mister Knight Lord... We’re not like him... Please forgive him.” Thorton said as he bowed before him.
“No forgiveness is needed I understand that this war took a grave toll for everyone including my marines and knights... we want to assure everyone that we are here to help... We never ask for war but we will help end it if it makes a difference.” Kent answered with a gentle smile.
“Thank you sir, hey if you and miss Aisha are free want to join us for a drink or two?” Thorton asked.
“Sorry Thor but I have some plans with Kent over here... Kent lets get out of here.” Aisha stated.
She grabbed Kent’s arm and left the guild in a hurry Aisha puffed her cheeks as she told him that she can defend herself. He nodded but he didn’t want to let his guard down as he vowed to protect her and her sister by name.
"Kent, we can protect ourselves... But thanks for standing up for me...”Aisha puffed.
With a simple nod Aisha slowly but surely understood though he maybe a knight but his actions can speak a thousand words. The two made their way to the open market and grabbed something to eat the life in the village was renewed thanks to the combined effort of both Vai’len and Zerrohnian. 
“So this is how the night market comes to life?” Kent said.
“Yeah, That’s why I love this village... A lot of things happened here a year ago... I...” Aisha contemplated.
“My Lady, My Fleet made a vow to help Ren’veil in it’s time of need and in return your people gave my people a place to call home... That is more than enough for me...” Kent said as he took a drink of water.
“Then I’ll ask you... I mean... It’s not like I care too much but... Do you... Have anyone you like right now?” Aisha asked.
“I... Cannot say... But I do like being with you... I guess you might say that I like you...” Kent said.
“Wow... Ugh... Very straight forward...”Aisha said as her face turned beat red.
Despite being straight forward which not a lot of Zerrohnians are in this day and age. Aisha appreciated the answer as they continued to eat and enjoy the performance of the dancing butterfly. 
With the day coming to a close the two went to the flower garden just outside the village not only to enjoy the aromatic bliss but to enjoy each other’s company.
They sat on a wooden bench Aisha leaned her head against Kent’s shoulder and locked her hand against his. The cold spring wind pressed against their skin Aisha closed her eyes and simply enjoyed the moment.
“Hey Kent...” Aisha said.
“Yes?” Kent asked.
“I... I’m sorry if... you had to come and save me and my sis over and over again... Because of us... you lost your arm...” Aisha whispered.
“It’s alright... I don’t mind losing an arm but if I lose both of you would be a nightmare that I can no longer bare... I made a promise and I shall keep it...” Kent said as he looked at the setting sun.
“I mean... Don’t you get tired of doing so much for everyone else and not stop and smell the roses?” Aisha asked.
“No... I love helping others... Though I can’t consider myself as a hero... Not anymore at least... But I will be a hero for you and Lady Arra because you two are... special... to me.” Kent confessed. 
“Then let me... Help you this time.” Aisha replied.
“Help how my lady?” Kent asked.
She looked at him as his eyes though cold and lifeless deep down Aisha felt that he was trying to reach out and break free from the trauma that he suffered. 
Aisha placed her hands on Kent’s face and looked deeply into his eyes with a gentle smile she gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. 
The young knight heart raced to the point it could smash a continent many thoughts came to mind when Aisha took his first kiss.
Aisha let go of him as she stood up and walked away for a bit and looked at Kent with a smiled like never before as she said.
“This is a start I guess...” Aisha teased him.
“I... Am at a loss for words...” Kent stated.
“Then mister Knight can you escort me home?” Aisha asked.
“It would be my pleasure my Lady.” Kent replied.
While they walked over the stone pathway the two took their time as they passed by a stone bridge passing through a stone bridge the cold wind from the north blew in as it began to set a chill. He removed his coat and wrapped it around her to fight the cold night ahead of them.
They passed through an old shrine just before the west gate Aisha went inside the shrine and offered her thanks to the three gods. 
Kent looked around and the grounds and saw a fallen flower whose stem was bent recently by the sudden gust of wind. He remembered his time before the academy of a similar situation.
“Hello little one... It seems the gust of wind must have blown you off your roots and bent your stem... I am sure your family worries for you... It must be painful to be bent like that... and yet you still cling to life... Let me heal your wound child of the forest.” Kent whispered.
The young knight bit off some skin off his thumb and gently stroked it on the stem of the flower healing the injury and it’s roots firmly planted to the ground. A simple act of kindness to but a flower caresses the soul of a hardened warrior as the wind enveloped him with a gentle yet loving embrace he smiled and thought of Ren’veil as the new home longed by his people. 
“I vow on this day as the three gods of Ren’veil and Lady Faith as my witness... I will give the Vai’lien and the Zerrohnians a place to call home on Ren’veil... Where both sides can be proud of... This I swear.” Kent thought to himself.
With the day over and Aisha was escorted back to her home estate Kent was in his room making his audio logs. He sighed as he was lost in thought knowing the young knight who is the leader of over 2.91 million Zerrohnians and now the leader of Sea City is dating the hero mage of Ren’veil. 
He couldn’t wrap his head around the subject as he has no experience with dating nor being with a girl seemingly her age. 
“Damn it... Why is this so hard... I can lead a legion of knights, manage an entire army. lead military operations, manage colonies but... why can’t I think of anything to take Aisha out on a date!” Kent shouted.
As he slammed his hand on his desk leaving a small hole in it Kent sighed and scratched his head in his frustration. He heard a knock on the door to see his mother holding two hot cups of milk.
“May I come in my dear?” Charlotte asked.
“Of course mom, you are always welcome to enter my room.” Kent replied.
She sat down on his bed and placed the cup of milk on his desk as a mother she could sense her son becoming frustrated and confused so easily as if she was reading a book.
“My son, are you worried about taking miss Aisha on a date?” Charlotte asked.
“Yes... I... I don’t know what to do Mom...” Kent sighed.
“My dear, You are like your father... head strong, brave, always calm in any situation, and an all around good guy... But he... Always took me out to places where it meant a lot of meaning to me... Like the star gazer concerto in New Dawn, we also did star surfing and sky... And we developed feelings for each other through each and every mission we went through together... He was the muscle and I am the brain... We are like two peas in a pod if you would.” Charlotte explained.
“So what does that mean Mother?” Kent asked.
 “My child, what I mean is... You just need to be honest with Aisha, get to know her, find what she likes, where she goes to relax, to have fun, and to be simply herself... Information is always key to resolve any problem that one might face.” Charlotte explained.
“Alright, I think I know what to do... It’s time to do some investigative work again... Now where is my detective hat...” Kent stated.
Kent went to his cabinet to find a set of hats that he kept over the years as he found a strange fondness for wearing hats. 
“Well my child, hurry and finish your milk and go to sleep you still have a lot of work ahead of you.” Charlotte said as she kissed him on the forehead. 
Kent chugged down the hot milk as it helps relax the nerves specially the viruses draw from any organic material ingested helped Kent sleep better as the virus removed his ability to sleep. 
He read through some online articles on how to court a girl, best dating spots on New Dawn, how to make a girl fall in love and the like. 
The next day Kent met up with his team with bags over his eyes the team could clearly see Kent never got a wink of sleep.
“Man it must be hard being the Boss of an entire city.” Clayton stated.
“Well It can’t be helped the Dragon-wolf is a military based monarchy like Kingdom I think the pressure is getting to him.” Rex added.
“I doubt that is the case Captain.” Lily said as she brought coffee to the table.
“Thank you miss Lily...”“sipping coffee”” Man, this coffee is the bomb! Lily when the ever living fuck did you learn how to make coffee this tasty?” Clayton asked.
“I took a lot of off shot courses back in New Dawn Academy... Besides you cant be too fine and cant be too course with making coffee and I also have a green house with rows of coffee beans... Since Kent here can’t drink coffee for certain reasons... So yeah... By the way Kent how was your date?” Lily asked.
“Oh yeah, the boss did mention that he will be meeting with Lady Aisha yesterday... so what the heck happened their Boss man?” Clayton asked.
“”“sigh”“ Guys and Ladies, please I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night thinking of where should I take her next...” Kent said as he took a drink of water.
“So boss it as a slump or a victory?” Genji asked.
“Mister Carmive, mind your manners please!” Winter asked as she looked over some documents.
“Sorry ma’am but still Big bro Kent, you should try dating again... It’s been 5 years since you last dated and a lot of girls are lining up to be with you... I mean I heard a lot of the marines who joined recently are already in your fan club!” Genji stated.
While the team talked about their daily routine and other important details regarding sea city’s management. Winter was reading over some information about the city and it’s sources of income. 
She approached Kent asking about the state of the coral reefs of sea city taking a massive hit over the years of over fishing and destruction of the coral reefs are causing life under the sea to be unbearable.
“Then we shall make some artificial reefs, Lady Winter can I ask your Frost Wolves to set up some artificial coral stations? and also get some filters to clean up the seas around the city... That way we can get the aquatic resources back up to speed in no time.” Kent asked.
“I am already making the orders now cousin and you sir... need to get some sleep! if you don’t get some sleep you will lose weight, always get head aches, and other bad things... Please allow me to take care of things for you.” Winter asked.
“““Yawn””Okay, Everyone I’ll leave Lady Winter in charge... I... I...” Kent said as he dozed off. 
Winter smiled as she grabbed a blanket from the closet and wrapped it over the sleeping knight she brushed his hair and kissed him on the forehead wishing him a good night’s sleep.
“Okay everyone lets go out of the room and give my cousin some sleep Rex, I need to speak with you and you too Lily.” Winter whispered.
Lily closed the curtains while Rex and Clayton carried Kent and placed him on the sofa to help him sleep better. Winter closed the door behind them as Clayton and Marky made their way back to their duties this day.
Rex and Lily followed Winter to the beach head where the Frost Wolves had made a small encampment near the New Sea city noble house now turned orphanage.
“Lady Winter what did you wish to talk about?” Rex asked.
“As you know the Frost Wolves owe the Dragon-wolf everything for curing the Black frost curse... And for saving me in the first place along with giving me a family... I owe them and Kent everything... So I wish to return the favor...” Winter said. 
“And what do you mean by that My Lady?” Rex asked.
“I want him... to have his happiness again... I miss the Kent who always smiles and always rises to any occasion... I miss the Hero who saved me and gave everyone hope... Because of what happened inside Hell’s gate Kent was broken because of many mistakes... And YOU TWO will help me get his happiness back.” Winter stated.
“So how are WE  going to help you out to get Kent’s happiness back?” Lily asked.
“I am glad you asked... I call it... Operation Lovely twilight!” Winter said as two Frost Knights brought in a table of documents.
Lily and Rex rummaged through the documents provided by the Frost Knights each document provided a detailed profile about the heroes of Ren’veil. The Ayekawa family’s history and the Priestesses association with holy marriage and the like.
“By Faith’s will! You have been busy?!” Lily stated.
“Yeah, I have a lot of free time and I want to make sure that He doesn’t go through the same thing twice... so I did very thorough back ground checks on Aisha and Arriandale.”Winter said as she sat down.
“I am impressed Lady Winter, who would have thought that Lady Aisha has a under breast mole on the left... And Lady Arriandale cups her chin when she is happy and she always drinks her chamomile tea at 8:30 am sharp...” Rex said. 
“So what should we do now Miss winter?” Lily asked.
“Okay phase one... Reclamation... With Sea city presenting itself as the perfect canvas... It took me several weeks to study Ren’veil culture and studied what makes a very aromatic place... so here is phase one... Reclamation...” Winter said.
She then showed the two several blueprints on making sea city beautiful and a economic hot zone for Ren’veil. Lady Winter had already set up over 2 dozen trader contracts and many Zerrohnian Merchants lined up to set up trade with sea city as soon as it opens the market district.
The designs of the city was that of a ring city much like the capital of Requiem but half of the city will be on the ground while the other will be in the sea. Each section will be divided equally among the locals and the Zerrohnians who volunteered to live on the surface.
Each ring shall be dedicated to the lower, middle and upper class of both societies each ring will have a dedicated residency, market, and economic class making each of the 3 rings independent from each other. 
As Winter showed her plans to the two the construction of sea city was well underway with almost 32% of the city’s new infrastructure already completed it seemed that nothing could stop progress until. 
Kent and his captain were working alongside the locals who live in sea city’s agriculture and fishery over saw the construction of mills and even fish ports that will not harm the artificial coral reefs built by the Zerrohnians many months ago. 
A group of men riding on horse back approached the young knight with ill intent as the noble that led the group got off his horse he approached the Knight and marines.
“What the hell are you doing to MY TERRITORY?” The noble asked.
The team simply ignored the noble as they had no time to waste for petty squabbles.
“Rex can we have some of the Dread Knight’s realign the city coast walls to match the landscape I don’t want to terraform the land as much as possible.” Kent said.
“Will do General, I’ll tell the Knights immediately.” Rex saluted as he went to the coast.
Kent sighed as he looked at the surrounding landscape where the locals are hard at work to make the sea city great again.With a sigh and clenching of his fist he faced the noble who seemed to be annoyed.
“May I help you?” Kent asked.
“Yes, you can by getting out of my territory!” The noble shouted.
One of the noble’s attendants was outraged and showed off the contract made by the former noble of sea city to him which proves that sea city belongs to the noble of the eastern mountain. They boasted about the territories surrounding sea city belonged to the Noble of the high mountains.
“I apologize for the trouble, I was informed by the Council of elders that I shall be controlling and ruling over 750 Kilometers of sea city and it’s neighboring areas. Do forgive me I was not informed that another noble had already claimed this land.” Kent said as he bowed before the noble.
“At least you know of some manners I shall make a proposal for you since i’m feeling nice... Leave the equipment here and get out of my territory before I start killing these peasants!” The Noble threatened as his group rode back to their castle. 
The Marines approached Kent as he was furious with their guns at the ready they were prepared to fight. 
“General what are your orders?” The Marine corporal asked.
“Keep going as long as Elder Traiko doesn’t say otherwise we shall continue... But double the security in and out of Sea city and make sure that all civilians are well protected... I don’t want any surprises...” Kent ordered.
“Yes sir!” the Marine saluted.
“Knight Captain Odin, Have your Fang wolves set up some defenses along the tree line and the mountain side... prepare for any surprises this evening...” Kent ordered.
“Yes my Lord, your will be done.” Odin replied.
 As he looked to the distant sea he went to the edge of the cliff and sat down with a deep breath he just laid back on the field of grass and enjoyed the morning breeze.
Later that Afternoon He reported back to New Hope Base to receive some supplies from New Dawn’s many supply bases for the city construction and his left arm. 
With the supplies being unloaded into the gunships and war mech transports along with the new settlers and construction workers were eager to start helping build the core infrastructure of the city.
Their he welcomed one of his family’s oldest friends and most trusted ring of commanders. Promethian Commander Fenix Arsinius of the Arsin family of promera V this family is one of the 15 clans of promethians who had willingly and faithfully served the 15th legion and the Eternal knight. 
Fenix stands at 7 foot and 9 inches tall with a strong build though covered with only the bare minimum of clothing and mostly armored plating he is no shorter than amazing when it comes to combat as he is the only Promethian who killed 500 demons in a single night and took down a knight rebellion with in the 4th legion.
Though he may be venerated as a legend amongst the Dragon-wolf he lost his ability to speak and now his voice was replaced with a modulator that terrifies even the most elite of the marines.
“Uncle Fenix, Welcome to Ren’veil.”  Kent bowed.
“Agh my nephew it is good to see you... I have heard your many achievements with your warband and now you are leading a city development... Well done child young Anthony... But why do you request an old promethian like I to be here?” Fenix said. 
“Uncle, I need your help... Training some new recruits... I know you retired already but I am only requesting your help as an adviser to the new military that I wish to set up for Sea city.” Kent replied.
“Very well, I am very eager to train some fresh bloods again... Now let us waste no time and head to your new city immediately!” Fenix shouted. 
“Before you leave my grand son... You will need this!” Sarah said.
He turned around as two Knights brought in a metal container as it opened revealing the modified Howling arm. Sarah removed the bandages over his left arm and attached the modified arm back to where it needs to be.
“Hmm, it feels a bit different this time... It’s lighter and more alive for some reason?” Kent said as he flexed his fingers. 
“Indeed I modified the Zenomite steel and changed it to a phase type metal so it’s a little lighter, while the micro plasma reactors... I modified both of them so their power outputs are increased so you wont have to worry about running out of power when you use the plasma palm blaster... I also tweaked the nano-machine cell factory will produce what you need twice as fast but it wont eat out your nutrients... But don’t use the plasma palm blaster and the machine cell factory at the same time or else the machine cells will eat your plasma faster than you can replenish it... and the plasma canister is now compatible with any energy based cartridge... Just be sure not to over do it next time.” Sarah explained.  
The howling arm’s plasma cores thrummed with the blood of the young knight finally flowed through it he looked upon his uncle in anticipation as many of his men awaited for aide from their brothers in new dawn. 
As they boarded the gunships heading to sea city over time the city that was laid to ruin by the two royal guard legion had been rebuilt to a beautiful city where the best of both worlds reside.
With the gunships flying off into the distance Kyvash watched from a hill far from the village of hope.Their she sat watching the setting sun as the young knight’s fleet flew back to sea city. 
One of the sword masters approached the resting goddess kneeling before her with pride as he reported.
“Great Mother, as you predicted Lord Anthony has already begun construction of Sea city and it is progressing faster than anticipated... We also have reports of several nobles are moving to Sea city to capture it’s inhabitants... one of them had already made their move against hope...” Sword Master Rexxar reported.
“Hmm, these nobles do not know when to stop...”“coughing”“ Rex’xar I am in no condition to move... But I shall leave you and Tyrannox to deal with the 7 nobles in question... Leave those who shall surrender alive but those who dare to oppose Father’s rule... Eliminate them in the most brutal way possible...” Kyvash ordered.
“By your will...”Rexxar saluted. 
The sword master moves like the wind as he ran into the forest the endless rustling of branches could be heard as more than hundreds or even thousands of Sword masters ran through the forest and into the open lands.
Kyvash looked to the distant sky as she reached out her hand dreaming of her family and loved one restored as her body slowly weakened she whispered upon the wind an passage her father once spoke.
Father once said that peace is often paved with uncertainty only those who seek to craft a future worth remembering. One must not wait for peace to be served with a silver spoon for peace is either paved with blood or a feathered pen. 
Will you choose to lead our people to a better tomorrow or will you sit idly by and watch or will you lead both sides to a tomorrow worth remembering...
Let none stand in your way... Father...
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